Description: Young children entering school. Buses pulls up and children exit buses and walk up stairs into school yard. Exteriors of the William Monroe Trotter School. Young, racially mixed students in Trotter School classroom. Teachers working with an individual student on a math word problem. Close ups on the decorations on the classroom walls.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/11/1975
Description: Man speaks to the press about his role in a hearing. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/22/1973
Description: A tractor trailer drove off the road. Men at the scenes. Cones marks the spot of the accident along the highway. Wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1976
Description: Footage of traffic on the highway, several shots of a smashed truck, broken sand bins on the side of the road, Police directing traffic. Wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/03/1976
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that Paul Tsongas addressed the members of the Organization for a New Equality (ONE) at a luncheon meeting. ONE is an organization committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. The members of ONE welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Tsongas criticized the policies of George Bush in his speech and has accused him of promoting a racially divisive agenda. Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Interview with Robert Reich (professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) about Tsongas' position on economic issues and education. Interview with Tsonga, who talks about the importance of education. Interviews with Dorchester residents Chico Joyner and Faries Odom about Tsongas.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Paul Tsongas (Democratic candidate for US President) at a luncheon for ONE (Organization for a New Equality). Tsongas walks to the podium as attendees applaud. Alexandra Marks reports that Tsongas is not known as a passionate speaker; that Tsongas showed his passion at a speech to ONE members. Marks reports that Tsongas spoke about the budget approved by the Massachusetts State Legislature. Marks notes that the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that his generation will be the first to give less to their children than they got. Tsongas says that his generation should be uncomfortable with this state of affairs. Tsongas says that the legislators should not congratulate themselves for balancing the budget by ruining the schools. Shots of attendees at the luncheon. Marks reports that the attendees welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Marks reports that ONE is committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that a politician needs to be "pro-business" in order to be "pro-jobs." Tsongas says that Democrats need to learn that it is hypocritical to be "pro-jobs" and "anti-business." Marks reports that Tsongas berated George Bush (US President) for championing ideology over common sense in supporting the previous day's Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Marks notes that the ruling upholds a federal regulation which forbids the mention of abortion in clinics where federal funds are used. V: Shots of Tsongas speaking; of attendees; of a cameraman at the conference. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for using the racially divisive Willie Horton advertisement in the 1988 presidential campaign. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for vetoing the Civil Rights Bill and for sabotaging efforts to salvage the bill. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that Bush opposed the Civil Rights Bill because he wants race to be an issue in the 1992 campaign. Marks stands on Blue Hill Avenue. Marks says that Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Marks says that Tsongas believes that government money is necessary to leverage private investment. Marks says that economists have mixed feelings about Tsongas' philosophy. V: Footage of Robert Reich (John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that the private sector in the US is globalizing quickly. Reich talks about the foreign activities of IBM and General Electric. Reich says that the government needs to be selective in its support of the private sector; that the government should not support companies who create jobs outside of the US. Marks reports that Reich believes that the key to economic development is to enhance the productive capabilities of individual Americans. V: Footage of Reich being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that education and infrastructure are important. Reich says that Tsongas emphasizes these things in his proposal. Footage of Tsongas being interviewed. Tsongas says that there is no future without education. Marks reports that some inner-city residents are supportive of Tsongas. V: Shots of Blue Hill Avenue. Footage of Chico Joyner (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Joyner says that most people will rebel against a tax increase. Joyner says that new businesses would help the community. Footage of Faries Odom (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Odom says that community involvement is crucial to the success of any initiatives in the neighborhood. Footage of Tsongas addressing attendees at the ONE luncheon. Tsongas says that all people are connected to one another; that people's actions have an affect on themselves and others. Marks reports that Tsongas intends to send this message during his presidential campaign; that Tsongas wants to fight against the racially divisive agenda of the Bush administration. V: Shot of Tsongas riding down an escalator with attendees. An African American man shakes his hand and wishes him luck.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1991
