Carson Beach

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Description: White beachgoers sunbathe on Carson Beach in South Boston. On another part of the beach, African American children play in the sand and in the water. Media crews interview African American adults about their experience at Carson Beach. Other members of the media observe the scene. A line of police officers separates a group of white beachgoers from a group of African American beachgoers.
0:00:06: Visual: White beachgoers sunbathe on Carson Beach in South Boston. Further down the beach, a group of African American beachgoers is gathered. 0:01:36: V: African American children play in the water and along the shore. African American adults supervise the children. A reporter and camera crew interview an African American woman about her experience at Carson Beach. Another camera crew interviews a group of African American beachgoers. A camera crew sets up a shoot on the beach. Some of the African American beachgoers are wearing street clothes. A group of young African American children plays in the sand. A camera crew films them. Shot of a cameraman leaning against the recreation building. His camera is in the sand. A white man poses for the camera. He takes off his shirt and strikes a bodybuilder pose. A WBZ cameraman records Shelby Scott (WBZ reporter) as he does an introduction for his story. The WBZ camera crew talks to the white man who was posing for the camera. 0:06:55: V: A group of white beachgoers stand behind a line of police officers. They appear to be yelling at the African American beachgoers as the African Americans move slowly down the beach. The two groups are separated by about 300 yards. The police officers continue to stand in front of the white beachgoers.