Description: Participants in the Procession Against Violence are assembled at City Hall Plaza. A WGBH camera crew records the event from the back of the crowd. Edward Brooke (US Senator), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston), and Kathryn White are visible at the front of a large crowd gathered on City Hall Plaza. Robert Golledge (Vicar, Old North Church) introduces the speakers and is heard leading the crowd in the Lord's Prayer. Michael Haynes (Twelfth Street Baptist Church) and Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston) lead the crowd in prayers. Michael Germinal Rivas (Chaplain, Boston University) and John Zanetos (Greek Orthodox Cathedral) are heard addressing the crowd. Paula Lyons (aide to Mayor Kevin White) leads the crowd in singing "God Bless America." The crowd breaks up and departs. Judy Stoia and Pam Bullard ask white, Asian American and African American attendees why they attended the Procession Against Violence. Interviewees speak out against violence and talk about the importance of the march. Tape 3 of 3.
0:58:46: Visual: Paricipants in the Procession Against Violence are gathered at City Hall Plaza. A WGBH crew is on the ground with the crowd. Audio of the police leading a man away from the crowd. The media and the members of the St. William's School band mix with the crowd. Shots of crowd members. 0:59:49: V: Michael Haynes (Twelfth Street Baptist Church) addresses the crowd from the podium. Shots of Haynes at podium; of assembled speakers behind him. Haynes leads the crowd in a prayer for peace. Shot of Edward Brooke (US Senator) from behind. The Reverend Robert Golledge (Vicar, Old North Church) leads the crowd in the Lord's Prayer. Shots of Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) and Kathryn White reciting the Lord's Prayer; of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) from behind; of Brooke. Golledge introduces Humberto Cardinal Medieros (Archdiocese of Boston), who leads the crowd in prayer. Shots of Medeiros at podium; of speakers assembled behind Medeiros; of marching band in front of podium; of crowd. Sirens wail during Medeiros' prayer. A fire truck is visible, passing by the plaza. Golledge announces Reverend Germinal Rivas (Chaplain, Boston University). Rivas leads the crowd in prayer. Shots of crowd; of police strolling through crowd; of media documenting the procession; of Kevin White and Kathryn White listening to Rivas. 1:08:21: V: John Zanetos (Greek Orthodox Cathedral) addresses the crowd. Traveling shot through assembled crowd. Shots of crowd at far edge of plaza, listening to the prayer. Golledge announces that Paula Lyons (aide to Mayor Kevin White) will lead the crowd in singing "God Bless America." Shots of crowd singing "God Bless America." The crowd applauds. The crowd breaks up and begins to leave the plaza. Shots of people leaving the plaza. Stoia is heard interviewing a man about why he marched. The man says he is concerned about the violence and he thinks it is important to support non-violent action. 1:13:41: V: The crowd breaks up. Pam Bullard interviews members of the crowd. An Asian American woman says that she is a student at the University of Massachusetts; that she is concerned about violence and felt it was important to support the march. A white male student says he is glad that a lot of people came out for the march; that he thinks it is important for the people of Boston to show that they do not support violence. A female student says that she came because she opposes violence; that the march was important. An older white male from Cambridge says that he came out to support peace. Bullard asks a young boy why he came to the march. He says that he came because his mother said so. A young African American man says that the march is "a black and white thing." A young white man says that he feels badly about the violence; that he hopes to help find a solution. Another young white man says that the march promotes unity; that he is glad that there was a good turnout. An African American woman says that she hopes the march helps to stop the violence; that she wants her nieces to be able to go to school safely; that she does not think the march will help the situation. Bullard interviews an African American family about the march. The mother says that she does not support violence. The father says that a lot of people attended the march; that it should help the situation; that he marched in order to express his objection to violence. One of their sons says that he marched because his parents did. 1:18:25: V: Bullard asks an older white man why he participated in the march. The man says that the city must be saved; that it is important for residents to show solidarity with one another; that the march will not solve the problem, but it can help. An older woman says that the violence in the city is getting worse; that the march was important because it brought citizens, city officials, and the clergy together; that the judicial system must be improved; that the courts must punish perpetrators of violence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/23/1976