Description: Paul Tsongas holds a press conference, announcing that he will resign his Senate seat for health reason. His wife, Niki Tsongas, is at his side throughout, as are his two sisters and his brother in law. Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Tom McGee, stands behind him. Tsongas acknowledges the hard work of his staff. Crowd gives him a standing ovation. He takes questions from the press.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/12/1984
Description: Press conference where Paul Tsongas, Bobby Orr, Wayne Cashman, and Boston real estate developer Rosalind Gorin present information on their interactions with Delware North concerning buying both the Boston Bruins and the Boston Garden, to build a new arena by North Station.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/28/1985
Description: Tufts University officials and students stand on the university quadrangle near Ballou Hall. Ballou Hall is being occupied by student protesters. Meg Vaillancourt interviews Robert Elias (professor, Tufts University) about the student occupation of Ballou Hall. Elias talks about negotiations between student demonstrators and the university administration, which were initiated by the faculty. Elias says that many students are concerned about Tufts' divestment policy; he adds that the demonstration has been an educational experience. Elias says that he does not know how students will react to the administrations' proposals to end the occupation. Students and members of the media are gathered under the portico of Ballou Hall. Protest signs hang at the entrance to the building. A protest sign hanging at the entrance to the hall reads "Biko Hall." Tufts University police officers stand near the students under the portico of the building. Elias and two other people enter the building. Students in the foyer of the building begin to chant and sing. Police officers stand directly in front of the entrance to the building. The protesters are visible as they chant and sing.
1:00:00: Visual: Three men stand on the quadrangle at Tufts University, talking about the student apartheid protest. The noise of a protester speaking into a bullhorn is audible. Shot of a sign reading, "You've made your point. Now get out." The sign is hung from two trees on the quadrangle. Tents are set up across from Ballou Hall, near the sign on the quadrangle. A song by Bob Marley, "Get Up, Stand Up" plays from a radio. Students stand on the quad and in front of Ballou Hall. Ballou Hall has been occupied by students protesting the school's refusal to divest from South Africa. Small groups of students are gathered on the quad. Two white male students talk to one another on the quadrangle. Music by Bob Marley continues to play. An African American male in a red shirt speaks to a white male in a suit and tie. The African American male holds a pen and paper in his hand. Some white male students and another white male in a suit and tie are standing with the two men. 1:04:54: V: Meg Vaillancourt sets up an interview on the quadrangle with Professor Robert Elias (professor, Tufts University). Vaillancourt asks Elias about student support for the protesters. She also asks about the possibility of negotiations with the administration. Elias says that negotiations with the protesters were initiated by a small group of faculty members; that the president of the university approved a proposal put forth by the faculty; that the faculty members presented the proposal to the students. Elias says that the students agreed to give an answer on the proposal by 4:30 pm, if the administration would promise to keep the police out of the building. Elias notes that the faculty and administration are now waiting for the protesters' decision. Elias says that the divestment policy is a widespread concern among students; that the protest has drawn attention to the issue on campus. Elias says that the demonstration has served an educational purpose; that he will be sorry to see it end badly. Vaillancourt asks about the educational value of negotiations. Elias talks about a conflict resolution course which is being taught on campus. Elias says that the protesters had tried to communicate their position to the administration before resorting to the demonstration; that the protesters felt that they were not being heard by the administration. Vaillancourt refers to the the book, Getting To Yes, by Roger Fisher. Elias says that negotiations were necessary; that the administration and the protesters were locked in a stalemate. Vaillancourt asks if both sides "won" in the negotiations. Elias says that he does not know which side "won"; that he does not know how the protesters will react to the proposal by the administration. Vaillancourt closes the interview. 1:09:49: V: Members of the media sit on a low wall in front of Ballou Hall. They read the newspaper and talk to one another. Many have placed their cameras on the ground. 