Description: Andre is questioned about culture differences.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 3/17/2005
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/24/2005
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 3/7/2005
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 1/7/2005
Description: Interstitial spots for new program.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/3/2005
Description: Interstitial spots for new program.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/9/2005
Description: Bi-monthly news magazine program produced by members.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 7/6/2005
Description: Compilation of news segments, by You are here production Group..
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 12/29/2005
Description: Segment for local news magazine program, based on the camera above mass ave.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 3/10/2005
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 11/18/2005