Description: Footage of a swam on the water and a closeup of the swan on land. Background sound. This is 1 of 2 reels. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "This is the tale of a swan who loses its mate in Manchester and is very lonely."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/16/1977
Description: Interview with a man about where to get a mate for the swan. Reporter standup with the swan in the background. Sound. This is 2 of 2 reels. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "This is the tale of a swan who loses its mate in Manchester and is very lonely."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/16/1977
Description: Interview with Massachusetts Representative Johnston on the reforms he is trying to push through the legislature, which deal with the appointing and workings of committees within the House. Speaker of the House, Thomas W. MgGee is fighting against these changes. Massachusetts State House interiors. Door into the House Chambers. Shot of the House Chambers from multiple angles. Several takes of the reporter standup. Door into the Senate Chambers. Still images of Representative Johnston and Speaker McGee.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/02/1979
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement to end litigation about the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy. Von Mehren reports that 2,000 minority families will be eligible for payments of $1,000 to $3,000 under the suit. Von Mehren's reports includes footage of a mayor Ray Flynn, Joseph Tauro (federal judge) and Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP) at a press conference to announce the settlement. The three men shake hands and make positive statements about the settlement. Von Mehren report that African American families began moving into formerly white housing projects last summer, despite opposition from South Boston residents. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston in 1988. The audience jeers at him as he approaches the stage. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports that Michael Jackson (pop singer) has never played a concert at Sullivan Stadium
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Dr. Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP), Judge Joseph Tauro (US District Court), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) sitting together at a press conference. The three men shake hands together. Tauro proclaims it to be a "happy and proud occasion." Jan von Mehren reports that Hooks traveled to Boston to join Flynn and Tauro. V: Footage of Hooks saying that it is important to resolve problems through means other than lawsuits. Shot of Doris Bunte (Boston Housing Authority) and other officials from the city and the NAACP. The group enters an elevator. Von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement. Von Mehren notes that some of the money will go to victims of the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy. V: Footage of Flynn saying that the city has one set of rules; that the rules apply equally to all. Footage of Tauro saying that the settlement sends a message to the community; that the settlement represents the city's commitment to equal access to public housing. Von Mehren reports that approximately 2,000 African American, Asian, and Latino families will be eligible for payments of $1,000 to $3,000 under the settlement. Von Mehren notes that city officials say that it may be difficult to track down some of the families. Von Mehren adds that city officials will use the media in an attempt to reach the families. V: Footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston on January 12, 1988. Flynn walks onto the stage as the audience boos and jeers. Shots of the audience members seated at long tables; of Flynn addressing the audience. Von Mehren reports that housing desegregation was met with great opposition in South Boston last year. V: Footage of Leo Tierney (South Boston resident) saying, "Leave us the hell alone." Members of the audience stand to applaud Tierney. Von Mehren reports that African American families began moving into developments last summer. V: Shots of African American movers moving furniture and boxes into a South Boston housing project; of white children playing with a garden hose outside of a South Boston housing project building. Von Mehren reports there is a low turnover rate in South Boston housing projects; that housing integration is proceeding at a slow pace. Von Mehren notes that the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston is still 96% white; that it was 98% white last year. V: Shot of a white baby in a wading pool outside of a South Boston project building. Von Mehren reports that today's settlement was a peaceful conclusion to the housing integration controversy. V: Footage of Hooks at the press conference. Hooks says that Boston had once been viewed as a "citadel of liberalism." Hooks adds that Boston did not live up to its reputation during the busing crisis. Flynn interrupts Hooks to shake his hand in front of the media. Hooks, Flynn and Tauro rise from their table.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1989
Description: Senator Howard Baker announces opening of his Massachusetts campaign office for Republican presidential nomination. Introduced by Representative William Robinson, house minority leader. Thomas Trimarco. Baker states his view on the United States' relationship with the Soviet Union and the SALT II treaty (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks). He also speaks on energy policy; gas and oil.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/28/1979
Description: Representative of Hyde Park High School speaks about efforts to reopen the school after a violent incident the previous day. A parent lists demands that must be met before the children will return to school. Meeting of Hyde Park High School teachers. Reporter standup. Interview with African American students on the violence at the school. Mix of silent, sound, and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/22/1976
Description: Audio goes in and out. Hyde Park environs. Uniformed police are stationed outside of Hyde Park High School, including horse mounted officers. Students exit the school. African American students board buses. Buses depart with police motorcycle escort. Pam Bullard interviews Hyde Park High School teachers Terry Gaskill and Hugh Mullen discuss racial tension inside the school. The students have returned to school after a recent racial disturbance. Mullen says that the school was quiet; that the students segregated themselves along racial lines. Mullen says that a small group of students is responsible for the trouble at the school. Both teachers agree that the students do not act up when the police are present in the school. Tape 1 of 2.
