Description: Ray Flynn, William Bulger, Thomas McGee, Joseph Casper, Jim Kelly, and Mike Flannery at Annual Saint Patrick's Day Lunch at the Boys and Girls Club of Boston, in South Boston. People eating at tables. People speaking to the crowd, telling anecdotes and jokes, and discussing drug and alcohol problems in South Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1984
Description: B-roll of flooded streets and people around the flooded area and a reporter standup. Interview with man about the water main break and if the water is safe.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/30/1976
Description: Story #6067. Story about HEW findings that Salem State College had not established a working affirmative action plan for women. The college has formed Committee for Affirmative Action and the Women's Equity Action League is pushing for more action. Footage includes b-roll of press conference, statements by women on the HEW findings of non-compliance, standup and voice over by reporter. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/01/1973
Description: Christopher Lydon interviews Sarah Small, who runs the Protestant Ministry at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. Lydon and Small pray together before the interview. Small talks about her admiration for Martin Luther King, Jr. and her involvement in the civil rights movement. She says that she learned a lot about herself after spending time in jail for participation in the civil rights movement. Small talks about her commitment to helping those in need. She comments on the status of African Americans in US society. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Banks agree to improve access to banking services in low-income neighborhoods and Julian Bond at Harvard University
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Sarah Small (United Campus Ministries) being interviewed by Christopher Lydon at Packard Manse in Roxbury. Lydon reports that Small runs the Protestant Ministry at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. Lydon says that Small grew up in rural North Carolina; that Small is a devout Christian. Lydon reports that their interview began with a prayer. V: Footage of Small and Lydon praying together as they hold hands. Footage of Small saying that she has always had great faith in God. Small says that she has always seen great leaders as humans. Small tells a story about how she refused to stand up for Lyndon Johnson (former US President), saying that she only stands up for Jesus. Small talks about how much she loved and admired Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Small says that King was a leader who was led by the holy spirit. Small says that King knew he had a limited time to accomplish his goals. Lydon reports that Small found her political and spiritual direction when she was in jail in the 1960s. V: Footage of Smalls being interviewed by Lydon. Small says that she ended up in jail a lot; that jail became a restful haven for her. Small says that she is thankful for having gone to jail. Small says that she overcame many fears through going to jail and through her participation in the civil rights movement. Small says that she realized that she is free to do what she wants and to not do what she does not want. Lydon reports that Small often played music for the crowds before King's speeches. Lydon notes that Small's front door at the Packard Manse is always open. V: Shots of Small playing the piano and singing; of three children clapping along with the music. Footage of Small talking about helping the less fortunate. Small says that she feeds and shelters those in need. Small says that she is not afraid to keep her door open, despite the violence on the streets. Small says that she does not own anything that she would not give away to someone else. Lydon reports that Small believes that people need to realize the complexity of real equality. V: Footage of Small being interviewed by Lydon. Small says that African American children learn things twice. Small says that African American culture is different from white culture; that African American children need to learn both cultures. Small says that African American children are not given credit for learning both cultures. Small says that one group of people should not be able to determine cultural standards. Small compares American culture to a vegetable soup. Small says that African Americans are the untapped resource of the US.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1990
Description: Press conference with Governor-elect Michael Dukakis, Governor Francis Sargent, and Lt. Governor elect Thomas O'Neill. Sound, but most of what is said is cut off by film cuts. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/07/1974
Description: Press conference with Governor-elect Michael Dukakis, Governor Francis Sargent, and Lt. Governor elect Thomas O'Neill, followed by a reporter standup. The reporter, Arch MacDonald, does two takes of the wrapup. Silent and sound footage of Dukakis, and O'Neill meeting staff and walking around the state building followed by reporters. Sargent, O'Neill, and Dukakis talking to each other and answering reporter questions. More footage of the press conference, Dukakis and Sargent answer questions. Mix of sound and silent. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/07/1974
Description: Governor Sargent at a press conference about new gun regulations that he is asking the state legislature to pass. Restrictions include a ban on certain hand guns, ban on some types of concealed hand guns, and an introduction of a training program for people wishing to obtain a license to own a gun. Sound. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/13/1974
Description: Silent footage of some guns on a board. Shots of people watching the Governor's press conference, and the governor speaking from different angles. Followed by sound footage outtakes from the Governor's press conference on the need for more gun control. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/13/1974
Description: Hope Kelly reports that John Sasso, the former Chairman of Michael Dukakis' 1988 campaign, addressed members of the World Trade Club and spoke about the campaign. Sasso spoke about the Democratic Party, the role of Jesse Jackson, and the failure of the Dukakis campaign to win over voters. Sasso talks about the need for the Democratic Party to recognize Jackson's leadership. He also says that negative political advertising was not the reason for Dukakis's defeat. Kelly reviews Sasso's career and his role in the 1988 presidential campaign. She reviews Sasso's resignation from and return to the Dukakis campaign. Kelly's report includes footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and footage of Sasso during the 1988 presidential campaign.
0:59:07: Visual: Footage of John Sasso (former chairman, 1988 Dukakis campaign) saying that he and Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) are taking the time to reflect on the successes and failures of the campaign. Hope Kelly says that Sasso has been taking stock of the 1988 Dukakis campaign. V: Footage of Sasso addressing the World Trade Club. Sasso talks about the need to identify the lessons to be learned from the 1988 campaign. Kelly reports that Sasso says that the Democratic Party needs to recognize the role of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader). V: Shots of Jackson addressing a campaign rally; of Jackson greeting supporters in the street; of Jackson hugging a supporter. Footage of Sasso speaking at the World Trade Club. Sasso says that Jackson has "an original mind;" that Jackson is a "gifted motivator." Sasso says that the Democratic Party needs to find the courage and skill to relate properly to Jackson. Sasso says that Jackson will trouble the Democratic Party until they recognize his role. Shot of Jackson, Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson), Dukakis, and Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis) sitting together at an event in July, 1988. Shots of Dukakis; of Jackson. Audio of Sasso saying that Democratic Party leaders need to get organized to do a better job. Footage of Sasso saying that he does not agree with those who say that negative advertising played a big role in Dukakis's defeat. Kelly reports that Sasso believes that there was a fundamental failure on the part of the Dukakis campaign. V: Shots of the audience at the World Trade Club luncheon. Sasso says that the Dukakis campaign failed to make voters realize the need for a change in leadership. Kelly reports that Sasso reflected on the state of the Democratic Party; that Sasso made no reference to the personal feelings of himself or Dukakis. V: Shot of Dukakis speaking. Sasso stands at his side. Kelly reviews Sasso's role in the Dukakis campaign, including his resignation in September of 1987. V: Footage of a CBS news report from September of 1987. Dan Rather reports that the Dukakis campaign was responsible for damaging revelations about Joseph Biden (US Senator). Dukakis speaks from a podium. Dukakis acknowledges that Sasso provided tapes about Biden to the New York Times. Sasso appears at press conference to resign. Kelly notes that Sasso had also worked on the campaign of Geraldine Ferraro (former US vice-presidential candidate). V: Footage of Ferraro at a campaign rally. Shots of Dukakis and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) sitting in the audience. Sasso whispers in Dukakis' ear, then moves away. Kelly reports that Sasso rejoined the Dukakis campaign after an 11-month absence. V: Footage of Sasso at a gathering. A woman says "Welcome home" to Sasso. Footage of Sasso speaking to the media after his speech at the World Trade Club. Sasso says that his absence from the campaign had nothing to do with Dukakis's loss.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/19/1989
Description: Silent footage of a house on fire at night and firemen fighting the fire.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/30/1976