Description: Provincetown has water supply problem; uses Truro's wells. Old fuel oil spill contaminated aquifer. (part 1 of 2)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/08/1987
Description: Overview of Pope John Paul II's second visit to North America. Footage of his visit in various settings -- addressing masses of people, giving communion, walking with President Reagan. Interviews with people on their reactions to the Pope's visit, and some where people pose hypothetical questions for Pope.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/22/1987
Description: Lt Gov Evelyn Murphy pledges to investigate power shortage during record demand of heat wave, when critical electricity generating plants are shut down. Energy secretary Sharon Pollard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/18/1987
Description: Journalists comment on engineered presentation of Reagan's image to Gorbachev during upcoming summit. Care taken to prevent a folksy or trivialized visit (strictly business). Nicholas Daniloff.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/30/1987
Description: Democratic and Republican presidential candidates debate in Washington, DC. Tom Brokaw moderates. Babbitt, Dukakis, Gephardt, Gore, Jackson, Simon, du Pont, Bush, Dole, Haig, Kemp, Robertson. reel 1 of 2
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/01/1987
Description: Democratic and Republican presidential candidates debate in Washington, DC. Tom Brokaw moderates. Babbitt, Dukakis, Gephardt, Gore, Jackson, Simon, du Pont, Bush, Dole, Haig, Kemp, Robertson. reel 2 of 2
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/01/1987
Description: Preview of issues & approaches in presidential campaign debate between Michael Dukakis & Richard Gephardt. Jesse Jackson.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/07/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Princess Zenani Dlamini, daughter of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, and her husband Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini, son of the late King of Swaziland, will attend Boston University. The couple has expressed a desire to abstain from politics while attending the university. Press conference where Zenani Dlamini answers questions about her parents. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of events in South Africa and by footage of Nelson Mandela. BU President John Silber stirred up controversy when he awarded an honorary degree to Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, the South African Zulu Chief, instead of Nelson Mandela. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) must improve the reading skills of its students
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of Princess Zenani Dlamini saying that she has come to Boston to be a student. Footage of Princess Zenani and Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini exiting a building and walking on the campus of Boston University. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Princess Zenani is the daughter of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader ); that Prince Thumbumuzi is the son of the late king of Swaziland; that the couple will be attending Boston University on full scholarship. V: Shot of Princess Zenani at a statue commemorating Martin Luther King (American civil rights leader) on the campus of Boston University. Footage of Zenani at a press conference, saying that she has come here to fulfill her dream and her parents' dream. Zenani quotes Martin Luther King, saying that people should not be judged by the color of their skin. Shots of the press at Princess Zenani's press conference; of Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani speaking. Vaillancourt reports that neither Prince Thumbumuzi nor Princess Zenani discussed US policy in South Africa; that Princess Zenani answered questions about her mother and father. V: Shot of Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela). Black and white footage of Nelson Mandela speaking. Footage of Princess Zenani saying that she first met her father when she visited him in prison at age 16. Princess Zenani describes the experience of visiting her father in prison. Princess Zenani says that she first hugged her father in December, 1977. Shots of Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani at the press conference. Footage of Princess Zenani saying that she will focus on her education. Prince Thumbumuzi says that they will react to important events in their homeland, but will try to focus on their schoolwork. Vaillancourt says that Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani will try to abstain from political discussions; that Boston University is associated with the politics of John Silber (President, Boston University). V: Footage of Silber conferring an honorary degree on Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi (South African Zulu Chief) in November, 1986. Student protesters carrying signs walk out of the auditorium. Vaillancourt reports that protesters believe that Silber honored Buthelezi because he is a more conservative leader than Nelson Mandela. V: Footage of Princess Zenani at the press conference, saying that her father has no objections to her attending Boston University. Vaillancourt reports that there is controversy surrounding a "mansion" being built by Winnie Mandela in Soweto. V: Shot of a newspaper headline reading that the Mandela house is "fit for a queen." Footage of Winnie Mandela with black South African children. Footage of Prince Thumbumuzi at the press conference, saying that the controversy surrounding the house has been blown out of proportion; that Winnie Mandela has adopted many children who will live in the house with Winnie and her relatives. Princess Zenani talks about Winnie Mandela's strength and courage. Shots of soldiers in armored vehicles and gunfire in the streets of South Africa. Shots of Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani walking on the campus of Boston University. Shots of young black children in South Africa; of a shantytown in South Africa; of children on the street in South Africa. Vaillancourt reports that it will not be easy for Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani to separate themselves from the struggle against apartheid in South Africa.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/13/1987
Description: Testimony for (from inmate) and against (from victimized Maryland couple) granting furloughs for prisoners, especially convicted murderers. Rep. Larry Giordano, Rep. Kevin Poirier.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1987
Description: Profile of Robert Dole (campaigning in NH), master of ambiguity & "politician's politician." States his knowledge of government spending, experience in Congress & familiarity with "the real people."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/02/1987