Description: A child runs down the street and gets on a bus. Cuts between an interview with Governor Dukakis and woman refuting what the governor says about the Metco program. Mix of sound and silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Metco [Program] is a hot issue in Newton and Framingham. This is a folo featuring the Metco folk and the [governor] ([yesterday]). Plus [real estate] of [Framingham] and Newton."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/30/1976
Description: Story #1534. Sound bites of several people testifying in front of a committee about the effectiveness of methadone and a particular methadone clinic in Boston. Speakers include a couple of drug addicts who are currently using methadone, a man who works with the methadone program, a man against the use of methadone, and a man who thinks the clinic is creating an unsafe environment in the surrounding hospital. Silent b-roll of the committee listening to the testimony, the courtroom, people testifying, and the audience. Mix of sound and silent. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/23/1972
Description: Story #1534. Footage from a hearing about a Methadone program in the city. Testimony from drug addicts who use the Methadone program, people who work with the Methadone users, a man who thinks that the Methadone clinic in the hospital is creating an unsafe environment, a man who is against the use of methadone to treat drug addicts. One of the members of the committee listening to testimony gets into an argument with the man who is against the use of methadone. Followed by silent b-roll footage of the courtroom during the proceedings. Mix of sound and silent. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/23/1972
Description: End of interview with Middlesex County Commissioner on trying to improve the Middlesex County legal system. He specifically addresses the work of District Attorney John Droney. Editor's note: Content given off the record was edited out of this footage. Closeups on stills of the interiors of Middlesex County Courthouse and court documents. Several takes of reporter standup in front of the Middlesex County Courthouse. Report on a grand jury investigation on the Middlesex County Commission.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1982
Description: David Boeri reports that midwives at Boston City Hospital have been locked out by the hospital administration in a dispute over hospital policy. Boeri notes that the lockout is probably a reaction to the mass resignation by the midwives two weeks ago. Dr. Kenneth Edelin (Chief of Obstetrics, Boston City Hospital) has restricted midwives to the delivery of uncomplicated pregnancies. The midwives accuse Edelin of restricting midwifery practice at the hospital and abandoning their commitment to poor women. A protest gathering of nurse midwives and expectant mothers outside of the hospital. Anna Fernandez (mother), Lisa Nesbitt (expectant mother), Virginia Taylor (BCH nurse midwife), Joanna Rorie (nurse midwife), and Dr. Louis Laz (former Director of Obstetrics, BCH) address the gathering. Interview with Rorie who defends the safety record of nurse midwives and Laz who criticizes the hospital policy. Interview with Edelin, who responds to the accusations of the midwives and to charges that many obstetricians have resigned in response to his leadership style. Boeri notes that midwives are an integral part of the city's plan to provide quality care to poor women. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports on a discrimination suit filed against the Boston Housing Authority
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of women and their babies gathered outside of Boston City Hospital. David Boeri reports that 20% of the women who deliver their babies at Boston City Hospital (BCH) are attended by midwives; that midwives are an integral part of the city's plan to provide quality care to poor women. Boeri reports that women gathered at BCH today to support midwives. V: Footage of Anna Fernandez (mother) addressing the crowd of women and children. Fernandez says that midwives deserve support. Shots of women and babies at the gathering. Boeri reports that midwives were locked out of the hospital on Monday; that expectant mothers will not be attended by their midwives during the lockout. V: Footage of Lisa Nesbitt (expectant mother) addressing the gathering. Nesbitt is crying as she says that she was promised a midwife for her delivery. Boeri reports that midwives say that the lockout is a vindictive reaction to their mass resignation of two weeks ago. Boeri notes that the midwives were protesting hospital policies; that the midwives accuse Kenneth Edelin (Chief of Obstetrics, BCH) of abandoning poor women. V: Shots of midwives gathered outside of the hospital entrance; of midwives studying a document as they stand outside of the hospital; of a woman hugging Nesbitt as she finishes speaking. Footage of Virginia Taylor (BCH nurse midwife) saying that BCH physicians have tried to restrict midwifery practice at the hospital; that hospital policy limits womens' choice of midwives. Footage of Edelin saying that neither he nor any of the physicians on staff are against midwives. Edelin says that the midwives must practice within the scope of hospital protocol and the laws of Massachusetts. Boeri reports that Edelin says that nurse midwives are limited to the delivery of uncomplicated pregnancies; that nurse midwives are practicing outside of the law. V: Shots of a nurse midwife walking into an