Description: Ray Flynn and Edward Kennedy address gathering to inaugurate new Boston City Hospital construction. Steam shovels and welder at excavation site adjacent to old BCH.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/06/1991
Description: Back Bay advocate and mental health programmer talk about objections to siting group homes in upper income areas. Commonwealth Avenue mall, resident permit parking signs. Arlington Street Church. Vinfen.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1991
Description: Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter presents an economic recovery plan for Mass. Stresses competitiveness, confidence, and resolving the fiscal crisis at the State House. Weld with Flynn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/09/1991
Description: An ecumenical prayer service is held at St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston. Members of the clergy including Reverend Diane Kessler of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, Bishop Methodius of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England, Reverend Kenneth Grant of the Presbyterian Church, and Bishop Barbara Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts lead people in prayers for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Interviews in front of the cathedral with attendees of the prayer meeting, who express their desire for peace. Portions of the news story are accompanied by a hymn. Following in the edited story is additional b-roll of exteriors and interiors of St. Paul's Cathedral and people attending the prayer service.
1:00:14: V: Shot of a banner hanging outside of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The banner reads, "Let reason and compassion replace the temptation of war." Shots of people entering the cathedral. Footage of an older man being interviewed outside of the cathedral. The man talks about the joy of prayer. Shots of people seating themselves in the church. Footage of the Reverend Diane Kessler (Massachusetts Council of Churches) addressing the prayer meeting. Shots of attendees of the prayer meeting; of attendees praying. Footage of Bishop Methodius (Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England) leading a prayer. Bishop Methodius prays for George Bush (US President) and Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader). Bishop Methodius prays for a peaceful resolution of the Persian Gulf crisis. Footage of a white woman being interviewed outside of the church. The woman talks about the spiritual impact of a group of people gathered in prayer. Shots of an attendee singing a hymn; of the prayer service. Footage of the Reverend Kenneth Grant (Presbyterian Church, USA) addressing the prayer meeting. Footage of a white man being interviewed outside of the church. The man says that he is afraid for Americans, Kuwaitis, Iraqis, and other human beings. Shots of attendees praying; of Kessler and Bishop Barbara Harris (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) standing at the altar. Shots of the prayer meeting. Footage of an older white man being interviewed in front of the church. The man says that miracles can happen; that good can come from evil. Footage of Harris addressing the prayer meeting. Harris says that the alternatives to war have not been fully explored by those in power. Portions of the new story are accompanied by a hymn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Richard Taylor, the Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation and Construction, will preside over the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project in Boston. Taylor is one of the few African American Republicans in Massachusetts. Interview with Taylor, who talks about his reasons for being a Republican and his career in business. Taylor talks about his commitment to affirmative action and his plans to encourage participation by women and minorities in the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Fields notes that Taylor says that his appointment signals a commitment to affirmative action on the part of Governor William Weld. Fields' report is accompanied by footage of Rev. Graylan Hagler and unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a construction site in Roxbury. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Alexandra Marks interviews businessmen Derek Jeter and William Singleton on the challenges faced by minority businesses in Boston
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of Richard Taylor (Secretary of Transportation and Construction) being interviewed. Taylor says that he supports limited taxes, limited regulation, more research, and development and more private sector involvement. Carmen Fields reports that Taylor is a wealthy, well educated entrepreneur; that Taylor is a Republican; that Taylor is also African American. Fields reports that Taylor is part of a small but growing band of African American Republicans. V: Shot of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed. Taylor says that some have argued that all African Americans should be Republicans; that Abraham Lincoln (former US president) was a Republican. Taylor says that he believes in limited taxation and limited government involvement. Taylor says that the Republican Party encourages people to pursue economic independence; that the Republican Party discourages people from looking to the government for sustainment. Fields reports that Taylor is the State Transportation Secretary; that he presides over the Central Artery-Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project. V: Shot of Taylor greeting an African American man and a white man as they enter his office. Footage of Taylor at a meeting with the two men and another woman. Taylor talks about the risk of delays in the project. Fields reports that Massachusetts has a high unemployment rate; that the construction project will provide jobs. Fields notes that the Republican Party is often viewed as being anti-minority, anti-women, and anti-civil rights. V: Shots of Taylor at the meeting. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor if he is against affirmative action. Taylor says that affirmative action is necessary. Taylor says that minority businesses should participate in the project if it strengthens their skills; that minority businesses should be paid for a job well done. Taylor says that affirmative action helps minority businesses be competitive; that affirmative action is part of the remedial process. Taylor says that some affirmative action models are troublesome. Taylor says that he does not support quotas. Taylor says that some affirmative action models do not give minority businesses enough significant responsibility. Fields asks if he will be a reluctant or an enthusiastic supporter of affirmative action. Taylor says that he is inclined to have active and strong participation by women and minorities. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Taylor talks about his career in business before entering government.Taylor says that he will do a good job in this area. Fields reports that Roxbury residents halted construction on a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square recently. Fields notes that residents wanted more jobs for community workers on the project. V: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Hagler. Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Fields notes that Taylor says that he has learned from the experience in Roxbury. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the MBTA recently began a $9 million project to renovate Dudley Station. Taylor says that he incorporated some recent provisions from the Post Office project into the MBTA project. Turner says that it is important for the major contractor to be in agreement with the provisions of the contract. Turner says that he hopes that these provisions will be used in the Central Artery Project. Fields reports that Taylor says that his appointment signals the commitment of William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) to affirmative action. Fields notes that Turner believes that there are many opportunities for qualified people of color. V: Shots of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor talks about a recent business seminar at the Boston World Trade Center. Taylor says that the seminar focused on how minority businesses could participate in the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he will soon meet with major contractors for the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he hopes to link minority businesses with the major contractors in order to provide work for minorities.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: Past Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze comes to Boston to address BU commencement. Walks with entourage & John Silber. Graham Allison calls him the architect of new Soviet foreign policy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/10/1991
Description: Blind and deaf teens and other special needs students demonstrate inside the State House for preservation of Chapter 766 education funding in the state budget.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1991
Description: AIDS activists and day care advocates amass on State House steps to demand better funding for their respective causes in the state budget. Larry Kessler.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/24/1991
Description: Long term renovation of State House is suspended for lack of money. Holes in ceiling and wall, exposed wiring. Rep. Jeff Haywood. Governor's Councillor Daniel Hurley. State House clock and parking garage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/24/1991
Description: Students at Boston Technical and Madison Park High Schools learn mediation techniques to settle disputes and prevent violence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1991