Description: Demand for day care far exceeds supply. Demonstrators want large employers to take more responsibility in providing child care to alleviate crisis for women in workforce. Rep. Saundra Graham. b-roll of children in day care center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/14/1987
Description: Shuttle Challenger astronauts' families to establish memorial space center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/07/1987
Description: Christy George reports on the outcome of the US Attorney's Silver Shield rape investigation. George notes that a grand jury determined that there was no case to be made against the officers involved. Frank McGee (attorney for William Dunn) and Peter Dowd (attorney for Juan Garcia) speak to the media about the grand jury's findings. Interview with Sadiki Kambon (Boston Black Coalition) about the reaction of the African American community to the findings of the grand jury. The African American community is still pushing for indictments in the case. George reviews the facts of the case and talks about the officers involved. George's report includes photographs of Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident), William Dunn (Boston Police Department), and William Kennefick (Boston Police Department). George's report includes footage of Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) and Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) and footage of a press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department), and Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader). Following the edited story is additional footage of Dowd and Garcia speaking to the media.
1:00:25: Visual: Footage of Frank McGee (attorney for William Dunn) saying that he is delighted that William Dunn (Boston Police officer) has been cleared by a full investigation by the US Attorney. Footage of Sadiki Kambon (Boston Black Coalition) saying that he did not expect any indictments from the investigation; that the investigation is a victory for the African American community; that the African American community will not allow anyone to murder people on their streets. Footage of Peter Dowd (attorney for Juan Garcia) saying that the allegations of a cover-up by the Boston Police Department have been proven false. Christy George reports that there have always been differing opinions on the Silver Shield rape case; that a federal grand jury has decided that there is no case. V: Shot of an African American man and a white man leaving a public building. Footage of Richard Armstead (Boston Police Department) walking down a street toward a house. George reports that Armstead said that an eyewitness told him that two white police officers raped an African American woman at the Silver Shield Club. V: Shots of black and white photos of Dunn and William Kennefick (Boston Police Officer. Shots of the exterior of the Silver Shield Club in Roxbury. Shots of Jose Garcia (Boston Police Department) and his lawyer walking outside of a Boston Police Department building. George reports that Armstead said that Garcia witnessed the rape. George notes that Garcia denies telling Armstead that he witnessed the rape or that he identified the victim as Lucia Kai (Roxbury resident). V: Shots of a color photograph of Kai. Footage of Garcia and Dowd approaching microphones set up outside of the police department building. Footage of George interviewing McGee. Shot of Armstead entering a house. George reports that Garcia will bring Armstead to court for slander. George notes that McGee says that Dunn may do the same. George notes that the African American community is still pressing for indictments in the case. V: Footage of Kambon being interviewed by George. Kambon says that the African American community did not expect indictments to be brought against white police officers for the rape and murder of an African American teenage girl. Kambon says that the grand jury did not have sufficient evidence to indict the officers. Footage of McGee saying that the grand jury had no probable cause to believe that a crime was ever committed. McGee says that the grand jury has exonerated Dunn. George reports that the findings of the grand jury echo investigations by the Boston Police Department, the District Attorney and the Attorney General. V: Shot of Dowd and another white man in the lobby of a building. Shot of a press conference with Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Minister Don Muhammed (Roxbury community leader), Albert Sweeney (Boston Police Department), and Arthur Morgan (Boston Police Department). Footage of Kambon saying that David Boeri (WGBH reporter) came up with more evidence than the investigation by the office of the US Attorney. Kambon says that the official investigation was not aggressive enough. Footage of Dowd admitting that WGBH reporters found two police officers who had never come forward; that the officers should have known to come forward; that the testimony of the officers was taken into account by the grand jury. Dowd says that he does not know why the officers did not come forward at the beginning. George stands outside of a Boston Police Department building. George says that there are questions in the case which still need to be resolved. George notes that no one knows who killed Kai or why she was killed; that no one knows which police officer is lying.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/24/1987
Description: Mayor Marlena Cruz de Luna of San Marco, Nicaragua visits her sister city, Concord, Mass. Tours municipal offices and local sites.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/14/1987
Description: 50th anniversary of the release of Disney film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is occasion for humorous comparison to the personae of seven presidential candidates.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/17/1987
