Description: Saxophonist Benny Carter comments on alto player Johnny Hodges.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/13/1988
Description: Vice presidential candidates Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle debate in Omaha. reel 1 of 5
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1988
Description: Vice presidential candidates Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle debate in Omaha. reel 2 of 5
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1988
Description: Vice presidential candidates Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle debate in Omaha. reel 3 of 5
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1988
Description: Vice presidential candidates Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle debate in Omaha. reel 4 of 5
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1988
Description: Vice presidential candidates Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle debate in Omaha. reel 5 of 5
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/05/1988
Description: Why do the Celtics and their fans hate Bill Laimbeer of the Detroit Pistons? Players comment. Bob Ryan. Clips from playoffs. Clip from "Network"
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/31/1988
Description: Christy George reports from Atlanta on African American residents' views of the Democratic presidential ticket and the Democratic National Convention. George notes that Michael Dukakis needs to show African American voters that he wants their support. Interviews with employees and customers at the Auburn Rib Shack. The interviewees support Jesse Jackson and hope that Jackson will be named as Dukakis's running mate. George notes that both Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen have good records on civil rights and that Jackson's supporters may be waiting for Jackson to throw his support behind Dukakis. Interviews with African Americans in Atlanta about Jackson and Dukakis. Many interviewees are skeptical about Dukakis. George's report also features footage of Jackson speaking to an audience and footage of Dukakis addressing the Democratic National Convention.
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of James Wyatt (Atlanta resident) driving his cab in Atlanta. Wyatt talks about how life has changed in Atlanta since the civil rights movement. Christy George reports that Wyatt is 84 years old; that he has been driving a cab for 52 years. V: Footage of Wyatt talking about how is mother used to work in the cafeteria of a white school. Wyatt says that she would bring the leftovers home to him. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American leader) addressing an audience. Jackson talks about how his mother could not prepare a Thanksgiving meal for his family. Jackson say that his mother was busy serving another family's meal. Footage of Wyatt saying that he would have liked to have seen Jackson as the Democratic nominee or as the running mate of Michael Dukakis (Democratic nominee for US President). Christy George stands in front of the Auburn Rib Shack in Atlanta. George reports that Dukakis needs to ask African American voters what they want. V: Footage of an African American female working behind a counter in a restaurant. The woman says that some voters may vote for the Republican ticket if they are disappointed in the Democratic ticket. Footage of an African American male saying that many voters will be upset if Jackson is left off of the Democratic ticket. Shot of an African American man working in the kitchen of the Auburn Rib Shack. George reports that workers and customers at the Auburn Rib Shack are hoping that Jackson will named to the Democratic ticket. V: Footage of an African American man saying that many African Americans registered to vote in order to vote for Jackson. Footage of Dukakis speaking from a podium at the Democratic National Convention. Jackson and Lloyd Bentsen (US Senator) stand on each side of Dukakis. Dukakis says that he wants Jackson and his supporters to play a major role in the presidential campaign. George reports that Dukakis and Bentsen both have good civil rights records. George notes that African American voters may be waiting for Jackson to throw his support behind Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American woman in the driver's seat of a car. The woman says that Jackson deserves a chance. Footage of an African American woman saying that it is time for a change; that the US is ready for an African American candidate. Footage of two women wearing T-shirts which read, "Jesse Walk Out." The women say that Dukakis should go back to Massachusetts. Footage of Wyatt talking about Dukakis. Wyatt says that he has not heard much about Dukakis; that the Democratic Party needs a good leader. Shot of Wyatt's cab turning a corner.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/18/1988
Description: Christy George reports from the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. George reports that Atlanta is the heart of the new South; she adds that the region is becoming more diverse, and has been energized by an influx of industry and culture. George reports that the Mississippi Delegation to the Democratic National Convention is said to lead the region on issues of race relations. George notes that the Mississippi delegates are representative of the new South. Interviews with Mississippi delegates Jesse Banks, Ed Cole, Isaiah Frederides, Sherry Fisher, Deborah Dunn and Joe Gaitlin. Each delegate expresses pride in the political process and talks about the changes in the state of Mississippi. George reviews the struggle by African Americans for inclusion in the Democratic Party. George discusses the history of African Americans at the Democratic National Convention from 1948 to 1968. George's report includes footage of civil rights protesters in the 1960s and footage of the Democratic National Convention in the 1960s. George's report is also accompanied by footage of Jesse Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. George notes that Jackson has led a new group of people into the Democratic Party.