examination room; of a nurse midwife talking to an African American patient. Boeri reports that midwives say that they are operating within the law and with a great safety record. V: Footage of Joanna Rorie (nurse midwife, Dimock Community Health Center) addressing the gathering. Rorie says that doctors consider labor as a potential disaster instead of as a natural process. Shot of Dr. Louis Laz (former Director of Obstetrics, BCH) addressing the gathering. Boeri notes that half of the obstetricians at BCH have resigned in protest of Edelin's leadership. V: Footage of Laz saying that the obstetricians who have resigned are united in their support of the midwives. Laz says that the BCH is no longer pursuing its goal of providing model care to inner city women. Footage of Edelin saying that the obstetricians resigned because he refused to turn his conference room into offices for the obstetricians. Edelin says that he does not want to respond to the obstetricians and midwives who say that they resigned over his leadership. Shot of a sign for BCH. Boeri reports that Edelin is confident that he will be able to replace the obstetricians and midwives who have resigned; that the crisis at BCH will pass. Boeri notes that Edelin says that he is committed to providing quality care. V: Shot of an ambulance with its sirens blaring; of the midwives and mothers gathered outside of BCH.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1988
Description: Interview with Mike Andrews about whether he wants to stay in baseball after his poor performance in the World Series and his relationship with Oakland Athletics owner Charlie Finely before the Series. Followed by silent cutaway of the reporter interviewing Andrews. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 11/01/1973
Description: Interview with mime Marcel Marceau. In the interview he describes the art and discipline of mime, especially as part of the theater rather than film. He explains how when he first came to America there were no mimes, and then there was a mime-craze in the 1970s. He describes his feelings about being one of the most iconic mimes. He explains how mime can cross international, racial, language, and other boundaries. He recounts the events of his current visit to Boston. He discusses his family and personal life. He explains the balance of his show, which is broken up into two parts: Bip, the man struggling against the world, and Pantomimes of Style. They discuss his other artistic pursuits while shooting cutaways.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/18/1982
Description: Silent footage of Mike Taibbi interviewing an African American man, Mr. Davis, who is the head of the job placement program at Selective Executives Incorporated. Two women at a registration desk hand out material. Two African American men sitting in chairs, a white man interviewing an African American woman, another shot of Taibbi and Mr. Davis. Sound footage of Davis discussing this special job placement program at the minority group placement center, which is connecting 260 minority group candidates to 30 participating companies. Image is unstable in some sections. Reporter standup wrapping up of the story. Begin outtakes which include more silent b-roll footage of the interview with Davis, women at the registration tables, people being interviewed for job placement, and more sound footage of the interview with Davis and outtakes of the reporter standup. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/15/1972
Description: Sound footage of men at the State Police Academy in Framingham walking up to a police officer and reporting in, followed by recruits doing pushups, and recruits filing inside. Footage of a man getting a haircut. Interview with a man getting his haircut, he tells the reporter that pushups are going to be the hardest part of the program. Men in a classroom answering to roll call, followed by men getting ID photos taken and more haircuts. Reporter standup by Roger Goodrich about minority police recruitment. Sound and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/05/1973
Description: Mel King speaks at a press conference held on behalf of the Massachusetts Rainbow Coalition and the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee. Committee members stand behind King as he reads an open letter from Jesse Jackson. Jackson's letter criticizes Ronald Reagan and urges voters to support Walter Mondale in the upcoming election. Domenic Bozzotto (labor leader) speaks at the press conference. Bozzotto denounces Reagan and says that the labor movement must support Mondale. May Louie (Rainbow Coalition leader) speaks at the press conference. Louie calls on all members of the Rainbow Coalition to support Mondale, even if they are not entirely comfortable with his candidacy. King answers questions from reporters. King talks about efforts by both committees to register new voters. Louie and King talk about the committees' efforts to win over voters in Massachusetts. King says that the Rainbow Coalition can work more successfully with Democratic leaders than with Reagan. King talks about the dissatisfaction of Jackson voters with the Democratic Party. King says that the Democratic Party has ignored Jackson's efforts to push for a more inclusive platform. King says that the Democratic Party needs "serious transformation." King says that the committees are struggling for the minds of the people. He adds that it is "immoral" not to vote against Reagan in the upcoming election. Several takes of reporter standup.
