Description: Interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, deputy minister for Israeli foreign affairs, on immigration of Soviet Jews, Arabs in Israeli society, the PLO, and Saddam Hussein.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/17/1990
Description: Peter Berlandi, former Bellotti fundraiser, joins William Weld's campaign. Mark Roosevelt, former Bellotti campaign director, joins John Silber's forces.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/25/1990
Description: Christopher Lydon in Berlin tape 1.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/31/1990
Description: Christopher Lydon in Berlin tape 3.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/31/1990
Description: Chris Lydon's travelogue of Berlin, featuring beer, fast food, shopping, transit, museum, concert hall, and library.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/24/1990
Description: Bill of Rights is inscribed in walkway to Suffolk County Courthouse. Attorneys attest to need for funds to rehabilitate courts. Boston Bar opposes tax on legal services. Chief Justice Paul Liacos.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/03/1990
Description: Billy Joel video "We Didn't Start the Fire," filled with quick images of cultural history, will be shown in middle and high schools. Students are quizzed on name recognition of famous figures. Classroom.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/29/1990
Description: Rev. David Hollenbach comments on the American bishops' letter urging examination of the moral principles in the Persian Gulf potential war. Archbishop Roger Mahony.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/13/1990
Description: Jan von Mehren reports on the "Black Wings" exhibit at the National Park Service Visitors Center on State Street. She walks through the exhibit with a group of African American World War II veterans. The men all trained at the Tuskegee airfield during World War II. Interviews with Frank Roberts (retired US Army major), George Hardy (retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel) and John Roach (retired US Air Force Reservist) about their experiences in the military. The men talk about racism and the missions in which they participated. Roberts and Hardy describe their experiences while training at Tuskegee Airfield. Roach talks about the career of Benjamin Davis (first African American general in the US Air Force). The men point out photos in the exhibit and reminisce together.
1:00:14: Visual: Shots of Frank Roberts (retired US Army major) and another man at the "Black Wings" exhibit at the National Park Service Visitors Center on State Street. The men point to the red tail on a model of a WWII airplane. Shot of color picture of a red-tailed bomber plane. Shot of a of a red-tailed model plane. Jan von Mehren reports that red-tailed airplanes were piloted by African American pilots during WWII. V: Footage of Roberts talking about his experience as a pilot in WWII. He says that a group of white bomber pilots once expressed gratitude to him and his colleagues. Von Mehren reports that the African American pilots experienced blatant racism during WWII. Von Mehren reports that African American military pilots trained at the Tuskegee Airfield in Alabama; that Tuskegee opened in 1941 to the dismay of top military brass. Von Mehren reports that some people at the time believed that African Americans did not have the mental or moral fiber to fly in combat. V: Shots of a group of former Tuskegee pilots at the exhibit. The group includes Roberts. Shots of black and white photos of African American trainees and pilots at the Tuskegee Airfield. Footage of George Hardy (retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel) saying that his group flew over 200 missions; that they never lost a bomber to enemy fighters. Shot of a color image of a red-tailed bomber plane from the exhibit. Footage of John Roach (retired US Air Force reservist) talking about the distinct sound of the planes flown during the war. The other men agree that the planes had a very distinct sound. Roberts talks about filling gas tanks in mid-flight. Shot of a black and white photo of Roberts as a pilot during WWII. Von Mehren reports that Roberts graduated from Tuskegee in 1944; that he flew combat missions in Europe. V: Footage of Roberts saying that he was twenty-six when he graduated from Tuskegee; that he was one of the oldest men in his class. Roberts says that the men studied very hard in order to make the grade of lieutenant; that the men were committed to becoming Tuskegee airmen. Footage of Hardy saying that the Tuskegee Airfield provided a "cocoon" for the men. Hardy tries to recall the name of the local sheriff. Hardy says that the men tried to avoid getting into trouble outside of the airbase. Shot of an exhibit poster detailing the biography of Benjamin Davis (first African American general in the US Air Force). Footage of Roach saying that Davis graduated from West Point in the 1930s; that Davis was the only African American cadet at West Point at the time; that no one spoke to him for four years. Von Mehren reports that Roach is a retired colonel in the Air Force Reserve; that Roach left the military to work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Von Mehren reports that Roach worked to evaluate pilots for commercial airlines; that commercial airlines would not hire African American pilots at the time. V: Shot of a black and white photo of a group of African American pilots in front of a plane. Roach is among them. Shot of a black and white photo of Roach in the cockpit of a military plane. Shots of Roach and another man looking at part of the exhibit. Von Mehren reports that the Tuskegee Airmen were very young when they trained to become pilots during WWII; that this exhibit allows the men to see themselves documented in history. V: Shots of the group of men at the exhibit. Footage of Roberts as he points to a photo of himself in the exhibit. Powers says that the photo was taken after the group had completed 200 missions. Shot of the photo in the exhibit. Shot of a black and white photo of the Tuskegee Airmen lined up for an inspection.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/19/1990
