Description: Review of the first few years of court ordered desgregation, including explosion of racism and violence, and the heavy police patrol required to keep things under control. Garrity is still in charge of the Boston schools. Although things are more quiet, and certain programs are working , like magnet schools, a high percentage of Boston students are still significantly under the national average. The Boston school system is also still overwhelmingly made up of minority students. Black parents propose ‘freedom of choice’ plan. Interviews with Robert Peterkin, Robert Spillane, and other officials. Classroom scenes of the current school system,highlighting Mildred Reed and her daughter Kim. They are Jamaica Plain residents, and Kim is bused to Brighton High School. Interview with Kim, where she talks about the benefits of being bused. Scenes of Kim getting on the bus, the bus ride, and in school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/11/1984
Description: Boston neighborhood scenes. Reporter standup on the battle between the public housing tenants, Boston Housing Authority, and the Massachusetts legislature on who is responsibly for complying with Judge Garrity's law. Women at a press conference talk about cost of living. Mix of silent and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/22/1973
Description: Sound goes in and out. Footage of a meeting of the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Heated argument between Mr. Ashe and Mr. Kiley. Other members speak. During the meeting, a member of the public housing tenants community makes a speech, and other tenants sit-in and demand the resignation of the chairman. Another man gives a speech for the rights of the tenants to a large audience. Mostly demolished building. Interview with a man on the tenants movement against the BRA, particularly the Tent City protest. Bishop Stokes of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts presents a check for $10,000 to the leaders of the tenants movement. Footage of people demonstrating at the lot at the corner of Dartmouth and Columbus in the South End. Footage of the remnants of Tent City, with reporter voice over. Close up shots of dangerous housing. Young people building structures of sticks and plastic tarps. Footage of Tent City. More of the interview with man on community involvement with the BRA planning. Interview with Mr. Rollins and another man on their protest of the BRA, after their arrests. People disassembling Tent City. Interview with BRA official on community relations with urban renewal projects. He talks about Ed Logue's work. Then he makes a statement about the state of the BRA when he took office.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/1968
Description: Hope Kelly reports that the Tent City Housing Complex in the South End will soon open. She notes that the housing complex is named for the protests that began on the site twenty years before. Kelly reviews the history of the Tent City site. Kelly's report includes photos of the protests at the Tent City site in the 1960s. Kelly interviews Betty Meredith (Executive Director, Tent City Corporation) and Michael Kane (Chairman, Tent City Corporation) outside of the housing complex. Kane and Meredith talk about the struggle by South End residents to get the housing complex built. Kane says that affordable housing was not a priority in this part of the city until now. Kelly interviews Mel King (community activist) about the Tent City site. Kelly reports that Copley Place was developed while the Tent City site was ignored. Kelly's report includes a time-lapse arrangement of shots documenting the construction of Copley Place. Kelly reports that 75% of the units in the housing complex are low- and moderate-income units. Kelly interviews Sophie Iglesias (Marketing Director) and Florcie Versailles (Tent City resident) about the housing complex..,
1:00:19: Visual: Shots from the window of a building on Copley Place. Shots of the high-rise buildings near Copley Place; of the South End. Hope Kelly reports on the long-standing controversy surrounding the Tent City site in the South End. V: Footage of Betty Meredith (Executive Director, Tent City Corporation) sitting outside of the Tent City Housing Development. Meredith says that she knew that South End residents would have to fight to get the housing development built. Shot of a man approaching the entrance to the Tent City Development with balloons in his hand. Shots of the exterior of the Tent City Housing Complex. Kelly reports that the Tent City Housing Complex will open tomorrow; that the housing complex is named for the protests that began on the site twenty years ago. Kelly reports that the city of Boston sold a parcel of land in the South End to William Fitzgerald (former Fire Commissioner of the City of Boston) in the 1960s; that Fitzgerald tore down the buildings on the land to make a parking lot. Kelly reports that the buildings on the land had been the homes and residences of many African American South End residents. Kelly notes that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) had promised to replace the buildings in 1965; that South End residents began to protest on the site in 1968 because nothing had been built. V: Shots of South End residents protesting on the Tent City site; of a protest sign on the Tent City site reading, "People, not cars. This is a place where