Description: Route 1 near junction of Revere, Malden and Saugus. Shot from moving vehicle. Additional shots of traffic from the side of the road, both oncoming and receding automobiles. Close-up on dilapidated surface of road and crumbling concrete bridge parts.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/11/1979
Description: Rowers on Charles River near Harvard, practicing for regatta. One-, five-, and nine-person shells. All male and all female crews. Exteriors of boat house. Florida Institute of Technology team bus.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/19/1979
Description: Hope Kelly reports on charges of racism against the Boston Irish Rowing Club. Larry Otway, President of St. Brendan's Rowing Club of New York said that he was discouraged from bringing African American rowers to compete against the Boston Irish Rowing Club in South Boston. Otway later rescinded his accusations. Mayor Ray Flynn holds a press conference to cite progress in fighting racism across the city. Flynn, William Geary, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan District Commission, City Councilor Bruce Bolling, John Joyce, the President of Boston Irish Rowing Club, and Otway speak at the press conference. Joyce denies any discriminatory practices on the part of the Boston Irish Rowing Club. Andrew Jones and Curtis David of the Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project hold a rival press conference in front of the L Street Bath House in South Boston, spekaing out against racism Jerry Cullitary (South Boston resident) defends South Boston against charges of racism. Interview with Susan Moir, a South Boston resident, about racism in South Boston. People rowing in curraghs on Pleasure Bay.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Andrew Jones (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) and Curtis Davis (Greater Roxbury Incorporation Project) at a press conference in front of the L Street Bathhouse in South Boston. Jones reads a prepared statement. The statement reads that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) should not invite New York residents to Boston; that African Americans from New York and Boston are not welcome in Flynn's neighborhood. Footage of Flynn at a press conference. Flynn says that acts of discrimination in the city will not be tolerated. Shots of Davis and Jones at their press conference; of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at Flynn's press conference. Footage of Jones saying that African Americans were stoned when they tried to visit Carson Beach in 1974. Footage of William Geary (Commissioner, Metropolitan District Commission) at Flynn's press conference. Geary says that Carson Beach is open to all citizens. Shots of Flynn speaking at his press conference. White and African American city officials stand behind him. Hope Kelly says that Flynn's press conference included a full array of testimony about the city's progress in fighting racism; that it is rare for African American community leaders to hold press conferences in South Boston. V: Shot of the press conference in front of the L Street Bathhouse. The sign over the entrance to the bathhouse reads, "James Michael Curley Recreation Center." A crowd of white residents and media stand in front of the entrance. Shot of a white man standing at the entrance of the bathhouse. Footage of Jones saying that Flynn is doing nothing to combat racism in his own neighborhood. Footage of Flynn saying that a number of minority youngsters have participated in events in South Boston. Footage of John Joyce (President, Boston Irish Rowing Club) saying that the rowing club does not discriminate; that their activities are open to all. Kelly reports that Joyce directs a group of rowers who row on Pleasure Bay in curraghs; that curraghs are boats which are native to Ireland. Kelly notes that the club competes against other curragh clubs; that the club will host a New York curragh club on Sunday. V: Shot of Joyce in a curragh; of rowers in curraghs on Pleasure Bay; of white male members of the club on shore; of a white male getting into a boat with two other white rowers. Shots of curragh races. Kelly reports that Larry Otway (President, St. Brendan Rowing Club of New York) filed a complaint against the Boston club; that the Otway contends that Joyce told the New York club not to come to Boston with African American rowers. V: Shot of Joyce at Flynn's press conference. Kelly notes that Joyce apologized; that Otway has now exonerated Joyce. V: Footage of Otway at Flynn's press conference. Otway says that Joyce is not a racist; that Joyce has always welcomed all of the members of the New York Club; that Joyce has been mistakenly targeted as a racist. Kelly reports that some people agree that the rowing club has been unfairly targeted as racist. Footage of Jerry Cullitary (L Street bather) saying that the residents of South Boston are hard-working, working-class people; that racism is more of a problem in the white suburbs than it is in South Boston. Kelly reports that South Boston has become synonymous with racism. V: Shot of a front page headline in the Boston Herald. The headline reads, "Southie rowing club beached by racial uproar." Footage of a white man addressing Jones and Davis at the press conference at the bathhouse. The man says that "good news in South Boston is no news; that bad news is big news." Davis says that he has not heard anyone utter a racial slur at the press conference. The man says that he would like Davis and Boyce to talk about "good news" in South Boston. Kelly says that the press conferences pointed up the stereotypes which still exist on both sides of the race issue in Boston; that the "sunny side-up" tone of Flynn's press conference only reinforced skepticism about the issue. V: Shot of Flynn leaving his press conference. Hope Kelly stands in the room where Flynn's press conference was held. Kelly said that she wanted to ask Flynn if Carson Beach was presently open to everyone; that Flynn did not answer the question. V: Footage of Susan Moir (white South Boston resident) in South Boston. Moir says that her son is white; that he gets insulted at Carson Beach because he has dark skin. Moir adds that she has brought African American children to the beach with her; that the children have been hassled by white beachgoers. Moyer says that non-white people cannot use the beach.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1987
