Description: Buses pull up in front of English High School. Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) stands out front as buses arrive. Students exit buses and congregate by race in front of school. Judy Stoia interviews African American and white students outside of the school about how they like school. Students talk about the school and report no racial tensions so far. Stoia interviews a white female student who says that she would prefer to attend Brighton High School. Stoia interviews two African American female students who says that the school is disorganized this year. The two girls complain about problems with their class schedules and relations with teachers. Stoia interviews a group of African American female students who say that they like the school. One of the students says that African American and white students can get along fine if their parents leave them alone. Stoia interviews two white male students from Brighton who like the facilities at the school. They say the school was originally supposed to be just for boys, but it's better now that it's coed. Stoia starts interview another group of students, when a teacher comes over and tells them they're going to be late for class. Stoia interviews Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator, English High School) about the opening of the school and school programs offered in conjunction with area colleges including Brandeis University, Massachusetts College of Art and UMass Amherst. Lane says that attendance has increased since yesterday. Dropout during middle of video.
0:00:46: Visual: Buses pull up outside of English High School on Avenue Louis Pasteur. White students exit buses. Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) watches from sidewalk. Students gather on steps. 0:01:41: V: Judy Stoia sets up an interview with a white female student. Student says that she is from Allston-Brighton; that she does not like English High School; that she is bused here but would rather go to Brighton High School; that the school is nice but she lives very close to Brighton High School; that she doesn't plan to take advantage of any of the special programs at English High School. Stoia closes the interview. 0:02:55: V: A bus pulls up to the school. Peterkin, a few school officials, and a small group of police officers are on the sidewalk. White students exit the bus. A second bus pulls up and more white students are unloaded. Students congregate by race on the steps of the school. 0:05:31: V: Stoia sets up an interview with two African American female students. The first student is from Dorchester and the second is from Roxbury. Both say that they do not like school so far this year. The first student says that the system is not organized. The second student says that the school is crowded; that her class schedule is mixed up. The first student says that teachers will not give her a second chance after having difficulties the previous year. The second student says that she is not involved in the school's special programs, but has heard of a program in which the students will visit Brandeis University. The second student says that the administrators waited until the last minute to prepare for the school year; that she would like school if her schedule were straightened out. V: Video cuts out for 15 seconds. The second student says that there have been no problems with integration so far; that she has always gone to school with white students. Both students say that they requested to attend English High School. Stoia closes the interview. 0:07:49: V; Stoia interviews a group of African American female students. Two students are attending English High School for the fourth year and both like it. One student takes the MBTA bus to school. A third student says she likes the school; that the students seem to get along. The first student says that the African American and white students will get along if their parents leave them alone. The third student says that African American students at English High School are there for an education; that they are not looking for trouble with the white students. The first student agrees. The third student says that she requested to attend English High School. The first student says that she likes the teachers at English High School; that they are strict about attendance; that they care about the students. The third student says that she would like to be involved in the program which allows English High students to teach younger children. The first two students say that they will be cheerleaders. Stoia closes the interview. 0:10:54: V: Two more buses pull up to the school. African American students exit the bus. Shots of students congregated in front of school. Another bus pulls up. More African American students exit the bus. Stoia sets up an interview with two white male students. Both students are from Brighton and like English High School so far. The first student says that the school has good facilities. The second student says he likes some of his classes and the gymnasium. Both students say that they requested to attend English High School. The second student says that he is happy that it is now co-ed; that he requested English High School because he heard it was good. The first student says that he wanted to leave Brighton High School. Both students say that they ride the bus to school; that African American and white students are getting along so far. Stoia closes the interview. 0:14:09: V: Long shot of the entrance to English High School. Students are entering the school. 