Description: B-roll from a meeting of the Alliance for Economic Justice on Massachusetts budget cuts and welfare proposals. A woman speaks at the meeting on the poor treatment of the elderly. A man says the tax cuts will benefit the white suburbs, not the urban minorities. A state official addresses a crowd, asking for the people to give the government a chance to perform before criticizing. A man speaks against Governor Dukakis's proposed economic plans. Another man speaks against State Senator Kelly. Mix of silent and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1975
Description: State welfare office interiors. Receptionist takes calls on multiline rotary dial phone. Women workers at metal desks in groups of four. File cabinets stuffed with manila folders of paperwork. Form for assistance payments. Staff person talks to client/applicant in Spanish. Interviews with two supervisors about qualifications for social work jobs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1977
Description: Footage of the exterior of Wellesley High School and students coming out the doors and getting on the buses. Silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/10/1974
Description: Shot of a map, seismograph and other equipment, a man explains some data, and an interview with the man about the history of earthquakes in New England and the Chinese's ability to predict earthquakes. Mix of sound and silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Last night, in Candia, NH, there was a small quake measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale/this is a head with someone from the Weston Observatory about this second quake within a week."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/30/1976
Description: Footage of police lined up and awaiting orders, construction workers on the job, and police marching down the road. Wild sound. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "More than 100 cops showed up at the site of the recent trouble because they expected more. It never happened. However, there was a court hearing today in conjunction with this story."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/30/1976
Description: Silent footage of different drugs and drug paraphernalia.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/30/1979
Description: Kevin White press conference. Interview with James W. Hennigan, former Chairman of the Boston School Committee, who speaks against busing for school integration. Kevin White speaks about the failure of the Racial Imbalance Law and the Boston Public School System. Hennigan sitting at his desk in the chambers of the Boston School Committee, and cutaways from the interview. Mix of silent and sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/10/1973
Description: Silent b-roll of house and a neighborhood. Interview with a woman, Mrs. Todd, about how living in an integrated neighborhood is a value to her children, so she is staying. Sound footage of her son, Steve Todd, playing the piano. Silent b-roll of Mrs. Todd and her family. Interview with Jim Todd, who also wants to stay in Dorchester. Interview with 8 year old Steve. He sees advantage in black and white children attending the same school. Silent footage of children walking down the sidewalk. Interview with Louise Day Hicks. She says her office has been receiving several calls from people who say that they will move if their kids will be bussed out of the neighborhood. Silent footage of neighborhood streets, and cutaways to Mike Taibbi. Footage of the neighborhood with reporter voice over about people selling their homes in Hyde Park. Interview with a woman who is against bussing and says she will move or home school. Silent shot of Taunton Ave. sign. Shot of road sign at corner of Fairmont Ave and Summit St. in Hyde Park with reporter standup about homes for sale in this area. Reporter voiceover about Hyde Park parents who wish to move. Interview with a realtor in Hyde Park. Silent shots of "For Sale" signs, and a moving shot down a street, a group of children walking, some children playing, several shots of street signs, shots of houses and schools. Interview with a man who is against bussing, but doesn't want to move. Silent b-roll of reporter at table with man, his wife, and son. Interview with man's son, Richard, who in 10 years old and will have to be bussed in the fall. Silent shots of family around the table. Reporter standup about parents who plan to stay and defy the bussing law. Silent b-roll of family around the table, shots of Richard and his sister. Interview with Richard's mom. More silent b-roll of family, houses, and a school. Mix of sound and silent. Reel 1of 2.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/25/1974
Description: Interview with Mrs. Todd about the Racial Imbalance law, why she agrees with it, how it will affect her family, and organizations around Boston that are concerned about racial tension in the city. Interview with Jim Todd about how White flight may affect real estate values, how the changes with bussing will affect his family. Interview with Steve Todd, 8-years old, about how he feels about being bussed to another school in the fall. Footage of Steve Todd playing the piano. Reporter standup. Interview with a man in Hyde Park who is against bussing and plans to defy the law. Interview with his wife, Nancy, about talk around the neighborhood about plans to move to avoid bussing and her personal opposition to the law. Silent shots of the family. Mix of sound and silent. Reel 2 of 2
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/25/1974
Description: Several people address a crowd of clergymen, giving them details on a meeting held that day on the "Mobilization on the white problem in metropolitan Boston." They discuss what churches can and should do to help fight against white racism towards African Americans, especially African American business people. Silent footage of the audience. Reporter standup.
Collection: WHDH