Description: The original Steve's Ice Cream in Davis Square Somerville. Menu board. Old fashioned ice cream machine in window, churning with ice cubes, dasher scraped down with spatula. Steve Herrell, owner, peels bananas and purees them. Customer places order. Ice cream is squished with “mix-ins.” Interview with Herrell on FDA labeling regulation to list natural and artificial ingredients. Comments on using only pure ingredients and non-fat dry milk instead of casein substitute. Label on quart container.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/01/1977
Description: Stevie Wonder speaks at a Harvard Law School Forum at Sanders Theatre. He answers questions from the audience. Wonder discusses his record label and the ups and downs of his career. Wonder talks about his need to be creative and to make music. Asked about apartheid, Wonder says that he will not perform in South Africa; he says that American citizens should make an effort to not support apartheid. Wonder takes his glasses off and pretends to read a letter given to him from an audience member. The audience cheers.
1:00:06: Visual: Stevie Wonder speaks at a Harvard Law School Forum at Sanders Theatre. Wonder talks about his record label. Wonder says that he is always looking for new talent. Wonder elicits laughs from the audience when he tries to imitate the mannerisms of a slick record producer. 1:01:43: V: Tape cuts out during an audience member's question about the ups and downs of Wonder's career. Wonder answers that his faith has helped him a lot. 1:01:58: V: Wonder talks about his desire to be creative and to make music. He talks about the time period when his song "Uptight" became a hit. Two members of a campus singing group present Wonder with a button from their group. One member of the group asks Wonder about his position on boycotts of apartheid South Africa. Wonder says that he will not perform in South Africa; that he understands the feelings of some musicians who do perform there. Wonder says that American citizens have a responsibility to do what they can to not support apartheid; that American citizens understand the ill effects of racism. An audience member talks about how she gave Wonder a necklace in 1973 when she attended one of his private recording sessions. Another audience member asks permission to go up on stage to present Wonder with a letter she wrote for him. The woman gives Wonder a hug on stage and presents him with the letter. 1:08:05: V: Wonder pretends to take off his glasses and read the letter. The audience cheers. Wonder leaves the stage. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/19/1984
Description: African American and white students exit from separate buses and join other students entering West Roxbury High School. US Marshals stand in front of the school. Robert Donahue (District Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) greets students as they enter the school. More buses drop off students at the school. Robert DiGrazia confers with officials and enters the school. A white teacher affectionately greets some African American students as they arrive at school. Administrators use two-way radio to communicate with approaching buses. Donald Burgess (headmaster, West Roxbury High School) talks to students about bus schedules as they approach the school from the parking lot.
0:10:07: Visual: Robert Donahue (District Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) greets African American students as they exit a yellow school bus. A police officer stands near the bus as the students exit. White students exit a second bus pulled up behind the first bus. White and African American students from the separate buses walk toward the entrance of West Roxbury High School. Groups of white students gather in the courtyard. Three more buses pull up to the school. White students exit the first bus. African American students exit the second and third buses. Students walk toward the entrance of the school. A group of white male students is gathered to the side of the walkway. Donahue breaks up the group and they walk easily toward the school. Three US Marshals stand on the sidewalk in front of the school. Donahue greets the US Marshals. White students continue to stream into the school, walking past the US Marshals. Donahue talks and gestures good-naturedly with a white male student on crutches. Another school bus pulls up. African American students exit the bus and walk toward the school. Groups of African American and white students enter the school. 0:08:03: V: Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) speaks with officials gathered to the side of the walkway leading to the school. DiGrazia enters the school. White students are gathered outside of the school on the walkway. Donald Burgess (headmaster, West Roxbury High School) moves among the students with a walkie-talkie. Burgess encourages the students to enter the school. Students finish their cigarettes and make their way into the school. Members of the media film the inside of the school through a classroom window. 0:09:40: V: Another bus pulls up to the school. African American students exit the bus and walk toward the school. A teacher and a police officer supervise the students as they exit the bus. School officials and the police officer confer outside of the school. Donahue speaks into a walkie-talkie. A white teacher greets African American students affectionately as they exit the bus. He pats them on the shoulders and shakes their hands. A group of white female students walk up the steps from the school parking lot. They are followed by a group of white male students. Burgess speaks to the students as they walk up the steps. Donahue and Burgess confer about logistics. A large group of white and African American students make their way across the parking lot toward the school. Burgess speaks to some of the students about bus schedules as they approach the school. 0:16:50: V: US Marshals continue to stand in front of the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1976