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Bobby Seale, the founder of the Black Panther Party, visited Boston University as part of his Black History Month speaking tour. Seale is currently working on his doctorate at Temple University and promoting his new cookbook, Barbeque'n with Bobby. His visit coincides with controversy at Boston University over remarks made by Jon Westling, the Interim President of Boston University, about Nelson Mandela. Jones reports that Westling said that students should not consider Mandela as a hero because he supports armed resistance to apartheid. Seale speaks to a small group of BU students about his book and condemns Westling's remarks about Mandela. Interview with Robert Rogers, a freshman at Boston University,who calls for Westling's resignation. Interview with Seale who defends Mandela and says that he is disappointed that racism is still a problem in the US.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Bobby Seale (founder, Black Panther Party) talking to students in a classroom at Boston University. Marcus Jones reports that Seale founded the Black Panther Party twenty-four years ago; that Seale is still a radical thinker. Jones notes that Seale is working on his doctorate at Temple University; that Seale is promoting his new barbecue recipe book. V: Shot of the cover of Seale's book, Barbeque'n with Bobby. Footage of Seale saying that he would like to produce a video to demonstrate his barbecue recipes. Seale says that revolutionaries eat; that revolutionaries should know how to cook. Jones notes that Seale visited Boston University as part of his Black History Month speaking tour; that Seale met with a small group of students and faculty before delivering his main speech. V: Shots of BU students meeting with Brown; of Brown speaking to students. Jones reports that Seale's visit coincides with a period of African American student unrest at Boston University. Jones notes that Jon Westling (interim president of BU) recently said that students should not consider Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) as a hero because he supports armed resistance to apartheid. V: Shot of a newspaper with a headline reading, "Westling: Mandela comments may have 'missed the mark.'" Jones reports that Westling met with students this evening to discuss his comments and other grievances; that Westling declined to comment on camera. V: Shot of Westling entering a room, followed by students. Footage of Robert Rogers (freshman, Boston University) saying that Westling should resign. Footage of Seale saying that Mandela is no different from colonial Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War; that Mandela is no different than soldiers who fought against Adoph Hitler (German dictator) during World War II. Seale says that Mandela should stand his ground; that armed resistance is justified against the violent and repressive apartheid regime. Seale says that Westling must really be an "acting" president. Seale gives a thumbs down sign when talking about Westling. Jones reports that Seale stepped down as chairman of the Black Panther Party in the mid-1970s. Jones notes that Seale praised student actions at Boston University. V: Footage of Seale being interviewed by Jones. Seale says that he sees a lot of students interested in activism. Seale says that he is disappointed that racism never went away. Seale says that there has not been a resurgence in racism; that racism never went away.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/28/1990
Description: Christy George reports that Jesse Jackson came to Boston to support the strike by employees of New England Telephone. Jackson addresses the strikers at City Hall Plaza. Management and employees cannot agree on who should pay for workers' health benefits. Interview with New England Telephone spokesman Peter Cronin, who says that the union agreed to share health care costs in 1986. George reports that employees accuse management of staging a "take-back." Jan Pierce of Communication Workers of America attends the rally on City Hall Plaza. Pierce rips up a phone bill and urges the workers not to pay their bills until the strike is over. The union is asking customers to stall payment on their phone bills until the strike is over. National unions are backing the Nynex strikers. Striking workers demonstrate outside of the New England Telephone building. The strikers urge a woman not to pay her phone bill.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (leader, Rainbow Coalition) addressing the striking employees of Nynex at City Hall Plaza. Jackson wears a baseball cap and a denim jacket. Jackson says that working people must take back America. Shots of striking workers waving signs and applauding for Jackson. Christy George reports that Jackson came to Boston to support the strike by employees of New England Telephone. V: Footage of Jackson saying that the workers need a health plan, not a "stale plan." The crowd applauds for Jackson and repeats his chants. Shots of the striking workers. Shots of hundreds of people assembled on City Hall Plaza. George reports that the telephone company and the workers do not agree on who should pay for the workers' health benefits. George reports that Nynex maintains that the union agreed to share the rising cost of health benefits. V: Footage of Peter Cronin (Spokesman, New England Telephone) saying that the union agreed in 1986 to share costs if the price of health benefits reached a certain level in 1988. Cronin says that the cost of health benefits has reached the level at which employees are expected to share costs or to take a deductible. George reports that employees say that Nynex is involved in a "take-back." George notes that the union says that it is fighting for all unions. George adds that today's rally included striking employees from Eastern Airlines and the United Mine Workers. V: Shots of striking workers at City Hall Plaza. Shots of uniformed pilots standing at the front of the rally. George reports that Jackson preached solidarity; that Jackson called on the workers to fight against the anti-labor policies of Ronald Reagan (former US president) and George Bush (US President). V: Footage of Jackson addressing the striking workers. Jackson encourages the workers to vote. He urges them to vote for important issues like wages, health care, education, and justice. Shot of a sign reading, "I won't pay my phone bill until the Nynex strike is over." George reports that the rally kicked off a