Description: Reel 1 of 1983 Boston Mayoral Debate, held at Simmons College. Candidates are Larry DiCara, Ray Flynn, Robert Kiley, Dennis Kearney, David Finnegan and Mel King. The moderator is professor Carroll Miles. Journalists on the panel are Andy Hiller, Michael Rezendes, William Robinson, and J. Jordan. DiCara, Finnegan, Flynn, and Kearney make their opening remarks. Robert Kiley begins his opening remarks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1983
Description: Reel 2 of 1983 Boston Mayoral Debate, held at Simmons College. Candidates are Larry DiCara, Ray Flynn, Robert Kiley, Dennis Kearney, David Finnegan and Mel King. The moderator is professor Carroll Miles. Journalists on the panel are Andy Hiller, Michael Rezendes, William Robinson, J. Jordan. Robert Kiley finishes his opening remarks. Mel King, Fred Langone and Eloise Linger maker their opening remarks. Robert Kiley talks about restoring the faith of residents in city government and making the city government work efficiently. He talks about the need to eliminate corruption, the need to establish sound fiscal management and the need to reduce crime. Kiley says that the Boston Public School System must be reformed. Mel King discusses his professional experience and long history of work within the community. King talks about the importance of crime prevention and the need to work with community youth. King states his intention to change the climate of fear in the city. King mentions his proposals for addressing unemployment in the city, including the "Boston jobs for Boston people" program. Fred Langone talks about his years of service to the city and his experience in dealing with the city's finances. Langone condemns the fiscal mismanagement of the present administration. Linger addresses US government foreign policy, school desegregation and racism, women's rights and the anti-abortion referendum. Linger talks about the housing shortage and other social problems. She advocates less spending on defense and more spending on housing and other social issues.
0:59:20: Robert Kiley (candidate for mayor) speaks at a mayoral debate at Simmons College. Kiley talks about restoring the faith of residents in city government; about making city government work efficiently. Kiley says that corrupt practices must be eliminated from city government; that sound fiscal management must be established. Kiley notes that crime must be reduced; that the school system needs reform; that the Boston Public School System has the highest dropout rate and absentee rate of any urban school system in the nation. Kiley says that he has the background, skills and experience to govern the city; that he has proven experience in government; that he has tackled difficult problems in the city like school desegregation and reform of the MBTA. Kiley says that the next mayor must adopt a system of government based on merit and professionalism. Kiley proposes that all candidates make a voluntary pledge not to accept contributions from city or county employees. Kiley notes that he has made a financial disclosure statement. He proposes that all candidates do the same. Kiley adds that the city needs a mayor with a sense of integrity, decency and a commitment to justice. The audience applauds. 1:03:55: Carroll Miles (professor, Simmons College) introduces Mel King (candidate for mayor). King says that he has been working in the Boston community for thirty years; that he is currently teaching at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); that he served as a state representative for ten years. King says that crime prevention is important; that he would put people on the streets to work with community youth; that he wants to change the climate of fear in the city. King says that he campaigned for mayor in 1979; that he advocated a "Boston jobs for Boston people program during that campaign; that the program guaranteed 50% of Boston jobs for Boston residents. King notes the high unemployment rates in East Boston, Charlestown, South Boston, Roxbury. King says that 85% of the jobs in Boston are now held by non-residents; that the Occupational Resource Center should serve as a training center for unskilled Boston workers; that this program would make a difference in the lives of city residents. The audience applauds. 1:08:55: Miles introduces Frederick Langone (candidate for mayor). Langone says that the present administration has had deficits exceeding $25 million per year; that the deficits persisted despite relief from the state government; that the state government has assumed welfare costs, half of the MBTA budget and the full costs of running the Suffolk County Court. Langone reminds voters that he was able to expose the fiscal mismanagement and extravagances of the present administration. Langone talks about his knowledge and experience in dealing with the city finances. Langone decries the sale of the Soren Water Commission. Langone talked about his involvement in resolving disputes about the Tregor Bill. Langone says that he was the first to speak out against the present proposal to defer tax breaks for real estate owners. Langone says that he has served the city for twenty years; that he has the courage to defend his positions. Langone notes that there is a movement to depress the Central Artery. He reminds voters that he made a suggestion to depress the Central Artery thirty years ago. Langone closes by saying that he has a strong record of service to the city. The audience applauds. Visual: Shot of Langone and Eloise Linger (mayoral candidate, Socialist Workers Party). 