Description: Suffolk County Courthouse hallway. Surveillance camera. A monitor displays output of cameras at three vantage points. Guard scans visitors with metal detector, frisks some; goes over belts, pockets, looks in briefcases, bags. Men remove hats to show nothing is hidden. Interview about newly installed security system since April bombing. Details are given on how the security system can be used to deter incidents as well as to apprehend suspects after the fact. Exterior of Suffolk County Courthouse.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/15/1976
Description: B-roll of horse racing at Suffolk Downs. Spectators along the track. Tote board shows odds. Jockey dismounts and removes saddle.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/20/1977
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Michael Jackson has never played a concert at Sullivan Stadium. Jones notes that the Foxboro Board of Selectmen denied a request by Jackson to play two concerts at Sullivan Stadium in 1984. Jones reports that the permit was denied because of security and traffic concerns. Jones adds that former State Senator Royal Bolling, Sr. and others believe that the permit was denied on racial grounds. Jones' reports includes footage from a meeting of the Foxboro Board of Selectmen and footage of Bolling addressing a legislative hearing. Jones reports that Andrew Gala, the Foxboro town administrator and Michael Coppola, a Foxboro Selectman, deny that the permit was denied on racial grounds. Jones notes that Gala says that the Jackson tour denied the terms offered to them by Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that there are bad feelings between the town of Foxboro and Chuck Sullivan, the organizer of Jackson's tour. Jones reports that big concerts bring in money to Foxboro. He notes that Jackson's most recent tour did not stop in Massachusetts. Jones' report is accompanied by concert footage of Michael Jackson, the Rolling Stones at Sullivan Stadium, and other musical acts. Following the edited story is additional silent b-roll of Sullivan Stadium. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jan von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement to end litigation about the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy
1:00:15: Visual: Footage from WNEV of a Rolling Stones' concert at Sullivan Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The Rolling Stones play, "Start Me Up." Marcus Jones reports that approximately 150,000 people went to see the Rolling Stones (rock band) play three concerts at Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that many popular rock performers have played at Sullivan Stadium in the past few years. V: Shots of Madonna in concert at Sullivan Stadium; of a keyboard player on stage; of a female fan in the audience; of Roger Daltry of the Who singing on stage at Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that Michael Jackson (pop singer) has not played a concert at Sullivan Stadium. V: Footage of Jackson in concert. Footage of a meeting of Foxboro Selectman in June of 1984. The selectmen vote. A selectman declares that the license is denied. The audience applauds. Jones stands in the parking lot of Sullivan Stadium. A sign for the stadium is visible behind him. Jones reports that Foxboro Selectman denied a request by Jackson and his brothers in June of 1984; that Jackson had requested to play two concerts at Sullivan Stadium. Jones notes that the Selectmen denied the request because of security and traffic concerns. Jones notes that the Rolling Stones just played three sold-out shows at the stadium; that the Rolling Stones probably attracted more people than the Jacksons would have. Jones adds that security was heavy at the stadium; that traffic was also heavy. Jones reports that Foxboro is now welcoming big rock acts to the stadium. Jones reports that Royal Bolling, Sr. (former state senator) called a press conference in the summer of 1984 in order to pressure the Foxboro Selectmen to change their minds about Jackson. Jones notes that Bolling and others believe that the Foxboro Selectmen denied the permit on racial grounds. V: Shot of Bolling speaking at a congressional hearing at the Massachusetts State House. Shot of Bolling speaking during an interview. Footage of the Jacksons in concert. Jones reports that the Jacksons' 1984 tour was handled by Chuck Sullivan (member of the family for which Sullivan Stadium was named). V: Shot of a black and white drawing of Sullivan. Shots of the exterior of Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that Andrew Gala (Foxboro town administrator) and Michael Coppola (Foxboro Selectman) spoke to him over the telephone. Jones reports that Gala says that the permit was denied because of bad feelings between Sullivan and the town of Foxboro. Jones notes that Gala denies that the permit was denied on racial grounds. Jones reports that Gala says that the Selectmen were willing to license three Jackson shows on non-consecutive nights. Jones reports that Gala says that Sullivan refused those terms. V: Footage from a Pepsi commercial of the Jacksons in concert. Shots of the Foxboro Selectmen's meeting from June of 1984; of a member of the audience dressed up like Michael Jackson. Jones reports that the three Rolling Stones shows were on non-consecutive nights. V: Footage from WNEV of the Rolling Stones in concert. Jones reports that Coppola says that big concerts are good for Foxboro businesses. Jones notes that the three Rolling Stones shows contributed over $100,000 to the town treasury. V: Shots of the interior of Sullivan Stadium. Trucks are parked in the interior as a stage is being put up or taken down. Footage of Michael Jackson in concert. Jones reports that Michael Jackson's most recent tour did not stop in Massachusetts. Jones notes that Gala says that Jackson would be welcomed at Foxboro stadium today. Jones adds Gala says that Foxboro "could use the revenue." V: Shots of the exterior of Sullivan Stadium. Gala's quote appears written on-screen in text. Footage of Jackson in concert.