Description: Deborah Wang reports that Saundra Graham (State Representative from Cambridge) lost the Democratic primary election to Alvin Thompson (candidate for State Representative) by a thin margin. Wang notes that Graham has a lot of support among Cambridge voters despite her loss in the primary election. Wang notes that Graham has decided to wage a sticker campaign to run against Thompson as an independent candidate in the election. Wang notes that there is no Republican challenger in the race. Wang interviews Graham about her loss in the primary election and about the sticker campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Graham going door-to-door to campaign and to explain the sticker campaign to voters. Wang interviews Thompson about the race. Thompson criticizes Graham for engaging in negative campaign tactics. Wang notes that sticker campaigns are seldom successful and that some voters seem confused about the process. Wang interviews Cambridge voters on the street about the race. Voters were not aware of Graham's sticker campaign. This tape includes additional footage of Graham campaigning in Cambridge and footage of Graham's campaign headquarters.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Saundra Graham (State Representative from Cambridge) approaching the front door of a home in a residential neighborhood. Deborah Wang reports that Graham lost the primary election to Alvin Thompson (candidate for State Representative) by a thin margin. V: Footage of Graham being interviewed by Wang. Graham says that the loss was unexpected; that she lost the election by forty-nine votes. Graham says that her supporters were complacent; that her supporters expected her to win. Wang reports that Graham blames herself for not working harder to get her supporters out to vote. Wang reports that Graham has had strong support in Cambridge; that Graham is an advocate of rent control, day care, and affordable housing. Wang reports that Graham has had personal problems in the past year; that two of her sons were arrested on drug charges; that police accuse Graham's sons of dealing drugs out of Graham's house. V: Footage of Graham saying that her personal problems gave some momentum to her opponents. Footage of Alvin Thompson greeting a white man while campaigning door-to-door. Wang reports that Thompson is a long-time Cambridge resident. V: Shot of Thompson greeting two women in the street. Footage of Thompson saying that Graham cannot serve her constituents as both City Councillor and State Representative. Thompson says that the problems facing the city are complex; that one person cannot be in two places at once. Wang reports that Thompson is now the Democratic nominee; that Thompson has no Republican challenger. V: Shots of Thompson campaign signs and stickers. Wang reports that Graham has decided to wage a sticker campaign. V: Footage of Graham approaching the front door of a residential home. A woman answers the door. Graham explains how to vote for her with a sticker in the upcoming election. Graham hands the woman her campaign literature. Graham shakes the woman's hand and leaves the premises. Wang reports that sticker campaigns are seldom successful; that some voters are confused about the process. V: Footage of a white male voter saying that he will vote for Graham because she supports gay and lesbian issues. The man says that he was not aware of Graham not being on the ballot. Footage of another white male voter saying that he did not know that Graham would not be on the ballot. Footage of Graham approaching another home. Wang reports that Graham is waging a campaign to educate voters; that Graham has repeatedly attacked Thompson on his position on rent control and his refusal to engage in a debate with her. V: Footage of Graham saying that she does not understand why Thompson will not debate her. Wang reports that Thompson has complained about Graham's negative campaign. V: Footage of Thompson saying that he will not engage in negative politics. Shots of a Graham campaign sticker; of Graham's campaign headquarters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/02/1988
Description: Story #2363. Silent footage of African American adults and children, including Elma Lewis, at a ceremony for the unveiling of a statue in front of the Grove Hall Branch of the Boston Public Library. Closeups of statue from multiple angles. Kids in a classroom work on sculptures.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/19/1972
Description: Man gives scholarly history of theater architecture in Boston, commenting on Boston's Theater District - Saxon (Majestic), Colonial, Wilbur, Tremont, Music Hall (Metropolitan). Includes interior details of Saxon - red velvet curtains and rails; gilded rococo balconies; relief of fruit, flowers, leaves, masks, angels.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/17/1977
Description: Crowd gathers to attend Boston School Committee meeting. Louise Day Hicks is seen in the audience. Parents address the Committee about their concerns on the safety of their students. Superintendent Marion Fahey responds to their accusations, especially addressing the violence incident at Hyde Park High School the previous day. A woman recites the procedure under which Hyde Park will be reopened. Mix of wild sound and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1976
Description: School Committee meeting during which some parents are calling for the dismissal of a particular principal, accusing him of child abuse. Committee member David Finnegan responds. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/25/1976
Description: Hope Kelly reports that the Boston School Committee voted to restructure the student assignment system in the Boston Public Schools. She notes that the rigid geocode assignment system will be eliminated. School Committee members Thomas O'Reilly and Juanita Wade drafted a general plan that was accepted by the Committee. Some Committee members had reservations about the plan. Footage of the Boston School Committee meeting. Committee member John Nucci superintendent Dr. Laval Wilson speak out in favor of the plan. Committee member Jean McGuire criticizes the plan. Interview with Committee member John O'Bryant, who cautions the Committee not to act hastily. The members of the Committee vote on the plan. Three of the four minority members of the Committee voted against the plan. Interview with Wilson about the plan. Wilson says that he will work to resolve the concerns of Committee members who voted against the plan. The specifics of the plan have yet to be decided.
