Description: People gathered in the street. A woman at a table helping a man fill out a form. Signs in English and Spanish that read, "Register to vote here" and "Inscripcion De Votantes Aqui" by a table on the sidewalk where people are helping others fill out forms. Silent. B-roll. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "State-wide drive to sign 'em up... We focus on Roxbury/South End where worst need."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/14/1976
Description: Sam Fleming reports on voter registration in Massachusetts. Fleming notes that many eligible voters in Massachusetts are not registered to vote. He notes that the percentages of unregistered voters are highest in minority communities. Fleming interviews Yvonne Footman (Dorchester resident) and other city residents about voter registration. Fleming's report includes footage of Footman registering to vote. Fleming interviews Charles Weeks (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) and David Sullivan (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) about voter registration. Sullivan and Weeks say that the State of Massachusetts is not doing enough to make voter registration easy and accessible. Fleming reports on voter registration initiatives at the state and national level. Fleming notes that Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has made increased access to voter registration part of his campaign platform. Following the edited story is b-roll of Jesse Jackson at the Democratic Convention,voter registration tables, polling booths, and city residents near City Hall Plaza.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) speaking at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential nominee) and Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential nominee) stand on either side of him. Jackson talks about the importance of on-site voter registration. Sam Fleming reports that Jackson's platform slate has not been embraced by Dukakis; that Dukakis has agreed to work on voter registration. V: Footage of Yvonne Footman (Dorchester resident) registering to vote at a voter registration table in Dorchester. Registration workers examine her license and fill out a form. Fleming reports that many eligible voters in Massachusetts have never voted before. V: Footage of Fleming standing on a street in Boston. Fleming asks an African American man if he is registered to vote. The man says that he is not. Fleming reports that 27% of eligible voters in Massachusetts are not registered to vote; that the percentage of unregistered voters is highest in minority communities. V: Shots of residents walking near City Hall Plaza; of residents on the street in an African American neighborhood of Boston. Footage of Fleming asking an African American woman if she would vote if Jackson were on the ticket. The woman says no. Footage of Charles Weeks (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) being interviewed by Fleming. Weeks says that some people do not think that their voices count. Fleming notes that Weeks is a former president of the Black Political Task Force. Fleming reports that Weeks says that voter registration is difficult in Massachusetts. Fleming reports that voters need to register at City Hall in Boston. Fleming notes that the Boston Election Commission is trying to set up portable voter registration centers. V: Shots of people walking near City Hall Plaza; of a voter registration table in Dorchester. Footage of Footman saying that she is not sure if she would have traveled to City Hall in order to register to vote. Shots of workers registering voters at the portable registration center in Dorchester. Fleming reports that State Election Officials say that Massachusetts is not doing enough to make voter registration accessible and easy for all. V: Shot of a bulletin board with voter registration information. Footage of David Sullivan (Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State) saying that many voters in many states can register by mail; that four states have voter registration on election day; that some states allow voters to register at various state agencies. Sullivan says that Massachusetts has done none of these things. Fleming reports that a number of initiatives are under way on the state and national level; that an on-site, same-day voter registration initiative is under way. V: Shots of a poll worker sitting with a list of voters; of a voter entering a polling booth; of poll workers checking a voters name against the voter lists. Fleming reports that Massachusetts voters rejected an effort to allow registration by mail two years ago; that Massachusetts voters may resist other voter registration initiatives. V: Shot of Jackson at the Democratic Convention, flanked by Dukakis and Bentsen. Footage of Sullivan saying that a new law allows voter registration in high schools; that more needs to be done to improve access to voter registration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/19/1988
Description: Shots of the WBZ newsroom. People typing on typewriters, sitting as desks, answering phones. Still images of helicopters. Charles Bennett interviews a newsman on WBZ's new helicopter, which they use to cover more region wide news events. He describes the technological capabilities of the news helicopter, and the way news gathering technology is evolving, including satellites. They shoot cutaways.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/11/1980
Description: Footage of exterior of RKO General Building: Channel 7/WNAC-TV; WRKO AM; WROR FM. Pans along side of building to sign. Takes of reporter Callie Crossley reporting on loss of Channel 7's license, to be taken ownership of by NETV. Clip of Channel 7 exterior building sign; RKO General building sign; agreement contract for interim operation of WNAC-TV (Channel 7). Footage of glass display window with images of Channel 7 reporters; close-up of reporter images and WNAC TV Boston sign.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/22/1982
Description: Interview with St. Lucian poet Derek Walcott and Irish poet Seamus Heaney about the poetry of American poet Robert Penn Warren. Lydon, Walcott, and Heaney discuss the best format for the interview. Walcott and Heany comment on Penn Warren's appointment as US Poet Laureate. Walcott comments on the excellence of Penn Warren's recent work. Heaney talks about the significance of US history in Penn Warren's work. Walcott and Heaney discuss regionalism in Penn Warren's work, and the appropriateness of appointing a poet laureate. Walcott reads from Penn Warren's poem, "Caribou." Tape 1 of 2.