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields interviews Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) and David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital)) about the partnership between the two facilities and the rising infant mortality rate in Boston. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate is a social problem involving health, education, housing, employment, and crime. He adds that advances must be made in all of those areas in order to combat the high infant mortality rate in Boston. Taylor talks about the role of community health centers and the benefits of relationships between community health centers and large hospitals. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate is only one indicator of distress in the African American community. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care through the partnerships between the large and small medical facilities. Fields's report includes footage of infants being cared for in the nursery of a health facility.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center has always been an independently licensed health center; that the health center is federally funded. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center does not have a relationship with the city or the state. Taylor says that the health center has had informal relationships with hospitals in the past. Taylor says that hospitals provide a wealth of resources to health centers; that hospitals can provide specialists to health centers; that hospital residents can come to work in health centers. Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields notes that the gap grew in 1989 and in 1990. Fields notes that the African American community is called a "death zone." V: Shots of an African American infant hooked up to breathing equipment; of a health care worker monitoring medical equipment in a hospital nursery; of a monitor on the medical equipment. Shot of the health care worker tending to an infant; of the infant hooked up to equipment. Footage of David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital) being interviewed by Fields. Dolin suggests that there is no one to blame for the high infant mortality rate; that you cannot place blame on any one segment of the health care community. Dolin says that the problem may not be a health problem; that the problem is a social problem involving health, education, housing, the police department, and the mayor's staff. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care and the infant mortality rate. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that many hospitals have had limited interest in partnering with health care centers in the past; that many hospitals and health care centers had relationships of mistrust. Taylor says that the mistrust stems from the African American community. Taylor says that the health care profession has performed questionable research on African Americans; that African Americans have not been included in medical research in the past. Taylor says that hospitals are usually interested in partnering with health care centers for research purposes. Taylor says that the relationship of mistrust between hospitals and health care centers has changed. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that funding is coming from health care centers and hospitals; that there is little funding from the government. Dolin says that health care centers and hospitals are underfunded; that some areas get neglected. Dolin says that many factors affect maternal and infant health; that increased funds from hospitals and health care centers can be undermined by these other factors. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor to explain linkage as it applies to community health centers. Taylor says that linkage promotes relationships between large medical facilities and smaller health care centers with limited resources. Taylor says that the health care centers can gain access to hospital amenities. Taylor says that health care centers can take advantage of hospital residents and hospital purchasing discounts for equipment and supplies. Taylor says that health care center physicians can admit patients to the partnering hospital; that the health care physicians can be on the faculty of these hospitals. Taylor says that physicians at health care centers need extra benefits because they do not make high salaries. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that hospitals have a responsibility to the local community. Dolin says that the best way to deliver care to the community is through the health care center. Dolin says that the hospitals need to provide their expertise and resources to aid the health care centers. Dolin says that he sees no disadvantages to the relationships between hospitals and health care centers. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks what will happen if linkage is not adopted. Taylor says that costs will rise; that there will be a double standard in health care across the nation. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate and other problems will not be solved if linkage is not adopted. Dolin says that there are other factors; that problems in the areas of crime, drugs, housing, and education must also be solved. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate in the African American community is only one indicator of the distress in that community. Taylor says that the major hospitals in Boston did not realize that the infant mortality rate was a problem until a major newspaper printed a story about it. Taylor says that the African American community has been neglected; that the neglect must stop.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/28/1991
Description: Ribbon cutting ceremony at a building on Warren St. in Roxbury. Men enter the building. Interview with a man on the efforts of the Circle Venture Capital Fund to address the unemployment problem in Roxbury. Footage of a meeting. Mix of silent and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1975
