Description: Bill Baird press conference on concerns over abortion clinic bombings and fighting back against them. He describes the types of demonstrations by antiabortion groups and the effects they have on the women who use those clinics. He proposes a "demilitarized zone" between the protesters and the women using the clinics, so that they can continue to receive treatment without being physically abused. He describes interstate efforts of pro-choice groups to analyze the attacks. He expresses anger with the FBI's lack of attention, refusal to classify the attacks as terrorism, and the institutionalized sexism of law enforcement agencies. He says that many abortion clinics are now armed and have increased defenses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/11/1985
Description: Conviction of Scott Arsenault for manslaughter of Bun Vong -- Retrial. Court scenes including jury delivering verdict, reaction shots of Arsenault and his fiancee. Interviews with Scott Harshbarger and defense attorney Ralph Champ. Discussion of whether the attack was racially motivated. Interview with Elaine Song from Asians for Justice.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/19/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Ione Malloy (author and teacher) has written a book about the busing crisis in Boston called Southie Won't Go. Jones notes that Malloy was a teacher at South Boston High School during the busing crisis. He adds that Malloy's book is based on her notes and journal entries from that time. Jones interviews Malloy on the front steps of South Boston High School. Malloy says that she lived in constant fear for her safety during the busing crisis at South Boston High School. She recalls a tense staff meeting in the wake of the stabbing of a white student at the school in 1974. Malloy reads a journal entry written at the time of the stabbing. Malloy says that she wrote about the situation as she experienced it. Malloy adds that students were sacrificed in the name of social ideas during the busing crisis. Jones notes that Malloy does not state her opinions outright in her book. He adds that her point of view comes across through her journal entries. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of school desegregation at South Boston High School in the 1970s.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Ione Malloy (author and teacher) being interviewed by Marcus Jones outside of South Boston High School. Malloy says that the children were sacrificed in the name of social ideas. Jones reports that Ione Malloy spoke to him today about her new book, Southie Won't Go. Jones reports that armed troops patrolled South Boston High School during the busing crisis; that students and faculty were in constant fear for their safety. V: Footage of African American students exiting buses outside of South Boston High School. A police officere stands on the school grounds. Footage of Malloy being interviewed by Jones. Malloy says that she was in constant fear during the busing crisis. Malloy that her editors told her that she used the word "afraid" too often in her book. Jones reports that Malloy now teaches at the Boston Latin School. V: Shot of Massachusetts State Troopers standing at the entrance of South Boston High School as students enter. Footage of Malloy being interviewed. Malloy says that students were sometimes too afraid to move from their seats. Jones reports that Malloy says that she has not returned to South Boston High School in nine years. Jones notes that Malloy says that her recollections of the tensions inside the school are still vivid. V: Shots of the exterior of South Boston High School; of Malloy and Jones sitting on the steps of the school. Jones reports that Malloy recalls a heated staff meeting called in response to the stabbing of a white student in December of 1974. Jones notes that the victim's name was Michael Faith. V: Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Eight South Boston district schools shut down after stabbing, crowd-police clash." Footage of Malloy being interviewed by Jones. Malloy says that an African American teacher stood up at the meeting to say that Faith got what he deserved. Malloy says that a white aide from South Boston stood up to say that the African American teacher should get what he deserves. Malloy says that another African American teacher stood up to say that no one deserves to be stabbed. Malloy says that she was shaking during the meeting. Jones reports that Malloy's work is in the form of a diary; that her book is a condensed version of her original notes. Jones notes that Malloy left out her own personal opinions of the events. V: Shot of Malloy and Jones looking through a scrapbook of newspaper clippings of the busing crisis. Jones reports that Malloy does not state her opinions outright; that her journal entries speak for themselves. V: Footage of Malloy and Jones on the steps of South Boston High School. Malloy reads a journal entry about the stabbing of Faith. Malloy says that writing in her journal was a catharsis at the time. Malloy says that she would like to see justice done by telling the truth of the events as she experienced them. Malloy says that people can compare her account of the events with the rulings and opinions of the court. Shot of Jones and Malloy sitting on the steps of the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/21/1986
Description: David Boeri reports on an increase in violence against Asians in Eastern Massachusetts. Boeri notes that refugees from Southeast Asia have become targets of violence in some white neighborhoods. Boeri interviews Elaine Song (Asian American Resource Workshop) about violence against Asians. Boeri quotes statistics from a study by Song on violence against Asians. Boeri reports that Song's research has found that acts of violence have become a part of daily life for Asians in the Boston area. Boeri interviews Sarann Phoung (Cambodian resident) about his experiences in East Boston and Chelsea. Boeri reports that Phuong is concerned about how younger Asians will respond to the violence. Boeri reports that Asian refugees may begin to strike back if the violence continues. Boeri's report is accompanied by photos of Asian crime victims.