Description: History of Boston incinerator siting issue. Controversy erupts when Senate president William Bulger makes known his opposition to South Bay location. Ray Flynn, Ray Dooley, Gov. Michael Dukakis.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/16/1987
Description: Suspicious fires in South Boston's Lower End. Are they related to oncoming gentrification? City Point. arson (part 1 of 2)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/05/1987
Description: Suspicious fires in South Boston bars and questionable transfer of liquor licenses. City councillor David Scondras. Neil Sullivan. arson (part 2 of 2)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mayor Ray Flynn has pledged to integrate public housing projects in South Boston by next year. Currently there are no African American families among the 2400 families living in the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston. Interviews with South Boston housing project residents talking about their opposition to integration. Residents say that the quality of life will decline if African American families move into the project. Other residents say that violence will erupt if the projects are integrated. Interview with Flynn, who says that the housing projects will be integrated in a responsible manner. He talks about integration of public housing projects in Charlestown. Civil rights advocates accuse the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) of ignoring non-white families on the waiting list for apartments in South Boston projects. Interview with Alex Rodriguez of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, who says that the BHA's housing policies are illegal. Rodriguez threatens to take action against the city. Vaillancourt reports that the pace of integration in the housing projects has been slow. Interview with an African American laborer who says that he would not mind moving into a housing project in South Boston. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly reviews the history of public housing in Boston
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a white male South Boston resident saying that violence resulted from forced busing and "forced beaching." Footage of a white female South Boston resident speaking from the window of her project apartment. She says that she would prefer the neighborhood to remain white; that a racial war may erupt if non-whites move in. Shots of the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston; of a sign reading, "Old Colony Public Housing Development." Meg Vaillancourt reports that there are close to 2400 families living in the Old Colony Housing Project; that 39 families are Latino, Asian or Native American; that there are no African American families in the project. George reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has said that there are African American families on the waiting list for public housing; that the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) will place those families in the Old Colony Project next year. V: Shot of Flynn speaking to a reporter. Footage of a white female South Boston resident saying that the Mission Hill Housing Project was once a nice place to live; that housing projects decline when African American families move in. Footage of a white female resident saying that there will be fights and riots if African American families move into the projects; of another white female resident saying that the neighborhood will decline if it is integrated. Footage of Flynn being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Flynn says that the integration of the housing project will take place in a responsible and professional manner; that there will be no community disruption; that housing projects were integrated in Charlestown. Flynn says that members of the community must participate in the planning for integration. Vaillancourt reports that 900 families live in the housing projects in Charlestown; that 45 of those families are non-white. V: Shot of the exterior of the Boston Housing Authority building in Charlestown. Vaillancourt notes that civil rights advocates say that the BHA and the mayor have done little to promote integration of the projects in South Boston. V: Footage of Alex Rodriguez (Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Rodriguez says that he will recommend that the city receive no money unless desegregatory action is taken within 30 or 40 days. Rodriguez says that the city stands to lose millions of dollars. Vaillancourt reports that the pace of integration in the South Boston projects has been slow. V: Shots of the housing projects in South Boston. Vaillancourt notes that a spokesperson for the BHA says that there were more white families on the waiting lists for the South Boston projects. Vaillancourt reports that critics accuse the BHA of ignoring non-white families on the waiting list for the South Boston projects. V: Footage of Rodriguez saying that the BHA is denying entrance to the projects for non-white families. Rodriguez says that the BHA policy is illegal. Footage of a white female South Boston resident saying that she does not understand why African American families would want to move into the housing project. Vaillancourt notes that an African American man was working at the Old Colony Housing Project this afternoon. V: Footage of the African American worker saying that he would have no problem living in this project. Footage of a white male resident saying that Flynn will lose votes if he pushes for integration of the South Boston housing projects. Shot of a white woman and her children in front of a project building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/29/1987