Description: Footage of the exterior of Roxbury High School on Greenville Street and footage of students in an English class at Roxbury High School. Pam Bullard interviews Roxbury High School students Domingo Rivera, Ramon Alicea, Crystal Roach, Mark Benjamin, and Chiman Lee about their experiences at Roxbury High School. The students talk about academic programs at the school, their college plans, the atmosphere at the school, and extracurricular activities and sports programs at the school. All of the students speak highly of Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School). Footage of Ray greeting students in the hall as they change classes.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of the exterior of Roxbury High School on Greenville Street. Shots of the plaster statues at the entrance of the school. One of the statues has a cigarette stuck in its mouth. A male student enters the school. Shots of the houses on Greenville Street. 1:02:24: V: African American and white students sit in a classroom at Roxbury High School. A white female teacher talks to them about a book. She asks one of the students to read a paragraph. An African American male student reads from the book. The teacher asks the students questions about the passsage from the book. Shots of the students in the classroom. The students look at their books. The teacher and the students continue to discuss the book. Shots of the students seated at their desks. 1:06:50: V: Pam Bullard interviews a group of Roxbury High School students in a classroom. The students tell Bullard their names: Domingo Rivera, Ramon Alicea, Crystal Roach and Mark Benjamin. Bullard asks the students questions about Roxbury High School. Roach says that she is an the college program and has an internship at State Street Bank. Roach talks about her internship at the bank. Roach says that she would like to go to college and hopes for a scholarship. Alicea says that he is in the college program and is involved in the Upward Bound Program. Alicea talks about the Upward Bound Program; he says that the Upward Bound Program is helping him prepare his college applications. Alicea says that he plays for the football team. Rivera says that he is also in the college program and is involved in the Upward Bound Program. Rivera says that he has taken an English class through the Upward Bound Program. Rivera says that he does not know where he wants to go to college. Benjamin says that he is also in the college program. He says that he wants to major in sciences when he goes to college. Bullard asks Benjamin if he likes the school. Benjamin says that he likes the school. He adds that the majority of the students get along well at the school. 1:11:41: V: Bullard interviews Chiman Lee (Roxbury High School student); Lee has joined the group in the classroom. Lee says that he has recently moved to Boston and has been at Roxbury High School for six months. Lee says that he likes the teachers and students at the school. Lee adds that he is enrolled in the bilingual program. Bullard asks Roach what she likes about the school. Roach says that the teachers are helpful; that everyone gets along well. Roach says that she attended Charlestown High School for one week; that she transferred to Roxbury High School because she did not like Charlestown High School. Roach says that she likes Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) and the teachers at Roxbury High School. Roach says that Ray is helpful and friendly. Benjamin agrees that Ray is concerned about the students at the school. Benjamin talks about how much he likes going to school at Roxbury High School. He adds that the teachers are eager to help the students with their problems. Bullard asks about extracurricular activities at the school. Roach talks about the sports program and the annual Fall Festival at the school. Benjamin says that the sports teams would be better if all of the students participated. He talks about the football and basketball teams. Benjamin says that basketball is the most popular sport. Bullard asks Rivera about the baseball team. Rivera says that the baseball field is not very close to the school. He adds that it is inconvenient for some students to get to the field after school. Alicea says that the football team will be good this year. Bullard closes the interview. 1:17:38: V: The WGBH camera crew films Charles Ray as he greets students in the hallway of Roxbury High School. Ray greets most of the students by name. Some of the students wave and strike poses for the camera. Many students pass Ray in the hallway as they change classrooms. Some students stop to retrieve books from lockers in the hallway. Ray speaks to a teacher about the bilingual program at the school. Ray jokes with the students and urges them to go to their classrooms.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1978
Description: Charles Ray, the Headmaster of Roxbury High School, talking to students, parents and faculty members in the offices of Roxbury High School. Pam Bullard interviews Ray in the administrative offices of the school. Ray talks about how the school has changed since the beginning of school desegregation in 1974. He notes that white attendance is still low, but that it is improving. Ray describes the school's bilingual program, and the academic programs set up at the school in conjunction with Harvard University. He says that many students from Roxbury High School received college scholarships last year, and discusses their college opportunities. Ray talks about the atmosphere at the school, and the close relationships between the students and the faculty. He notes that very few students transfer out of the school. He adds that most students feel comfortable at Roxbury High School. Ray says that he tries to learn the names of every student in the school. Ray talks about the challenges of urban education. He says that he encourages pregnant students to remain in school as long as possible. Ray says that he would like to see a program set up to allow students to bring their children to school with them. Ray describes the school's building and facilities. Ray tells Bullard that it is important to treat each student with respect.