1:00:11: Visual: Shots of the members of the Boston School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers during a meeting. Audience members are crowded into the room. Hope Kelly notes that the audience was packed into the chambers of the Boston School Committee for a meeting tonight. Kelly notes that the School Committee voted to eliminate the rigid geocode system of student placement. V: Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that the city has been waiting for a new plan for a long time. Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) saying that it is time for a change. Kelly notes that some School Committee members had reservations. V: Footage of Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee) saying that the new plan will restructure the school system. McGuire adds that the new plan does not implement great improvements. McGuire notes that the schools will still lack adequate foreign language programs, music programs, advanced studies programs, and computer access. McGuire says that the schools lack adequate funding. Kelly reports that some members were concerned about the hasty implementation of the new plan. V: Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) saying that the city of Seattle has taken two full years to implement a similar plan; that the city of Boston needs to take its time. Kelly reports that School Committee members Thomas O'Reilly and Juanita Wade drafted a general plan; that the plan was approved by the members. V: Shots of Nucci, O'Reilly and Wade conferring before the vote. Shots of the School Committee members casting their votes for the plan. Kelly reports that ten members voted to approve the plan; that the plan was rejected by three of the four minority members of the School Committee. V: Footage of Kelly interviewing Wilson. Kelly asks if the vote broke down along racial lines. Wilson says that there was biracial support for the plan; that some African American members of the committee voiced concern over the plan. Wilson says that he will work to resolve those concerns before he returns to the School Committee with recommendations. Kelly stands in the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that tonight's vote was an endorsement of a general plan; that the specifics of the plan have yet to be decided. Kelly notes that Wilson has until January to work out the specifics of the plan. V: Shot of School Committee members seated in the chambers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/28/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Superintendent Laval Wilson must improve the reading skills of students in the Boston public schools. Students of all different races read a statement about the importance of literacy. Wilson speaks about the importance of reading skills at a press conference. He says that students are reading below target levels. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Princess Zenani Dlamini and her husband Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini will attend Boston University
1:00:00: Visual: Shot of a typed document. The first paragraph of the document summarizes the educational mission of the Boston Public Schools. The last line of the document reads, "For young people to be successful, they have to be literate." Footage of students of different ages and races reading the document. Hope Kelly reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) believes that the Boston Public Schools must improve the reading skills of its students. V: Footage of Wilson at a press conference. Wilson says that students are reading below target levels. Footage of students reading the document. One boy has trouble with the word "literate." Kelly asks him what the word means. The boy answers correctly. Footage of an African American female student says that Wilson is right in saying that students need to be literate; of an Asian American male student saying that students must know how to read in order to get a good job. Footage of an African American male student and an Asian American male student standing together. Both boys say that students need to know how to read. Footage of Wilson says that not all of the schools are performing at the same level. Footage of an Asian American male student saying that he needs to read more books in order to become a better reader; of an African American male student saying that he is "a little good at reading, but not a lot." Footage of an African American male student saying that he is an average reader. Footage of an African American female student saying that her learning environment is not ideal; that her school needs better books. Footage of Wilson saying that school promotion standards are not rigorous enough. Footage of a group of female students. A white female student reads a portion of Wilson's speech about the need for improved reading skills; of an African American female student saying that everyone cannot be expected to read at the same pace. Footage of a white female student saying that her father is not a native English speaker; that he taught her to read. Footage of an African American female