Description: Interview with jazz pianist and band leader Count Basie at the Berklee Performance Center. He talks about his long career and current musicians.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/25/1982
Description: Press conference after Suffolk County Courthouse bombing; decision to close building for safety. Talk of increased security at entrances. Also, press conference with Michael Dukakis, Frank Bellotti, Kevin White, Tom McGee, and Kevin Harrington pledging to commit all necessary resources to investigate and prosecute violent crime.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1976
Description: Interview with Helen Cowen on the treatment of older people by business owners, mainly that they charged older people more.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1968
Description: Reporters set up microphones at podium. Archibald Cox chairs a press conference on judicial reform and court reorganization. He describes the effects and causes of delays in the Massachusetts courts and the budgets associated with the courts. He is flanked by Alan Sisitsky, Michael Dukakis, Kevin Harrington, Michael Flaherty, and Francis Bellotti. He thanks committee that did the study. Attorney General Francis Bellotti expresses his support of the committee, which he hopes will be able to bring about the necessary judicial reform.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/08/1976
Description: Story #9883. Statements by Father Robert Drinan, Governor Sargent Francis, special prosecutor for the Watergate scandal Archibold Cox, and Senator Edward Kennedy on President Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon. Mary McKay interview with Father Drinan on the street. Drinan thinks that the pardon is in violation of the spirit of the United State Constitution. Governor Sargent, surrounded by news microphones, does not believe that Nixon should go to jail, but the implications of pardoning him for crimes that an ordinary citizen would go to jail for is concerning. Seated at a desk, Archibald Cox reads a statement in response to the pardon, and believes that it violates the principal of our government to pardon the President in advance of the Grand Jury Hearing. Interview with Kennedy on a pier. He comments on how pardon may signify a pardon for draft evaders, and is concerned that the pardon may have been done too soon.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/08/1974
Description: Crane stuck under overpass. Footage of highway traffic. Footage of a train. Silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/22/1973
Description: Joan Crawford cut the ribbon at a dedication ceremony for a dance studio. Interview with Crawford about her feelings towards Boston. She also discusses the current dance crazes. She quotes Barbara Streisand. She discusses actors who become politicians.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1966
Description: Interview with the Crown Prince of Jordan at the Ritz-Carlton. He talks about his optimism for negotiations in the Middle East. He talks about relations between individual Middle Eastern countries, specifically Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. He adds his advice to the US administration in working with the Middle Eastern countries. They have an informal discussion while getting a wide shot. Lydon reasks questions for cutaways.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/18/1982
Description: Christopher Lydon reports on the release of the film Cry Freedom, based on the life of Steve Biko (martyred black South African leader). Lydon notes that the film is told from the perspective of Donald Woods (white newspaper editor). Lydon interviews Woods about apartheid and his relationship with Biko. Woods says that the black opposition in South Africa was forced to become violent in response to the brutal tactics of the white regime. Woods talks about his early opposition to Biko and the black movement; he says that he changed his opinion when he realized that Biko's positive message of black self-reliance was not anti-white. Lydon notes that Biko was killed in prison while Woods was exiled from South Africa. Lydon's report is accompanied by footage from the film and from the trailer of the film Cry Freedom. Editor's note: Additional footage from the film and the trailer of the film Cry Freedom, were edited out of the end of the tape.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage from the trailer for the 1987 film, Cry Freedom starring Kevin Kline and Denzel Washington. Christopher Lydon reports that the film Cry Freedom is a the story of Steve Biko (martyred black South African leader) told through the eyes of a white newspaper editor. V: Footage from the film, Cry Freedom. Lydon notes that the film Cry Freedom takes up where the 1982 film Gandhi left off. Lydon notes that Mahatma Gandhi (Indian leader) was born in South Africa. V: Footage of Donald Woods (South African journalist) being interviewed. Woods says that he has always considered Gandhi more of a South African than an Indian. Woods says that Gandhi was involved in the first attempts at non-violent protest in South Africa. Woods says that non-violent protest does not work very well in South Africa because the government forces are not afraid to use their guns. Woods says that the African National Congress (ANC) was forced to take up arms after fifty years of non-violent struggle. Woods says that the South African government does not respond to non-violent protests; that the South African government has forced the opposition to become violent. Woods says that black South Africans are not allowed to vote; that black South Africans are not allowed to campaign against anything. Woods notes that the South African government refuses to allow free speech or passive protests. Lydon remarks that the irony of the film Cry Freedom is that a white editor tells the story of a black victim. Lydon notes the same irony exists in his interviews with Woods. Lydon reports that Woods never wanted to equate the price he paid with the price paid by Biko. Lydon reports that Woods was exiled and banned from South Africa; that Biko was killed in prison. V: Footage from the film, Cry Freedom. Shot of Woods being interviewed. Footage of Woods being interviewed by Lydon. Lydon asks if Woods was converted by Biko. Woods says that Biko did not set out to convert him; that Biko set out to neutralize the activities and writings of Woods. Woods says that he had been writing editorials condemning black consciousness. Woods says that he mistakenly considered black consciousness to be racism in reverse at the time. Woods says that he began to realize that Biko's message was a positive message of black self-reliance. Woods says that black racism is not and never has been a factor in black politics in South Africa. Woods notes that the ANC was formed in 1912; that no credible black leader or organization in South Africa has ever been anti-white. V: Footage from the film, Cry Freedom.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/06/1987
Description: Footage of the Cubs in 1945, mistakes that they made during a recent playoff game, and Cubs fans after the game. Interviews with Dick Williams, Bob Dernier, and disappointed Cubs fans. Some video problems. Reporter voice-over throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/08/1984