Description: Written on tape: "Vice Presidental Debate." Overview of Vice Presidential debate between George H.W. Bush and Geraldine Ferraro and how it is covered by the press and its importance. Footage includes montage of different pundits, excerpts from the Vice Presidential debate, polls on who won, and people watching the debate. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/11/1984
Description: Professor Huntington interviewed on the Vietnam bombing pause and the Democratic presidential nomination. He notes that Senator Robert Kennedy seems like the front runner for the nomination, but that Senator Eugene McCarthy and Vice President Hubert Humphrey are still in the race. He speculates on President Johnson's response to public opinion on the bombing pause, and how successful it might ultimately be.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/01/1968
Description: Soldiers in Vietnam gearing up. Airplane flying over Vietnam. Parachutes falling. [card lists contents of cans 113061, 113131]
Collection: WHDH
Description: Vietnamese fishermen inaugurate their refurbished boat "Miss Liberty," which was banned two years ago for not having the proper equipment. Interview with one of the Vietnamese refugee fishermen,who formed a cooperative and bought a fully equipped boat that would not be in conflict with the lobster industry in the Boston Harbor. Michael and Kitty Dukakis congratulate them and their families on the Fish Pier. Michael Dukakis addresses the audience. Edited story is followed by b-roll of the fishermen and their families on the pier. Michael and Kitty Dukakis arriving at the event and talking with the fishermen. Vietnamese American woman welcomes audience to ceremony and thanks government officials who helped the cooperative. More of Dukakis's address.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/28/1990
Description: Mapplethorpe exhibit at ICA opens to the public. Free speech demonstrators and police stand out front. Footage of some of the photographs in the exhibit. The opening of the exhibitions. Interviews with patrons waiting to go in on what they expect and why they came, and with patrons coming out, on what they thought of the exhibition.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/01/1990
Description: David Boeri reports on an increase in violence against Asians in Eastern Massachusetts. Boeri notes that refugees from Southeast Asia have become targets of violence in some white neighborhoods. Boeri interviews Elaine Song (Asian American Resource Workshop) about violence against Asians. Boeri quotes statistics from a study by Song on violence against Asians. Boeri reports that Song's research has found that acts of violence have become a part of daily life for Asians in the Boston area. Boeri interviews Sarann Phoung (Cambodian resident) about his experiences in East Boston and Chelsea. Boeri reports that Phuong is concerned about how younger Asians will respond to the violence. Boeri reports that Asian refugees may begin to strike back if the violence continues. Boeri's report is accompanied by photos of Asian crime victims.
1:00:01: Visual: Shot of a school photo of a young Asian boy; of a black and white photo of an Asian man and an Asian woman; of a white man assaulting an Asian man; of the frame of a burnt house. David Boeri reports on violence against Asians in Eastern Massachusetts. Boeri reports that a 13-year old Asian boy was allegedly killed by an 11-year old white boy; that an Asian man was beaten to death by a white man during an argument; that an Asian family was assaulted by whites; that the family's house was burnt down. V: Footage of Elaine Song (Asian American Resource Workshop) recounts incidents of violence and harassment against Asian Americans. Song says that she does not think that the situation can get any worse. Boeri reports that Song is the author of a study, "To Live In Peace...Responding to Anti-Asian Violence in Boston." V: Shot of the cover of Song's study. On-screen text shows quotes from Song's study. Boeri reports that Song's research has found that, "For many Asians, acts of violence...have become a part of daily life." V: Shots of two Asian women and a child walking on a street; of a residential street in Revere, MA. Boeri says that refugees from Southeast Asia have become targets in white neighborhoods in Revere. V: Footage of Song saying that Boston has a history of segregated and "turf-conscious" neighborhoods. Shot of Boeri talking to Sarann Phoung (Cambodian resident) on a street. Boeri and Phuong sit on a bench. Boeri reports that Phuong lived in East Boston until he and three other Cambodians were attacked and beaten by seventy whites. Boeri notes that Phuong moved to Chelsea; that Phuong still experiences hostility from whites. V: Footage of Phuong being interviewed by Boeri. Phuong says that Asians are targets of violence and harassment; that many incidents are not reported to police because many Asians do not like to make trouble. Phuong says that some Asians are afraid to report incidents in case the perpetrators seek revenge on the victims. Boeri reports that Phuong said that Asians are often victims of violence by whites and Latinos; that Phuong is concerned about how younger Asians will react to the continuing violence. V: Shot of two Asian boys walking on a street; of an Asian woman standing on a sidewalk. Boeri stands on a streetcorner in Chelsea. Boeri reports that there is no peace for Asians in neighborhoods in Chelsea, East Boston, Dorchester, Lowell, and other areas. Boeri notes that violence against Asians is a problem; that Asian refugees may begin to strike back if the violence continues.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/19/1987
Description: Boston Society of Architects has organized a contest asking designers to rethink Boston for the future. Both fanciful and practical entries were encouraged. Exhibit of their drawings. Interview with Steven Cecil of the BSA committee that organized the event. He describes the goals of the contest and highlights some of the entries, including one by Boston architectural firm Communitas. Dramatic view from high window of Boston landscape Hancock tower in center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1988
