Description: Compilation of footage on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School. Press conference with Mr. Rollins and other people concerned about racist education at the King School, talking about the first day of school, the Boston School Committee's actions, and appropriate learning resources for the students at the King School. Another press conference about Operation Exodus, which is setting up learning centers for students who are assigned to attend the King School. They criticize the racist education of the current curriculum in Boston Schools. Cutaways of reporter asking questions. Press conference with John Bradley, new principal of the King School, answering questions about school problems and his proposed solutions. Interview with Louis Vangel, executive director of the Boston Teachers Union, on the teachers position at the King School. Interview with another man about the School Committee meeting to occur next Monday on the fate of the teachers and reopening of the King School. Interview with Louise Day Hicks on her proposed repeal of the 1965 Racial Imbalance law. Reporter asks her about soon to be Massachusetts Commissioner of Education Neil Sullivan and his busing programs. People walking into a building. Another interview with Mr. Vangel on the BTU's demands for the closing of the King School. Interview with man from the Boston School Committee on relationship between the School Committee and the King-Timility Advisory Council on resolving the problems at the King School. Silent footage of a hearing. Cutaways from Louise Day Hicks interview.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/1968...12/1968
Description: Marcus Jones reports that a shrinking school budget may force teacher layoffs in the Boston Public School System, and a final federal court order may require layoffs to be based on affirmative action quotas instead of union seniority. White teachers with seniority are at odds with newer minority teachers. Members of the Boston Teachers Union picketing outside of the Boston School Department. The president of Concerned Black Teachers of Boston, Robert Marshall, speaks at a press conference. Marshall says that seniority is a biased and discriminatory criterion for determining layoffs. Interview with Boston Teachers Union President Edward Doherty, who says that more minority teachers must be hired. He adds that affirmative action quotas should not force white teachers out of their jobs. At a Boston School Committee meeting Antonieta Gimeno, a parent, tells the School Committee that Haitian, Asian, Cape Verdean, and African students find no reflection of their heritages in the school curriculum or in the school faculty. The federal court withdrew from supervision over the Boston Public schools last month, but deep-seated racial problems still plague the system.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of teachers picketing in front of the headquarters of the Boston School Department at 26 Court Street. Teachers hold signs reading, "No layoffs." Shots of individual teachers in the picket lines. Marcus Jones reports that the federal court no longer oversees the operation of the Boston Public School System; that the teachers have a new contract which includes a salary increase and more input into decisions affecting the schools. Jones notes that Dr. Laval Wilson (former Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has left the school system. Jones reports that the Boston Public School System is still underfunded and racially divided. V: Shot of Joseph McDonough (Interim Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) walking to his seat at the front of the Boston School Committee chambers. Footage of Edward Doherty (President, Boston Teachers Union) standing in front of the School Department headquarters. Doherty says that next year will be difficult unless teacher lay-offs can be avoided. Shots of teachers picketing the School Department headquarters. Jones reports that more than 150 teachers may be laid off this summer; that the city of Boston has refused to grant McDonough's $409 million budget request. Jones notes that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has said that the schools must make do with a budget request of $400 million. Jones reports that the final federal court orders require lay-offs to be based on affirmative action quotas instead of union seniority. Jones notes that white teachers with seniority are at odds with newer minority teachers. V: Shot of Robert Marshall (President, Concerned Black Teachers of Boston) holding a press conference. Supporters stand behind him. Shot of teachers unfurling a union banner in front of the School Department headquarters. Footage of Marshall speaking at the press conference. Marshall says that minority teachers and progressive white teachers have urged the Boston Teachers Union not to appeal the federal court orders. Marshall accuses the Boston Teachers Union of racism. Marshall says that the Boston Teachers Union continues to defend seniority; that seniority has been ruled to be a biased and discriminatory criterion. Footage of Doherty being interviewed by Jones outside of the School Department headquarters. Doherty says that more minority teachers must be hired; that white teachers should not be forced out of their jobs by affirmative action quotas. Doherty says that minority teachers should look at the unfairness of the situation. Footage of Antonieta Gimeno (parent) standing with other parents at the front of the Boston School Committee chambers. Members of the Boston School Committee are seated in their seats at the front of the chambers. Gimeno says that the parents have come to protest the School Committee meeting. Gimeno holds up a sign reading, "We demand excellence for all children." The audience applauds Gimeno. Gimeno says that School Committee meetings are a "mockery" and an "insult" to the intelligence of community members. Shots of one of the parents at the front of the chambers with Gimeno. Jones reports that disgruntled parents aired their grievances before today's School Committee meeting. V: Footage of Gimeno saying that Haitian, Asian, Cape Verdean, and African students find no reflection of their heritages in the school curriculum or in the school faculty. Jones stands outside the chambers of the Boston School Committee. Jones reports that the federal court closed the books on school desegregation in Boston last month; that there remain deep-seated racial problems in the system. Jones reports that there may be a court battle concerning faculty desegregation in Boston Public Schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/19/1990