Description: EPA press conference to announce issuing permit to build Pilgrim II nuclear power plant based on approved environmental impact statement. Second plant will share discharge system with Pilgrim I and barrier will be placed in channel to reduce fish kills from overheated water and nitrogen bubble disease.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1977
Description: Interview with Tufts sociologist Peter Dreier on “interlocking directors.” He explains that the composition of corporate boards is limited largely to white males who do not represent those affected by their policy choices. Women, poor people and ethnic minorities are excluded and their interests are not protected. The “old boys” network makes decisions that perpetuate each other's wealth inasmuch as the same small group of men are on the boards of all the large Boston banks, utilities and big businesses. There are conflicts of interest. Nuclear power plants were endorsed and financed by such groups though they are found to be unsafe and unprofitable. Dreier calls for demographically broadening board membership and raising corporate consciousness about welfare of the community. Explains the way banks redlining creates slums. Dreier says that there should be a Freedom of Information Act for big business, like there is for the government.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1983
Description: Interview with Peter Lynch, retiring manager of Magellan mutual fund at Fidelity. He talks about changes for the worse in the business during his time on the stock market, as well as the uselessness of speculating on the U.S. economy as a whole. He talks about why he's retiring. Sounds cuts out at the very end.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/13/1990
Description: Exteriors of pharmacy owned by Benjamin Schumann. Several takes of reporter standup on forms that might become required for pharmacists serving welfare recipients.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/17/1969
Description: Interview with a pharmacist on new forms that might be required for pharmacists serving customers on welfare. They discuss the possibility of the boycott. Reporter reasks questions and takes cutaways for editing purposes.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/17/1969
Description: Press conference on the court-ordered plan for Phase III desegregation of the Boston Public Schools. Elvira "Pixie" Palladino (Boston School Committee), Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) and John Nucci (East Boston community activist) are among the interested parties and reporters in attendance. Attendees read over the court order. Robert Dentler (Dean of Education, Boston University) and Marvin Scott (Associate Dean of Education, Boston University) review the court order. They discuss efforts to desegregate Boston kindergartens. They announce the opening of the Mattahunt Elementary School and Madison Park High School. Smith and Dentler discuss the decision to close the McKinley School, the Storrow School and the Higginson Elementary School, because they remain segregated despite all efforts to integrate the student population.
0:00:13: Visual: People are seating themselves in a lecture hall before a press conference about the court-ordered plan for Phase III desegregation of Boston Public Schools. Elvira "Pixie" Palladino sits with several white women at a table at the front of the room. Walt Sanders (WBZ reporter) reads the paper at his seat, also near the front of the room. Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) greets people as they enter the room. The media set up cameras to record the press conference. 0:03:20: V: Marvin Scott (Associate Dean of Education, Boston University) and Robert Dentler (Dean of Education, Boston University) seat themselves at the front of the room. The moderator announces that copies of the court-ordered Phase III desegregation plan will be passed out. Audience members approach him for copies of the report. Scott and Dentler wait as the moderator passes out the report. 0:05:51: V: The moderator introduces Dentler and Scott, and says that they will answer questions about the report. Dentler and Scott are seated at a table with microphones. They quietly confer with one another and check their watches. The press conference attendees quietly read over the report. John Nucci (East Boston community activist) quietly studies it. Leftwich flips through the report. An attendee asks Dentler how the plan will affect East Boston. Dentler says that he will answer questions after the attendees have had a chance to read over the report. 0:09:49: V: Smith says that the court order for Phase III desegregation focuses on stability and continuity. He says that he and Dentler will review the order and then take questions. Smith says that a third theme of the court order is the disengagement of the court from the schools. Smith refers to the court order and explains some statistics. He points out how some school assignments have changed from last year to this year. He makes reference to the assignment of students to examination schools. Dentler notes that kindergarten classrooms in Boston have never been desegregated; that neighborhood kindergarten classrooms remain more accessible to white students than to African American students; that fewer minority students enter kindergarten. Dentler adds that the Phase III desegregation plan aims to increase accessibility to neighborhood kindergarten for all; that some students will be assigned to citywide magnet kindergartens for desegregation purposes; that magnet kindergarten assignments are made with the idea that children will stay in the same building for the elementary school grades. Dentler says that the goal of kindergarten desegregation was first stated in the original court order. Smith mentions some of the details of student assignments to District 9 schools. Dentler says that the court aims to stabilize the high student turnover rate. He names the deadlines for initial assignments and corrective assignments of students. Dentler notes the statistic that one in three students transfers from one school to another under the current plan; that there will be limitations on student transfers. Dentler says that a high turnover rate is detrimental to classroom learning. Smith announces the opening of the Mattahunt Elementary School and Madison Park High School. Dentler announces the closings of four schools. He says that the McKinley School, the Storrow School, and the Higginson Elementary School will be closed because they have remained segregated despite all efforts to integrate the student population. Dentler notes that alternative plans to desegregate these schools are infeasible or unconstitutional; that the student populations in these schools are small. Dentler notes that there are 60 students enrolled in the McKinley School; that there are less than 100 students enrolled in the Storrow School; that there are less than 150 students at the Higginson School, not including kindergarten students.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/06/1977
Description: History of the Philippines and how Ferdinand Marcos ruined early hopes for democracy in the country. Footage of elections and the USA ceding sovereignty after WWII, Ronald Reagan speaking, rally for Corazon Aquino the Philippines, people praying, Clark Air Base and US military in the Philippines, and a statue of Marcos. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/24/1986
Description: Story about the fall of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, how the United States is dealing with the transition, and an overview of the history of the United States propping up dictators in countries like Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, and Nicaragua. Footage of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, US official speaking about Marcos, Ronald Reagan, historical images of Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and Haiti, and Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/25/1986
Description: Silent footage of Picasso paintings, sketches, and other art at "Picasso: Selections from Suite 347" art exhibit. Interviews with two curators about their memories of Picasso and his impact on the art world, followed by more b-roll of art and interview cutaways. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/08/1973
Description: Shot down the table of kids getting ready to start the pie eating contest followed by shots of kids eating pie without their hands. More footage of kids eating pie with and without their hands. Footage speeds up at the very end of the reel. Sound. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Blueberry Pie Eating Contest at the Community Boat House."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/19/1978