1:14:10: Miles introduces Linger. Linger says that she is familiar with the problems of working people; that she is a working mother employed as a stitcher in the garment industry; that she recently went off unemployment. Linger addresses US government foreign policy. She accuses the federal government of dragging the nation into a "new Vietnam" in Central America. She says that the "war machine" of the federal government puts a drain on resources; that these resources could be used to remedy social problems. Linger says that racism exists in Boston at the highest levels; that she is opposed to attempts to roll back gains made in school desegregation. Linger proposes to extend busing for school integration and to hire more teachers for the schools. Linger says that the present city administration has encouraged racist violence through its failure to publicly condemn the killers of William Atkinson. Linger says that there is growing opposition to women's rights at the highest levels; that she is opposed to the pending anti-abortion referendum; that opposition to women's rights at the highest levels encourages rapists and other violent attacks on women. Linger says that a government of working people could solve the problem of unemployment; that "the rich rule and rob Boston." Linger advocates less spending on defense and more spending on housing and other social issues. Linger advocates putting people to work to build affordable housing, public transportation, public health care clinics and new schools. Linger says that the elimination of the Pentagon budget could pay for needed programs. Linger says that banks, corporations and insurance companies in Boston enjoy huge tax breaks at the expense of working people; that the working people of the city have a right to know where the money is. Linger closes by urging everyone to attend the demonstration against US policy in Central American on May 14, and to attend her campaign rally on May 7 in Kenmore Square. Linger holds up a flyer for the campaign rally. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1983
Description: Eugene McCarthy arrives at an event. He addresses the audience, accusing Presidents Nixon and Johnson of being anti-civilization.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 02/22/1971
Description: Eugene McCarthy speaks at a podium.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 02/22/1971
Description: Presidential hopeful Senator George McGovern campaigning in a shoe factory in Lowell. Footage includes McGovern entering the factory, talking with workers, reporter standup, and the camera crew goofing around in the parking lot. Mix of sound and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/14/1972
Description: Footage of crowds at the Medford fair. Children playing games and a potato chips eating contest. Background sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/17/1978
Description: Silent footage of firemen entering a house on fire and a person on a stretcher. Interview with Fire division chief about the money that was found in the house. Silent footage of men loading bags of money into the back of a truck. Mix of sound and silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Fire last week in a Medford house. One million dollars in cash was found among the rubble."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 01/12/1979
Description: Interview with Commissioner Stevens about ongoing investigation of payments abuses and plans to help reduce Medicaid costs. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/31/1976
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mel King and Jim Roosevelt are among those running to succeed Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill (Speaker of the House) in Massachusetts' 8th Congressional District. Vaillancourt compares the upbringing and careers of both King and Roosevelt, noting that they are not at all alike and that neither has anything in common with O'Neill. Vaillancourt talks about King's political experience and Roosevelt's public service experience and notes that the two candidates, along with Joseph P. Kennedy and George Bachrach are the frontrunners in the race. The report includes footage from interviews with both candidates and with Jim Roosevelt's sister, Anne Roosevelt Johnson. The report also features photographs of the two candidates throughout their careers and footage of both candidates campaigning.