1:00:01: Visual: Shot of a school photo of a young Asian boy; of a black and white photo of an Asian man and an Asian woman; of a white man assaulting an Asian man; of the frame of a burnt house. David Boeri reports on violence against Asians in Eastern Massachusetts. Boeri reports that a 13-year old Asian boy was allegedly killed by an 11-year old white boy; that an Asian man was beaten to death by a white man during an argument; that an Asian family was assaulted by whites; that the family's house was burnt down. V: Footage of Elaine Song (Asian American Resource Workshop) recounts incidents of violence and harassment against Asian Americans. Song says that she does not think that the situation can get any worse. Boeri reports that Song is the author of a study, "To Live In Peace...Responding to Anti-Asian Violence in Boston." V: Shot of the cover of Song's study. On-screen text shows quotes from Song's study. Boeri reports that Song's research has found that, "For many Asians, acts of violence...have become a part of daily life." V: Shots of two Asian women and a child walking on a street; of a residential street in Revere, MA. Boeri says that refugees from Southeast Asia have become targets in white neighborhoods in Revere. V: Footage of Song saying that Boston has a history of segregated and "turf-conscious" neighborhoods. Shot of Boeri talking to Sarann Phoung (Cambodian resident) on a street. Boeri and Phuong sit on a bench. Boeri reports that Phuong lived in East Boston until he and three other Cambodians were attacked and beaten by seventy whites. Boeri notes that Phuong moved to Chelsea; that Phuong still experiences hostility from whites. V: Footage of Phuong being interviewed by Boeri. Phuong says that Asians are targets of violence and harassment; that many incidents are not reported to police because many Asians do not like to make trouble. Phuong says that some Asians are afraid to report incidents in case the perpetrators seek revenge on the victims. Boeri reports that Phuong said that Asians are often victims of violence by whites and Latinos; that Phuong is concerned about how younger Asians will react to the continuing violence. V: Shot of two Asian boys walking on a street; of an Asian woman standing on a sidewalk. Boeri stands on a streetcorner in Chelsea. Boeri reports that there is no peace for Asians in neighborhoods in Chelsea, East Boston, Dorchester, Lowell, and other areas. Boeri notes that violence against Asians is a problem; that Asian refugees may begin to strike back if the violence continues.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/19/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the street violence that resulted in the accidental shooting of Darlene Tiffany Moore (eleven-year-old Roxbury resident). Vaillancourt interviews Maleka Few (Roxbury resident, age twelve) and Jessica Moore (Roxbury resident, age 10). The girls are afraid of the violence that resulted in Tiffany Moore's death. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury residents went to City Hall to ask for more police protection in the neighborhood. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Roxbury community leaders at a press conference. Amanda Houston (Roxbury resident), Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council), and Louis Elisa (Roxbury resident) talk about the need for more police on the streets. Vaillancourt reports the Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has put more police on the streets and has pledged a full investigation of Moore's shooting. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Flynn at a press conference. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury is experiencing its worst violence in twenty years. She notes that city and state officials gathered at a press conference to discuss the problem. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of the press conference in Roxbury with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Royal Bolling, Sr. (former State Senator), and John Kerry (US Senator). Roache blames drug traffic for the violence. Kerry criticizes the ineffectual drug policy and social programs of the Reagan administration. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of police officers stopping African American men on the streets of Roxbury.