0:14:46: V: Stoia sets up an interview with a three African American female students. She promises not to make them late. They are joined by several other African American students. The first student says that there are not enough people at school. The students disperse and head toward the school. Chris Lane (Flexible Campus Coordinator) jokes around with an African American male student as he heads into school. 0:15:36: V: Stoia sets up an interview with Lane. He says that English High School opened peacefully the previous day; that attendance is up today; that he expects that it will be a good school year; that buses arriving from all sections of the city looked full; that buses seemed to be on time; that transportation problems will decline. Lane says that buses scheduled to transport students to the ORC (Occupational Resource Center) did not show up the previous day; that they are scheduled to arrive today. Lane says that the special programs planned for English High School are not yet in place; that they are waiting on approval and funding. Lane explains what a magnet school is; that the staff is ready to implement a theater arts programs in conjunction with Brandeis University; that programs in conjunction with Massachusetts College of Art and University of Massachusetts will follow.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Department has called the Lee Elementary School a model of a successfully integrated elementary school. Jones notes that test scores are improving at the school. He adds that there is a good relationship between school faculty and parents. Jones reviews the racial breakdown of the student population. Jones interviews Arthur Foster (Acting Principal, Lee School) and Jack Flynn (Lee School official) about the success at the school. Jones' report includes footage of students in racially integrated classrooms at the school. Jones interviews students and teachers at the school about school desegregation. Jones reports that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared that school integration is complete in Boston. He adds that the Lee School is an exception and that some schools have not been successfully integrated. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports on integration at the Marshall Elementary School Marshall Elementary School is still segregated
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of a white teacher doing a lesson with a racially integrated class at the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. Shots of individual students in the classroom. Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Department calls the Lee School a "model" of how school desegregation should work. Jones notes that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared yesterday that school integration is complete in Boston. Jones notes that the population of the Lee School is 60% African American, 28% white and 12% other minorities. V: Shots of an African American female student; of a white male student; of an African American male student; of a white teacher at the chalkboard. Footage of Jones asking a white male student if he knows what desegregation is. The student says no. Footage of an African American female student saying she does not really know why some students are bused in from other parts of the city. Footage of Arthur Foster (Acting Principal, Joseph Lee School) saying that the students are learning and that the students get along well. Footage of a white teacher teaching to a racially integrated class. Jones reports that test scores are improving at the school; that there is a good relationship between the faculty and parents; that white parents are eager to send their children to the Lee School. V: Footage of a white male student saying that he likes the school; that there are students of all races in the school. Footage of Jack Flynn (Lee School official) saying that white parents are willing to have their children bused to the Lee School. Jones notes that school officials hope that yesterday's court decision will not bring changes for the school. V: Footage of a white female teacher saying that she hopes the city has matured; that she hopes the city can move beyond the court order. Footage of Flynn saying that the Lee School is an exception; that the School Department needs to make desegregation work better across the city. Jones notes that the court decided that the Boston Public Schools were as desegrated as possible; that some schools are more segregated now than they were before the court order. V: Shots of a classroom at the Lee School.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/29/1987
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement to end litigation about the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy. Von Mehren reports that 2,000 minority families will be eligible for payments of $1,000 to $3,000 under the suit. Von Mehren's reports includes footage of a mayor Ray Flynn, Joseph Tauro (federal judge) and Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP) at a press conference to announce the settlement. The three men shake hands and make positive statements about the settlement. Von Mehren report that African American families began moving into formerly white housing projects last summer, despite opposition from South Boston residents. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston in 1988. The audience jeers at him as he approaches the stage. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports that Michael Jackson (pop singer) has never played a concert at Sullivan Stadium