homes should be." Shots of graffiti on a building reading, "BRA, go away." Shots of police officers on the Tent City site; of tents erected to house the protesters; of Mel King (community activist) being arrested by police on the Tent City site. Footage of Mel King in the South End. King says that the protesters did not believe that the city should allow people to be displaced in order to build parking lots. Kelly reports that Meredith was one of the original Tent City protesters; that Michael Kane (Chairman, Tent City Corporation) joined the protest in the 1970s because nothing had been built. V: Footage of Kelly interviewing Meredith and Kane outside of the development. Footage of Kane saying that the protesters had to block the city from building market-rate housing and a 1400-car parking garage on the site. Kelly reports that the city developed the Copley Place area while ignoring the Tent City site. V: Shot of the Tent City site in the early 1980s. A time-lapse arrangement of shots shows the construction of buildings on Copley Place. Footage of Meredith saying that the protesters had to wait a long time for the development to be built because they did not have the money to develop the land themselves. Footage of Kane saying that affordable housing was not a priority in this part of the city during the 1970s. Kelly reports that Kane and Meredith give Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) credit for the development of the Tent City site. V: Shots of the exterior of the Tent City Housing Complex. Kelly reports that there are 369 units in the Tent City development; that 75% of the units are low- and moderate-income units; that 25% of the units are market rate. V: Footage of Sophie Iglesias (Marketing Director) standing in an apartment in the Tent City Housing Complex. Iglesias says that this one-bedroom apartment has a market rate of $1,000 per month. Shots of the exterior of the housing complex. Kelly reports that low- and moderate-income renters will pay one-third of their income; that some renters will pay as little as $200 per month. V: Footage of Iglesias saying that people are not fully aware of the great need for affordable housing in the city of Boston. Footage of Meredith saying that over 6,000 people applied for the low- and moderate-income units. Kelly reports that priority is given to former South End residents who have been displaced. V: Footage of Kelly interviewing Florcie Versailles (Tent City resident). Versailles says that she would not be able to afford to live in Tent City without help from the government. Shot of Versailles in the lobby of the housing developement. Versailles pushes a child in a stroller. Footage of Meredith saying that the housing development took a long time to build; that the development will be a nice place for people to live.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/29/1988
Description: Low-income residents line up to become potential South End homeowners in Tent City project. Photographs from the 1968 tent city protest. Interviews with applicants and Tent City administrations on affordable housing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/13/1987
Description: Several takes of reporter standup. History of the struggle to develop low income housing on the South End site where the Tent City Corporation is fighting to build. South End environs. Sign for a community garden. Construction workers and equipment starting work at Tent City construction site. Equal Housing Opportunity bulletin. South End apartment buildings. Residents in front of apartments and on balconies. Coffin with "Broke BRA Promises" written on it. Interview with Tent City Corporation representative on their efforts.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/22/1981
Description: B-roll of suspect in the Mahoney Family Murder case, Terence Milan, entering and leaving building. Picture dark in some areas with high contrast. Silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/01/1976
Description: Several takes of reporter standup. Report on the "domino effect" created by the swearing in of ex-auditor Thaddues Buczko as a judge. John Finnegan will most likely replace him, and then someone else will have to replace Finnegan. B-roll of Speaker of the House Thomas McGee, President of the Senate William Bulger, and other state legislators in the State House Chambers. Buczko's swearing in ceremony. Bulger, McGee, and Governor King preside over the ceremony. McGee makes a heartfelt speech about his admiration for Buczko. King swears in Buczko. Buczko addresses the audience. A judge also addresses the audience.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/11/1981
Description: Part of an interview with state auditor Thaddeus Buczko in his office. He discusses how audit reports newly evaluate some key legal obligations of state agencies, such as affirmative action and privacy statutes.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/16/1977