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of Tip O'Neill (Speaker of the US House of Representatives) speaking to veterans at a VFW post in North Cambridge. The veterans applaud O'Neill. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mel King (community activist) and Jim Roosevelt (candidate for US Congress) are among those running to succeed O'Neill in the 8th Congressional District. Vaillancourt notes that King and O'Neill are not alike; that neither have anything in common with O'Neill. V: Footage of Roosevelt talking about his candidacy at a campaign rally. Footage of King at a campaign rally, saying that he is "a candidate for the people." Vaillancourt says that neither King nor Roosevelt fit into O'Neill's tradition of "clubhouse" politics; that King is courting minority voters and the left; that Roosevelt is campaigning for the votes of affluent professionals. V: Shots of a King campaign sign; of two older white women applauding Roosevelt at a campaign rally. Shots of Roosevelt, King, Joseph Kennedy (candidate for US Congress) and George Bachrach (State Senator) campaigning. Vaillancourt reports that King, Kennedy, Bachrach and Roosevelt are the frontrunners in the race. V: Shot of a black and white photograph of King sitting at a desk. Footage of King talking about his modest family background. He says that his parents were hard workers; that his mother taught him to make clothes; that he sometimes makes the bow ties that he wears today. Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt as a boy. Footage of Roosevelt talking about the legacy of his grandfather, Franklin D. Roosevelt (former US President). Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has never run for political office; that King is a "perennial candidate." Vaillancourt says that Roosevelt comes from a patrician family with a long political tradition; that King is the son of West Indian immigrants. V: Footage of King campaigning on the street; of Roosevelt campaigning on the street. Shots of black and white photographs of Roosevelt and King as young men; of Roosevelt in a school photo; of King in his high school yearbook. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt lives in Cambridge and graduated from Harvard Law School; that King lives in the South End and graduated from all-black Claflin College in South Carolina. V: Shots of Roosevelt's house in Cambridge; of King's home in the South End. Shots of black and white photographs of Roosevelt as a student at Harvard; of King in a group photo at Claflin College. Footage of King greeting a voter at a campaign rally; of Roosevelt shaking hands with voters on the street. Footage of King talking about how his father taught him to share with those who are less fortunate. Shots of black and white photographs of King as a member of a youth basketball team; of King coaching basketball. Vaillancourt reports that King's father was a longshoreman; that his mother was active in the church; that King has held jobs working with youth gangs and as a director of a Settlement House in the South End. V: Footage of King saying talking about working with people. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt lived in a monastery for a year after graduating from high school. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt as a member of the Order. Footage of Roosevelt saying that he felt a spiritual calling to serve people; that he serves people in a different way now. Roosevelt says that he had difficulty following the vow of obedience. Shot of a black and white photograph of Roosevelt serving in the Navy. Shots of color photographs of Roosevelt in his naval uniform; of Roosevelt campaigning for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Vaillancourt talks about Roosevelt's career in public service. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has served on the boards of the Mt. Auburn Hospital and the Cambridge Public Library; that Roosevelt has campaigned for numerous Democratic candidates; that Roosevelt's name garners him a lot of attention. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Roosevelt and O'Neill. Footage of Anne Roosevelt Johnson (Roosevelt's sister) talking about how Roosevelt read the Congressional Record as a boy. Footage of Roosevelt campaigning among the elderly. Footage of King greeting three women at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt talks about King's political experience. Vaillancourt reports that King was a state representative for ten years; that King is a two-time mayoral candidate. V: Footage of Vaillancourt interviewing King. King talks about his record of strong political leadership. King says that he has a stronger record than any of the other candidates. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt is using his famous name to take on Joseph Kennedy. V: Footage of Roosevelt signing autographs for children. Shot of a radio engineer. Audio of a Roosevelt campaign radio advertisement. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has been criticized for "Kennedy-bashing." V: Footage of Roosevelt saying that he has been trying to engage Kennedy in a debate on the issues. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt has spent $65,000 on radio ads; that King has spent no money on advertising. V: Footage of King campaigning in Roxbury. Shots of a black and white photo of King meeting with white leaders in the 1960s; of King being arrested by police at Tent City in the 1970s. Vaillancourt reports that 90% of voters in the eighth district recognize King's name. Vaillancourt talks about King's involvement in the protest politics of the 1960s and 1970s. V: Footage of Roosevelt saying that King does not represent the viewpoint of most voters in the district. Footage of King saying that his politics are inclusive. Vaillancourt stands on a streetcorner. Vaillancourt reports that King's Rainbow Coalition is well known; that the Rainbow Coalition has not produced any winning candidates; that Roosevelt has support from Cambridge civic activists; that the district includes other areas besides Cambridge. Vaillancourt reports that Kennedy is leading in the polls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1986
Description: Gail Harris interviews Mel King (candidate for mayor). King discusses his reasons for running for mayor and talks about the issues he considers most important to the city's residents. King answers questions about how he would deal with the city's leaders, the city's power brokers and "the Vault." King talks about the importance of education and training. Harris and King discuss the changes in King's image and manner of dress. King notes the diversity within the African American community; he dismisses the idea of any one candidate receiving 100% of the vote in the African American community. King gives his opinion of Mel Miller (publisher of the The Bay State Banner), who is opposed to King's candidacy. King says that there is no Boston neighborhood in which he feels uncomfortable. King and Harris discuss how to keep racial issues out of the campaign; Harris and King discuss his boycott of an earlier campaign debate because it excluded some candidates. King talks about his goals for the city as mayor. After the interview, while shooting cutaways, King tells Harris about his book, Chain of Change. King talks about his hobbies and about the importance of organizing and empowering people. King gives his opinion of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston).