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Dr. Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP), Judge Joseph Tauro (US District Court), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) sitting together at a press conference. The three men shake hands together. Tauro proclaims it to be a "happy and proud occasion." Jan von Mehren reports that Hooks traveled to Boston to join Flynn and Tauro. V: Footage of Hooks saying that it is important to resolve problems through means other than lawsuits. Shot of Doris Bunte (Boston Housing Authority) and other officials from the city and the NAACP. The group enters an elevator. Von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement. Von Mehren notes that some of the money will go to victims of the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy. V: Footage of Flynn saying that the city has one set of rules; that the rules apply equally to all. Footage of Tauro saying that the settlement sends a message to the community; that the settlement represents the city's commitment to equal access to public housing. Von Mehren reports that approximately 2,000 African American, Asian, and Latino families will be eligible for payments of $1,000 to $3,000 under the settlement. Von Mehren notes that city officials say that it may be difficult to track down some of the families. Von Mehren adds that city officials will use the media in an attempt to reach the families. V: Footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston on January 12, 1988. Flynn walks onto the stage as the audience boos and jeers. Shots of the audience members seated at long tables; of Flynn addressing the audience. Von Mehren reports that housing desegregation was met with great opposition in South Boston last year. V: Footage of Leo Tierney (South Boston resident) saying, "Leave us the hell alone." Members of the audience stand to applaud Tierney. Von Mehren reports that African American families began moving into developments last summer. V: Shots of African American movers moving furniture and boxes into a South Boston housing project; of white children playing with a garden hose outside of a South Boston housing project building. Von Mehren reports there is a low turnover rate in South Boston housing projects; that housing integration is proceeding at a slow pace. Von Mehren notes that the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston is still 96% white; that it was 98% white last year. V: Shot of a white baby in a wading pool outside of a South Boston project building. Von Mehren reports that today's settlement was a peaceful conclusion to the housing integration controversy. V: Footage of Hooks at the press conference. Hooks says that Boston had once been viewed as a "citadel of liberalism." Hooks adds that Boston did not live up to its reputation during the busing crisis. Flynn interrupts Hooks to shake his hand in front of the media. Hooks, Flynn and Tauro rise from their table.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1989
Description: Boston Police Department press conference with Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Morris Allen, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. The speakers are seated at a table featuring an array of street weapons used against police in a riot in South Boston on the previous day. DiGrazia says that violence and disruptions of public order will no longer be tolerated. He says that the police department is actively investigating participants in the violence at the previous day's demonstration in South Boston. DiGrazia says that the police are gathering evidence against the South Boston Marshals and others for engaging in violent actions. DiGrazia notes that the demonstrators in South Boston knowingly violated the restrictions of their parade permit. Some drop out in the middle of the video. Reel 2 of 2.
1:00:03: Visual: Press conference with Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston), Captain Morris Allen, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. DiGrazia and the police officers sit at a table displaying bottles, rocks, pipes and bricks which were used against police in a demonstration in South Boston the day before. DiGrazia takes questions from reporters. A reporter comments that one anti-busing organization has decided to take to the streets. DiGrazia replied that statements like that will be considered conspiratorial and could be used against the organization in court. DiGrazia says that the police will use whatever force is necessary to keep order. DiGrazia says that the police department has been working with the state police and the MDC police since 1974; that the Boston police will continue to rely on those police forces for support. DiGrazia says that he is compiling facts and evidence to be presented before a grand jury; that the police will arrest those who participate in violence or who violate the civil rights of others. DiGrazia says that a parade permit was granted to demonstrators in South Boston yesterday; that the demonstrators knowingly violated the permit when they marched up to the high school to confront police. 