1:10:49: V: A group of people, including Elias and the African American man in the red shirt, is gathered in front of the entrance to Ballou Hall. A sign on the door to Ballou Hall reads, "The poeple united will never be defeated." A sign on one of the columns of the portico reads, "Down with racist pig-dogs." Groups of people standing beneath the portico talk casually to one another. Three Tufts University police officers stand in front of the doors to Ballou Hall. Elias and two other people enter the hall, passing behind the police officers. The crowd of students outside of the hall begins to clap rhythmically. Student protesters who had been inside of the building appear in the foyer of Ballou Hall. They sit down and begin to sing and clap. The police officers continue to block the entrance of the building. Shots of students sitting and standing behind the police officers. The students sing and clap. A sign above the entranceway reads, "The police close the doors if we talk to you." Someone closes the inner doors to the building. The students are behind the doors. 1:15:22: V: Close-up shot of a Tufts University Police Department logo on the uniform of a police officer. Two white male Tufts officials confer in front of the entrance to Ballou Hall. A sign hangs in front of the portico reading, "Biko Hall." The police officers stand casually beneath the portico. Student protesters are visible through the glass windows on the doors to Ballou Hall. The windows also reflect back the scene on the quad. Elias and the African American man in the red shirt exit Ballou Hall. The protesters stand in the foyer of Ballou Hall. They clap their hands and chant, "The people united will never be defeated." The students sit and stand in the entrance to the building, behind the police officers. The students hold hands. 1:18:13: V: The students occupying Ballou Hall are visible behind the police officers who are blocking the entrance. The students stand and clap their hands in unison to music. The students sing along with the song "Free Nelson Mandela." The police officers stand quietly in front of the students. Students and the media stand under the portico, facing the protesters inside the hall. Several students clap and sing along with the protesters inside the hall. The students begin to clap and chant, "The people united will never be defeated." Camera crews tape students inside the building. Students standing under the portico clap and chant. The students begin to chant, "Apartheid kills. Tufts pays the bills." Shots of individual students clapping and chanting." Students chant, "Apartheid no. Financial aid yes."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1985
Description: Student demonstrators occupy Ballou Hall at Tufts University to protest Tufts' refusal to divest completely from South Africa. Students sit and stand under the portico of the building while they chant and sing. Protesters are visible through the windows of the upper floors of the building. Protest signs hang at the door and in the windows of the building. A protest sign hanging at the entrance to the building renames it "Biko Hall." Tufts University police officers stand near the students under the portico of the building. A student hands out copies of a newspaper to passersby. She urges them to support the protesters. Tufts' University officials stand near a tree. One official has taped a sign for Admissions to the tree. David Gow (Tufts University class of 1984) talks to the protesters under the portico at Ballou Hall. He gives them advice about how to deal with university administration. One of the protest leaders condemns the administration's decision not to let food or people into Ballou Hall during the student occupation. A Tufts University police officer intercepts a box of tea that someone has tried to throw to the protesters. Interview with Pierre Laurent, the Director of the International Relations Program about the protest. Laurent says that student protests across the nation have been effective in drawing public attention to the issue of divestment. Laurent says that he does not know how the Tufts administration will respond to the demonstration. Interview with a white male student about the demonstration. The student criticizes Tufts' policy of selective divestment and says that Tufts will eventually come around to the demonstrators' position. The student says that he feels a kinship with other student protesters across the nation.
1:00:29: Visual: Student apartheid protesters occupy Ballou Hall at Tufts University. The students sit in front of the entrance to the building. They sing and clap their hands. Tufts University police officers and bystanders stand in front of the building. A handlettered sign over the building entrance reads, "Biko Hall." A police officer stands in front of the students who are sitting and standing in the entrance to the building. A sign on one of the doors reads, "Steve Biko. We will not forget." A Hispanic male student stands under the portico of the building, facing the students in the entrance. He sings and claps along with the students. Several other students stand under the portico. Shots of two white female students under the portico, singing and clapping with the others. The students finish their song. They begin to chant, "Divest now." Shot of students standing inside the building. The students are crowded in the foyer, facing out. They clap and chant. Shots of Tufts University police officers. Two white female students stand together at the edge of the portico, chanting and clapping. The students begin to chant, "Apartheid kills. Tufts pays the bills." Close-up shots of two students clapping along with the chant of the protestors. Shot of a sign hanging in front of the building. The sign reads, "Stop Tufts' racism. Get our $$ out of apartheid." Student protesters are visible on the upper floor of the building, looking out through a window. Protest signs are posted in the window. Students tap the glass, keeping beat with the chants. The students continue to chant. The police officers stand nonchalantly in front of the building. 