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the lack of summer jobs for urban youth. Many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Interview with director Laurence Jones, who says that many teenagers are not working this summer because there are not enough jobs. He adds that many kids may turn to drugs and crime in order to make money to supplement their families' incomes. He talks about the importance of summer jobs for teenagers, which can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not provided as many summer jobs this year as in previous years. He adds that the city has increased funding, but that there are not enough jobs to go around. Laurence Jones believes that the city will see long-term benefits from providing summer jobs to teenagers. Marcus Jones' report is accompanied by footage of African American kids and teenagers participating in activities at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Young people play in a gymnasium and work on computers. Marcus Jones' report also features footage of Laurence Jones speaking to teenagers in his office at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of African American youth playing in the gymnasium at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Also, teens playing games on computers and closeups of the screens as they play.
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of an African American boy in the gymnasium of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. The boy is running part of a relay race with other kids. An older teenager supervises the kids. Shots of African American young people working on a computer at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Marcus Jones reports the the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club provides access to a wide range of activities to Roxbury youth; that many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. V: Shot of Laurence Jones (Director, Roxbury Boys and Girls Club) entering an office in the Club. Laurence Jones shakes hands with a young African American male teenager. Shot of the teenage boy. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones says that he was only able to place a dozen teenagers in summer jobs this year; that Laurence Jones says that many more teenagers are seeking employment. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there are several thousand kids in the Roxbury community; that there are only a couple of hundred jobs. Laurence Jones says that many teenagers are not working. Shot of Jones speaking to an African American teenage boy in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club; of two African American teenage girls sitting in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club. Shot of Laurence Jones speaking to a young African American woman in the office of the Boys and Girls Club. An African American man stands in the doorway. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not come through with as many jobs this year as in previous years; that federal funding has been cut; that state funds are limited. Jones notes that the city of Boston has increased funding for summer jobs by $4 million; that the increase in funding is not enough. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there is a lot of gang activity in Roxbury; that some teenagers are turning to drugs and crime in order to make money. Laurence Jones says that some of these kids are supplementing their families' incomes. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones believes that the city must do more to provide summer jobs for teenagers; that Laurence Jones believes that the city will suffer later on if the issue is ignored. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given the opportunity to grow and to develop a good work ethic. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given work experience before the age of twenty; that teenagers must learn how to hold down a job and to manage money. Laurence Jones says that summer jobs can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Shot of Laurence Jones talking to a group of African American kids at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1990
Description: Exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Dorchester environs. Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) on the opening of schools for the 1976-77 school year. Before interview starts, they shoot cutaways. During interview Fahey talks about declining school enrollment, staffing, school programs, and the effects of court-ordered desegregation. Fahey admits that school desegregation and a low birthrate have caused the decline in school enrollment. Fahey discusses advancement in techniques for assigning students to schools to optimize programs tailored to students' needs. Fahey expresses confidence in the school system. She says that a federal grant will fund additional teachers and aides in the schools; that the court order has resulted in increased parental participation in the schools. Tape 1 of 2.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Two African American women and three African American children walk toward the entrance. 0:02:33: V: More shots of the exterior of the Lee School. An African American woman and child walk through the parking lot. Shots of the playground behind the school. Two African American boys ride their bikes through the playground. 0:06:11: V: A Boston Police car moves slowly along Westview Street. The housing project on Westview Street is visible. Long shots of Westview Street. Shot of parking lot of housing project. An African American man moves slowly through the parking lot. Shot of houses across the street from the Lee School; of school from across Talbot Avenue. 