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that African American community leaders expressed their rage over the handling of the Carol Stuart murder case. Von Mehren notes that the leaders accused city officials, the Boston Police Department and the news media of racism in handling the case. Von Mehren's report includes angry speeches by Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque), Rev. Graylan Hagler (Church of the United Community), and Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council). Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders have accused police of ignoring obvious clues during their investigation. Von Mehren adds that some leaders called for the resignation of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department). Von Mehren interviews Hagler. Hagler says that police officers ignored community residents who approached them with information about the case. Von Mehren concludes by saying that the African American community suffered a grave injustice in the aftermath of the murder.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) speaking at a press conference. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. The group includes Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Owens says that a great injustice has been done to the African-American community. Shots of the attendees at the press conference. Jan von Mehren reports that African American community leaders expressed rage and fury at a press conference today. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking at the press conference. Ellis-Hagler accuses Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) of placing blame too quickly on the African American community. Ellis-Hagler compares Flynn's actions to that of the Ku Klux Klan. The attendees at the press conference give vocal support to Ellis-Hagler's assertions. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad asks if white public officials will call Charles Stuart (murderer of Carol Stuart) "an animal." The crowd cheers. Von Mehren reports that African American leaders believe that Flynn, the Boston Police Department, and the media rushed to conclusions about the Stuart case. Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders say that racism played a huge role in the case. V: Shots of the press conference; of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) addressing the press conference. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that police usually suspect the husband when a woman is killed. Muhammad says that police automatically suspect an African American man when a woman is killed in an African American neighborhood. Von Mehren stands outside of Muhammad's Mosque. Von Mehren reports that African American leaders have accused the police, the mayor, and the media of ignoring vital information about the case. Von Mehren notes that the African American leaders says that the vital information was circulating on the streets of Roxbury on the day after the shooting. V: Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that there were rumours on the street that Charles Stuart was a drug addict. Muhammad says that police should have investigated those rumours. The crowd cheers. Von Mehren notes that Ellis-Hagler runs a recovery center for drug addicts out of his church in Roxbury. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed by von Mehren. Ellis-Hagler says that the workers in his recovery center told him that Charles Stuart was the murderer on the day after the murder occurred. Ellis-Hagler talks about a man from the community who went to police with information about the murder. Ellis-Hagler says that the man shared information with police which confirmed the alibi of William Bennett (suspect). Ellis-Hagler says that the police told the man that they had a suspect who suited their purposes. Footage of Muhammad at the press conference. Muhammad says that apologies are worthless; that the damage has already been done. Muhammad says that the city has stabbed the African American community in the back. Muhammad says that the African American community has been devastated. Shot of a sign at the press conference. The sign reads, "What does (sic) Boston and South Africa have in common? Stopping and detaining men because of the color of their skin." Von Mehren reports that some African American leaders called for the resignation of Flynn and Francis "Mickey" Roache (Police Commissioner, City of Boston); that some called for restitution to Mission Hill residents. V: Shots of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference; of attendees at the press conference. Shot of Muhammad at the press conference. Von Mehren adds that the African American community was dealt a grave injustice when police, public officials, and the media were taken in by Charles Stuart's hoax.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1990