Description: Christopher Lydon introduces a report on "the five Bostons," which includes analysis of voter turnout and voting habits in the various neighborhoods of Boston. The neighborhoods include Italian Boston, black Boston, liberal Boston, Irish East and Irish West. The report analyzes voter support for mayoral candidates in each neighborhood and includes interviews with voters in each neighborhood. Lydon notes that Italian Boston includes East Boston and the North End. Lydon talks about the remote location of East Boston. His report includes interviews with Anna De Fronzo (East Boston community activist) and George DiLorenzo (former State Representative). Lydon reports that Kevin White (Mayor of Boston) has a lot of support in East Boston; that Dennis Kearney (candidate for mayor of Boston) is a favorite in the neighborhood. Lydon explains that liberal Boston is a mix of wealthy residents, students, blue-collar families and young professionals; that voter turnout is often low. Lydon interviews John Winthrop Sears (former candidate for governor of Massachusetts), Thomas Vallely (State Representative) and Veronica Smith (Allston community activist). Lydon notes that the support of voters in liberal Boston is split among a several candidates. Lydon reports on a renewal of political activity in black Boston, and notes that there is a high percentage of newly registered voters in the African American neighborhoods. The report includes interviews with Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) and Kay Gibbs (South End political activist). Stith and Gibbs talk about the candidacy of Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) as well as opposition to King's candidacy, led by Mel Miller (publisher, The Bay State Banner). Lydon reports that Irish East has the highest voter turnout in the city. He interviews Thomas Driscoll (South Boston political consultant) and Paul White (State Representative) for the report. Lydon notes that the support of voters in Irish East is split between Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston) and David Finnegan (candidate for mayor of Boston). Lydon reports that Irish West is a residential neighborhood with many middle-class residents. The report includes interviews with Richard Sinnott (Hyde Park Tribune), Joseph Timilty (State Senator), and Maura Hennigan (Boston City Council). Lydon notes that the support of Irish West voters is split between Flynn and Finnegan; that King may receive the votes of Latino residents. Lydon reports that White is a West Roxbury native, but never had the full support of neighborhood residents.
1:00:09: The logos of The Ten O'Clock News underwriters New England Telephone and Shawmut Brokerage Services are displayed. Opening credits for The Ten O'Clock News. Christopher Lydon introduces a report on "The Five Bostons." 1:00:58: Anna De Fronzo (East Boston community activist) compares East Boston's remote location to that of Siberia. Visual: Shot of a map of Boston with East Boston highlighted in yellow. Lydon reports that the Italian population of Boston lives in the North End and East Boston. V: Shots of three older men sitting near a wall; of a yard with a Virgin Mary statue in East Boston; of the Boston skyline viewed from a street in East Boston. Lydon reports that "Italian" Boston has 8% of the city's registered voters; that "Italian" Boston has good voting habits and could account for 10% of the votes in the mayoral race. Lydon reports that there is no political issue to rally the residents of East Boston this year; that controversy over school desegregation and airport expansion have died down. V: Shots of older women in East Boston; of Logan airport as viewed from East Boston; of streets in East Boston. Lydon reports that Italian American candidates have always found favor in East Boston; that Dennis Kearney (candidate for mayor of Boston) is a resident of Eagle Hill and has a lot of support in East Boston. V: Shot of Kearney campaign sign. Footage of East Boston residents voicing their support for Kearney. Lydon reports that there are residents of ethnicities other than Italian; that many East Boston residents will vote for one of their own. Lydon reports that Eloise Linger (Socialist candidate for mayor of Boston) has more supporters in East Boston than Lawrence DiCara (candidate for mayor of Boston); that Linger lives in East Boston while DiCara lives in Dorchester. V: Footage of De Fronzo saying that Italian Americans are apt to vote for candidates of other nationalities. Lydon stands on an East Boston street with the Boston skyline visible. He reports that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) gained support in East Boston when he supported action by the anti-airport movement; that East Boston received attention from the White administration in return for their support of White. V: Traveling shot of an East Boston street. Footage of George DiLorenzo (Former State Representative from East Boston) talking about the great number of jobs given to East Boston residents by White. DiLorenzo says that White appointed three city commissioners from East Boston; that other mayors did not give key positions to East Bostonians. DiLorenzo says that the White political organization in East Boston was the strongest political organization that he has ever seen; that John "Dee Dee" Coviello (East Boston political organizer) is responsible for uniting the community behind White. Footage of De Fronzo saying that she does not think any of the candidates will garner the kind of support that White had in East Boston; that some of the candidates will ignore East Boston if elected mayor. 