1:00:05: Visual: Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) speaks to an African American female student in the office of Roxbury High School. He tells the student what she needs to do in order to change school assignments. 1:01:37: V: Pam Bullard sets up an interview with Ray. Ray talks about some of the photographs in the school office. He notes that the photos were taken by students from the school. Ray talks to a student who has entered the office. The student asks Ray about the television crew in the school office. Bullard notes that the Boston Public Schools are beginning their fifth year of desegregation. Bullard asks Ray how things have changed in five years. Ray notes that Roxbury High School was paired with South Boston High School during the first year of desegregation. Ray notes that only a small percentage of students from South Boston attended Roxbury High School during the first year of school desegregation. Ray says that Roxbury High School was placed in the same district as Charlestown High School during the second year of school desegregation; that Roxbury High School has remained in that district. Bullard asks Ray about white attendance at Roxbury High School. Ray says that the school has more white students now than it had during the first year of school desegregation. He notes that sixty-three white students have been assigned to the school this year; that twenty-five white students are in attendance. Ray says that he would like the Boston School Department to assign more white students to the school. Ray says that Roxbury High School has a bilingual program for Asian and Spanish-speaking students. Bullard asks Ray about Roxbury High School's programs in conjuction with Harvard University. Ray explains that Roxbury High School has been paired with Harvard University by the federal court order governing school desegregation in Boston. Ray talks about a tutoring program in which Harvard students tutor Roxbury High School students. Ray talks about the Harvard Upward Bound Program. He adds that Harvard and Roxbury High School have set up programs for students in advanced math and sciences, reading, and art. Ray explains that teachers and advanced students can take courses at Harvard University. 1:06:46: V: Bullard notes that students who attend Roxbury High School tend to stay at the school and do not transfer out. Ray agrees that not many students transfer out of the school. He adds that most students like the school and the faculty. Bullard asks Ray if many students from Roxbury High School attend college. Ray says that 74 students graduated from Roxbury High School in 1978; that 37 of those students went on to college. He adds that many of the students received scholarships last year. Ray adds that the Girls High Alumni Association has contributed to a scholarship fund for the students. Ray notes that many Roxbury High School students have done well in their college careers. Bullard asks why Roxbury High School has been a successful school. Ray says that the teachers get to know the students and their families very well. Ray notes that the faculty know most of the students by name; that the students feel comfortable at the school. Ray adds that these close relationships are the key to the school's success. Bullard asks Ray if he knows the name of every student at the school. Ray says that he is learning the names of all of the incoming freshmen; that he makes an effort to talk to the students in the hallways. Ray adds that he knows the names of all of the returning students. Bullard notes that all of the students like Ray and speak highly of him. Ray talks about the importance of knowing the name of each student. He adds that the students know that the teachers and other faculty members care about them. 1:11:43: V: Bullard asks how urban education has changed in the past decade. Ray says that programs for special needs students have changed; that pregnant students now stay in school. Ray says that he encourages pregnant students to stay in school for as long as they can. He says that he encourages them to return to school as soon as possible. Ray adds that he would like to start a program that would allow students to bring their children to school with them. He says that it might be difficult for Roxbury High School to meet the safety requirements for such a program. Bullard asks Ray if he would have chosen to be assigned to Roxbury High School. Ray says that he likes Roxbury High School. He adds that the school is structurally sound and has good facilities; that he likes the layout of the building. Ray says that the faculty at the school have a good relationship with the community and with the parents. Ray adds that he likes the atmosphere at small high schools. He says that each student gets personal attention at Roxbury High School. Bullard asks Ray what he has learned over the course of his career. Ray says that he has learned the importance of treating each student with respect. He says that the students treat him respectfully in return. Bullard closes the interview. 1:16:38: V: Ray stands behind the counter of the office at Roxbury High School. He answers questions from a student about her school schedule. Ray confers with a teacher about two problem students. Ray tells the teacher that he will speak to the students. Ray talks to two more students about their school schedules. Ray confers with another teacher in the office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1978