1:02:52: V: A reporter asks DiGrazia if the police department has the support of the mayor. DiGrazia says that the mayor supports police efforts to enforce the law and protect the community. DiGrazia says that he is concerned with the lack of prosecutions of those violating the court order; that he was pleased when the US Justice Department began investigating cases in 1975; that he is particularly dismayed at the lack of prosecutions in the South Boston District Court. DiGrazia says that he does not know where the demonstrators in South Boston procured tear gas. DiGrazia says that the police is now taking a more forceful approach against disruptors of public order. A reporter asks if past policies of tolerance were a mistake. DiGrazia says that they began with a low visibility policy in September of 1974; that the policy worked in all areas of the city except South Boston; that in 1975, they changed tactics and were more forceful; that the police have been tolerant of demonstrations up until now; that they will no longer tolerate violence during demonstrations. DiGrazia says that expenses are not an issue when city residents are injured and property is damaged; that the money will be made available to the police to deal with these problems. 1:06:02: V: A reporter asks DiGrazia about how the police handled demonstrators at the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) meeting. Shot of weapons on table. DiGrazia says that police tried to take their cues from Arthur Gartland (CCC), who ran the meeting; that from now on, police will act when they think it is necessary. DiGrazia says that he has not been in contact with Judge Garrity about the change in police deparment tactics. Dunleavy adds that a list will be made available of the 80 police officers injured in yesterday's demonstration in South Boston; that 13 arrests were made at the demonstration. DiGrazia says that the police department's new policy on demonstrations will not affect the way police handle their duties in and around the schools. DiGrazia says that he will not station more police in South Boston permanently; that he will send more officers there if it is necessary. A reporter comments that demonstrators were using radios to monitor police activity. A reporter asks if police department will change radio frequencies to avoid being monitored. DiGrazia says that police department may explore other means of communications in order to avoid radios altogether. 1:09:24: V: DiGrazia invites the reporters to question the other officers who were all present at the demonstration in South Boston on the previous day. A reporter asks if it is a small group of people who are actively participating in violence. DiGrazia replies that he has seen demonstrations with as few as 150 people; that 1,000 people were present at yesterday's demonstration; that there is a group of 300-400 "hoods" who are leading the violence; that the police department is gathering evidence on the participation of the South Boston Marshals in violent acts. DiGrazia says that the police department is actively investigating actions connected to yesterday's demonstration; that he will not put a time limit on the investigation. DiGrazia thanks the media and leaves. 1:10:41: V: DiGrazia exits. Members of the media talk among themselves. Jordan talks to members of the press informally. 1:12:07: V: Judy Stoia stands next to map of South Boston. Allen refers to the map as he charts out the course of the previous day's demonstration. Allen says that one group of marchers began at the Broadway MBTA station and proceeded up West Broadway to Perkins square; that the other group of marchers began at the Andrews MBTA station and marched up Dorchester Avenue to Perkins Square;that the marchers were supposed to proceed to the Dorchester Heights Monument. Allen says that the marchers chose to march up East Broadway to G Street, heading toward the front of the high school; that there were over 2,000 marchers gathered in Perkins Square. Stoia and crew prepare to leave.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1976
Description: David Boeri reports that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Boston Public School System is desegregated. Boeri reports that the Marshall Elementary School is less racially integrated now than it was before court-ordered desegregation began in 1974. He notes that the school population was 50% white when the school opened in the 1970s; he adds that the school population is now 8% white. Boeri interviews Jack Wyatt (Teacher, Marshall Elementary School), Elaine Rundle (teacher, Marshall Elementary School) and Lou Tobaski (Principal, Marshall Elementary School) about school desegregation at the Marshall Elementary School. Boeri notes that there are no educational problems at the school. He adds that the school faculty has been successfully integrated. Boeri interviews Jane Bowden (parent). Bowden says that the school is excellent. Boeri notes that the school is not racially balanced but that it is in compliance with the court order. Boeri's report is accompanied by footage of students and teachers in classrooms at the Marshall Elementary School. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on integration at the Lee Elementary School Lee School is a successful integrated school
