Description: State revenue department interior. Women office workers processing tax returns at rows of computer terminals in large, open area with fluorescent lights overhead. Men using printer.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/04/1977
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the lack of summer jobs for urban youth. Many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Interview with director Laurence Jones, who says that many teenagers are not working this summer because there are not enough jobs. He adds that many kids may turn to drugs and crime in order to make money to supplement their families' incomes. He talks about the importance of summer jobs for teenagers, which can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not provided as many summer jobs this year as in previous years. He adds that the city has increased funding, but that there are not enough jobs to go around. Laurence Jones believes that the city will see long-term benefits from providing summer jobs to teenagers. Marcus Jones' report is accompanied by footage of African American kids and teenagers participating in activities at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Young people play in a gymnasium and work on computers. Marcus Jones' report also features footage of Laurence Jones speaking to teenagers in his office at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of African American youth playing in the gymnasium at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Also, teens playing games on computers and closeups of the screens as they play.
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of an African American boy in the gymnasium of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. The boy is running part of a relay race with other kids. An older teenager supervises the kids. Shots of African American young people working on a computer at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Marcus Jones reports the the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club provides access to a wide range of activities to Roxbury youth; that many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. V: Shot of Laurence Jones (Director, Roxbury Boys and Girls Club) entering an office in the Club. Laurence Jones shakes hands with a young African American male teenager. Shot of the teenage boy. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones says that he was only able to place a dozen teenagers in summer jobs this year; that Laurence Jones says that many more teenagers are seeking employment. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there are several thousand kids in the Roxbury community; that there are only a couple of hundred jobs. Laurence Jones says that many teenagers are not working. Shot of Jones speaking to an African American teenage boy in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club; of two African American teenage girls sitting in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club. Shot of Laurence Jones speaking to a young African American woman in the office of the Boys and Girls Club. An African American man stands in the doorway. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not come through with as many jobs this year as in previous years; that federal funding has been cut; that state funds are limited. Jones notes that the city of Boston has increased funding for summer jobs by $4 million; that the increase in funding is not enough. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there is a lot of gang activity in Roxbury; that some teenagers are turning to drugs and crime in order to make money. Laurence Jones says that some of these kids are supplementing their families' incomes. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones believes that the city must do more to provide summer jobs for teenagers; that Laurence Jones believes that the city will suffer later on if the issue is ignored. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given the opportunity to grow and to develop a good work ethic. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given work experience before the age of twenty; that teenagers must learn how to hold down a job and to manage money. Laurence Jones says that summer jobs can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Shot of Laurence Jones talking to a group of African American kids at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1990