Description: Racially integrated, open classrooms at the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. The teachers are primarily white. The classes are racially integrated; the majority of students are African American. Pam Bullard interviews Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School) about school attendance, the faculty and the atmosphere at the school. Kelley is optimistic about the coming year. Bullard interviews two Roxbury High School students about their experiences at the school. Both are enthusiastic about the school, report little racial tension among students, and comment on how helpful headmaster Charles Ray is to the students.
0:59:58: Visual: Racially integrated classes enter the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. The doors close. A few latecomers knock on the door to be let in. 1:02:01: V: Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School) talks to a teacher about attendance. A white teacher helps students in an open classroom. The class is integrated, although a majority of the students are African American. The teacher helps the students learn how to print their names. The students color in pictures on their worksheets. Shot of a white student and an African American student sitting together at a table. 1:08:19: V: Shot of open classrooms at Lee School. Several classes are conducted at once. A teacher tells her students to stand up behind their chairs. The students stand and push their chairs in. Another white teacher teaches her class to read the names of colors. The class is racially integrated. 1:12:20: V: Pam Bullard sets up an interview with Frances Kelley (Principal, Joseph Lee School) in the open classrooms. Kelley admits that a certain percentage of students have not returned to the Lee School this year; that her staff will begin contacting their parents. Kelley says that parents are supportive of the programs at the Lee School; that some are upset because bus routes were consolidated this year; that there is some confusion over bus stops. Bullard comments that the Lee School lost some faculty this year. Kelley says that her faculty likes the school; that some are worried about losing their jobs due to the shrinking student population. Kelley says that morale tends to be low in June; that morale is higher in September when teachers return to school. Kelley says that the faculty at the Lee School is young, enthusiastic, and innovative; that the children like the school and its programs. 1:15:28: V: Bullard sets up an interview with a non-white female student (Betty) and a white male student (Paul) about their experiences at Roxbury High School. Both students opted to return to Roxbury High School after attending the previous year. Betty says that she likes the school because it is close to where she lives and it has good programs; that there are no problems. Paul says that he returned to Roxbury High School to play football; that he gets along well with the teachers and had no problems during the previous year; that he does not mind taking a bus to school. Betty says that there is no tension among the students at the school. Paul agrees that there are no racial problems. Betty says that it is a small school; that the teachers will give individual attention to the students. Paul says that everyone at the school seems to get along; that the teachers are willing to help the students with problems they might have; that Charles Ray (Headmaster, Roxbury High School) is a good principal. Bullard talks to the students informally while the crew takes cutaway shots. Betty says that she likes the programs at the high school; that there is a new chemistry lab; that students have access to photography equipment. Paul says that he moved to Boston from California last year; that people had told him not to attend Roxbury High School; that he liked the school after visiting it for the first time. Bullard comments that Roxbury High School does not deserve its bad reputation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Buses pull up to Roxbury High School. The buses are not full. Asian students exit the buses and enter the school. African American and Asian students approach the high school on foot. Shots of housing in the surrounding area. Exteriors of Joseph Lee Elementary school, which school children walking towards school. Buses pull up to the Lee Elementary School. White and African American students exit buses and enter the school. African American students and parents approach the school on foot. Racially integrated classes line up in the recess yard and enter the Lee School. The students wave at the camera as they enter the school.
