Ten O'Clock News broadcast

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Description: The Ten O'Clock News debut broadcast with anchor Steve Nevas. Gary Griffith reports on the King Memorial Breakfast in honor of Martin Luther King's birthday. Margaret Bush Wilson (NAACP) speaks about affirmative action programs and voter registration. Griffith reports on Indiana Senator Birch Bayh's visit to Boston in preparation for the March 2 Massachusetts primary elections. Bayh speaks about New England's energy needs and anti-trust legislation to break up multi-national oil companies. Ed Baumeister reports that listening devices in the Worcester County Jail may be illegal. Joseph Smith (Sheriff, Worcester County) says that conversations are not monitored or recorded. Nevas interviews Frank Zarb (federal energy administrator) about rising energy costs, energy policy and conservation. Nevas reads a news brief about the testimony of Boston psychiatrist Harry Kozol regarding his examination of Patricia Hearst. Paul deGive reports on marijuana trafficking. Ed Cass (Regional Director, DEA) says that DEA seizures of several tons of marijuana put it in short supply for wholesalers. DeGive reports that amateur dealers are getting out of the marijuana trade because it is becoming too dangerous. Pam Bullard reports on recovering women alcoholics at Emerson House in Falmouth. Several women in a support group describe their drinking behavior. Dave Rosen reports on legislation regarding consumer issues at the statehouse. The issues covered are auto insurance, electricity rates and rent control. Jim Crockett gives gardening tips to viewers in a gardening segment.
8:06:11: Steve Nevas introduces The Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Nevas reads the headlines: Sarah Jane Moore is sentenced to life in prison for an assassination attempt on Gerald Ford; Moore says that she is not sorry for what she did. Nevas reports that Martin Luther King's birthday was commemorated in Boston and other cities across the nation. 8:07:03: Gary Griffith reports that 1200 people attended the 6th annual King Memorial Breakfast at the Boston Sheraton Hotel; that Margaret Bush Wilson (NAACP) spoke about the need to continue the civil rights movement through affirmative action programs. Visual: Shots of photographs of breakfast attendees; of Wilson at the podium addressing the audience. Audio of Wilson's speech. Wilson defends affirmative action programs as a way to remedy past discrimination. Wilson says that affirmative action is encountering resistance from the trade unions. Griffith reports that Wilson referred to the importance of the coming presidential campaign. V: Shots of photographs of attendees and Wilson. Audio of Wilson's speech. Wilson addresses the need for voter education and voter registration campaigns. 8:08:40: Griffith comments that Indiana Senator Birch Bayh was in attendance at the King breakfast; that Bayh is a democratic presidential nominee; that Bayh met later with fuel oil dealers to publicize his position on energy. V: Shots of photographs of Bayh at King Breakfast; of Bayh in a meeting. Griffith reports that Bayh is sponsoring anti-trust legislation to break up the eight major oil companies. V: Shots of photographs of Bayh; of Bayh in meeting. Audio of Bayh speaking. Bayh says that multinational oil companies have a monopoly on the distribution of oil; that an element of competition needs to be introduced into the industry. Griffith reports that Bayh believes this oil policy will guarantee lower prices for gas and home heating oil; that Bayh will call for a policy to equalize the cost of fuels across the country. V: Shots of photographs of Bayh at a press conference. Audio of Bayh speaking. Bayh says that the New England region pays very high prices for oil and gas; that industry is leaving the area because of the high cost of energy; that the rest of the nation needs to share some of these costs. Griffith reports that Bayh is one of ten candidates in the Massachusetts presidential primary on March 2. 8:10:47: Nevas reads some national news: President Ford's job approval rating has slipped according to a recent poll; the Federal Election Commission will investigate Ford's appointmen of Rogers Morton as a White House aid to give political advice; Ronald Reagan is campaigning in New Hampshire; New Hampshire voters are skeptical of Reagan's proposal to cut $90 billion dollars from the federal budget. 8:11:34: Nevas reports that Susan Saxe is being held at the Worcester County Jail; that Saxe has yet to be tried for her alleged participation in a Brighton bank robbery resulting in the death of a police officer. Ed Baumeister reports that the Worcester County Jail has state of the art security measures; that some of those security measures may be illegal; that listening devices are implanted in the cell blocks and other areas. V: Footage of the snowy yard of the Worcester County Jail; of fences with barbed wire; of guards working with surveillance equipment and video screens; of cell blocks. Baumeister reports that Joseph Smith (Sheriff, Worcester County) says that the listening devices are used only for security. V: Footage of Smith saying that jail officials do not monitor conversations; that the listening devices were installed to pick up cries for help and emergency situations. Smith says that no signals picked up by audio or video devices in the jail are recorded. Footage of surveillance equipment. Baumeister reports that the kind of eavesdropping taking place in the jail is not specifically permitted under the state's eavesdropping statute; that inmates know that the jail is bugged; that some inmates are in jail awaiting trial. V: Traveling shot of cell blocks; of the snowy prison yard. Baumeister reports that the sheriff denies accusations that the listening devices are used to gather evidence against inmates awaiting trial; that Susan Saxe received two visitors in December 1975; that FBI agents were waiting to question the visitors at the end of the visit. Baumeister ends the report by asking if prisoners enjoy the same Constitutional rights as free citizens. 