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the history of public housing in Boston. The first public housing project was built in South Boston in the 1930s. The tenants were all white. The public housing projects in South Boston remained white even as the non-white tenant population grew in the rest of the city. Shots of photographs of white and African American public housing tenants in the 1940s and 1960s. Kelly reviews statistics concerning the numbers of white and non-white families on the waiting list for public housing. The waiting list for public housing in Boston is currently 80% non-white. The waiting list for white families is shrinking while the waiting list for non-white families is growing. There are no African American families living in the housing projects in South Boston in 1987. The Boston Housing Authority (BHA) went into receivership in 1979 due to mismanagement. Mayor Ray Flynn was named receiver of the BHA in 1984. Flynn must integrate the housing projects, but is likely to meet opposition from South Boston residents. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage of Flynn from the 1983 mayoral campaign and by footage of African American and white public housing tenants. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Ray Flynn has pledged to integrate public housing projects in South Boston by next year
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at the D Street Housing Project in South Boston in 1983. Flynn talks to project residents. Hope Kelly reports that Flynn announced his candidacy for mayor at a South Boston Housing Project in 1983; that there were no African American families in any South Boston housing projects in 1983; that there are still no African American families in South Boston projects in 1987. V: Shots of a white woman standing at the entrance to a project building; of a white woman looking out of the window of a project apartment. Aerial shot of a housing project in South Boston; of an African American children outside of a housing project building. Shot of a white child scrambling under a fence near a housing project. Kelly notes that the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) is responsible for 69 housing projects in Boston; that 10% of the city's population lives in the projects. Kelly notes that many projects have been integrated for years; that South Boston has not been integrated. Kelly notes that William Bulger (President, Massachusetts Senate) grew up in the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing Project in South Boston. V: Shots of Bulger speaking to a reporter; of a sign for the Mary Ellen McCormack Development; of white women and children sitting on a park bench. Kelly notes that the McCormack Development was the first housing project in all of New England; that the project tenants were white when the project was built in the 1930s. V: Shots of black and white photos of white families and children; of white families in apartments. Kelly notes that people of color began to move into the city; that they became tenants of public housing. V: Shot of a black and white photo of an African American student among white students at the Bromley Heath Housing Project in the 1940s; of a black and white photo of a racially diverse group of children outside of the Cathedral Project in the South End in the 1960s. Kelly notes that the minority population in Boston's public housing doubled in the 1960s. V: Shots of African American students walking home from school; of an African American woman walking her dog on a sidewalk. Kelly notes that the housing projects in South Boston remained white through the 1960s and 1970s; that the BHA waiting list for public housing is 80% minority. V: Shots of a white residents at the entrance to a project building; of an African American girl outside of a housing project. On-screen text lists statistics about the BHA waiting list for public housing. Kelly notes that the BHA waiting list for public housing had 1,455 white families and 9,633 minority families in September of 1987; that the BHA waiting list had 1,688 white families and 9,408 minority families in September of 1986. Kelly notes that there are fewer white families on the waiting list in 1987; that there are more minority families on the waiting list. V: Shots of African American adults and children outside of a housing project. On-screen text lists statistics from the BHA waiting list for public housing. The statistics show the numbers of white, African American, Latino and Asian families on the BHA waiting list. Kelly notes that the numbers of non-white families waiting for public housing have increased dramatically; that the numbers of white families waiting for public housing have increased by less than 100 families. V: Shots of African American children playing outside of a housing project. WCVB-TV footage of Flynn on election night in November of 1983. Flynn says that the city has overcome its racial divisions. Kelly notes that BHA went into receivership in 1979 due to gross mismanagement and poor conditions. V: Shots of a courtroom hearing; of trash accumulated around and inside of public housing project buildings. Kelly reports that racial segregation remains an issue for public housing in Boston; that Flynn was named as receiver of the BHA in 1984. V: Shot of an African American girl looking out of a window of a project apartment. Footage of Flynn saying that people cannot be told where to live or where not to live. Shots of an elderly white woman on a park bench; of a white man wearing a Southie sweatshirt, sitting outside of a housing project. Kelly notes that South Boston residents are being asked to integrate the housing projects one week before the mayoral elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/29/1987