Description: Carmen Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields interviews Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) and David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital)) about the partnership between the two facilities and the rising infant mortality rate in Boston. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate is a social problem involving health, education, housing, employment, and crime. He adds that advances must be made in all of those areas in order to combat the high infant mortality rate in Boston. Taylor talks about the role of community health centers and the benefits of relationships between community health centers and large hospitals. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate is only one indicator of distress in the African American community. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care through the partnerships between the large and small medical facilities. Fields's report includes footage of infants being cared for in the nursery of a health facility.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center has always been an independently licensed health center; that the health center is federally funded. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center does not have a relationship with the city or the state. Taylor says that the health center has had informal relationships with hospitals in the past. Taylor says that hospitals provide a wealth of resources to health centers; that hospitals can provide specialists to health centers; that hospital residents can come to work in health centers. Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields notes that the gap grew in 1989 and in 1990. Fields notes that the African American community is called a "death zone." V: Shots of an African American infant hooked up to breathing equipment; of a health care worker monitoring medical equipment in a hospital nursery; of a monitor on the medical equipment. Shot of the health care worker tending to an infant; of the infant hooked up to equipment. Footage of David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital) being interviewed by Fields. Dolin suggests that there is no one to blame for the high infant mortality rate; that you cannot place blame on any one segment of the health care community. Dolin says that the problem may not be a health problem; that the problem is a social problem involving health, education, housing, the police department, and the mayor's staff. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care and the infant mortality rate. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that many hospitals have had limited interest in partnering with health care centers in the past; that many hospitals and health care centers had relationships of mistrust. Taylor says that the mistrust stems from the African American community. Taylor says that the health care profession has performed questionable research on African Americans; that African Americans have not been included in medical research in the past. Taylor says that hospitals are usually interested in partnering with health care centers for research purposes. Taylor says that the relationship of mistrust between hospitals and health care centers has changed. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that funding is coming from health care centers and hospitals; that there is little funding from the government. Dolin says that health care centers and hospitals are underfunded; that some areas get neglected. Dolin says that many factors affect maternal and infant health; that increased funds from hospitals and health care centers can be undermined by these other factors. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor to explain linkage as it applies to community health centers. Taylor says that linkage promotes relationships between large medical facilities and smaller health care centers with limited resources. Taylor says that the health care centers can gain access to hospital amenities. Taylor says that health care centers can take advantage of hospital residents and hospital purchasing discounts for equipment and supplies. Taylor says that health care center physicians can admit patients to the partnering hospital; that the health care physicians can be on the faculty of these hospitals. Taylor says that physicians at health care centers need extra benefits because they do not make high salaries. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that hospitals have a responsibility to the local community. Dolin says that the best way to deliver care to the community is through the health care center. Dolin says that the hospitals need to provide their expertise and resources to aid the health care centers. Dolin says that he sees no disadvantages to the relationships between hospitals and health care centers. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks what will happen if linkage is not adopted. Taylor says that costs will rise; that there will be a double standard in health care across the nation. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate and other problems will not be solved if linkage is not adopted. Dolin says that there are other factors; that problems in the areas of crime, drugs, housing, and education must also be solved. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate in the African American community is only one indicator of the distress in that community. Taylor says that the major hospitals in Boston did not realize that the infant mortality rate was a problem until a major newspaper printed a story about it. Taylor says that the African American community has been neglected; that the neglect must stop.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/28/1991
Description: Touching reactions from friends and classmates of 11 year old Charles Copney, killed on a Saturday evening on Highland Avenue, Roxbury, in a shooting that also killed a teenager.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: On Good Friday, parishioners and clergy march through Roxbury past sites of violence in a pilgrimage of hope for the community. Stations of the cross.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: Alexander Dawoody, Kurdish political refugee from Iraq, wants Saddam Hussein eliminated. Middle East expert Feroz Ahmad explains Saddam's staying power through paradox of brutality and welfare.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/19/1991
Description: Middle East scholars Nadav Safran and Walid Khalidi give their versions of the likely Persian Gulf war and scenarios for the future of the region.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/10/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Captain William Pinkney is on a solo quest to sail around the five great capes of the world. Pinkney has already rounded three of the capes and children from around the world are tracking his voyages. Interview with Pinkney, who talks about his next voyage around Cape Horn. He says that he wants children from disadvantaged backgrounds to realize that it is possible to achieve one's goals through hard work and determination. Fields' report includes photos of Pinkney on his boat, footage of Pinkney addressing a group of people and footage from Pinkney's video logs of his journey.