1:05:57: V: Footage of Lydon interviewing John Winthrop Sears (former Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Sears says that his part of Boston is progressive and not afraid of change. Shot of a map of Boston with "liberal" Boston highlighted in blue. Shots of a street in the Back Bay; of Kenmore Square; of an upscale apartment building. Lydon says that "liberal" Boston stretches from Chinatown through Beacon Hill and the Back Bay to Kenmore Square and Cleveland Circle. Lydon reports that "liberal" Boston is multi-ethnic; with many single residents including students and the elderly. Lydon stands on a leafy street lined with brownstones. He reports that "liberal" Boston is made up of white precincts which do not vote according to racial lines; that "liberal" Boston never supported Louise Day Hicks (former Boston City Councilwoman). Lydon reports that "liberal" Boston usually has a large population with a poor voter turnout. V: Footage of Lydon interviewing residents about their voting habits. Most residents do not vote or have not yet registered to vote. Footage of Sears talking about residents of "liberal" Boston who vote in other states. Sears says that the inheritance laws in Massachusetts have driven wealthy voters to declare a primary residence elsewhere. Footage of Thomas Vallely (State Representative from the Back Bay) saying that the Back Bay community is made up of wealthy residents; that his constituents voted for Proposition 2 1/2; that the Back Bay has a vibrant gay community; that his constituents seem more concerned with national politics than local politics. Shot of a resident at DeLuca's Market in Beacon Hill. Lydon stands on the corner of Commonwealth and Harvard Avenues in Allston. Lydon reports that there are blue-collar families, students and the elderly in Allston; that young professionals are moving into the area. Lydon reports that Thomas Gallagher (State Representative) came to Allston as an out-of-state student; that he beat a local politician for the office of state representative. V: Footage of Veronica Smith (Allston community activist) saying that Gallagher is popular with the students and young professionals. Smith says that she cannot predict which mayoral candidate is the most popular in Allston. Footage of Sears saying that DiCara is popular among many voters now that Robert Kiley (former Deputy Mayor of Boston) has dropped out of the race. Footage of Vallely analyzing his constituents response to the candidacies of Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston), Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston), and David Finnegan (candidate for mayor of Boston). Lydon reports that "liberal" Boston will lose a mayor when White leaves office. V: Footage of White walking his dog in the Boston Public Gardens. Footage of Vallely saying that White was a "friend" to the community. Footage of Sears saying that White's presence in the neighborhood will be missed; that White is tired after a long political career. 1:12:46: V: Footage of Reverend Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) talking about a renewal in African American political activity in Boston and around the nation. Shot of a map of Boston with "black" Boston colored in pink. Lydon reports that "black" Boston comprises 20% of the city; that "black" Boston has spread from Mission Hill to Mattapan and Dorchester. V: Shots of a train on elevated tracks along Washington Street; of White campaigning in African American neighborhoods. Lydon says that "black" Boston had been a cornerstone of White's coalition during his four mayoral campaigns. Lydon reports from a street corner in "black" Boston. A train passes by on the elevated tracks behind him. Lydon reports that "black" Boston usually has a low voter turnout; that "black" Boston has high percentage of newly registered voters this year. Lydon says that the percentage of African American registered voters is now slightly higher than the percentage of white registered voters. V: Footage of African American residents voicing their support for Mel King. Shots of African American residents getting on an MBTA bus; of a Bay State Banner editorial endorsing David Finnegan. Lydon reports that Bruce Wall (African American minister) and Mel Miller (publisher, The Bay State Banner) have not supported King's candidacy. V: Footage of Stith talking about Miller's endorsement of Finnegan. Stith says that most voters are supporting King. Footage of Kay Gibbs (South End political activist) saying that African American voters believe in King's candidacy; that African American mayors have been elected in city's across the nation; that Miller has been discredited because he is a Finnegan supporter who has never supported an African American candidate for any city office. Lydon reports that King is not well rooted in African American church life; that many African Americans were turned off by his wardrobe. V: Shots of King; of a religious service in an African American church; of African American churchgoers outside of a church. Footage of Gibbs saying that middle-class African Americans had reservations about King at first; that all African American voters are now confident in King's ability to represent the African American community. Gibbs says that King does not think like a middle-class candidate; that he sees himself as a "champion of the underdog." Lydon reports that the African American community has undergone a change in its thinking about political candidates. V: Footage of Stith saying that increased voter turnout and political participation establishes the African American community as a political entity; that the African American community benefits from King's campaign even if he loses. 