Description: Footage of people in line at the DMV getting new license plates, cashiers handing the plates to the customers, and a shot of a man holding a new plate. Wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/01/1977
Description: Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles set up a checkpoint on a road in Stoughton and pull people over to check their registry stickers. Reporter voice overs and a reporter standup. Interview with one of the registry inspectors, and with a young man who got a ticket. Footage of cars being pulled over, people warning each other over CB radio about the checkpoint, and officers talking to drivers. Mix of sound and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/16/1976
Description: Interview with art historian Barbara Ehrlich White commenting on the evolution in the portraiture and life of Renoir,highlighting the contrast between his joyful art and his difficult life, on the occasion of a major exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts. Footage of the paintings from the exhibit and photographs of Renoir.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/03/1986
Description: Silent footage of press conference. Man speaks on problems of not having rent control. Mix of silent and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1976
Description: Silent b-roll of rundown buildings and bad living conditions. Thomas Atkins holds a press conference. Exteriors of Boston Rehabilitation Plan Building. 154 Seaver St. Thomas Atkins walks through apartments, examining living conditions. Several takes of reporter standup on the rent strike. Cuts of Atkins and others speaking at press conference on Boston's attempts at building rehabilitation as part of a HUD program, and problems with the implementation of the program. They explain the efforts of the tenants to solve these problems, and the new tactics they are using against the officials and landlords.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Byron Rushing (State Representative) addresses a rent control demonstration outside Boston City Hall. He encourages tenants to fight for their rights, urges voters not to support anti-rent control candidates, and advocates a citywide referendum on the issue. Pat Burns (Catholic Connection) speaks about Sojourner House, a shelter for homeless families and the Catholic Connection's support for rent. Boston City Councilors Ray Flynn, Michael McCormack, Christopher Iannella and Maura Hennigan confer in the chambers of the Boston City Council. Boston City Councilors Frederick Langone, Albert "Dapper" O'Neil, Terence McDermott, Bruce Bolling , and Joseph Tierney are also present. The gallery of the chambers is filled with observers, many wearing pro-rent control buttons. Ianella calls the meeting to order and the clerk reads appropriation orders and requests submitted by Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) for the approval of the council. The council discusses and votes on orders from the mayor concerning the Public Works Department and the Public Facilities Commission. The clerk reads a request from the mayor concerning the financing of a bond for the Winthrop Printing Company. The Council conducts business on the chamber floor with Langone discussing a proposed law concerning the cleanliness of dumpsters in the city and about building affordable housing instead of high-priced condominiums. Sounds cuts out near the end and then comes back in.
1:00:04: Visual: Byron Rushing (State Representative) speaks into a microphone. He says that working class and poor people need to fight for their rights as tenants. The crowd claps. Rushing says that voters must vote against politicians who do not support rent control; that rent control must be brought to the ballot as a citywide referendum. The crowd claps. Shots of the crowd outside of City Hall. A white woman addresses the crowd, saying that it is not a good idea to classify tenants as elderly, disabled or low-income; that those classes of tenants will have difficulty finding apartments. Shots of two older men in the crowd. One of them is wearing a button which reads, "Rent Control: Continue and Strengthen it. Ban condominium conversion evictions." Shot of the button. Pat Burns (Catholic Connection) addresses the crowd. Burns talks about Sojourner House, which is a shelter for homeless families. Burns says that the Catholic Connection supports rent control in order to stop the increasing number of homeless families. Shot of a man holding a rent control sign reading, "No rent control plus no condo ban equals no housing." Shots of the crowd listening to Burns. Several crowd members are holding pro-rent control signs. 1:02:23: V: The white woman addresses the crowd as they move into the City Hall building. Shots of the crowd as they enter City Hall. One woman holds up a sign reading, "Landlords get the money. Tenants get the shaft." 1:03:33: V: Boston City Councilors Ray Flynn, Michael McCormack, Christopher Ianella and Maura Hennigan confer in the chambers of the Boston City Council. Frederick Langone (Boston City Council) confers with a woman on the floor of the chambers. Langone sits down in his chair, with his cigar in his mouth. The gallery of the chambers is filled with observers. Many observers wear pro-rent control buttons. Albert "Dapper" O'Neil (Boston City Council) joins the group of councilors. 1:05:51: V: Hennigan sits in her chair on the floor of the chambers. She flips through some papers on the table in front of her. Flynn sits down in his seat. Langone lights his cigar. Terence McDermott (Boston City Council) is sitting in his seat on the floor of the chamber. Albert "Dapper" O'Neil (Boston City Council) sits in his seat. The clerk calls the roll of city council members. Ianella brings the meeting to order. 