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of Maleka Few (Roxbury resident, age 12) saying that she thinks it might happen to her next. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a headline reading, "Police vow to capture girl's killers." A photo of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident, age 11) accompanies the article. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Moore was sitting outside on Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury when she was killed by a stray bullet; that Moore was the unintentional victim of a war between two rival gangs. V: Shot of a Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury. Footage of Few saying that the gang members were not shooting at Moore; that Moore was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Few says that she does not want to go out to the store with her mother anymore. Footage of Jessica Moore (Roxbury resident, age 10) saying that she used to sit in the same place on Humboldt Street. Shots of African American girls standing on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury parents went to City Hall today to ask for more police protection. V: Footage of Amanda Houston (Roxbury resident) saying that she is a "gutsy lady;" that she is starting to feel frightened. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking to the press. Bolling says that there is open warfare going on in the city. Shot of media camera crews. Footage of Louis Elisa (Roxbury resident) saying that Roxbury residents pay their taxes; that Roxbury citizens are demanding equal protection under the law. Vaillancourt reports that forty extra police officers are patrolling Humboldt Avenue; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has pledged a full investigation of the shooting. V: Shot of two police officers patrolling a street. Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) speaking to the press. Flynn stands beside him. Celester says that the community has been providing information about the shooting to police; that the police are investigating suspects. Footage of two white police officers stopping an African American man to search him. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury is experiencing its worst violence in twenty years. V: Footage of Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) speaking at press conference in Roxbury. John Kerry (US Senator) and Royal Bolling Sr. (State Senator) are among the crowd standing with Roache. Roache says that drugs equal violence. Shots of the press at the press conference. Vaillancourt notes that Kerry visited Roxbury today to talk to residents about the drug problem. V: Footage of Kerry saying that the government cannot ask kids in Roxbury to say no to drugs if the Reagan administration cannot say no to General Manuel Noriega (leader of Panama). Kerry says that the drug policy of the Reagan administration is hypocritical and ineffective; that the administration's policy is contributing to the drug problem. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury residents are calling for drastic measures to fight violence; that some curfews, night-court sessions, and the National Guard have all been suggested. V: Footage of Kerry saying that the presence of the National Guard will not solve the drug problem; that overcrowded prisons, an inadequate school system, and a lack of treatment centers are all contributing to the drug problem. Shot of two white police officers talking to an African American teenage boy on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury residents want increased aid on all levels. Vaillancourt notes that residents are worried that the situation will not improve after Moore's killer is found. V: Shot of a cameraman filming a man in a business suit on the street; of Humboldt Avenue in Roxbury.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/22/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) about the Roxbury neighborhood. Lewis says that Roxbury is portrayed as "unworthy" by the news media. Lewis criticizes media coverage, housing policy, and police performance in Roxbury. Lewis talks about the need for a community to set its own standards, saying that she complains about certain types of behavior on her block. Lewis says that she will not be driven from her home by the problems in the neighborhood. She talks about her obligation to work for improvements in the community. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of residents and police in the Roxbury area and a shot of a photograph of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Teachers and parents are frustrated over new starting times for the Boston Public Schools for the coming school year Boston parents frustrated with Wilson and School Committee Charles Laquidara organizes a boycott against Shell Oil Company
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) being interviewed by Meg Vaillancourt. Lewis says that the media portray Roxbury as "unworthy." Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a photo of eleven -year-old Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). Vaillancourt reports that Lewis lives on the same block as Moore; that Moore was killed by a stray bullet in Roxbury last weekend. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that Roxbury is a better community than is portrayed in the media. V: Shots of stately houses on Homestead Street in Roxbury; of a camera man filming a man in a business suit on a street. Vaillancourt reports that drug dealers are not common in Roxbury. V: Shot of an African American woman pulling weeds from a crack in a sidewalk. A boy on a bicycle is with her. Shots of two white police officers patrolling a residential street in Roxbury. Shot of multi-family houses on a residential street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that federal housing requirements create crowded and hostile conditions in Roxbury residences. V: Shots of houses in a new development in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that section eight of the federal housing policy was designed to disseminate people over a large area; that the result of section eight has been new housing projects. Vaillancourt notes that Lewis has criticized the performance of the Boston Police Department in Roxbury. V: Shots of a police cruiser traveling down a Roxbury street; of a small group of African American kids on a street corner. Footage of Lewis saying that every child in Roxbury knows where the drugs are; that the police need to be reminded constantly of where the drugs are. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis is tough on her own community. V: Footage of Lewis saying that residents need to refuse to allow certain kinds of activity on their block. Lewis says that she will harass city authorities and those responsible for the activity until the behavior stops. Shots of African American women and children crossing a Roxbury street; of a police cruiser traveling down a residential street. Shots of people doing yard work outside of a new development of houses in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that a community needs to set its own standards; that residents need to stop bad behavior before it gets out of control. Vaillancourt says that Lewis is optimistic about the people who live in Roxbury. V: Shot of African American children playing in front of a building in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that she will not be driven from her home; that she will not get up and move every twenty years while others relax comfortably in the suburbs. Lewis says that she has an obligation to stay in the community and work for improvements.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Roxbury community leaders met behind closed doors to draw up a plan to deal with the growing problem of gang violence in the community. Jones reports on the recent deaths of Roxbury residents Darlene Tiffany Moore and Richard Bailey. Jones' report includes photos of Bailey and Moore. Four suspects in the Bailey murder, including Shango Dilday, Demetrius Dunston, and Emmett Snow, were arraigned today in Roxbury District Court. Interview with Barry Snow (uncle of Emmett Snow) about the arraignment. Police have arrested Roxbury resident Shawn Drumgold and another suspect in connection with Moore's death. Information from the community led to Drumgold's arrest. Press conference with Police Commissioner Francis "Mickey" Roache, who says that police are working with members of the community to solve crimes. Interview with Roxbury resident Terrence Kelley about the increase in violence. City Councilor Bruce Bolling speaks to the press.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) and Gloria Fox (State Representative) entering a building. Members of the press remain outside. Marcus Jones reports that Roxbury leaders met behind closed doors to draw up a plan to deal with the growing problem of gang violence. V: Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article a headline reading, "Police vow to capture girl's killers." The article features a photo of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and shooting victim). Jones reports that two Roxbury youngsters have been killed in less than two weeks; that Moore was killed in the crossfire of two warring drug gangs on August 19. V: Shot of the Humboldt Street location where Moore was killed. Jones reports that Richard Bailey (Roxbury resident, age 14) was stabbed to death by a rival gang member over the past weekend. V: Shot of a color photo of Bailey. Jones stands on the corner of Copeland Street in Roxbury. Jones reports that Bailey was one of several gang members being chased by a rival gang; that Bailey was caught and stabbed by the rival gang member. Jones reports that four suspects in the Bailey murder were arraigned today in Roxbury District Court. V: Shot of Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) approaching the podium at a press conference. William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and another man stand stand behind him. Footage of a lawyer at the arraignment of the suspect. The lawyer addresses the judge, saying that the government does not have a case against his client. Shots of Clarence Dilday (father of Shango Dilday) in the audience of the courtroom; of Barry Snow (uncle of Emmett Snow) in the audience of the courtroom; of other audience members. Jones reports that a 14-year-old juvenile was arraigned in court today; that Shango Dilday (Roxbury resident), Demetrius Dunston (Roxbury resident) and Emmett Snow (Roxbury resident) were also arraigned. V: Footage of Barry Snow saying that he brought Emmett Snow to court today so that the situation could be straightened out. Shot of Shawn Drumgold (Roxbury resident) in Roxbury District Court. Jones reports that police have arrested Drumgold and another suspect in connection with the Moore shooting; that police arrested Drumgold in court where he was being arraigned on a heroin charge. [Shot of Drumgold in Roxbury District Court. Jones reports that the information from the community aided police in making Drumgold's arrest. V: Footage of Roache at a press conference. Roache says that he has spoken to members of the Roxbury community; that members of the community are willing to do whatever they can to help police. Footage of Jones interviewing Terrence Kelley (Roxbury resident) on the street. Jones asks Kelley if there will be an end to the violence. Kelley says that the violence may only be at its beginning. Shot of Jones stands with other members of the media outside of the building in which Roxbury community leaders are meeting. Jones reports that today's meeting is a signal that Roxbury leaders are serious about ending the violence. V: Footage of Bolling speaking to the press outside of the building. Bolling says that community leaders are going to work together to get rid of the negative elements in the community. Shot of Copeland Street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/29/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC) provides a safe haven from street violence for young people in the area. Jones reports that some young people at the DYC have formed their own music groups and write their own songs. Jones interviews Robert Bostic (15-year old Roxbury resident) and his friends. Bostic says that he is using rap music to send a positive message. Jones also interviews Al McClain (DYC counselor), who talks about the impact of the DYC on the lives of the neighborhood teenagers. Jones reports that the DYC-member group One Nation has released an album. Jones interviews DeMaul Golson (DYC member) and other members of the group One Nation. Jones also interviews Todd Maxell (16-year old Roxbury resident), who says that teenagers will listen to anti-violence messages from their peers. The report includes footage of Natalie Jacobson (WCVB-TV) and R.D. Sahl (WNEV-TV) reporting on crime in Roxbury. The report also features footage of teenagers at the DYC, footage of the members of One Nation performing on stage and footage from a video produced by teenagers at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. This tape includes additional footage of DYC members and a music video called "Stand Back From Crack" filmed inside Back Bay Station.
