Description: Footage of women swimming laps in pool, and women playing volleyball. Interview with woman from Harvard on the importance of Title IX. Interview with woman from Boston State on students who play sports while in college. B-roll of men and women swimming laps, swimming coaches at the side of the pool, big timer. Additional footage from interviews and silent cutaways of Natalie Jacobson. Footage of women rowing on the Charles river. Mix of silent, sound, and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/15/1975
Description: Slug: "12/28/73 - Tobin Bridge Feature by Bob Clinkscale." Overview of the Mystic River Bridge, also known as the Maurice J. Tobin Memorial Bridge, collapse in 1973. Footage includes shots of the collapsed section of the bridge, traffic backed up, construction crews working on the bridge, a train and a bus, aerial views of the highway, a man making a statement about weight permits for trucks, silent b-roll of cars and trucks at the bridge toll booth and on the road, shots of the gravel truck which crashed into a support causing the bridge collapse, police and firemen removing the driver's body and carrying the body bag away, aerial view of the bridge, more shots of the collapsed area of the bridge, trucks on various roads. Mix of sound, silent, and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/28/1973
Description: Pam Bullard reports on the Tobin Elementary School, which is located near the Mission Hill Housing Project.Bullard reports that 75 white children are bused into the Tobin school with no problems. Interviews with students and teachers talking about how much they like the school. Bullard reports that Charlie Gibbons, the principal, encourages teachers to develop innovative programs for students. During the report Principal Gibbons was in Puerto Rico learning about the schools there to better be able to serve the Latino students at his school. Bullard notes that the school has a good atmosphere and enjoys a good rapport with the community.
9:50:07: Visual: Shots of street sign for Tobin Ct.; of the Mission Hill Housing Project. Pam Bullard reports that the Mission Hill Housing Project is in one of Boston's toughest neighborhoods; that racial fighting occurred there two weeks before school opened; that the housing project is in the heart of a depressed neighborhood. Bullard reports that the Tobin Elementary School is located near the housing project. V: Footage of an African American male student (Derek) saying that he has attended the Tobin School for four years; that he knows all of the teachers and gets along with them; that the school is special because of the teachers, the kids, and the field trips. A white male student (Richard) says that Derek is his friend; that he likes the Tobin school; that he has fun taking the bus everyday; that he has met a lot of new people. Bullard reports that Charlie Gibbons (principal, Tobin School) and his assistant are in Puerto Rico; that they are learning about the Puerto Rican school system in order to understand the needs of Spanish-speaking students; that Gibbons and his assistant are paying for their own trips. V: Shots of Gibbons' office; of a button reading "I go to the best - Tobin School, Roxbury"; of a thank-you note written to Gibbons from the students. Bullard reports that the Tobin School has extensive reading and physical education programs set up with Boston University; that there is a program for dental care set up with the Harvard Dental school; that the Tobin School has one of the city's best bilingual programs; that the students receive a lot of individual attention. Bullard reports that Gibbons and the teachers at the Tobin set up most of these programs themselves. V: Footage of student reading Spanish; of a student writing on a chalkboard; of bilingual posters in a classroom. Footage of a teacher at a chalkboard; of students in classroom. A white female teacher says that the students respond well to the school's programs; that she tries to give the students individual attention; that she likes the students and the parents at the Tobin. Footage of children playing learning games. An African American female teacher says that she agrees with Gibbons that the Tobin is the best school in Boston; that the Tobin has a warm atmosphere, a good faculty and a lot of support from the community. An African American male student says that he likes the Tobin because he learns things. Bullard reports that the Tobin school is located in a predominantly African American neighborhood; that 75 white students have been bused in with no problems; that students and teachers like the school very much. V: Footage of children playing on a field outside of the school. The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is visible.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/26/1976
Description: Story about Tom Seaver coming to the Red Sox. Seaver at a press conference, older footage of Seaver playing baseball, excerpts from Red Sox games. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 06/30/1986