0:58:01: Visual: Shots of a black dog on the porch of a house on Westminster Street, near Hyde Park High School; of a police horse standing on the grass while a police officer talks to a resident; of the exterior of Hyde Park High School. Police are stationed outside of Hyde Park High School. A police bus is parked in front of the school. Three police officers stand on the steps of the school, while one police officer directs traffic on the street. A police officer pulls up on a motorcycle. 1:00:44: V: A line of school buses pulls up Central Street and stops beside Hyde Park High School. Two mounted police officers survey the scene from the intersection. Several officers are stationed on the steps of the school. Cars pass by slowly. Another police officer arrives on a motorcycle. 1:05:19: V: Shot of the exterior of Hyde Park High School. African American and white students exit the school. African American students walk toward the school buses and board them. Police and the media survey the scene. 1:09:56: V: Groups of police officers appear in the front entrances of the school. Three of the buses pull away, escorted by police on motorcycles. The buses travel up Metropolitan Avenue. Three more buses follow, accompanied by a police officer on a motorcycle. Groups of students, school officials, and police remain on the steps of the school. The last bus pulls away, with a police motorcycle escort. Police officers exit the school and walk down the steps. Groups of people remain on the steps. Close up shot of a white woman police officer on a horse. A few police officers walk away from the school. 1:13:27: V: Pam Bullard sets up an interview with two Hyde Park teachers in front of the school. Terry Gaskill is African American and Hugh Mullen is white. Vehicle noise makes their voices inaudible at beginning of interview. Gaskill advocates an after school program or gathering place for both white and African American youth in Boston. He notes that African American and white students gather on the streets after school; that a group of angry white youth kicked his car last year as he drove to Hyde Park High School. Mullen says that the day went smoothly; that the school staff had to break up groups of students in order to get them into homeroom in the morning; that the strong police presence made a difference; that the police did not interfere with school activities. Gaskill says that the students were tense at the beginning of the day; that the atmosphere was quiet. Bullard asks about racial tension among the students. Mullen says that the students segregated themselves along racial lines today; that students of different races had been mixing somewhat before Friday's racial disturbance. Gaskill says that the first day of school was calm; that racial tension began to build up among the students as the week progressed. Mullen agrees that the first few days of school were quiet. He says that there is a small group of students who make trouble; that the situation at the school will not get better unless they can get rid of the small group of troublemakers. Mullen adds that the school has a large freshman class this year; that he had thought the presence of the younger students would help to ease the tensions of the previous year; that teachers will not be able to assess the situation until the police pull out of the school; that the students do not dare act out while the police are present. Gaskill agrees that students will not act out while police are in the building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/15/1976
Description: Audio goes in and out. Boston police cars and police officers stationed on the street outside of Hyde Park High School. School buses arrive escorted by police cruiser with flashing lights. Ambulance waiting in parking lot. African American students exit the school and board buses. White Hyde Park residents watch the action on the street. A white student tells the camera crew that a fight broke out in the school. Police and media are gathered outside of the school. Hyde Park environs, with snow covering the ground. Shot of the side of the Channel 2 news van.
