Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 10/16/2003
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 10/16/2003
Description: Nancy Murray of ACLU presents info on Patriot Act at Cambridge Democratic City Committee, 12/3/2003. Topics: civil rights, government, Second Amendment, Patriot Act, and freedom of speech. Cambridge Senior Center
Cambridge Senior Center
Talent:Nancy Murray
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 12/8/2003
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/24/2003
Description: AFI (American Film Institute presents: The Robert M. Bennett Awards for Excellence in Local Television Programs: Honorees: “Out in Silence” - Christine Choy - Jonathan Lee “Allegations” - Rudy Hypolite (from: CCTV) - Thomas Erihmes - Richard Kaplen “Down for the Hood” - Terry Halberg - Lisa Plendl
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/22/2003
Description: AIDS DANCE MEMORIAL IN 1996: *Scroll of names *Dancing *Reading of names
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/22/2003
Description: Aids Rap: “Talk about Aids”
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 6/17/2003
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/2/2003
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 9/17/2003
Description: Community Forum CCTV Studio
CCTV Studio
Talent:Emanuel Gardiner, Ken Reeves, Gabriel Mondon, M’zi Gabriel, Gary Dauphin, Juma T. Kayembe, Bobbie Emilienne
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 10/16/2003