8:14:32: Nevas reads more headlines: Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called in the ambassadors of 37 African nations to discuss the fading resistance to Soviet-sponsored troops in Northern Angola; Charles Colson (counsel to former president Richard Nixon) volunteered former president Nixon as a mediator in Angola; Nixon was questioned by lawyers regarding a lawsuit brought by Morton Halperin (former White House employee) over a presidential order to tap his telephones. 8:15:28: Nevas reports that Frank Zarb (federal energy administrator) predicts that energy costs will rise 5 - 8% each year until 1985. V: Footage of Zarb saying that the US consumed less oil in 1975 than in 1973; that industry and consumers are making efforts to conserve energy; that the government will not need to impose conservation policies if the trend continues; that the government's energy policy must take into account the probability of another oil embargo by Arab nations; that the US does have its own natural resources to fall back on; that coal, nuclear energy and other resources can be developed; that the US became reliant on oil from the Middle East in the 1960s and failed to develop its own energy resources. Nevas reports that Zarb believes that there is oil beneath the continental shelf off of the coast of Massachusetts and that it will be coming ashore through a pipeline in three to five years. 8:20:17: Nevas reads headlines: Dr. Harry Kozol denied accusations in court that he browbeat Patricia Hearst during a psychiatric evaluation; Steven Soliah, a house painter accused of participating in a bank robbery and harboring Hearst, was released from jail in Sacramento, California. 8:20:53: Paul deGive investigates reports that marijuana is becoming more difficult to obtain in New England. V: Footage of a shipment of marijuana seized by the the Federal government. DeGive reports that the federal Drug Enforcement Administration recently seized 1,000 pounds of marijuana in a Boston suburb; that Ed Cass (Regional Director, DEA) says that seizures of 5 tons of marijuana in New England over the past three months have resulted in a shortage of marijuana to wholesalers in New England. V: Footage of Cass saying that marijuana is readily available in small amounts, but not in large shipments. Cass sits at a table with seized marijuana. DeGive reports that marijuana is not as readily available through small-time dealers; that many dealers are getting out of the marijuana business because it is becoming dangerous. V: Footage of Cass saying that marijuana trafficking patterns have changed; that amateurs are getting out of the business; that marijuana dealers now resemble professional criminals. 8:23:44: Nevas introduces Pam Bullard's report on women and alcoholism. The tape does not roll immediately; Nevas looks uncomfortable as the camera is trained on him. Bullard reports that some women alcoholics do not realize they have a drinking problem until it is too late; that Emerson House in Falmouth is the only halfway house for women alcoholics on Cape Cod; that one in five alcoholics do not seek treatment. V: Footage of a support group meeting of women alcoholics at Emerson House. One woman says she always drank in her home, never at a bar. Another woman talks about the progression of her drinking problem. Footage of the grounds of Emerson House. More footage of the support group. Several women talk about their early experiences with alcohol, the progression of their drinking problems and the effects of alcohol on their lives. Bullard reports that recovering alcoholics must deal with tremendous guilt; that guilt can sometimes hinder their recovery. 8:29:44: Nevas reports that the Vermont Public Utilities Commission has allowed the New England Telephone Company to charge for calls to information. Nevas introduces Dave Rosen's report on state legislation concerning consumer issues. Rosen reports that legislators tried to end the rent control system in 1975; that the present law, which guarantees rent control programs in Boston, Brookline, Cambridge and Somerville, has been extended for three months; that legislators may try again to end rent control in March. Rosen reports that there were large rate increases in auto insurance last year; that the governor would like to reform the no-fault system; that legislators would like repeal no-fault property damage. Rosen reports on legislation to guarantee fixed electricity rates for small resedential consumers; that the legislation is called the "lifeline proposal." 8:31:45: V: The weather report begins with a still photo of an iron fence on a snowy Boston street. Accompanied by audio of a howling wind. Nevas reports on the possible imposition of a nighttime curfew on flights into and out of Logan Airport. Nevas reports that John McLucas (Director, Federal Aviation Administration) opposes the curfew; that McLucas visited Logan Airport to inspect security measures; that the FAA may make changes in the curbside baggage system. 8:32:56: Gardening segment introduced by title reading "Are you going to seed?" Jim Crockett gives tips on gardening in New England. Crockett says that it is easy to find information on seed catalogs in gardening magazines; that seed catalogs have useful gardening information. Crockett reminds viewers to order seeds early in the season. 8:34:43: Nevas closes the show. Closing credits roll.