1:00:00: Visual: Derek Walcott (West Indian poet) and Seamus Heaney (Irish poet) sit among shelves of books, along with Christopher Lydon. Walcott and Heaney are studying books. Walcott and Lydon discuss which poem he should read. Heaney studies his book. Heaney and Walcott joke about whether a poetry reading can be "hot TV." Lydon, Walcott and Heaney discuss the format of the TV segment. Lydon tells the poets to discuss the work and life of Robert Penn Warren (American poet). Walcott and Heaney talk about how they will discuss his work. Lydon asks Walcott about the appointment of Penn Warren as US Poet Laureate. Walcott says that some find the idea of a poet laureate ridiculous; that there is a very old tradition of elevating a poet to represent his people; that the nomination of Penn Warren is in no way amusing or ridiculous. Walcott says that the nomination is the crowning achievement of Penn Warren's career; that Penn Warren has written his most powerful work in his old age. Walcott says that Penn Warren's recent achievements merit recognition; that Penn Warren's work should be considered for a Nobel Prize. Lydon asks Walcott to describe Penn Warren's poetry. Walcott says that he used to be cautious in his appreciation for Penn Warren; that he used to feel that there was too much of "the novelist" in Penn Warren's poetry. Walcott says that Penn Warren has found great vigor in his old age; that his recent poetry is noteworthy. Walcott talks about the clarity and elation in Penn Warren's work. 1:05:51: V: Lydon asks Heaney about Penn Warren. Heaney says that Penn Warren has not "broken faith with the historical experience"; that the American historical experience has been central to his work. Heaney says that the US could not have chosen a better poet laureate; that Penn Warren's work produces history and is a reaction to history. Heaney refers to Penn Warren's literary ambitions. Heaney says that American history and destiny is a large part of Penn Warren's work; that Penn Warren shoulders "large poetic responsibilities" in his work. Heaney says that it is proper for Penn Warren to be honored by the US; that Penn Warren has honored the nation through his work. Lydon asks Heaney to talk about the history in Penn Warren's work. Heaney talks about the relation between poet and region in Penn Warren's work. Heaney notes that Penn Warren was one of the Fugitives (a group of Southern poets); that Penn Warren carefully the relationship between "a literary career and a communal destiny." Heaney says that Penn Warren wrote as if his poetry had a responsibility to the larger culture; that there is "roughage" and "subject matter" in the poetry of Penn Warren. Heaney refers to the recent poem, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, which focuses on the treatment of Native Americans in the nineteenth century. Heaney says that Penn Warren does not "wilt in the face of history;" that many poets shy away from facing history. Heaney notes that Penn Warren's poetry has a "large voice;" that Penn Warren has risen to the challenge of history. 1:11:02: V: Lydon asks if there is a contradiction in appointing one poet to represent the diverse people and regions of the US. Walcott says that the image of a hawk is recurrent in Penn Warren's poetry; that Penn Warren is like an old hawk; that Penn Warren is fierce and gentle. Walcott says that Penn Warren is hawk-like in his observations of American culture; that Penn Warren writes about regions of the country which are familiar to him; that Penn Warren has observed those regions from a great distance and has contemplated their meanings. Walcott says that Penn Warren has a gift; that Penn Warren has used that gift to examine a fairly modest range of experience. Walcott says that Penn Warren is rooted in his region and personal experience; that he is able to examine the horizons of that experience. Walcott notes that Penn Warren has expressed the "guilt" and the "conscience" of the South. 