1:00:00: Visual: Mel King (political activist) sits at a table at a press conference. Other leaders of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee sit at the table with King. Supporters stand behind the table, in front of a banner for the Rainbow Coalition. King tells the media that he is speaking on behalf of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee and the Massachusetts Rainbow Coalition. King expresses his support for Jackson. King reads an open letter from Jackson about the importance of getting out the vote against Ronald Reagan (US President). Jackson's letter urges people to support Walter Mondale (candidate for US President) against Reagan. The letter denounces Reagan's record as president. Jackson's letter predicts that Reagan can be beat if "the victims of Reaganism" come out to vote for Mondale. Jackson writes that the people can effect change in society through political means. Jackson's letter urges people to help him build the Democratic Party into a Rainbow Coalition. King finishes reading the letter. The supporters applaud. 1:05:10: V: King hands the microphone to Domenic Bozzotto (labor leader). Bozzotto says that the Rainbow Coalition's purpose is to defeat Reagan and Reaganism. Bozzotto denounces Reaganism and its effect on working people and labor unions. Bozzotto says that the labor movement must join the Rainbow Coalition in order to support Mondale and to defeat Reagan. 1:06:12: V: May Louie (Rainbow Coalition leader) calls on all members of the Rainbow Coalition to fight Reagan and Reaganism. Louie admits that some members of the Coalition may not be entirely comfortable with Mondale's candidacy; that it is important to support Mondale in order to defeat Reagan. 1:06:53: V: King invites the reporters to ask questions. Shots of supporters standing behind King. A reporter asks how many votes Jackson received in the Massachusetts primary. Another reporter answers that Jackson received 33,000 votes. A reporter asks how many citizens the group would like to register to vote during its voter registration drive. King says that he does not have a specific numerical goal; that it is "immoral" for people not to vote when faced with the "danger" represented by Reagan's policies. King notes that many people have responded to the group's message by registering to vote. King adds that more than 1,000 people have been registered to vote in the South End during the past month. A reporter asks if King expects Jackson to visit Massachusetts. King says that the group is working to bring Jackson to Massachusetts; that Jackson is campaigning for Mondale in the South. 1:09:08: V: A reporter asks if the Rainbow Coalition expects to win over the voters who supported Gary Hart (US Senator) in the Democratic primary election. King says that the goal of the Coalition is to defeat Reagan; that the members of the Coalition can work with Democratic leaders more successfully than they can work with Reagan. Louie adds that the Massachusetts delegation to the Democratic Convention voted with Jackson supporters on some platform issues; that Massachusetts voters are receptive to the issues put forth by the Coalition. A reporter asks why this announcement was not made immediately after the Democratic convention. King says that the group is working for Jackson; that Jackson wrote the letter recently; that the group is following Jackson's instructions. King notes that the group is working hard to register voters; that the group will work to get out the vote in support of Mondale. King adds that the group will use the media and other strategies to publicize its message. 1:11:28: V: A reporter asks King how they will motivate voters to get to the polls on election day. Shots of the media and the audience. King says that the movement to defeat Reagan is the first of many steps in building up the Rainbow Coalition; that the Coalition will be more successful if Reagan is out of office. Shots of members of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee; of a sign reading, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." A reporter asks King about the committee's slogan about the committee's slogan, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." King says that Jackson's goal is to "remake" the Democratic Party into a "rainbow" party of "peace, jobs and justice." King notes that the labor movement has seen the importance of joining with Jackson to defeat Reagan; that Reagan's policies are anti-union. A reporter comments that the slogan expresses a sense of "dissatisfaction" with the Democratic Party. King says that the reporter is right. The committee members applaud. King notes that the Rainbow Coalition is "critical" of Mondale and the Democratic Party; that the Democratic Party has failed to consider Jackson's efforts to push for a more inclusive platform. King adds that he is an independent. King says that Jackson's leadership is important; that Jackson is trying to push the Democratic Party to represent the needs of a broader cross section of people. King says that the Democratic Party "needs serious transformation." King adds that people who have been "locked out" of the Democratic Party need to support Jackson in order to transform the Party. Bozzotto says that Jackson has laid out a blueprint for a Democratic victory in November. Bozzotto adds that Jackson has brought voters back to the Democratic Party. 1:16:13: V: King says that the Jackson Committee is "struggling for people's minds." Jackson says that people in the US and across the world are "dying daily" as a result of Reagan's policies; that it is "immoral" for citizens of the US not to come out to vote against Reagan. King says that the "soul" of the nation is at stake. King talks about the responsibility of citizens to vote in November in order to rid the world of the "menace" posed by the Reagan administration. King closes the press conference. The Jackson Committee members applaud. King and the Committee members rise from their seats. 1:18:06: V: Meg Vaillancourt stands under the banner reading, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." Vaillancourt reports that the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus is trying to convince some Republicans to vote Democratic this year; that some Democrats are talking about their plans to reform the Party from within. Vaillancourt does several takes of her comments for the news story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/01/1984