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a white teacher singing a song with elementary school students in a classroom at the John Marshall Elementary School. Most of the students in the class are African American. Shot of a white male student in the classroom. David Boeri reports that the Marshall Elementary School opened 17 years ago as a neighborhood school; that 50% of the students were African American and 50% of the students were white when the school opened. Boeri notes that 8% of the school population is white in 1987. Boeri adds that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Marshall School is desegregated. V: Footage of Jack Wyatt (teacher, Marshall Elementary School) saying that the school is not racially balanced; that the school was racially balanced when it opened. Shot of a white male student standing at the front of the classroom. Footage of Elaine Rundle (teacher, Marshall Elementary School) saying that many of the bright African American students are bused to the suburbs through METCO (Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity). Shots of an African American teacher teaching to a classroom of African American students. Boeri reports that two buses transport children to and from the school; that one of the buses brings African American students to the school; that African Americans comprise 61% of the school's enrollment. V: Footage of Rundle saying that she does not know why African American students are bused to the school. Shot of African American students walking away from the school. Boeri says that there do not seem to be educational problems at the school. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing Jane Bowden (Marshall School parent). Bowden says that she did opposed busing at first; that she refused the opportunity to put her children in a different school. Bowden notes that the Marshall School is "excellent." Shot of Bowden's children getting into her car. Footage of Boeri interviewing Lou Tobaski (Principal, Marshall Elementary School). Tobaski says that the school has been able to convince the white parents to keep their children in the school; that the children are receiving a good education. Tobaski says that the school is mostly African American because the surrounding neighborhood has mostly African American residents. Boeri notes that African American and Hispanic residents have moved into the neighborhood surrounding the school. V: Footage of an African American teacher in a classroom with mostly African American students. Shots of individual students. Boeri notes that the school has received more money from the School Department because of desegregation; that the staff at the Marshall School is integrated. Boeri adds that the school is not racially balanced; that the school is in compliance with the court order. V: Footage of Tobaski saying that the Boston School Committee has done its best to integrate the public schools; that not much more can be done.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/29/1987
Description: South Boston High School exterior. Background comments of pedestrians talking to camera operator and reporter. Pam Bullard interviews headmaster Jerome Wynegar on what programs his school will offer, including core curriculum and vocational education. Wynegar says racial problems have been aggravated by outside agitators. He adds that the school is enrolled to capacity, and cannot accommodate students who wish to return after dropping out. He says that the school should make sure to listen to the suggestions of the students, and those students who dropped out, to try to improve the school. He commends the faculty. Additional comments from Wynegar as they shoot cutaways. Shots of graffiti painted on pavement, which reads “Stop Forced Busing.” Several takes of reporter voice over and standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/17/1976
Description: John Hashimoto reports on a visit to Boston by David Duke (Louisiana State Representative and former Ku Klux Klansman). Hashimoto notes that protesters turned out for Duke's speech at the Old South Meeting House. Hashimoto's report includes footage of protesters in front of the Old South Meeting House and footage of Duke's speech inside, which protesters try to drown out with chanting. Duke struggles to make himself heard above the jeers of protesters in the Meeting House. A scuffle breaks out between a protester and a Duke supporter. Hashimoto reports that Duke is trying to trying to overcome his past as a Ku Klux Klan leader, but that his white rights agenda was not well received during his visit to Boston. Hashimoto interviews Duke. Duke says that he has overcome his past and that he is not longer a "hater." Hashimoto reports that Duke answered questions from callers on a radio talk show while in Boston. Hashimoto's report includes footage of Duke speaking to callers in a radio studio. Duke defends himself against charges of racism. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Avi Nelson and Dianne Wilkerson talk about quotas and civil rights and Carmen Fields reports on the history and present activities of the Ku Klux Klan
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of protesters outside of the Old South Meeting House in Boston. The protesters march in a circle, carrying signs. A protest leader shouts into a bullhorn, "Hitler-lovers you can't hide. Shots of protesters; of a man carrying a sign reading, "David Duke: Klan in a suit." John Hashimoto reports that David Duke (Louisiana state representative) spoke at the Old South Meeting House tonight. V: Shot of Duke sitting inside the Old South Meeting House. Audio of the audience booing and whistling at Duke. Hashimoto reports that there was tight security in the Meeting House; that tension erupted from the moment he appeared. V: Shots of audience members yelling and clapping their hands. Hashimoto reports that some audience members were trying create so much noise that Duke could not speak. V: Shot of Duke sitting in the Meeting House; of audience members on their feet making noise. Footage of Duke speaking from a podium. Duke says that freedom of speech exists for all points of view. Duke