0:00:17: Visual: Exterior of Hyde Park High School. Snow blankets the ground. A line of police cars rings the street in front of the school. Police officers and school officials stand on the front steps of the school. Police officers are stationed on the streets surrounding the school. An ambulance idles on the street in front of the school. 0:02:57: V: A police cruiser with lights flashing escorts a line of buses up Central street. The buses pull up beside the school. A group of African American students approach the buses. A police car pulls away from the scene. White Hyde Park residents observe the action on the street from the porch of a house on Central Street. Groups of police officers confer on the street outside of the school. African American students exit from a side entrance of the school and board the buses. Shot of Hyde Park residents on porch of house. More African American students head toward the buses. Members of the media observe the students as they board the buses. 0:08:08: V: Officials confer on the street outside of the school. Police and the media survey the scene. Shot of the exterior of the school. Two of the buses pull away from the school, escorted by a Boston police cruiser with flashing lights. The buses proceed up Metropolitan Avenue. 0:10:34: V: A white student leans against a car outside of the school. A crew member asks him what happened in the school. The student says that a fight broke out; that he does not know how it started. A police cruiser leaves the scene. Groups of white residents observe the action from street corners. More buses pull away from the school and continue up Metropolitan Avenue, accompanied by a police cruiser. A white teenager walks up the street, away from the school. 0:13:17: V: Police officers direct traffic away from the school. Shot of a police officer grasping baton behind his back. The remaining buses pull away from the school, accompanied by a police cruiser. Police officers and the media continue to stand in front of the school. The ambulance pulls away. A police officer talks to a group of white teenagers. The teenagers walk up Westminster Street, away from the school. Two white female teenagers talk to a group of three police officers in front of the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/10/1977
Description: Pam Bullard interviews teachers Hugh Mullen and Terry Gaskill about racial tension and disturbances at Hyde Park High School. The teachers say that incidents occur in the hallways, bathrooms and cafeteria, but not in the classrooms. They discuss requests made by Hyde Park High School faculty to the school administration upon the reopening of the school after a racial disturbance. Mullen says that the school faculty has requested that outside community groups stay out of the schools until the situation is under control. Tape 2 of 2.
0:00:14: Visual: Pam Bullard interviews a white teacher, Hugh Mullen, and an African American teacher, Terry Gaskill, about racial tension at Hyde Park High School. Gaskill says that every student has grown up with racial prejudice; that most students do not want to get into trouble; that emotions run high when trouble begins and students are drawn in to the situation. Mullen says that most of the trouble happens in the hallways and bathrooms; that the atmosphere is calm in the classrooms and the gym. Gaskill adds that two fights have occurred this year in the gym; that neither stemmed from racial tensions. Mullen says that the Hyde Park High School Faculty Senate has asked for a stronger police presence and for more aides in the school building; that the school administration has granted their requests; that he hopes the school can be peaceful without police officers on duty. Pam Bullard talks informally to the teachers while the crew takes cutaway shots. Mullen says that there has been little interference from parents; that African American parents have had meetings since last week's racial disturbance; that he does not know what has come out of the school administration's meetings with parents. Mullen says that the faculty has requested outside community groups to stay out of the school until the situation is under control.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1976
Description: Opening of court proceedings in a criminal contempt case against Michael Gaine (Hyde Park resident). In addition to the defendant, Judge James Lynch, Jr. (Suffolk Superior Court), Richard Driscoll (lawyer for the defendant), Stephen Limon (Assistant Attorney General for the State of Massachusetts), members of the jury, and the Brooks family are present in court. Limon makes opening statement and accuses Gaine of violating a previous consent decree by harassing an African American family in Hyde Park. Debra Stewart testifies about the events of August 22 and identifies Michael Gaine in the courtroom. Tape 1 of 5.
1:00:01: Visual: Shot of Michael Gaine (Hyde Park resident) in courtroom at Suffolk Superior Court. 1:00:31: V: Court proceedings begin in a criminal contempt case against Michael Gaine. Michael Gaine (defendant), Judge James Lynch, Jr. (Suffolk Superior Court), Richard Driscoll (lawyer for the defendant), Stephen Limon (Assistant Attorney General for the State of Massachusetts) and members of the jury are all present in court. Members of the Brooks family are seated in the courtroom. The judge allows a motion to sequester the witnesses for the defense and the prosecution. 1:02:14: V: Limon gives his opening statement. Limon accuses Gaine of violating a consent judgment signed on August 19. Limon says that the consent judgment bars Gaine from harassing African American families in Hyde Park. Limon accuses Gaine of urinating and making obscene gestures in front of an African American family in Hyde Park on August 22. Shots of Limon giving his statement; of the audience; of Gaine. 1:08:24: V: Driscoll reserves his right to make an opening statement. The judge reviews the consent judgment signed by Gaine on August 19. Shot of the audience. The court stenographer records the proceedings. Limon submits a map of the Ross Field area of Hyde Park as an exhibit in the case. 1:13:17: V: Limon calls Debra Stewart (witness) to testify. Stewart is sworn in. Limon questions Stewart about her background and her relations with the Brooks family. Limon questions Stewart about the events at the Brooks's home on the afternoon of August 22. Stewart points out Gaine in the courtroom. She says that she was in the yard of the Brooks's home with Bertha Brooks, Charles Brooks, Chad Brooks, and two other people; that Gaine was walking toward Ross Field in Hyde Park; that he stared at the group gathered outside of the Brooks's home as he passed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/02/1982