Description: Comparison of Reagan and F.D. Roosevelt in context of respective stock market crashes; how Reagan reassured the nation about the state of the economy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/21/1987
Description: Christy George reports that shifts in the state's population have forced the Massachusetts House of Representatives to draw up a redistricting plan for the state's legislative districts. State Rep. Jim Brett has been charged with drafting a redistricting plan. Interview with Brett on his plan. Boston and Cambridge will each lose one seat while the South Shore and Cape Cod will each gain a seat. George notes that the Republican Party and minorities are protective of their legislative districts and that both groups seem to be happy with the plan. Interviews with State Rep. Peter Forman and Byron Rushing. Brett and Peter Vellucci will lose their districts and be forced to run against other incumbent legislators. Interviews with State Rep. Vellucci and Paul White. The legislature has voted in favor of the plan. Speaker of the House George Keverian presides over the proceedings in the House chambers.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Jim Brett (Massachusetts House of Representatives) and another lawmaker discussing the Massachusetts House of Representatives' redistricting plan for the state of Massachusetts. Brett and the other lawmaker look at a map of the districts. Shots of Brett and the other lawmaker walking into Brett's office; of Brett sitting down behind his desk. Christy George reports that Brett is the architect of the House redistricting plan; that the job of redistricting is difficult; that Brett's colleagues are eager to have input on the borders of their districts. George reports that Brett appears to have done an excellent job in drafting the redistricting plan. V: Footage of Brett and the other lawmaker looking at the map in Brett's office. Brett gives the map to the other lawmaker, saying that he is tired of looking at the map. The other lawmaker exits Brett's office. George notes that Brett has done a heroic job in performing a thankless task. V: Footage of Brett saying that he was told that the redistricting job was a "losing proposition." Brett says that he thinks that he has managed to please all of the people involved. George reports that Brett's task was to keep all 160 state representatives secure in their districts while making shifts in almost all legislative districts. George notes that a shift in the state's population forced the redistricting of the state. [Shot of Brett explaining the redistricting proposal. Brett stands in front of a map of the districts. George notes that the most recent state census shows that Massachusetts' cities have shrank while suburbs have grown. V: Shot of the districts near Boston shown on Brett's map. George notes that Boston and Cambridge are each losing a seat in the legislature; that two new legislative seats will be created on the South Shore and Cape Cod. V: Shots of Brett pointing to the map; of the audience members. Footage of Brett joking that he might need a security fence around his house after the redistricting plan is filed. Shots of audience members listening to Brett. George reports that minority voters and Republican voters want to protect their districts; that the redistricting may allow Republicans to win one of the new seats on the South Shore. V: Footage of Peter Forman (State Representative from Plymouth) saying that he is very happy with the plan because there are two new districts in suburban areas. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that Brett asks representatives in neighboring districts to come to him with group proposals for redistricting; that Brett's efforts to take those proposals into account have led to acceptance of the plan. Shot of Brett entering the House Chambers with another lawmaker. George reports that it is difficult to combine districts; that the act of combining districts pits two incumbent lawmakers against one another. V: Shot from above of Harvard Square in Cambridge. George notes that the shrinking population in Cambridge forced the combinations of three districts into two districts. George reports that Peter Vellucci (State Representative from Cambridge) voted for the redistricting plan; that Vellucci will lose his Cambridge district and be forced to run in Somerville. V: Footage of Vellucci saying that he does not believe that the plan was drawn up according to the wishes of Charles Flaherty (Majority Leader, Massachusetts House of Representatives). Vellucci says that Flaherty and Saundra Graham (State Representative) have always had districts in Cambridge. George notes that Brett's own district in Dorchester was combined with the district of Paul White (State Representative); that White is expected to run for Senate next year. V: Shots of a residential street in Dorchester. Footage of White saying that Brett will have a long political career ahead of him; that Dorchester voters will have a chance to vote for him and Brett in the future. Shot of an electronic board indicating the results of the vote in the House Chambers; of George Keverian (Speaker of the House) presiding proceedings in the House Chambers. George stands outside of the House Chambers. George reports that the vote was 151 to 1 in favor of the proposal. George notes that Keverian picked Brett to draw up the redistricting plan; that Keverian himself was in charge of a previous redistricting plan years ago.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/13/1987
Description: Profile of changing Dorchester demographics. Population shifts in overall numbers and in ethnic composition. Rep. James Brett, architect of House redistricting plan. part 1 of 3.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/22/1987
Description: Plymouth County gains 2 House seats as result of redistricting. Perceived as opportunity for GOP because of independent voting habits despite Democratic majority. South Shore. part 3 of 3.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/23/1987
Description: Migration of Dorchester residents to South Shore/ Plymouth County. Housing availability & tax rate attractive. Now complaints of overgrowth. Rep. Peter Forman. part 2 of 3.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/23/1987
Description: Edward Kennedy wants to increase immigration quotas for Western Europeans; also trying to relax amnesty qualifications for illegal aliens. Charles Cobb.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/16/1987
Description: Retirement of Boston police deputy superintendent Ed Walsh, "a cop's cop." He reflects on his career.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1987
Description: Successful retraining of laid-off General Dynamics welder as electronics technician.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/13/1987
Description: As the roster deadline approaches, more Patriots players leave the strike and join Tony Collins back on the team. Raymond Claiborne, Sean Farrell, Ron Wooten, and Darrel Holmes return to Sullivan Stadium. Interviews with some of the players, and with Holmes' agent. Interview with Patriots coach Raymond Berry. Also discussed is strike leader Gene Upshaw's claims that they are having trouble negotiating because he is black.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/02/1987
Description: Commentary on Richard Gephardt and Jack Kemp as political debaters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/27/1987