says that there are many historical examples of people who have stood up for an idea, only to find out that the idea was wrong. Hashimoto reports that Duke visited Boston in his own bus in 1974; that Duke was a Ku Klux Klan member in 1974; that Duke tried to stir up trouble in South Boston during the busing crisis. V: Shots of Duke speaking from the podium; of the audience. Audio of the audience yelling. Hashimoto reports that Duke is now a state representative from Louisiana; that he is a former candidate for the US Senate. Hashimoto reports that Duke is running for governor of Louisiana; that some recognize him as a powerful political force. V: Footage of Duke being interviewed by Hashimoto. Hashimoto asks Duke if people see him as a "hater." Duke says that some people think of him as a "hater." Duke says that he is sorry if some people feel that way. Duke says that he does not hate anyone; that he want the country to work for everybody. Duke says that the country's liberal social policies have not worked. Footage of Duke speaking from the podium at the Old South Meeting House. Audio of audience members making noise. Duke condemns the nation's welfare program. Hashimoto reports that Duke repeatedly refers to the underclass. Hashimoto reports that Duke believes that the underclass is a burden to society. Hashimoto says that Duke is haunted by his past and by his present rhetoric. V: Footage of Duke being interviewed by Hashimoto. Duke says that he has felt hatred in the past; that he regrets that hatred. Duke says that he has evolved and grown. Duke says that he is a Christian; that he has been "made new" by Christ. Hashimoto reports that Duke took calls on a WHDH radio show with Ted O'Brien (radio personality); that Duke was not rattled by callers. V: Footage of Duke in a radio studio. Duke speaks into a broadcaster's microphone. Duke says that affirmative action is discrimination against white people; that affirmative action is wrong. Duke says that discrimination against African Americans is also wrong. Duke says that voters have a right to question his past. Duke says that his past should not be the only issue. Duke says that Edward Kennedy (US Senator) overcame Chappaquiddick; that Duke should be able to overcome his past. Duke says that the first child born in New Orleans this year was the eighth illegitimate child of a local woman. Duke says that there are differences between the various chapters of the Ku Klux Klan; that none of the members of his chapter were ever accused of harming a minority. Shot of O'Brien in the studio. Footage of Duke being interviewed by Hashimoto. Duke says that he never hated all African Americans and Jews; that he felt hatred toward those who committed robbery and rape in the South. Hashimoto asks if those criminals were African American or Jewish. Duke says no. Hashimoto reports that a Duke supporter clashed with protesters during Duke's speech at the Old South Meeting House; that Duke's speech was a sideshow. V: Shots of police and media in the balcony of the Old South Meeting House. Police are breaking up a fight. The crowd mills around. Hashimoto stands in the Old South Meeting House. The audience boos and whistles at Duke. Duke is visible at the podium. Hashimoto reports that Duke's white rights agenda was not well received publicly in Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1991
Description: Kim Reid , a student at Brighton High School, sits with a group of students in a classroom. The students talk about school activities and look at yearbooks while discussing a movie they saw on television. Another group of students in the classroom also look at yearbooks. This tape also includes footage of Reid exiting Brighton High School and boarding a school bus outside.
1:00:00: Visual: Kim Reid (Brighton High School student) sits with a three white and Hispanic students in a classroom at Brighton High School. They talk about ordering sweatshirts to sell at school. The students talk about scheduling meetings after school. Another student points out that Kim needs to know about meetings in advance because she needs to arrange transportation home. The students talk about choosing a theme for their class night. A female student seated across from Kim looks at a yearbook. A racially diverse group of boys is seated near Kim's group. A white teacher arranges files and papers at her desk. Kim's group continues to talk to one another. Kim's group looks at a yearbook. Close-up shot of Kim. The students talk about the upcoming prom. Shots of a girl turning pages of the yearbook. Kim opens the yearbook in front of her. Kim says that she knows fewer people now than she did in the ninth grade. The group identifies and talks about the people in the yearbook. The group of boys also look at yearbooks. 1:08:24: V: Kim walks over to the teacher's desk. She looks for a book on the teacher's desk. The crew sets up a shot of Kim walking across the room with a book. Kim sits down with her group. Kim and the other students talk about a TV movie. Shots of the two other girls in Kim's group. Shots of the group of boys talking to one another. 1:14:00: V: Shots of the exterior of Brighton High School; of school buses waiting on Warren Street in front of the school. An African American male student jokes around with the camera crew. Kim descends the stairs toward the buses with a group of African American and Asian American students. The students wave and talk to the camera crew as they board the buses. A police officer stands against the fence on the sidewalk. Kim walks toward her bus. The camera crew does a three takes of Kim and other students boarding the buses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1985