1:00:16: Visual: A nearly empty bus pulls up to Roxbury High School. Asian students exit the bus and enter the school. African American students approach the school on foot. Shots of Greenville Street, in front of Roxbury High School. A second bus pulls up to the school. More Asian students exit the bus and enter the school. Shot of plaque above entrance, reading "Roxbury High School." Two police officers are stationed in front of the school. Asian and African American students approach the school on foot. 1:07:20: V: A small school bus is parked in front of the Joseph Lee Elementary School. Young students of various races exit the bus. African American students and parents approach the school entrance. African American and white students exit another small school bus and approach the school entrance. Two of the white boys are identical twins. An African American boy asks the camera crew questions. He walks in front of the camera in order to be on television. More African American students and parents approach the school. Closeup shots of young African American students who have approached the camera crew. 1:12:57: V: A school bus pulls up in front of the school. Mostly white and a few African American students exit the bus and are greeted by an African American teacher. The students enter the school. Another school bus pulls up. The same African American teacher greets more African American and white students as they exit the bus. The students enter the school. 1:17:10: V: African American and white students line up for class in the recess yard. A young white female student stands alone, looking lost. The racially integrated classes enter the school building. Many students address the crew or wave at the camera as they pass by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Carolyn Sawyer reports that a group of unemployed laborers are picketing the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square in Roxbury. The picketers are demanding that fifty percent of the laborers on the site be residents of the Roxbury community. Press conference held by the picketers at the site. Rev. Graylan Hagler from the Church of the United Community says that the men will not go away with "crumbs." Picketers Ivan Singleton, James Gun, and Ron Nelson also speak out at the press conference. Interview with Stephen Coyle of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, who is trying to mediate the dispute. Coyle says that the community is legitimately concerned about the high rate of unemployment among residents. He adds that he expects similar protests during upcoming construction projects. Sawyer reviews the agreement concerning minority participation in the construction project.
1:00:37: Visual: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Ellis-Hagler. Ellis-Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Ellis-Hagler says that if his men do not work, then nobody works. Shots of the Post Office construction site in Dudley Square. Carolyn Sawyer reports that no one has worked at the Post Office construction site since last Friday. Sawyer reports that picketers have refused to be moved. V: Footage of Ivan Singleton (unemployed laborer) speaking at the press conference. Singleton says that he lives in the community; that laborers on the construction site are coming in from outside of the community. Singleton says that he wants to work on the site. Footage of James Gun (unemployed laborer) speaking at the press conference. Gun says that unemployed laborers in the community are not working on any of the construction jobs in the community. Shot of the Post Office construction site. Sawyer reports that the workers want the fifty percent of the laborers on the site to be residents of the Roxbury community. Sawyer notes that federal law requires minority participation to be ten percent. Sawyer reports that the Post Office has agreed to hire 30% of the work force from the community. V: Shot of a Post Office building in the city. Footage of Stephen Coyle (Boston Redevelopment Authority) being interviewed in his office. Coyle says that the Post Office has satisfied the law and made an agreement with the community. Coyle says that the community is not satisfied. Coyle says that the Post Office and the community appear to be on a collision course. Sawyer reports that Coyle is charged with keeping the project on schedule; that the project is due to be completed next August. Sawyer notes that Coyle met separately today with Suffolk Construction (general contractor of the construction site), with Post Office officials and with Roxbury residents. V: Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Sawyer. Coyle says that the community has legitimate concerns; that unemployment rates are high. Sawyer reports that he expects more of these kinds of disputes in the future. V: Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Sawyer. Coyle says that there will be more tension surrounding upcoming construction projects; that there are not enough jobs and contracts for everyone. Coyle says that he hopes the public sector will engage in more capital projects in the future; that an increase in capital projects would ease the tension. Sawyer reports that government budgets are tight; that more capital projects appear unlikely. V: Shots of the Post Office construction site; of an African American man at the press conference. Footage of Ron Nelson (unemployed carpenter) at the press conference. Nelson says that laborers are coming in from outside to take food from the mouths of community residents. Nelson says that money from the construction is not circulating in the community. Nelson says that the unemployed laborers will continue to picket until they are allowed to work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/21/1990