Description: Annual event coverage of community event. EOTW - have not paid the fee ever, but that should change.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/1/2004
Description: Peace Vigil event for the Bombing victims. Dan Miller, John Costiac, national wildlife Federation, Iraqi War
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 9/3/2004
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 8/18/2004
Description: AKA “A Talk with John Francis at Lesley College” 4/5/2004 presentation at Lesley College with John Francis who walked around the earth by foot power only. EOTW paid 35$ Lesley College
Lesley College
Talent:John Francis
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/1/2004
Description: Live from the Moontower.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/17/2004
Description: Spanish/English audio work in pro-tools.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 9/27/2004
Description: Afghan pres. Hamid Karzai speaks at Princeton 9/26/2003
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 2/17/2004
Description: February 13-14, 2004
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 7/20/2004
Description: Prof. Ogletree will discuss his book "with all deliberate speed" with students at CRLS.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/16/2004
Description: Psychic and spiritual program.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/15/2004