1:04:40: V: The students stop chanting. Shot of student protestors looking out of the second floor window. Signs posted in the window read, "This is a peaceful demonstration against racism. Why are our police denying us food?" Another sign reads "Biko Hall." A female protester urges students to stay and support the demonstration. A female protester hands out a newspaper called Young Spartacus. The headline of the newspaper reads, "Smash apartheid." She talks about the newspaper to two female students. Three Tufts officials confer on the Tufts quadrangle. One of the officials tapes a sign reading, "Admissions: Tours and Information" to a tree. The official says that he needed to be creative, so he made the sign for admissions and came outside. 1:06:07: V: Shots of the crowd gathered in front of Ballou Hall. Four Tufts University police officers stand in front of the entrance to the building. David Gow (Tufts University class of 1984) addresses the students. Gow says that the protesters had demanded to meet with the Board of Trustees; that the protesters had demanded that the Trustees make a decision about divestment within six weeks time. Gow points out that the Trustees never made a decision to divest. Gow notes that the administration and Jean Mayer (President, Tufts University) are very shrewd in its dealings with student groups; that the administration knows that the academic year is drawing to a close; that the protests will die down when the students leave. Gow makes reference to a student protest which took place a few years ago. The alumnus tells the protesters to continue their "excellent work." The alumnus wishes the protesters well. The students applaud. 1:07:57: V: A student protest leader tells a story of past protesters who had to break into a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Shots of the campus police officers. The Tufts officials continue to stand near the tree with the admissions sign. The student leader continues to speak. The leader points out that the school administration is not letting people or food into Biko Hall. Shots of individual protesters sitting in the entrance of the building. The student leader says that the Tufts administration is avoiding the real issue of divestment. The protesters pass around leaflets put out by the Tufts administration. The student leader reads from the leaflet. The leaflet states that 185 students have occupied Ballou Hall. The speaker is interrupted by a commotion. The protesters are urging someone to throw food to them. A police officer is shown holding a box of tea which someone tried to throw to the students. The police officer examines the box of tea. 1:09:26: Callie Crossley interviews Pierre Laurent (Director, International Relations Program) about the demonstration on the Tufts quadrangle. Laurent says that this is one demonstration among many which are taking place across the nation; that the protests are forcing many institutions to reconsider their commitment to the Reagan administration's policy of "constructive engagement" with South Africa. Laurent says that the protests appear to be effective in making institutions reconsider their policies toward South Africa. Laurent says that he does not know if the protest will be effective at Tufts. Crossley asks if the student protests are drawing the public's attention to the issue. Laurent says that the students' calls for justice are being noted by university officials; that the protests will be noticed by the wider public. Laurent says that some do not agree with the means used by the protesters; that the protests are effective in drawing attention to the issue. 1:12:09: V: Crossley interviews a white male student wearing a button reading, "Divest now." Crossley asks why the students are occupying Ballou Hall. The student says that the Tufts administration had agreed to divest in 1979; that the administration has not followed through on its promise. The student says that the administration had agreed to divest in companies who refused to sign the "Sullivan Proposal." The student explains that the Sullivan Principles regulate companies doing business in South Africa. The student says that the protesters want to draw attention to the issue of apartheid; that "constructive engagement" is a failing policy. Crossley comments that the administration is not allowing food into the building. She wonders if the Tufts administration is listening to the protesters. The student says that he is glad that the media are covering the protest. The student says that the protest will be a success because the protesters have drawn attention to the university's role in apartheid. Crossley asks the student how the university will respond to the demonstration. The student says that he thinks the university will come around eventually; that the students are trying to move the decision-making process along. The student admits that Jean Mayer (President of Tufts University) is in a difficult position. Crossley asks the student if he feels a kinship with other student protesters across the nation. The student names some other universities where protests are being held. The student says that the protesters are trying to give moral support to the people of South Africa; that the US protests are front page news in South Africa. The crew takes a cutaway shot of Crossley and the student.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1985
Description: Two O'Clock Lounge marquee in Combat Zone. "Nude College Revue." Photos of strippers and naked women. Inside club two women walk back and forth to music and partially disrobe.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/26/1977