0:59:57: Visual: Gail Harris interviews Mel King (candidate for mayor). Harris asks King why he is running for mayor. King says that he has lived his whole life in Boston; that he understands the importance of public service; that it is important for the city to take care of its neediest citizens. King says that affordable housing, employment, health care, and education are important issues to many in the city. King says that some residents of Boston are living in unacceptable conditions; that families are living in overcrowded apartments; that some residents are isolated from the mainstream; that homelessness is a problem in the city. Harris asks King how he would deal with the city's leaders and power brokers and "The Vault." King says that he has worked with a cross-section of people in the city over the course of his career; that he worked with the Chamber of Commerce and the Chandler School to develop a training and placement program for women. King says that people are resources; that training can provide skilled workers for big corporations. King says that training is important; that school failure leads to street crime and juvenile delinquency; that lack of education and unemployment are at the root of most social problems. 1:06:20: V: Harris comments that King has changed his look; that he no longer wears a dashiki. King says that he has not changed his position on the issues; that his clothing is not relevant to his ideas. Harris asks if it is possible to get 100% of the vote in the African American community. She notes that the African American community is very diverse. King agrees that the African American community is very diverse. He says that he resents those who say that he needs to get 100% of the African American vote; that no white candidate is assumed to need 100% of the white vote. King says that a racism leads voters to look at the color of his skin instead of his record and his position on the issues. Harris asks what King thinks of Mel Miller (publisher of the The Bay State Banner), who says that the African American community should offer their support to a strong candidate who can support them after becoming mayor. King says that no one pays a lot of attention to Miller; that Miller is opposed to the ERA. King says that African Americans need to fight for what they want and support one another; that Miller has a negative view of white people; that Miller's influence is destructive to the African American community. Harris asks King if there are any parts of the city in which he feels uncomfortable. King says that there is no part of the city in which he is uncomfortable; that he wants to bring the city together; that he wants to reach out to people who disagree with him on the issues. King says that people must be brought together around common issues like employment and improvements to the schools and the city. Harris asks how King would prevent racial issues from entering the campaign, especially if he found himself in a runoff with David Finnegan (candidate for mayor) or Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor). King says that his previous campaigns for public office have always focused on issues; that the diversity of his campaign workers has earned his campaign the nickname of "the rainbow campaign." 1:14:21: V: Harris asks King if he regrets boycotting an earlier campaign debate because two other candidates were not invited to participate. King says that he has no regrets; that candidates must practice the "politics of inclusion." King notes that it is hypocritical for a candidate to promote equal access for all, and then to take part in a public forum which excludes the voices of some. Harris asks him about what he could accomplish as mayor. King says that he could affect real change in the city; that he would concentrate on reducing crime and fighting drugs; that he would appoint a new police commissioner to work with the community and to root out problems in the police force. King says that Joseph Jordan (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) learned about the problems on Sonoma Street by watching television; that the city needs a commissioner who can mobilize the force to fight crime; that Jordan allowed the mayor to use the police force as a political tool in the debates on Proposition 2 1/2 and the Tregor Bill. King says that he would investigate corruption through an audit of the city's programs; that the government needs to make sure that good services are being provided. King notes that the city government must spend the citizen's tax dollars wisely. King says that new resources must be spent for improvements at Boston City Hospital; that some employees at the hospital qualify for public assistance because their salaries are so low. Harris asks King if he would campaign for mayor even if he knew there was no chance of victory. King says that he has many forums through which to promote his ideas; that he has published a book recently. King says that he would not run if he didn't think he could win; that he would not want to waste his own time and valuable time and money of others; that he thinks he can win and effect real change in the city. 1:20:55: V: Harris thanks King and closes the interview. The crew takes cutaway shots of Harris and King. King tells Harris about his book, Chain of Change. King talks about his hobbies. King talks about the importance of organizing and empowering people. He talks about organizing tenants through the Symphony Tenants Organizing Project. Harris tells King about her impressions of Boston politics. She mentions Kevin White (Mayor of Boston) and Clarence Jones (former Deputy Mayor of Boston). King says that he did not support White in 1975 or 1979; that White has taken the African American vote for granted; that White has not delivered services to the African American community.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/19/1983