1:00:16: Visual: Black and white footage from Eyes on the Prize of Fannie Lou Hamer (Mississippi Freedom Delegation) at the Democratic National Convention in 1964. Black and white footage from "Eyes on the Prize" of African Americans exiting a bus; of white political officials. Shots of a uniformed man taking American flags from the hands of African American demonstrators; of African American demonstrators marching with American flags. Shots of a Democratic National Convention from the 1960s. Christy George reports that African Americans have been fighting for inclusion in the Democratic Party since 1948; that white delegates from Mississippi and Alabama walked out of the convention in 1948 to protest a civil rights plank in the party platform. George notes that the Mississippi Freedom Delegation was seated at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. V: Footage of Jessie Banks (resident of Tchula, Mississippi) talking about the seating of the Mississippi Freedom Delegation at the 1968 convention. George reports that Banks is now a Mississippi delegate to the Democratic National Convention; that the Mississippi delegation is said to lead the South on the issue of race relations. V: Shot of the Mississippi delegation on the floor of the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) addressing the convention on July 19, 1988. Jackson announces that Ed Cole (Mississippi delegate) is the leader of the Mississippi delegation; that Cole is African American. Shots of Jackson exiting a building. He waves to voters. A bus awaits Jackson. A banner on the bus reads, "Rainbow voter registration campaign." Jackson stands in the entrance to the bus, waving to supporters. George reports that Jackson has a led a new group of people into the Democratic Party. V: Footage of State Representative Isaiah Frederides (resident of Gulfport, Mississippi) says that his mother was a domestic servant; that his mother was fired from her job when he tried to register to vote; that his father-in-law's job was threatened. Frederides says that he and his wife were the first two African Americans to register to vote in his county. Footage of Sherry Fisher (resident of Vicksburg, Mississippi) saying that she is attending a convention for the first time; that she wants to be a part of the US democracy. She says that it feels good to be a part of the changes in Mississippi and the US. Shot of delegates on the floor of the 1988 convention. George says that the "new South" is focused on sharing power between those of common backgrounds. V: Footage of Deborah Dunn (resident of Bruce, Mississippi) being interviewed by George. Dunn says that she is a white woman who has picked cotton and worked hard for what she has. Dun says that all southerners are proud of what they have achieved. Footage of Jackson addressing the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Jackson calls Atlanta the "crucible of the new South." V: Shots of the Atlanta skyline; of construction workers working on a new building in Atlanta. George reports that Atlanta is becoming a major urban center. V: Footage from WNEV-TV of an Atlanta Hawks basketball game. Footage of Joe Gatlin (resident of Laurel, Mississippi) saying that industry has come to Atlanta from the north; that industry has brought culture and diversity. Gatlin says that the South is diversifying while keeping some of its old values. Shots of the Atlanta skyline. George reports that diversity and new people may energize the Democratic Party as it is energizing the South. V: Footage of Banks saying that she has great hope for the nation; that the Democratic Party has great African American and white leaders. Christy George stands in downtown Atlanta. George reports that African Americans and whites live in harmony and prosperity in Atlanta; that the Democratic Party will begin to understand the "new South" after holding its convention in Atlanta.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/20/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on issues of race in the presidential campaign. While the African American community has traditionally voted Democratic, Michael Dukakis is not receiving unanimous support from the African American community. Younger African Americans seem open to voting Republican. At a meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council, Reverend Earl Jackson criticizes the Dukakis campaign and Ed Reed speaks out in favor of George Bush. Interviews with African American voters about which candidate they support. Many of the interviewees support Bush. Vaillancourt reports that some African American voters support Bush because they want to support the eventual winner. She notes that some African American voters are disillusioned with Dukakis for not choosing Jesse Jackson as his running mate. The African American community is still a Democratic stronghold, but that Dukakis may be alienating some African American voters in his effort to appeal to more conservative Democratic voters. Interview with Janice Thurmond of the Dukakis campaign about the campaign and his appeal to African American voters. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Curtis Davis of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project (GRIP)
1:00:22: Visual: Footage from CBS of Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential candidate) being interviewed on October 26, 1988. Bentsen says that there are elements of racism in the campaign. Meg Vaillancourt reports that race has become an issue in the presidential election; that Democrats claim that Republican campaign advertisements are racist. Vaillancourt notes that Republican accuse Democrats of racially divisive tactics. V: Footage of the Reverend Earl Jackson (Black Republican Council) addressing a meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council in Roxbury. Shots of the audience. Jackson accuses Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential candidate) of hypocrisy. Jackson remarks that Dukakis has kept his distance from the African American community during the campaign; that Dukakis is now accusing George Bush of racism (Republican US presidential candidate). Shots of an African American neighborhood; of African American female shopper. Vaillancourt reports that the African American community has traditionally voted Democratic; that younger African Americans have doubts about Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American female saying that she will vote Republican this year because Dukakis is not a good candidate for president. Footage of another African American female saying that she would vote for Bush because he seems like an honest man. Footage from CNN of Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis), Jesse Jackson (African American political leader), and Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson) with other Democratic Party leaders at the 1988 Democratic National Convention; of delegates at the convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is not running as strongly with African American voters as previous Democratic candidates. Vaillancourt reports that a poll has found younger African American voters to be more open to Republican overtures. V: Shots of the meeting of the Black Republican Leadership Council; of the attendees. Footage of Ed Reed (Black Republican Council) saying that Bush will make an effort to increase minority participation if elected. Vaillancourt reports that some African Americans are supporting Bush because they want to support the winner. V: Shots of African Americans residents on the streets of Roxbury. Footage of an African American man saying that Dukakis doesn't have what it takes to win. Vaillancourt reports that African American voters may not be convinced by the Republican Party's position on economic issues. V: Footage of an African American woman saying that she will vote for Dukakis because she is a poor, African American woman. Shots of a voter registration table in Dorchester. African American workers register African American residents to vote. Vaillancourt notes that many African American voters seem angry at Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American male saying that he is angry at Dukakis for not choosing Jackson as his vice-president. Footage of an elderly African American woman saying that she remembers when the candidates were nice to poor people. Footage from CNN of Michael Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis, and Euterpe Dukakis (mother of Michael Dukakis) at the Democratic Convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis may be alienating traditional Democratic voters by trying to appeal to a wider spectrum of voters. Vaillancourt notes that the African American community is still a Democratic stronghold. V: Shots of African American residents on the streets of Roxbury. Footage of Janice Thurmond (Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Thurmond says that young African Americans take civil rights for granted. Thurmond says that Dukakis represents justice and a sense of fair play.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/27/1988