1:14:27: V: Heaney notes that there is an "imperial" theme in the appointment of a poet laureate by the US government; that the government seems to be trying to "furbish its image." Heaney wonders if there is a political motive in the appointment of a poet laureate. Heaney says that a poet's power needs to be kept pure; that "the poetic intelligence of a country" needs to serve as an alternative government. Heaney wonders if the appointment is an attempt to co-opt the conscience of the "alternative government." Heaney changes the subject, saying that American poets are well-suited to be poet laureates; that American poetry has a tradition of "visionary writing"; that American poets are challenged to include the scope of the country in their writing. Heaney refers to the poetry of Walt Whitman as an example of "visionary writing" or "public poetry." He notes that the poetry of Emily Dickinson is more inward-looking. 1:17:21: V: Lydon asks each poet to read some of Penn Warren's work. Walcott chooses the poem Caribou. Walcott says that the poem exemplifies Penn Waren's clarity of vision. Walcott says that the voice in the poem describes the caribou and looks down on them from a great height. Walcott reads the poem. Walcott, Heaney and Lydon comment on the beauty of the poem when Walcott has finished reading it.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/28/1986
Description: Second half of interview with St. Lucian poet Derek Walcott and Irish poet Seamus Heaney about the poetry of American poet Robert Penn Warren. Heaney reads Penn Warren's poem, "Tell Me a Story." Walcott talks about his friendship with Penn Warren's daughter Rosanna Phelps Warren, who is also a poet, and his personal impressions of Robert Penn Warren. Walcott reads a draft of his own poem "On the Indian Trail," which he wrote about them. Walcott and Heaney joke around while shooting cutaways. Shots of Lydon (no audio) for cutaways.
1:00:08: Visual: Derek Walcott (West Indian poet) and Seamus Heaney (Irish poet) sit among shelves of books, along with Christopher Lydon. Walcott and Heaney discuss and read from the work of Robert Penn Warren (American poet). Heaney talks about Penn Warren's poem, Tell Me A Story. Heaney says that the poem touches him deeply; that the poem achieves "stillness" through language. Heaney says that the poem expresses a deep, lyric, intimate moment. Heaney reads the poem, Tell Me A Story. Lydon thanks Heaney. 1:01:58: V: Lydon and Heaney encourage Walcott to read another poem. Walcott says that he is friendly with Rosanna Warren (Penn Warren's daughter); that Rosanna Warren is a poet. Walcott says that he has met Penn Warren and his family through Rosanna Warren. Walcott says that Penn Warren has great strength and kindness; that there is a nobility in Penn Warren. Walcott says that he has written a draft of a poem called, On the Indian Trail. Walcott says that he did not write this poem because of Penn Warren's appointment as Poet Laureate. Walcott says that he did not know that the poem would be about Penn Warren when he started writing; that he imagined an old man in the middle of a stream with someone watching him. Walcott says that he realized that the figures in the poem corresponded to Penn Warren and Rosanna Warren; that the poem is a tribute to them both. Walcott notes that the poem was written for Eleanor Clark (novelist and Penn Warren's wife). Walcott reads his poem, On the Indian Trail. Lydon and Heaney compliment Walcott on his poem. Walcott and Heaney share a joke. Heaney asks if taping session is over and prepares to take off his microphone. 1:06:14: The crew takes cutaway shots of Walcott, Heaney and Lydon.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/28/1986
Description: Exteriors of Walpole State Prison. Razor wire rims tall concrete wall. Guard tower. Several takes of reporter standup on five recent escapes by inmates on furlough.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/19/1976
Description: Footage of Vietnam War combat. Interview with lawyer Howard Levine about his choice to be in ROTC, his service during Vietnam, his twin sons who know people in Persian Gulf war, and the justifiability of military draft. Close up on Bronze Star medal.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1991