1:00:29: Visual: Footage of the members of the group One Nation dancing and performing on stage. Footage from WNEV of R.D. Sahl (WNEV reporter) reporting on gang violence in Roxbury. Footage from WCVB of Natalie Jacobson (WCVB reporter) reporting on shootings in Roxbury. Shots of paramedics wheeling an injured African American woman out of a building; of police vehicles and an ambulance on a street in Roxbury; of paramedics tending to an injured African American patient inside of an ambulance. Marcus Jones reports that a group of Roxbury youngsters are not surrenduring to the violence in Roxbury. V: Footage of Robert Bostic (15-year old Roxbury resident) sitting with a group of his friends. Bostic says that he wants to set a good example for young people; that young people should avoid violence. Bostic says that he and his friends are using rap to send a positive message. Jones reports that Bostic and his friends are members of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC). V: Shots of Bostic and other members of the Youth Collaborative; of a sign for the Youth Collaborative. Shots of African American youth entering the Youth Collaborative building. Footage of Al McClain (Counselor, Dorchester Youth Collaborative) saying that the Youth Collaborative has had a great impact; that some of the members of the Youth Collaborative used to be in gangs. Shots of members of the youth collaborative dancing to rap music; of Jones sitting with the members of the youth collaborative. Jones reports that some of the members of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative have formed groups to make music. Jones notes that some of the youth write their own music; that the DYC member group One Nation has released an album about AIDS. V: Shot of the cover of an album by the group One Nation. Footage of One Nation members performing a rap song about street violence. Footage of Jones interviewing DeMaul Golson (DYC member) and two other African American male DYC members. Jones asks the boys if they are scared by the street violence. The boys say yes. Golson says that his cousin was shot in the back; that his cousin is dead. Footage of One Nation members performing on stage. Jones reports that the DYC members are determined to rise above the violence. Jones notes that members of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club are also doing their best to fight the violence. V: Footage of a video produced by members of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Footage of Bostic saying that most kids are not going to listen to their parents' advice; that kids are influenced by the people on the streets who are making money from drugs. Footage of Todd Maxwell (16-year old Roxbury resident) saying that kids might listen to their peers if their peers tell them not to do drugs. Shots of an African American man being led into a police station by police officers; of police standing near a cordoned-off crime scene.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Sadiki Kambon (community activist) and others have accused police of using excessive violence when pursuing African American crime suspects. He notes that Donald Johnson (shooting victim) was shot dead this evening by police while he was driving a stolen bus. Jones' report includes footage of the bus and the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Jones notes that police have shot and killed five suspects of non-violent crimes this year; he adds that four of those five suspects were African American. Jones interviews Kambon. Kambon blames police for Johnson's death, saying that police officers would not have fired on Johnson if he were white. Kambon says that he fears for his life when interacting with police because he is an African American male. Jones reviews the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim), who was shot by police while fleeing a stolen car. Jones adds that African American communities across the nation are concerned about police behavior toward African Americans. Jones' report features footage from various sources of African Americans interacting with police and footage of race riots in Miami. Following the edited story is b-roll of the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Police and EMTs on the scene.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage from WNEV-TV of police running after a bus on a crowded street in Jamaica Plain. Footage of police and paramedics in Jamaica Plain transporting an injured Donald Johnson (shooting victim) on a stretcher. The footage is from January 31, 1988. Marcus Jones reports that Donald Johnson was shot dead by police while driving a stolen bus in Jamaica Plain. Jones reports that some members of the African American community say that police used excessive violence against Johnson. V: Footage of Sadiki Kambon (community activist) saying that Johnson would still be alive if police had reacted properly to the situation. Shots of Johnson being put into an ambulance by police and paramedics. Jones reports that police say that they fired at Johnson because he posed a threat to their safety and the safety of others. V: Footage of Kambon saying that every issue revolves around race; that situations are seen in terms of "us and them." Jones asks Kambon if he thinks the police would have fired on Johnson if he had been white. Jones says that Kambon would not have been shot if he were white; that police knew an African American man was driving the bus. Jones reports that Johnson's shooting marks the fifth time that police have shot and killed suspects of non-violent crimes. Jones reports that four of the five shootings involved teenagers; that one of the shootings involved a case of mistaken identity; that only one of the five shooting victims was white. V: Shots of police