1:08:28: V: The clerk reads appropriation orders and requests submitted by Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) for the approval of the council. The council discusses and votes on orders from the mayor concerning the Public Works Department and the Public Facilities Commission. Shots of McDermott; of McCormack; of Langone; of audience members in the Council gallery. The clerk calls the council roll for a vote on the order concerning the Public Facilities Commission. Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council). The clerk reads a request from the mayor concerning the financing of a bond for the Winthrop Printing Company. 1:12:03: V: Shots of audience members in the gallery; long shot of the floor of the Council Chamber from the gallery. Audio is muffled. Langone discusses a proposed law concerning the cleanliness of dumpsters in the city. More shots of audience members. 1:15:45: V: Councilors conduct business on the floor of the Chamber. Langone talks about housing. Shots of Christy George (WGBH reporter); of Bolling, Flynn and Hennigan; of Bolling; of Flynn; of Joseph Tierney (Boston City Council). The Council continues to conduct business. Langone talks about building affordable housing instead of high-priced condominiums.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/15/1982
Description: Story #8308. State Representative Jon Rotenberg calls for new measures to help fight sexual assault. Excerpts of Rotenberg speaking at a press conference mixed with b-roll of the audience. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/21/1974
Description: Mayor Kevin White releases report on racial violence in Boston. He does not comment on the findings because he has not yet reviewed them. The report was written by a committee consisting of 13 diverse members, chaired by Speaker Thomas McGee and Judge David Nelson. They met ten times over two months to interview 17 community leaders, both supporters and opponents of busing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/24/1976
Description: Scenes from the Republican National Convention including Bob Hope performing at Billianare Bunker Hunt's Little Clam Bake, people chanting "Four more years" and "USA" at the convention, the Republican Platform Committee, interview with former RNC Chairperson Mary Louise Smith who is disappointed with the radical changes to the platform, overview of the new platform, interview with Vice President George Bush about how the majority of Americans are conservative, excerpts from Reagan's speech, and balloons falling from the ceiling. Reporter voice-over throughout. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/24/1984
Description: Republican gubernatorial candidates Frank Hatch, Ed King, and John Buckley make campaign presentations to voters in Newton. Each candidate talks his record and about reaching out to minority communities in Massachusetts. Several takes of reporter standup on the race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination.
0:00:16: Visual: Frank Hatch (Republican gubernatorial candidate), Ed King (Republican gubernatorial candidate) and John Buckley (Republican gubernatorial candidate) make a campaign presentations before voters in Newton. Hatch says that he has worked on redistricting proposals in the House of Representatives; that he has worked with African American groups to improve African American political representation in Boston. He adds that he filed the first bill to initiate bilingual education in the state of Massachusetts. Hatch says that he has worked with groups in urban areas to recruit political candidates and to further political legislation for the benefit of constituents in those areas. Hatch says that he can count on support from those urban areas in the gubernatorial election. 0:01:34: V: King is called on to speak. King says that he will not aim any programs at specific racial or ethnic groups; that the people of the state of Massachusetts have common interests; that he will strive to improve education and the economy for all people. King says that he has the support of prominent African American leaders because they agree with his position on the issues; that Dr. Mildred Jefferson (President, Massachusetts Citizens for Life) and Warren Brown (former republican candidate for the Boston School Committee) are among the African American leaders who support his candidacy for governor. King says that he wants to pull the citizens together; that he does not want to divide them along racial lines. 0:03:35: V: John Buckley cites the example of Hubert Humphrey as a politician who was respected by all people. Buckley says that his first political fundraiser for the governor's race took place in Roxbury. Buckley notes that he employs many African Americans in the Middlesex County Sheriff's Department; that the department has tried to reach out to minorities. Buckley says that he is concerned about all of the citizens in Massachusetts; that he received over 90% of the African American vote in Middlesex County during the last election. 0:05:40: V: The moderator announces that the candidates will be available for conversation over refreshments. He adjourns the meeting. Shots of the members of the audience. The audience members are white. 0:06:00: V: Marjorie Arons stands in the front of the room. Behind her, people are gathered for refreshments and conversation. She does two takes of the closing to her story on the Republican gubernatorial race. Arons reports that Republican voters make up 16% of the voting population in Massachusetts; that the race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination is lively and interesting. Arons notes that the race will be very tight; that multiple ballots may be cast at the Republican convention; that a fourth candidate may emerge to unify the party.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/18/1978