0:59:24: Visual: Footage shot from a boat of rough seas. Footage of Captain William Pinkney (sailor) addressing a group of people. Pinkney says that he was told at age fourteen or fifteen that he had a bleak future. Pinkney says that he was told that he would probably be dead at age twenty from drugs or violent crime. Pinkney says that he was told that he would probably be incarcerated if he was not already dead. Shot from a boat of a sunset over the ocean. Footage taken by William Pinkney of his boat sailing into a harbor. Footage of Pinkney addressing the group. Pinkney says that his seventh grade teacher taught him not to believe what he was told. Carmen Fields reports that Pinkney set out from Charlestown Navy Yard on a boat last August; that Pinkney is on a quest to visit the five great capes of the world on his boat. Field reports that Pinkney has already rounded the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin of Australia and the South East Cape under Tasmania. V: Shots of color photos of Pinkney in his boat. Footage of Pinkney being interviewed by Fields. Pinkney says that he has covered 14,000 miles so far; that he will wait out the winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Pinkney says that it is iceberg season in the Southern Hemisphere. Pinkney says that his next voyage will be from Hobart, Tasmania to Cape Horn. Fields reports that children from around the world are tracking Pinkney's voyage; that Pinkney is making the voyage in order to set an example for young people. V: Footage taken by Pinkney of a group of schoolchildren in Tasmania. The schoolchildren wave and say, "Hello America." Footage of Pinkney being interviewed by Fields. Pinkney says that a dream can become a goal through hard work. Pinkney says that the goal can become a reality if a person is willing to pay the price to succeed. Pinkney says that children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and other children, must learn that it is possible to achieve their goals and dreams. Fields reports that Pinkney's 47 foot boat is computer-equipped; that Pinkney was able to repair his own steering device at sea. V: Shots of the computer on Pinkney's boat; of rough seas surrounding Pinkney's boat. Fields reports that Pinkney believes that sailors must be resourceful when they are out at sea. V: Footage of Pinkney being interviewed. Pinkney says that his voyage taught him that the present time is what counts. Pinkney says that he never saw any media coverage of the Gulf War while at sea; that he was focused on his journey. Footage from Pinkney's video log from September 8, 1990. Shot of a sunrise near Bermuda. Fields reports that Pinkney will attempt to round Cape Horn next; that Cape Horn is one of the most difficult stretches of water in the world. V: Footage of Pinkney being interviewed. Pinkney says that Cape Horn is "the graveyard of ships"; that many clipper ships were lost there. Pinkney says that Cape Horn is a challenge for all sailors. Pinkney says that he looks forward to the challenge. Pinkney says that he is confident that he will do it.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1991
Description: On-set interview with Samir al-Khalil, author of "Republic of Fear" on Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Also, ambassador April Glaspie's Senate testimony on Iraq. (a/k/a/ Kanan Makia)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/20/1991
Description: Political analyst William Schneider on Bush's high popularity pursuant to Persian Gulf war. He assesses future support for Democrats who voted against using force. Nunn, Gore, Bentsen, Gephardt
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1991
Description: David Frost interviews General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the allied forces, about the Persian Gulf war.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/27/1991
Description: Five scientists talk about the cost of high tech weapons and the losses incurred in diverting expertise from social welfare and consumer goods. Victor Weisskopf, Vera Kistiakowsky.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/22/1991