1:19:01: V: Footage of "Irish East" voters voicing their support for Flynn and Finnegan. Lydon reports that "Irish East" includes Charlestown, South Boston and parts of Dorchester. V: Shots of streets in South Boston and Dorchester. Lydon reports that "Irish East" has the highest voter turnout in the city; that "Irish East" has 1/8th of the city's population and 1/5th of the city's registered voters; that it will account for 1/4th of the voter turnout in the mayoral primary. V: Traveling shot of the Boston skyline. Lydon reports from a street in South Boston. Boston Harbor is visible behind him. Lydon reviews the voting patterns of "Irish East" in recent presidential and gubernatorial elections. Lydon says that "Irish East" often votes for losing candidates like George McGovern (presidential candidate in 1972), Gerald Ford (presidential candidate in 1976) and Ed King (Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate in 1982). Lydon reports that "Irish East" has voted for unsuccessful mayoral candidates like Joe Powers, Louise Day Hicks and Joseph Timilty. Lydon reports that "Irish East" has two of their own as candidates for mayor this year. V: Footage of "Irish East" voters voicing support for Flynn and Finnegan. Footage of Thomas Driscoll (South Boston political consultant) saying that there might be confusion between the "old" Flynn and the "new" Flynn; that Flynn is now a progressive candidate; that the "old" Flynn was an anti-busing, anti-abortion candidate. Footage of Paul White (State Representative from Dorchester) saying that Finnegan has a lot of support in the Dorchester community. White talks about Finnegan's connections to St. Ann's parish. Shots of South Boston. Footage of Driscoll talking about strong neighborhood connections in South Boston. Driscoll predicts that Flynn will get 60% - 75% of the vote in South Boston. Lydon reports from the corner of Adams Street and Gallivan Boulevard in Dorchester. Lydon says that "Irish East" has been out of political favor for a long time; that they now have two strong mayoral candidates. V: Footage of White talking about how Dorchester would benefit from having a Dorchester native as mayor of Boston. White says that Dorchester would claim Finnegan as a native son, even though he now lives in West Roxbury. 1:25:08: V: Footage of Richard Sinnott (Hyde Park Tribune) talking about the neighborhoods of Roslindale and West Roxbury. Shot of a map of Boston with "Irish West" colored in green. Lydon reports that the "Irish West" neighborhoods include the"city suburbs" west of the orange line; that a majority of the residents are Irish American; that there are also Polish, Greek and Lebanese residents. V: Shot of Casa Beirut restaurant. Traveling shot of a residential street in "Irish West." Lydon reports that most residents own their own homes in "Irish West"; that Brighton is included in "Irish West." Lydon notes that "Irish West" traditionally has a very high voter turnout. V: Shots of residents boarding an MBTA bus; of residents walking on a street. Lydon reports that many "Irish West" voters are civil servants, police officers, and teachers; that politics are important to these voters. V: Footage of Sinnott saying that the community benefits from good city services; that "Irish West" voters are not concerned with "linkage"; that displacement and housing for the elderly are important issues in the community. Footage of Joseph Timilty (State Senator) saying that property values declined during the busing crisis; that property values have risen again. Lydon reports that the Forest Hills area has some Latino voters and "new gentry"; that some of these voters may vote for Mel King. V: Shots of urban streets; of Latino children playing on a sidewalk. Lydon reports from a street in front of a church in "Irish West." Lydon notes that most "Irish West" voters support either Ray Flynn or David Finnegan; that Finnegan seems to be the favorite in "Irish West." Lydon notes that Finnegan moved from Dorchester to West Roxbury to raise his family; that Finnegan has connections in "Irish East" and "Irish West." Lydon notes that most of Boston's Irish mayors have come from "Irish West." Lydon mentions former Boston mayors White, John Collins, Maurice Tobin and James Michael Curley. V: Footage of Maura Hennigan (Boston City Council) saying that Curley's legacy lives on in Jamaica Plain. Footage of "Irish West" voters voicing support for Finnegan and Flynn. A few voters voice support for Mel King and Dennis Kearney. Footage of Sinnott saying that White never had the full support of the "Irish West" community; that White was a good mayor. Lydon reports from a park. A football team practices on a field behind him. Lydon says that White was a West Roxbury native; that White always had to fight for votes in "Irish West"; that residents have mixed feelings about White. V: Footage of Timilty saying that White will be remembered fondly with the passage of time. Footage of Sinnott saying that White was "a working mayor as well as a dancing mayor." 1:30:29: V: Footage of city residents voicing support for the candidate of their choice. Closing credits roll. The logos of The Ten O'Clock News underwriters New England Telephone ,and Shawmut Brokerage Services are displayed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/10/1983