officers and residents standing near a cordoned-off crime scene. On-screen text details statistics of police shootings. Footage of Kambon saying that he fears for his life when he interacts with police because he is an African male. Kambon describes the behavior of police officers when they stop African American males for speeding violations. Jones reports on the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim). Jones says that Hart was shot by police while fleeing from a stolen car. Jones reports that African American communities across the nation are concerned over police behavior toward African Americans. Jones notes that a police shooting touched of riots in Miami recently. Jones adds that an African American man was searched during a church service in Broward County, Florida; that churchgoers thought his afro pick was a gun. V: Shots of a photo of Hart; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Hart case will go to grand jury." Footage from Say Brother of an African American man fleeing from police. Footage from NBC of race riots in Miami. Footage from Fox television of police searching an African American man in the back of a church. Police pull an afro pick from the man's coat. Shot of an ambulance on a Boston street. Jones reports that the Boston Police Department will not comment on the shooting of Johnson or on any other shootings. Jones notes that the matter is under investigation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1989
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the incidence of hate crimes in Boston. Kelly explains that hate crimes are defined as incidents of racial violence; she cites statistics that illustrate how hate crimes have affected various racial and ethnic groups. Kelly's report includes footage of Jack McDevitt (Center for Applied Research, Northeastern University) giving a seminar on hate crimes in Boston. The small audience includes uniformed police officers. McDevitt says that most hate crimes are not initially categorized as such by police officers. McDevitt talks about the seriousness of hate crimes. He notes that all racial and ethnic groups are affected. Kelly's report includes shots of Boston residents on the streets and shots from a moving car of downtown Boston in the evening.
1:00:13: Visual: Shots from a moving car of downtown Boston at night. Hope Kelly reports that hate crimes are defined as incidents of racial violence; that Boston has had 452 hate crimes over the past four years. Kelly notes that hate crimes are rarely recognized for what they are. V: Footage of Jack McDevitt (Center for Applied Research, Northeastern University) addressing a small audience. McDevitt says that his research looks at how Boston's 452 hate crimes were initially categorized by the responding officer. McDevitt says that 19 of the 452 incidents were initially categorized as racially motivated. Shots of the audience listening to McDevitt. Shots of police officers in uniform as they listen to McDevitt. Kelly reports that one of the goals of the study is to teach police officers and citizens to recognize these crimes for what they are. V: Footage of McDevitt saying that Boston's hate crimes were more serious than statistics show them to be. Kelly reports that half of Boston's 452 hate crimes involved assaults; that thirty percent of the assaults were serious enough to require hospitalization. Kelly reports that national statistics show only 7% of assaults as serious enough to require hospitalization. V: Shots from a moving car of residents on the streets of Boston at night. Audio of McDevitt saying that many of Boston's hate crimes involve multiple offenders attacking a single victim. Shots of Washington Street in Roxbury during the day. Elevated train tracks are visible. Shots of African American men gathered outside of Joe's sub shop on Washington Street. Kelly reports that McDevitt found turf issues to be the motivation of many hate crimes in Boston. V: Footage of McDevitt saying that members of every racial and ethnic group were victims of hate crimes. Kelly reports that the study found that Africans Americans and whites were equally apt to be victims of hate crimes; that the perpetrators were usually of another race than their victim. V: Shots of residents walking on the streets of Boston in the daylight. On-screen text and visuals detail hate crime statistics. Kelly reports that 118 African Americans were victims of hate crimes; that 92% of those victims were attacked by whites. Kelly reports that 111 whites were victims of hate crimes; that 78% of those victims were attacked by African Americans. Kelly reports that whites and African Americans accounted for 2/3 of all victims. Kelly reports that 6% of victims were Latino; that the rest of the victims were Asian. Kelly notes that Vietnamese residents were victimized at a rate far out of proportion to their population. V: Shot of a white business man walking and an African American business man walking in the financial district. Shots of Latino residents walking on a street; of two Asian men conversing on a sidewalk. Kelly reports that the perpetrators were unknown in 25% of Boston's hate crimes. V: Shots of a police car traveling slowly through a parking lot. On-screen text and visuals detail statistics about perpetrators of hate crimes. Kelly reports that 63% of known offenders are white; that 33 % of known offenders are African American; that 4% of known offenders are Latino and Asian. Kelly notes that victims are often reluctant to report hate crimes. V: Shots of McDevitt talking about his study; of police officers and officials in the audience, including Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department). Shot from a car of a street in downtown Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/27/1989