Description: Police cars with flashing lights on the scene. Closeup on car wreckage. Police making a report. Silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/22/1973
Description: Press conference about land use and an open space plan. Mix of sound and silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Talking about space left vacant in cities and towns and development thereof."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/25/1976
Description: B-roll footage of Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) structures and five MASSPORT workers on strike, picketing in a parking lot. Signs read "MASSPORT Unfair to Teamsters Local 137" and "On Strike." Footage of traffic on bridge; roadway. Motorcycle policeman with canine assistant wearing goggles on back of bike. Zoomed clip of air traffic control tower at Logan Airport; slightly larger group of striking workers circle in parking lot; state policeman regulates traffic.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/08/1980
Description: Interview with Attorney General Francis Bellotti about investigating corruption and the McKee-Berger-Mansueto (MBM) scandal.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/07/1978
Description: Hearing on a subway crash that occurred on 2/6/1973. Silent b-roll of the meeting, statements by different people at the hearing about how employees handled the crash. Silent b-roll of firemen rescuing a woman on a stretcher. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/13/1973
Description: Footage of the artist and others by the mural and close up shots of the mural. Wild sound. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: ""T" unveils a 24' x 4' mural done by a teacher and it will hang at the Beaconsfield station..."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/26/1976
Description: Students and faculty process in the MIT commencement ceremony. Silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/28/1976
Description: Silent footage of police and fire trucks in front of a building, men talking, a firefighter taking a hose off the truck, students walking through clouded halls, a room covered in ash, and people getting into an ambulance.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/18/1975
Description: Researchers in a lab at MIT. People in lab coat and goggles at lab tables. Closeups on lab and safety equipment.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/09/1984
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Dr. James Williams, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will fast each Wednesday in April outside of the office of the president of MIT. Williams is protesting the lack of diversity among the faculty at MIT. There are fourteen African Americans in a faculty of 900 professors. Interview with Williams, who talks about the role of professors as role models and the need for a diverse faculty. He says that he is trying to encourage minority students to fight for change. Interview with MIT spokesperson Ken Campbell, who talks about the university administration's efforts to hire more minority faculty. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the annual Black/Jewish Seder supper
0:59:01: Visual: Footage of Dr. James Williams (professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) being interviewed. Williams says that his mother inspired his current protest actions. Williams talks about his mother as a sensitive and caring person. Carmen Fields reports that Williams will fast and work outside of the office of the president of MIT. V: Shots of the door of the president's office; of Williams working at a table near the door. Footage of Williams being interviewed. Williams says that minority students must act; that minority students must not be discouraged by institutional intransigence. Williams says that minority students must act decisively to effect change. Shot of Williams working at the table outside of the president's office. Fields reports that Williams is an MIT graduate; that Williams is dissatisfied with the lack of African American faculty at the school. Fields notes that there are fourteen African American faculty members in a faculty of 900 professors. V: Shot of a building on the MIT campus. Shot of Williams speaking to a group of students of color. Fields reports that Williams believes that African American students and all students need African American role models. V: Footage of Williams being interviewed. Williams says that he is trying to be a role model for minority students through his protest. Williams says that professors are role models even if they do not want to be. Williams says that professor can choose what kinds of role models to be. Fields reports that MIT believes that Williams has reason to protest. V: Footage of Ken Campbell (MIT spokesperson) being interviewed. Campbell says that the university agrees with Williams; that there are too few minority faculty members. Campbell says that two more African American faculty members have been hired since Dr. Charles Vest (president, MIT) became president of the university. Campbell says that the school needs to make more progress. Fields reports that Williams believes that protest is still necessary. V: Footage of Williams being interviewed. Williams says that people must still act in the face of slow-moving institutions. Williams says that people must not give up in defeat.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991