student saying that Wilson's standards should not be too strict; that high school students may drop out of school if strict standards are imposed. Footage of a male student saying that a parent is responsible for his or her child's performance in school; of an Asian American male student saying that the student is responsible for his or her performance in school. Footage of an African American male student saying that parents need to take responsibility for their children's performance in school; that parents need to help children with their homework every night. Footage of a white female student saying that she would like to be a doctor when she grows up; of a male student saying that he would like to be a basketball player; of an African American male student saying that he would like to be a lawyer.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/13/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports on tension over school desegregation in Lowell. Jones reports that Robert Kennedy (Mayor of Lowell) called on supporters of school desegregation to show support by riding buses with students in Lowell today. Jones' report includes footage of Kennedy addressing supporters, including Evelyn Murphy (Lieutenant governor of Massachusetts), Luis Tiant (former Red Sox pitcher) and Grace Corrigan (mother of astronaut Christa McAuliffe). Jones reports that George Kouloheras (Lowell School Committee) is a leader of the anti-busing movement in Lowell. Jones reports that Kuoloheras is campaigning to elect anti-busing candidates to the Lowell School Committee in order to overturn the present school desegregation plan. Jones interviews Kouloheras. Kouloheras says that he hopes that new school committee will reject busing and find another way to integrate schools. Jones also interviews Michael Kennedy (Regional Manager, National School Bus Service, Inc.) and Donna Senior (Lowell parent) about the bus routes in Lowell. Jones notes that the coming elections will decide how school desegregation is implemented in Lowell. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of students and school buses in Lowell. This tape includes additional footage of school buses on the streets in Lowell. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports on student enrollment plans in the cities of Cambridge and Lowell
0:59:06: Visual: Footage of Robert Kennedy (Mayor of Lowell) addressing an audience. Supporters of the mayor stand behind him, including Evelyn Murphy (Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts), Luis Tiant (former Red Sox pitcher), and Grace Corrigan (mother of astronaut Christa McAuliffe). Kennedy says that he is glad to be with so many of "Lowell's friends." Marcus Jones reports that many supporters of school desegregation voluntarily rode school buses in Lowell today. V: Shots of Murphy, Tiant and Corrigan. Footage of Corrigan saying that she is happy to spend time with the schoolchildren of Lowell. Footage of Kennedy urges citizens to put aside their political differences and to ride the buses with Lowell schoolchildren. Jones reports that Kennedy called in supporters to build faith in the Lowell busing program. V: Shots of busing supporters walking on a sidewalk; of school buses on the street. Footage of Michael Kennedy (Regional Manager, National School Bus Service. Inc.) saying that he will need a few more weeks to finalize the bus routes in Lowell; that he will need to recruit bus drivers for the bus routes. Shot of a school bus pulling up to a school; of schoolchildren exiting the bus. Footage of Donna Senior (Lowell parent) saying that the bus routes are chaotic in Lowell; that there is a risk of someone getting hurt in the winter; that parents are waiting at bus stops until 4:00 or 5:00pm for their children to arrive home from school. Footage of George Kouloheras (Lowell School Committee) saying that the issue is political; that he is disappointed in the situation. Jones reports that Kouloheras opposes the city's busing plan; that Kouloheras is campaigning to elect anti-busing candidates to the Lowell City Council and to the Lowell School Committee; that these candidates may alter the state-mandated central enrollment plan. V: Shot of Kouloheras speaking to two white women on the street. Footage of Kouloheras saying that he hopes that four new members of the School Committee will be elected. Kouloheras says that he hopes that the new School Committee will reject busing and find another way to integrate schools. Jones notes that Robert Kennedy cast the swing vote which approved the city busing plan last spring. V: Footage of Robert Kennedy saying that the city can choose between taking control of desegregation or having the court make desegregation decisions. Jones stands in front of a school bus. Children board the bus. Jones reports that next Tuesday's elections are viewed as a referendum on the busing plan; that the election results will decide how the desegregation plan is implemented.