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the failure of Ward 7 to elect any minority delegates to the Massachusetts State Democratic Party convention. Minority voters accuse party bosses of discouraging minorities from running as delegates. Ward 7 residents Dianne Wilkerson and Bernard Sneed both ran for delegate in Ward 7 last year. Sneed calls for a change in the election process. Interviews with Wilkerson and Sneed. Wilkerson accuses City Councilor James Kelly of setting up the election to be restrictive and hostile to minority delegates. Vaillancourt quotes Kelly as saying that he set up a fair election and that Wilkerson and Sneed lost. Wilkerson and Sneed were named as delegates on an appeal to the State Democratic Party.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Dianne Wilkerson (Ward 7 resident) saying that minority voters have been consistently loyal to the Democratic Party. Wilkerson questions the commitment of the Democratic Party to minority participation. Shots of residents on the streets of Ward 7 in Boston; of minority residents on a busy street corner; of a commercial street in South Boston; of two African American women entering a shoe store; of pedestrians walking by the shoe store. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Boston's Ward 7 has always been a stronghold of the Democratic Party; that Ward 7 stretches from Upham's Corner in Dorchester to South Boston. Vaillancourt notes that Ward 7 has ten precincts; that eight of the precincts are almost totally white; that two of the precincts have large Hispanic and African American populations; that Ward 7 has never elected any minorities as delegates to the state party convention. Vaillancourt reports that minority voters accuse party bosses of discouraging minorities from running as delegates. V: Footage of Wilkerson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that party leaders publish notices about party caucuses in the South Boston Tribune newspaper; that minority voters do not read the South Boston Tribune because they do not live in South Boston. Vaillancourt notes that Wilkerson and Bernard Sneed (Ward 7 resident) both ran for delegate in Ward 7 last year; that neither was elected to the position. Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson and Sneed say that the election for delegates was selectively advertised; that Wilkerson and Sneed say that the election was held in an area of South Boston which was outside of the ward. V: Shot of Vaillancourt interviewing Sneed; of a streetcorner in a minority neighborhood. Footage of Vaillancourt interviewing Wilkerson. Vaillancourt asks if the election was set up to put Wilkerson and Sneed at a disadvantage. Wilkerson says that the election was set up to be "uncomfortable, prohibitive, restrictive, harassing and hostile." Wilkerson notes that James Kelly (Boston City Council) set up the election. Vaillancourt reports that Kelly is Chairman of the Ward 7 Democratic Committee; that Kelly is a vocal opponent of affirmative action. V: Shot of Kelly working behind a desk in an office. On-screen graphics show a quote from Kelly which reads, "We held a full and fair election. And they lost." Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson accuses Kelly of making her candidacy difficult. V: Footage of Wilkerson saying that the Democratic Party needs to monitor the elections in Ward 7. Footage of Sneed saying that minorities will not be elected as delegates until the process is changed. Shot of residents on a streetcorner in a minority neighborhood. Vaillancourt stands on a streetcorner. Vaillancourt reports that Sneed and Wilkerson have won their appeal to the State Democratic Party Committee; that the Committee has forced Ward 7 to accept Wilkerson, Sneed and three other minority delegates as add-on delegates to the state convention. Vaillancourt notes that much of the work by the other Ward 7 delegates has already been finished.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/21/1987
Description: Eastern Massachusetts demand is too much for the water supply from the Quabbin Reservoir. Conservation measures are being taken, mainly in stopping leaks from the pipes used to transport the water. The Water Resources Authority is seeking an alternative supply for Boston area water, which may include the Sudbury river. Environmentalist argue against the idea. Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary James Hoyte says they're keeping the option open. Additional story on the Merrimack River, it's possible use as an alternative water supply, and the debate over that decision.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/12/1986