0:10:14: V: The crew sets up cutaway shots for Pam Bullard's interview with Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). 0:11:45: V: Bullard sets up an interview with Fahey in her office. Fahey asks her secretary to bring her some papers. 0:12:11: V: Fahey says that one of her goals is to develop a better management system for Boston schools; that management is done best by administrators in the schools, not from central administration. 0:13:07: V: Fahey looks at a sheet of statistics. Fahey says that there are 75,443 enrolled in the schools; that enrollment has declined; that enrollment is declining in schools across the nation due to a low birthrate. Fahey admits that desegregation has affected enrollment in Boston schools, but that the schools have not lost 20,000 students. Fahey says that the enrollment figure of 96,000 students has never been verified; that her administration has started to compile detailed data on student enrollment; that this data is allowing more effective management. Fahey says that her administration is tracking bilingual students in order to cluster them together in bilingual classes. Bullard asks if there is a shortage of teachers. Fahey responds that there are enough teachers; that staffing the schools has always been an issue; that the media are giving the issue a lot of attention this year. Fahey says that the Boston school system has received the largest federal grant ever awarded through the Emergency School Assistance Act; that the $7.2 million grant will go toward supplementary programs in basic skills; that the grant will bring additional teachers and aides. 0:17:41: V: Fahey says that she is confident in the teaching staff. She says that last year's court order brought good educational programs to the schools through links with universities and businesses; that the court order also encouraged strong parental participation; that she hopes the parental participation continues. Bullard remarks that some people believe that the desegregation order brought needed reforms to Boston schools. Fahey says that the court order did provide an opportunity to focus on new programs; that the court order resulted in increased parental participation. Fahey says that the Boston schools will be safe this year; that the transport of students will be efficient and safe; that bus monitors will continue to ride the buses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). Fahey talks about the assignment of bus monitors and school aides for the coming school year. Fahey explains the roles of transitional aides, security aides and instructional aides. She says that there will also be more special needs aides and bilingual aides in the schools. Fahey comments on the need for all students to attend school in order to learn basic skills. She says that parents should be confident in the educational programs at the Boston public schools. Tape 2 of 2.
0:00:13: Visual: Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) in her office. Fahey sits behind her desk. Fahey says that bus monitors will ride the buses with students again this year; that parents have made it clear that they want bus monitors on the buses with their children. Fahey says that there will be just as many aides this year as in previous years; that there will be fewer transitional aides in the school buildings; that transitional aides will perform duties assigned to them by the headmasters of the schools. Fahey says that the transitional aides will be supplemented by security aides from the Safety and Security Department; that the security aides have additional training in dealing with crises. Fahey says that there will be many instructional aides in the classrooms; that instructional aides will be funded under Title I of the Emergency School Assistance Act; that instructional aides will work with elementary and middle school students in reading and math. Fahey says that there will be bilingual aides as well as aides for the special needs programs in the schools. Bullard asks Fahey what she would tell parents who are skeptical about the quality of the Boston Public Schools. Fahey says that it is important for parents to send their children to school; that parents who keep their children out of school are condemning their children to an unproductive future. Fahey says that the Boston Public Schools have strong educational programs; that school faculty and staff are always working to improve school programs; that students in the Boston Public Schools receive good instruction in basic skills like reading, math and communication. Bullard closes the interview. 0:04:53: V: Bullard and Fahey speak informally. Fahey says that Boston schools are no longer in the "numbers game." Fahey notes that the focus is no longer on desegregation; that her staff is focusing on assessing the performance of students and teachers; that the tension caused by school desegregation hindered classroom learning. Shot of a spreadsheet on Fahey's desk. The spreadsheet gives the racial breakdown of students in each grade level.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: B-roll of bulldozer clearing debris from Symphony Road fire. Exteriors of buildings with broken and boarded up windows and smoke stains. Interview with David Scondras of Symphony Tenants Organizing Project. He talks about why the rash of 29 fires in three years is suspected as arson: absentee landlords, high vacancy rate, poor condition of structures, lodging houses, lapsed mortgages. He adds that there is nothing the city can do about the problem and explains why. He hopes that State legislators will back his organization's bill which removes the financial motivation for landlords to burn down houses in poor condition. He discusses the number of people affected while they shoot cutaways. Reporter reasks question for editing purposes. Exteriors of a Red Cross Disaster Service Center. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/23/1977