Description: Different men speaking at a Richard Nixon rally, including Governor Sargent and John Volpe. B-roll of people in a gymnasium before and during the rally, different politicians mingling with the crowd, Volpe and other politicians talking to people on the street. Edited footage followed by cuts. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/15/1972
Description: Christy George reports that the city of Lowell has chosen a central enrollment plan to accomplish school desegregation in its public schools. George notes that central enrollment plans are implemented through magnet schools; she adds that students choose schools according to the programs they offer instead of by location. George interviews Robert Kennedy (Mayor of Lowell). Kennedy says that the Lowell School Committee opted for a central enrollment plan in order to avoid court-ordered desegregation of the schools. George reports that the city of Cambridge uses a central enrollment plan and has become a national model for school desegregation. George interviews Peter Colleary (Director of Student Assignments, Cambridge Public Schools) about central enrollment in Cambridge Public Schools. George's report includes footage of a meeting between Colleary and school officials from Rochester, NY. The officials from Rochester ask questions about central enrollment in Cambridge. George notes that opponents to school desegregation in Lowell believe that central enrollment is a form of mandatory desegregation. George interviews George Kouloheras (Lowell School Committee) about his opposition to the central enrollment plan. George notes that Cambridge had a successful school system even before the adoption of the central enrollment plan. She adds that the Cambridge model may not work in every city. George's report includes footage of buses in front of schools in Lowell, footage of a girls' soccer game in Cambridge, footage of school children in classrooms, and footage of buses arriving at South Boston High School in 1976. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on tension over school desegregation in Lynn
1:00:05: Visual: Shots from a moving vehicle of students in front of South Boston High School in 1976; of buses with police escort travelling up G Street to South Boston High School; of African American students exiting buses in front of South Boston High School. Christy George reports that the city of Lowell wants to avoid court-ordered school desegregation and forced busing. George reports that Lowell is opting for a voluntary school enrollment plan; that students choose three schools which they would like to attend; that students will be bused to one of those schools. V: Shots of elementary school students in a school cafeteria; of a bus pulling up to an elementary school. Footage of Robert Kennedy (Mayor of Lowell) saying that the Lowell School Committee acted responsibly; that the School Committee wanted to avoid court intervention in Lowell schools. Shots of a white teacher teaching in a racially integrated elementary school classroom in Lowell. Shots of students in the classroom. George reports that the central enrollment plan is implemented through magnet schools; that the magnet schools offer diverse programs; that students can choose the school which offers programs which appeal to them. George notes that racial balance can result from the magnet school system; that the system has worked well in the city of Cambridge. V: Footage of Peter Colleary (Director of Student Assignments, Cambridge Public Schools) saying that school choice has been successful for Cambridge Public Schools. George notes that Colleary matches Cambridge students with their schools; that some schools have increased minority enrollment from 9% in 1981 to 43% in 1987; that students are willing to choose schools outside of their neighborhoods. V: Shots of the Cambridge High School girls' soccer team playing a soccer game. Footage of Colleary saying that 65% of Cambridge Public School students do not attend schools in their districts. Shots of the exterior of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. George notes that the city of Cambridge owns many of its own buses; that half of the bus drivers work for the city. dShots of a school bus; of the exterior of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. George notes that the Cambridge Public School System has become a national model for desegregation. V: Shots of Colleary talking to a delegation from the public school system of Rochester, NY. Members of the delegation ask Colleary questions about the Cambridge Public School System. George notes that critics in Lowell see the Cambridge model as another form of mandatory desegregation. V: Shot of a school bus pulling away from an elementary school in Lowell. Footage of George Kouloheras (Lowell School Committee) saying that central enrollment plans "are a euphemism for forced busing." Kouloheras says that central enrollment does not improve the education in the schools. Footage of Colleary saying that 35% of Cambridge students are bused; that the students have chosen to attend schools outside of their districts. Colleary calls it "busing by choice." George stands in front of a school at dusk. George reports that Cambridge was providing good education in its schools before the implementation of the voluntary desegregation plan. George notes that the Cambridge model may not work in every city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/26/1987
Description: People leaving meeting at Boston University. Interview with Howard Zinn on vote to remove John Silber as BU president. Zinn says acts of conscience and criticism of administration result in retribution. He calls for a change in the situation at BU. Interview with John Silber, who says BU is a place of debate and academic freedom without repression. Faculty assembly votes (456 to 215) to ask Board of Trustees to dismiss Silber. Press conference held by psychology professor Joe Speisman, who speaks on behalf of faculty. Other professors, student leader Maureen Sultzer, and District 65 labor union representative Carol Yorman speak about their support of the vote to remove Silber from office and other related matters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1979