Description: Silent footage of African American children entering school and in a classroom, with mostly African American children and white teachers. A Mattapan family sits around the kitchen table, parents helping son with math homework. Father and mother speak about the changes caused by court ordered busing and their efforts with parent groups in the community. Reporter reasks questions for cutaway edits. Gerald Ford speech, image goes in and out while audio plays. Interview with man about how busing will affect his daughter and his efforts to keep the Lowell School open. Exteriors of a house, neighborhood environs, and closeup on Colorado St. sign. Footage of a young African American girl walking to school. More b-roll of classroom scenes. Students exiting Phineas Bates School building. Construction site (possibly where new school complex will be built). Closeup on Livermore St. sign and Charles Logue School sign. Mix of silent and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/15/1974
Description: Deborah Wang reports that a delegation of forty residents from Yonkers, New York, visited Boston to learn about the city's approach to public housing. The delegation toured Boston's model housing projects, which contain a mix of low-, middle- and upper-income units. Wang reports that the city of Yonkers is divided over the issue of mixed-income public housing and affordable housing. She reviews the public housing situation in Yonkers. Wang's report includes footage of the city of Yonkers and footage of the Yonkers delegation discussing housing at a meeting with Amy Anthony (Secretary of Communities and Development for the City of Boston). Charles Cola (Yonkers City Council), Anthony DiPopallo and JoAnne Gardner (Yonkers resident) talk about public housing in Yonkers and in Boston. Boston Mayor Ray Flynn addressed the delegation about Boston's efforts to provide affordable housing for city residents. Members of the delegation, including Peter Chema and Mel Ellen, talk about their impressions of the visit.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage of Yonkers residents exiting a bus in a Boston neighborhood. Deborah Wang reports that a delegation of forty residents from Yonkers, NY, arrived in Boston to see how Boston has solved its public housing dilemma. V: Footage of Yonkers from "We the People." Shots of a school bus traveling on a street in Yonkers; of a residential street in Yonkers; of housing projects in Yonkers. Wang reports that the city of Yonkers has agreed to build 800 units of affordable housing in the city's predominantly white East End; that the city's affordable housing had all been built in the less affluent West End. Wang reports that the city of Yonkers is divided over the issue of affordable housing. V: Footage of Charles Cola (Yonkers City Council) saying that he wanted to see how public housing works in Boston; that he hopes to accomplish the same thing in Yonkers. Footage of Anthony DiPopallo (Yonkers resident) talking about the integration of public housing in Yonkers. Footage of JoAnne Gardner (Yonkers resident) saying that the city of Yonkers needs to need to build affordable housing according to the wishes of neighborhood residents. Gardner says that she does not want to be bused across town to live. Amy Anthony (Secretary of Communities and Development) responds to Gardner. Anthony says that the Yonkers residents need to look at what was done in Boston and then apply it to their own neighborhoods. Wang reports that delegation from Yonkers toured the city of Boston's model housing projects; that the housing projects contain a mix of low-income, middle-income and upper-income units. Wang reports that the city of Boston has been ordered to build 800 units of mixed-income housing; that the city of Boston has been building mixed-income housing for years. V: Shots of construction site; of the exterior of a housing development in Mission Hill. Wang reports that the city helped to build 165 units of mixed-income housing in Mission Hill; that half of the units will go to low- and moderate-income residents. V: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) addressing the delegation from Yonkers. Flynn talks about one of the housing developments. Flynn talks about the efforts of the city and the community to turn a vacant lot into a housing development. Shots of the delegation from Yonkers as they tour a housing development. Wang reports that the politicians in the Yonkers delegation were impressed. V: Shot of Flynn speaking to members of the delegation. Footage of Peter Chema (Yonkers City Council) saying that it is helpful to see successful mixed-income housing developments. Chema says that the visit to Boston has allayed some of the fears of opponents of mixed-income units in Yonkers. Footage of Mel Ellen (Yonkers resident), DiPopallo and other members of the delegation standing near their bus. Ellen says that a Boston housing development would be a "slum" in East Yonkers. Footage of Ellen talking to a reporter. Ellen says that the government is using Yonkers to experiment with new forms of public housing; that the residents of Yonkers have no recourse if the "experiment" does not work. Footage of Anthony saying that the Boston tour has given the Yonkers delegation an idea of what is possible. Shot of a drawing of a drawing of an urban cityscape.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1988