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/26/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Mayor Ray Flynn and a group of community activists have suggested replacing Boston's elected school committee with an appointed school board. Interview with Charles Stith of the Union United Methodist Church at Logan Airport. Stith talks about his upcoming trip to Philadelphia to learn about the appointed school board in that city. Flynn wants to remove politics from the government of the Boston Public School System. Press conference with Flynn and supporters. Flynn urges the citizens of Boston to join the movement to change the School Committee. Elnavia Green (parent), Bill Owens (State Senator), Reverend McCall Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church) and Tony Molina (President, Bilingual Master Parents' Advisory Council) voice their support for Flynn's proposal at the press conference. Interview with John Nucci of the Boston School Committee, who says that it is not a good idea to ask voters to give up their right to vote. Jones notes that the controversy is drawing attention away from the immediate needs of the schools. Footage of a Boston School Committee meeting.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of the members of the Boston School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers during a meeting. Shots of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee); of School Committee members Abigail Browne and Kitty Bowman. Marcus Jones reports that a group of community activists has suggested replacing Boston's elected school committee with an appointed school board. V: Shot of a video screen at Logan Airport listing departing flights on Delta Airlines. Shots of Charles Stith (President, Organization for a New Equality) and a small group in a waiting area at Logan Airport. Stith and another man walk toward their gate. Jones reports that a small group of community activists traveled to Philadelphia today; that the activists will examine the Philadelphia School System. Jones notes that the Philadelphia School System is led by an appointed school board. Jones adds that the group will report its findings later this week. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed by Jones at Logan Airport. Stith says that he is interested in how the Philadelphia School System works. Stith says that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has been talking about implementing a similar kind of system. Jones reports that Flynn has been consulting with advisors about how to remove politics from the government of the Boston Public School System. V: Shot of Flynn at a press conference at School Department headquarters. Flynn stands in front of a group of city officials including Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) and David Scondras (Boston City Council). Jones reports that Flynn has proposed a new school board with seven mayoral appointees. V: Shots of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers; of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) and Thomas O'Reilly (President, Boston School Committee). Footage of Flynn at the press conference. Flynn urges the citizens of Boston to join the movement to change the School Committee. Flynn says that the present system is not working. Shots of the members of the media at the press conference. Jones reports that Flynn was joined at the press conference by parents and community leaders; that many endorse Flynn's call for a non-binding referendum on an appointed school committee. V: Shots of community leaders and parents at the press conference. Footage of Elnavia Green (parent) speaking at the press conference. Green says that parents have been waiting for better schools; that parents are "getting the runaround." Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) saying that the present system is not effective. Footage of Reverend McCall Thomas (Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church) at the press conference. Thomas says that the present system is not effective. Footage of Tony Molina (President, Bilingual Master Parents' Advisory Council) at the press conference. Molina says that parents have been "abused" by the School Committee. Molina says that parents want change. The crowd applauds. Jones reports that not everyone is pleased with Flynn's proposal. V: Footage of John Nucci (Boston School Committee) being interviewed by Jones. Nucci says that the referendum will ask the voters to choose between two evils; that the voters will have to choose between the status quo and their right to vote. Jones stands outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Department. Jones reports that the debate has distracted school officials from concentrating their energies on the schools. Jones notes that the debate could continue beyond November.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/08/1989
Description: School committee meeting. Chairman John McDonough, Elvira Pixie Palladino, Paul Tierney, David Finnegan, Kathleen Sullivan. McDonough accuses Superintendent Marion Fahey of political expediency. She responds. Committee member Elvira Pixie Palladino comments on the situation and states her position on anti-bussing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/02/1976