Description: [Rundown in Coll Folder]: Swear in, Bush & Reagan - CB, live interview, Barnicle Reflections
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/20/1989
Description: Walpole residents oppose selection of their town as site for solid waste disposal. They plan to fight the MWRA sewage landfill proposal. Paul Levy. B-roll of town center, roads, houses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/02/1989
Description: Walpole residents protest in front of State House against siting grit landfill in their town. Meanwhile at board meeting, MWRA votes to approve the site. Sewage disposal.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1989
Description: Walpole offers itself as site for state prison proposed for New Braintree, in exchange for being spared the MWRA's sludge disposal grit pit. Rep. Francis Woodward, Stephen Brewer.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/14/1989
Description: Actor David Warrilow reads from works of Samuel Beckett.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1989
Description: Wachusett and Sudbury Reservoirs, Concord River, MDC water tower in Lexington. (1988-1989)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 1988...1989
Description: John DeVillars announces water use restrictions in communities depending on Quabbin Reservoir. Gushing hydrant, outdoor fountain, watering garden. Paul Levy, Daniel Greenbaum. Drought, conservation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/09/1989
Description: Wayland invests strongly in public education. Its schools are in good condition and students' test scores are high. Wayland High classrooms, library, golf lesson.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1989
Description: Christy George reports that George Bush has nominated attorney Wayne Budd for the post of Massachusetts US Attorney. George reviews Budd's career as an attorney and state official. Budd at a press conference talking about his credentials and that the color of his skin is irrelevant to his nomination. Scenes of Budd in his office at the Budd, Wiley and Richlin law firm, including architect Paul Parks visiting him in his office. Former Massachusetts US Attorney Frank McNamara left the post after a controversy. There are some pending cases being handled by the present Massachusetts US Attorney.
1:00:19: Visual: Shot of Wayne Budd (Nominee for Massachusetts US Attorney) entering a room. Footage of Budd speaking at a press conference. Budd says that he is very proud of his black heritage; that the color of his skin is irrelevant to his nomination for US Attorney. Budd says that his credentials are the important issue. Shots of Budd walking past desks and cubicles in an office environment; of Budd sitting down at his desk. Christy George reports that Budd served as the first African American president of the Massachusetts Bar Association. George notes that Budd has been in private practice since he stepped down from his post in the Civil Rights Division of the Attorney General's office in the 1970s. George adds that Budd has strong ties to Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts); that Dukakis picked Budd to head the Civil Service Commission in 1983; that one of Budd's law partners was an advisor to Dukakis' presidential campaign. V: Footage of Budd sitting with two African American women in his office. Shots of Budd and the women conversing. George reports that George Bush (US President) has nominated Budd for the Massachusetts US Attorney post. V: Footage of Paul Parks (architect) and another man entering Budd's office. Budd greets the two men. Shot of Parks. Footage of Budd at the press conference. Budd says that he is an advocate of social and civil rights. Budd says that he ranges from moderate to conservative on fiscal matters. Budd says that he bears no grudges against anyone; that he is not beholden to anyone. Budd says that he will not "go after" the Democratic Party on Bush' s behalf. Shots of members of the media at the press conference. Shots of Budd greeting colleagues. George reports that Budd was on the short list for US Attorney in 1986; that Ed Meese (US Attorney General for Ronald Reagan) chose Frank McNamara for the post; that McNamara left the office after a controversy. V: Shot of McNamara leaving a press conference. George reports that Budd says that there are morale problems in the US Attorney's office. V: Footage of Budd at the press conference. Budd says that public servants are given a "public trust"; that violations of the "public trust" should be investigated. Budd says that violators of the "public trust" should be prosecuted. Budd says that "the drug war" is another priority. George stands outside of the offices of Budd, Wiley & Richlin. George reports that there are some pending cases in the US Attorney's office; that the 75 State Street case is one of the pending cases. V: Footage of Budd at the press conference. Budd says that Jeremiah O'Sullivan (Massachusetts US Attorney) will probably finish the 75 State Street case before he leaves office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/30/1989
Description: Richard Voke says House Ways and Means Committee cannot seriously consider the proposed budget and must rewrite it. Edward Lashman attempts to defend it.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1989