Description: Boston police car marked “towing enforcement.” Sign at tow lot on Albany Street listing charges of $12 plus hourly storage fees. Interview on creation of Parking Violations Bureau to consolidate enforcement and collection of fines. Cost of unpaid ticket will double after 21 days. Denver boot used to immobilize cars of scofflaws. Police commissioner Joseph Jordan announces clamp down on illegal parking in city. Cavalcade of police tow trucks enter lot carrying vehicles.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1977
Description: Boats on the water. Sunbathers sit on the grass along the water. Two dogs playing in the river. Highway traffic. Cars, motorcycle, station wagon towing a boat. Traffic signs near Cape Cod. Rotary sign. Traffic driving onto the Bourne Bridge. Mix of silent and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/28/1976
Description: Commuter train collides with freight train on Allston train tracks by the Massachusetts Turnpike. Investigation in to the cause of the crash. Conrail is responsible for both the freight train and the T commuter rail. After the edited story,there is part of another edited story about the Massachusetts State government.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/07/1986
Description: Interiors of Boston City Hall. Kevin White holds press conference on the Tregor Bill. Exteriors of Boston City Hall from several angles. Kevin White answers questions from the press. He specifically talks about the role of the fire department union in the Tregor Bill negotiations. Interview with man answering further questions on the legal and staffing issues concerning the Tregor Bill.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1981
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the Madison Park High School Choir's tribute to Roland Hayes, who was the first African American singer to achieve recognition on the classical stage. Interviews with members of the choir about Hayes' legacy. Footage of the choir's performance. Kelly reviews Hayes's career, accompanied by photos and footage of Hayes. The Roland Hayes Music Center is based at Madison Park High School. Interviews with Elma Lewis, Robert Winfrey, who is the Director, of the Music Center, Anthony Walker, who is a graduate of the Music Center, and Afrika Hayes, the daughter of Roland Hayes. They discuss Hayes's music and legacy.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of an African American male member of the Madison Park High School Choir talking about the determination of Roland Hayes (African American classical singer); of an African American female member of the choir also talking about Hayes' determination to succeed; of a white female member of the choir talking about how Hayes's music breaks down barriers between the races. Footage of the Madison Park High School Choir singing "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory." Hope Kelly reports that the Madison Park High School Choir paid tribute to Hayes, who was the first African American man to be accepted on the classical stage. V: Black and white footage of Hayes singing. Shot of black and white photos of Hayes. Audio of Hayes singing accompanies the photos. Footage of Elma Lewis (African American community leader) saying that Hayes sang traditional spirituals; that Hayes's voice was pure, emotional, and spiritual. Footage of Robert Winfrey (Director, Roland Hayes Music Center) talking about the experience of learning from Hayes. Kelly notes that the Roland Hayes Music Center is based at Madison Park High School. V: Footage of two graduates of the Roland Hayes Music Center standing at the front of the Madison Park High School Choir. The two singers sing solo pieces. Shot of the audience. Footage of Anthony Walker (graduate of the Roland Hayes Music Center) saying that Hayes's music is performed in the same way as classical music or opera; that Hayes' music is "a black form of music," meant to be performed with dignity. Shot of a portrait of Hayes. Shots of the Madison Park High School Choir. Kelly reports that Hayes legitimized the performance of black spirituals on stage. V: Footage of Afrika Hayes (daughter of Roland Hayes) saying that her father was not an "activist"; that he quietly set about achieving his goals. Footage of the performance of the Madison Park High School choir. Footage of Afrika Hayes noting that her father's music is being performed by a mixed race choir from Madison Park High School; that people of all races are embracing his music. Afrika Hayes says that she wishes her father could be here today to see the choir. Footage of the choir's performance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1987
Description: Footage shot from car driving westbound on Commonwealth Avenue beyond Boston University, parallel to green line trolley with cigarette ads on side. Driver swears at other cars in traffic. Driver, reporter, and camera operator discuss best ways to shoot. Pass Tech HiFi, Tweeter, Firestone Tire. Trolley curves away toward left at Packard's Corner. Inbound trolley stops to admit passengers. Two trolleys pass each other in opposite directions. Yellow MBTA bus at Charles Circle. Red line train crosses Longfellow Bridge over Charles River toward Cambridge. Sound of metal wheels on tracks. People get on bus to Porter Square.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/14/1976