UMass Amherst protest ends

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Description: Footage from WGBY. A group of minority students exit the New Africa House on the campus of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The students hold a press conference in front of the media and a group of supporters. An African American male student reads a prepared statement, announcing the end of the occupation of the New Africa House. The student says that the protesters are pleased that the New Africa House will be restored as a cultural center for African American and third world students. He adds that the protesters and the university administration are working to resolve other issues. The student thanks supporters. A reporter interviews a white female student and a Latino male student about the occupation of the New Africa House and the racial atmosphere on campus. The reporter interviews Frederick Hurst (Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination) about the occupation of the New Africa House and race relations on campus. The tape includes footage from a press conference with Joseph Duffy (Chancellor, University of Massachusetts). Duffy talks about the occupation of the New Africa House and the problem with alcohol abuse by students on campus. One of the male students on the tape is named Roberto Christian.
1:00:08: Visual: An African American student leader leads a group of students out of the New Africa House on the campus of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. A crowd stands in front of the house. The crowd applauds the students. The student leader and the students stand in front of the house. 1:00:30: V: The students and members of the crowd sing "Lift Every Voice." Shots of the student leader and the crowd. Members of the crowd applaud when the students finish singing. The student leader prepares to address the crowd. Members of the media surround him. The student leader reads a prepared statement from African American and other third world students about the occupation of the New Africa House. The statement acknowledges the time and effort put into negotiations by Joseph Duffey (Chancellor, University of Massachusetts) and his staff. The statement reads that the students accept the administrations responses to the concerns presented by students. The statement reads that the students are pleased at the restoration of the New Africa House as a cultural center for African Americans and other third world students. The crowd cheers. The student leader continues to read the statement. The statement reads that the students look forward to seeing their other concerns addressed. The statement reads that a monitoring committee comprised of third world student, faculty and staff will seek the resolution of other issues of concern. The statement reads that the students endorse Graduate Student Association's call for a campus-wide discussion; that the students are grateful for the support of non-thirdworld students. The statement thanks students, local residents and others for their support during the occupation of the New Africa House. The statement quotes Frederick Douglass and James Baldwin in reference to the students' struggle. The crowd applauds when the student leader finishes reading the statement. The student leader answers questions from members of the media. The student leader says that the students have requested that the administration use more specific language in its documents. The students standing behind the leader chant, "The people united will never be defeated." The student leader says that the New African House will continue to be a cultural center for third world students. The student leader repeats his comment that the administration will need to tighten up the language in its agreement with the students. The student leader says that the students are leaving the New Africa House. 1:05:30: V: The crowd stands outside of the New Africa House. Two African American men look out of a window of the New Africa House. Students stand on the steps of the house. Shots of individual members of the crowd. Shots of two older women; a young white woman; a young white boy; an African American woman; a white woman. The crowd applauds. An African American woman is in tears. She is comforted by friends. 1:07:20: V: Footage of a white female student says that she is disappointed in the amount of apathy surrounding issues of civil rights. She says that many people believe that the civil rights movement ended in the 1960s; that some students do not realize that racism exists on campus. Footage of a Latino male student saying that students of all ethnic minorities joined in the occupation of the New Africa House; that all of the ethnic minorities on campus suffer from oppression; that students will fight racism through education. Footage of Frederick Hurst (Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination) saying that the university has made progress since he made his report; that the administration has responded fairly to student concerns; that the negotiations are in the spirit of the recommendations made in his report. The reporter asks Hurst to comment on race relations on campus. Hurst says that race relations are improving; that the African American students received campus-wide support; that the students acted responsibly in presenting their demands. 1:09:33: V: Footage of Joseph Duffy (Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts) at a press conference. Duffy says that a group of students were expressing their apprehension and fear; that two brutal incidents have occurred on campus in the past eighteen months; that both incidents involved alcohol. Duffy says that the campus has implemented stricter policies; that every university needs to face up to the problem of alcohol abuse by students. Duffy says that the group of students were challenging the administration to listen to their concerns; that the students' demonstration was an educational experience; that the administration will work with students to realize their agenda. Shots of members of the press at the press conference. 1:11:24: V: Shots of people walking on the snowy campus of UMass; of buildings on campus.