Description: [Shot list in Coll Folder] Interview with Shirer (author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/29/1983
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/29/1983
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1983
Description: Young children hold Israeli flags and sing “Shalom Aleichem” to greet Israeli president Yitzhak Navon at Logan Airport. He answers questions about Jordan King Hussein and negotiations over invasion of Lebanon. Asks “May I call you Chris?” Very crowded impromptu press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/07/1983
Description: Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) endorses Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston) at a press conference at Northeastern University. Jim King (Senior Vice President, Northeastern University) introduces Young. Young talks about King's candidacy for mayor of Boston. King says that he and Young have discussed ideas for local job creation and for trade between local businesses and third world markets. In response to audience questions, Young talks about his recommendation that King set up a trade mission to export local manufactured goods. King discusses the value of his endorsement of King and the differences among the political situations in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Young says that he does not consider Boston to be a racist city. Young talks about the potential impact of the African American community on the election outcome. Young refuses to comment on the the presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson.
1:00:06: Visual: Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) walks sits down at a table next to Mel King (candidate for Mayor of Boston). Mel King's campaign signs are visible on the walls of the room. Behind King and Young is a Northeastern University flag. A young African American woman announces that Young and "future mayor" Mel King will speak; that they will take questions after. Jim King (Senior Vice President, Northeastern University) introduces Young. He reviews Young's accomplishments. Shots of the audience. Young says that King's leadership will benefit Boston. Young talks about the importance of housing and neighborhood revitalization. Young says that King will work to reduce unemployment; that King will work with existing businesses and help to build new businesses. Young says that King is familiar with urban problems. Young commends King for his strong marriage, his family, and his values. 1:03:33: V: King calls Young "Mayor Class." King says that Young is one of the classiest politicians in the world; that Young has a world view which allows him make connections between his city and events in the greater world. King says that he and Young discussed how to create jobs in Boston; that Young has given him advice on how to unlock third world markets; that the city can help neighborhoods and businesses take advantages of these markets to create jobs. King thanks Young for coming to Boston. The audience applauds. 1:05:53: V: The audience asks questions. An audience member asks Young about his experiences as the Mayor of Atlanta. Young says that it is "fun" to solve local problems. Young says that he has recommended that King set up an export trading company to help export the city's manufactured goods. Young talks about trade missions that he has undertaken as Mayor of Atlanta. Young says that he has gone on trade missions to Trinidad and Jamaica, and is planning a trade mission to Nigeria. Young talks about how trade missions can benefit local businesses and industry. Young says that he and Henry Cisneros (Mayor of San Antonio) share the leadership of a task force for the National League of Cities; that mayors can create jobs by promoting international opportunities for local industry. Young says that Boston could export many products; that King is concerned about creating jobs through exports. Young says that he appointed a woman as Deputy Chief of Police in Atlanta; that her appointment heightened awareness of crimes against women in the city. Young says that it is important for a mayor to be responsive to problems of those who have been ignored; that King will be responsive. 1:09:59: V: An audience member asks Young about the value of his endorsement of King. Young says that Boston needs a good mayor; that he does not judge Boston to be a racist city on the basis of the actions of a few "hoodlums"; that there are voters who will elect King on the basis of his values and his positions on unemployment and crime; that skin color is not important. Young says that he is here as an urban mayor to remind people about important urban issues; that he is able to get television exposure for King. The audience applauds. An audience member asks Young about similarities in the political situations in Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia. Young says that there are few similarities; that there was a "revolution" against the mayor in Chicago; that there is more racial antagonism in Chicago than there is in Boston. Young says that Wilson Goode (candidate for Mayor of Philadelphia) will be elected because of his experience and broad support. Young says that he hopes King will emerge with broad support in Boston. Young refers to Boston's revolutionary history, saying that he hopes the city will rally around King. 1:14:11: V: An audience member points out that Boston has a small African American community with a record of low voter turnout. Young uses the example of Los Angeles as a city with a small minority population and a popularly elected African American mayor. An audience member asks Young to speculate on the chances of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) being elected to the presidency. Young says that it is too soon to speculate on anyone's campaign for the presidency. 1:16:23: V: Young answers more questions from the audience. Shots of Young from behind the audience and media; of members of the audience. Audio cuts in and out during this segment. Young talks about the need for "open and honest" government and a good relationship with the press. King answers a question about his campaign. The moderator announces an end to the press conference. 1:18:45: V: Young and King greet members of the audience and the media.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/22/1983
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1983
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/12/1983
Description: Bureaucratic mess surrounding and delaying renovation of Franklin Park Zoo. Zebra, monkeys.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/07/1983
Description: In Pursuit of Old Ironsides. USS Constitution.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/23/1983