Description: Large crowd of people at a demonstration against Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Arlo Guthrie addresses the crowd, talks about the Clamshell Alliance, and then sings a song. Protest banners held by crowd. Shots of the Seabrook plant construction site. Helicopter flies overhead. Slow pans across the demonstration site. Solar panel and diagrams for solar power plan. Solar power skit by men in costumes. Closeups on groups of people in the crowd and at campsites. Group of people play music at campsite. Line of Porta Potties. Police stand by jeep behind No Trespassing sign on Seabrook site. Interview with man on the size on the demonstration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/25/1978
Description: Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant is working to license their plant through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, while Rep. Ed Markey and other Massachusetts politicians, especially Governor Dukakis, argue against it. Seabrook requests evacuation zone be reduced from 10 miles to 1 mile, which will cut Massachusetts out of the discussion.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1986
Description: Reporter voice over about the town of Seabrook. Interview with a man who says that a majority of the residents of Seabrook favor the nuclear power plant. Footage of the town, traffic on the road, entering Seabrook sign, businesses throughout town, trucks on the road, entrance to the construction site, interview cutaway, and construction work. Reporter voice-over with black image. Interview with a man from the town who believes that most people in town don't want the plant. Mix of sound, wild sound, and silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "This is a neighborhood report about the town that doesn't want the nuclear power plant."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/25/1976
Description: Footage of a ship and a crowd on the deck. Man representing the Fund for Animals discusses the ship and the clubbing of baby seals. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/21/1979
Description: Footage of a seal on a beach with police looking on from the road and one officer on the beach. Wild Sound. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Missing seal, at first thought to be missing from the aquarium, but later found to be from Canada or parts unknown, is at the Amelia Earhardt Dam."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/27/1979
Description: Interview with New England Aquarium representative about their efforts to help baby seals and release them back into the wild. A woman tries to feed a baby seal from a bottle. People hold a baby seals outside in front of the Aquarium. A baby seal learns how to crawl. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/28/1976
Description: Poet Seamus Heaney reads excerpts from “Sweeney Astray," in Grolier Book Shop. No audio at the very end.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/28/1984
Description: Poet Seamus Heaney readings his poems at Grolier Book Shop, with introductions to each poem, and banter before and in between readings. The poems read are, "Digging" "Follower" "What ever you say, say nothing" "Oysters" and "The Guttural Muse".
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/18/1982
Description: Poet Seamus Heaney reads his work outside. Heaney and Christopher Lydon discuss which poems to read and how to film the reading. Heaney gives context to each poem before reading it. He reads 5 poems in memory of his mother, 1 poem in memory of the poet Robert Fitzgerald, and "A Peacock's Feather" written for his niece on her christening. He also reads "The Face of the Horse" by Nikolay Zabolotsky, translated by Danny Weisbord. reel 1 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/29/1986
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Boston Police Department on behalf of minority youth in Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. Von Mehren notes that the lawsuit accuses the Police Department of engaging in unreasonable search and seizure practices. Von Mehren's reports includes footage from a press conference with John Roberts (Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union), Bill Owens (State Senator), Caroline Marshall (mother of plaintiff), and Margaret Burnham (attorney). Roberts says that statements by the Boston Police Department provoked the lawsuit. Marshall and Burnham speak out against unreasonable police practices. Von Mehren quotes Paul Evans (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) as saying that the police are not violating anyone's Constitutional rights. Von Mehren reports that many students at English High School support the lawsuit. Von Mehren interviews English High School students about their experiences with police officers.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of a group of English High School students walking on a street after school. Jan von Mehren reports that many students from English High School have stories to tell about police officers who have overstepped their boundaries. V: Footage of Tony Moss (Roxbury resident, 16 years old) saying that he was walking home from school one day when police officers stopped, threw him against the wall and proceeded to search him. Footage of Hector Pinto (Dorchester resident) talking about being searched by police. Footage of a high school gym. A group of girls in the gym play with a volleyball. Another group of students stands on the bleachers. Footage of Reginald Verdieu (Mattapan resident) saying that he has never been searched; that his friends have been searched. Verdieu says that a friend was forced by police officers to pull down his pants and take off his shoes. Footage of Alexia Baez (18 years old) being interviewed by von Mehren. Baez says that a group of her friends were searched by police; that one member of the group was forced to pull down his pants. Von Mehren reports that Baez believes that the police are humiliating teenagers. Von Mehren reports that the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Boston Police Department; that the suit is being filed on behalf of African American and Latino young people from Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. V: Footage of John Roberts (Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union) speaking at a press conference. Roberts says that statements by the Boston Police Department provoked the lawsuit. Roberts sits at a table four others including Bill Owens (State Senator) Caroline Marshall (mother of plaintiff), and Margaret Burnham (attorney). Shots of the media at the press conference; of von Mehren at the press conference. Von Mehren reports that the lawsuit accuses the Police Department of engaging in unreasonable search and seizure practices; of violating the fourth amendment rights of those who are searched. V: Footage of Marshall saying that she wants the police to operate within the law; that people need to realize what is going on in their community. Shots of attendees at the press conference. Footage of Burnham saying that police are only allowed to search those who are suspected of committing a crime. Von Mehren quotes Paul Evans (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) as saying that police do sometimes make mistakes; that police are not violating anyone's Constitutional rights. V: Shot of two white police officers stopping to search a young African American male. Evans' quote appears written in text on-screen. Von Mehren reports that many English High School students applaud the lawsuit. Von Mehren notes that the students are quick to point out the problems in their neighborhood. Von Mehren says that the students do not want the police to leave the neighborhood; that the students want police to stop searching the wrong people. V: Shots of English High School students walking on the sidewalks. Footage of Verdieu saying that innocent people should not be stopped by police; that police do need to stop some people.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/21/1989