Description: Paul Tsongas announces he will not run for governor. Rep. Joe Kennedy reacts and declines to state his own ambitions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/20/1989
Description: Turnpike Authority wants to increase tunnel tolls to repair falling ceiling tiles caused by water seepage. Traffic approaching toll booths and going through tunnel. Allan McKinnon, John Vitagliano, Rep. Gus Serra.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/14/1989
Description: History of Twelfth Baptist Church as narrated by Rev. Michael Haynes. Tells of the start of his ministry in 1951 and crossing paths with Martin Luther King, Jr. Dennis Montgomery plays organ, leads gospel choir.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1989
Description: UNICEF annual report "State of the World's Children." Health care and development in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Benin and Chad. Third world nations. Field workers, rural camp and village market scenes.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/01/1989
Description: Carmen Fields interviews Herman Cohen, the US Assistant Undersecretary for African Affairs, about South Africa. The African National Congress held its first public rally in thirty years yesterday and celebrated the release of ANC political leaders. In the interview, Cohen says that the US is encouraging the South African government to negotiate with the black majority. Cohen discusses the recent change in political climate in South Africa. He talks about the possibility of negotiations between the black majority and the government. Cohen says that the South African government must lift restrictions on political organizations like the ANC. He says that the US may lift some sanctions if the South African government makes progress toward ending apartheid. Cohen talks about the effects of sanctions on the South African government.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Herman Cohen (Assistant Undersecretary of State for African Affairs) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Cohen says that the US is encouraging the South African government to reach a negotiated settlement with the black majority. Cohen says that the South African government needs to realize the necessity of eliminating racial barriers in South Africa. Cohen notes that the US has told black South African that negotiations are a better strategy than conflict. Fields reports that the African National Congress (ANC) has been banned by the South African government; that the ANC held its first public rally in thirty years yesterday; that the ANC celebrated the release of its leaders from prison. Fields notes that the South African police did not interfere with the rally; that yesterday's events show a new maturity on the part of both sides. V: Shots of the ANC rally on October 29, 1989 in Johannesburg. Shots of black South Africans at the rally; of the released ANC leaders at the rally; of the large crowd at the stadium where the rally was held; of a sign for the ANC. Footage of Cohen being interviewed by Fields. Cohen says that the white South African government is releasing political prisoners; that the government has allowed political demonstrations; that the government is restoring some normalcy to political life in the country. Cohen says that black South Africans have been holding peaceful demonstrations. Cohen says that he hopes the new political climate will lead toward negotiations. Fields asks about the US position on negotiations. Cohen says that the US wants many of the same things that the ANC wants. Cohen says that the South African government must release political prisoners; that the government must lift restrictions on political organizations. Cohen says that negotiations can proceed once those conditions have been met. Fields asks if George Bush (US President) will ask F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) to visit the White House. Cohen says that he doubts that Bush will ask de Klerk to visit the White House. Cohen notes that US policy has focused on events in South Africa. Cohen says that US officials have agreed to maintain existing pressures on the South African government; that the US may lift some sanctions if de Klerk's new government makes progress toward ending apartheid. Cohen says that the US may increase pressure on South Africa if no changes are made. Fields notes that the Bush administration is more supportive of sanctions than the administration of former US President Ronald Reagan. V: Footage of Cohen being interviewed by Fields. Cohen notes that sanctions went into effect in October of 1986; that the Bush administration has seen the positive impact of sanctions. Cohen says that the white minority is beginning to realize that they must negotiate with the black majority. Cohen notes that sanctions threaten the lifestyle of the white minority. Cohen notes that sanctions have caused an increase in the unemployment rate in South Africa. Cohen says that the US is looking forward to lifting sanctions after political progress is made.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/30/1989
Description: Battleship USS Massachusetts, World War II memorial, need repairs. State will provide capital outlay for its preservation in interest of Fall River tourism. Rep. Robert Correia.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1989
Description: Former marketing director of Dunkin' Donuts, now an unemployed executive, talks about declining business climate in state.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/29/1989
Description: Husband/wife team owns Renovators Supply which makes and sells old fashioned building fixtures. They lament state's attitude toward manufacturing and business taxation. Cardboard boxes on conveyor belt.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1989
Description: Hotel workers union achieves goals without strikes by using confrontational tactics, while other unions conduct long strikes with no gain. File of various picketers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/08/1989
Description: Striking Eastern machinists and pilots prefer Peter Ueberroth as potential purchaser of airline to current owner Frank Lorenzo. Comparison to film clips from "Wall Street."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/10/1989