new strategy by the union. V: Footage of Jan Pierce (Vice-President, Communication Workers of America) addressing the rally. Pierce rips up a phone bill and tosses the pieces into the air. Pierce urges the workers not to pay their phone bills until the strike is over. The workers cheer. Footage of Cronin saying that a customer should pay his or her bill if a service is provided. Cronin says that Nynex customers are reasonable; that Nynex customers will pay their bills. George reports that the union is actually asking customers to stall payments or to pay the minimum amount to keep their phone connected. V: Shot of a Boston Police cruiser. The cruiser has a sign supporting the strike on its window. Footage of strikers outside of the New England Telephone building on Franklin Street. Police officers are posted at the entrance to the building. Striking workers tell a female customer not to pay her phone bill. The workers tell the woman that her phone will not be disconnected because there are no workers to disconnect the phones. The woman walks away without paying her bill. The workers applaud. George stands in front of the New England Telephone building. George reports that labor unions have been losing ground in the US; that national unions are putting a lot of effort into the Nynex strike. George notes that the AFL-CIO is behind the strategy of asking customers to delay payment of their phone bills. George adds that the AFL-CIO represents a lot of people. V: Shots of the striking workers in front of the Nynex building. The workers chant, "Don't pay your bills." Shots of individual workers; of the exterior of the New England Telephone building. George reports that the AFL-CIO is throwing its weight behind this strike; that a win for labor would reverse a series of defeats. George notes that all unions will lose ground if the telephone company wins this strike. V: Shots of the striking workers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/15/1989
Description: Press conference at City Hall. Boston Mayor Kevin White and Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia read prepared statements about the following day's school opening in the third year of court-ordered busing. White expresses confidence in a peaceful opening of schools. DiGrazia says that police have been instructed to use minimum force, but to act decisively against any disruptions of public order. Both men hope that police can be removed from schools as soon as possible. White notes that the atmosphere seems calmer this year than during the previous two years. White says that he would like to remove police from the schools as soon as possible because their presence hinders the development of a healthy learning environment. Reporters question them on the school opening. Shots of Pam Bullard listening to the press conference.
2:09:33: Visual: Members of the press are assembled for a press conference at City Hall with Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) and Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston). White begins reading a statement, then stops because there is a problem with sound. 2:11:53: V: White reads a prepared statement. He says that school opens tomorrow; that fewer students face assignments to new schools this year; that more students are attending the schools of their choice; that many schools are benefitting from programs linked with universities and businesses; that three new schools are opening; that he is confident that the school year will be productive. White says that the city is prepared to guarantee the safety of all schoolchildren; that he hopes to reduce the police presence at the schools this year; that police will restore order if disruptions occur. White urges citizens to share in the responsibility for a peaceful school opening; that the city will focus on improving schools this year. 2:14:32: V: DiGrazia reads a prepared statement. He expresses confidence in a peaceful school opening. He reports that police have received instructions to allow peaceful demonstrations, but to maintain public order; that police officers have been instructed to use minimum force and to treat those arrested with respect and courtesy. DiGrazia says that police will not tolerate any acts of violence or disruption; that these acts are often committed by only a few citizens. 2:15:56: V: White invites questions from the reporters. A reporter asks DiGrazia what kind of preparations have been made for additional police support. DiGrazia says that Massachusetts State Police will be assigned to South Boston; that MDC Police will be assigned to Charlestown; that US Marshals will be present for the opening of schools. DiGrazia says that the atmosphere on the streets seems calm; that a few citizens are engaging in disruptive behavior; that the atmosphere seems calmer than in the previous two years; that police presence will be less visible than last year; that additional police will stand by for support. DiGrazia says that the police have not received any indication that there will be outside agitators at the schools. DiGrazia says that he hopes there will be little overtime for police officers this year. DiGrazia says that uniformed State Police officers will be assigned to South Boston High School; that community service officers and juvenile officers will be assigned to monitor the other schools. 2:18:52: V: A reporter asks about cooperative efforts between the School Department, the city of Boston, and the Police Department. White says that the three entities have been working together on school desegregaton for three years; that differences about the school budget have not affected efforts to achieve a successful school opening. DiGrazia says that police will continue to enforce ordinances forbidding the assembly of more than three people along a bus route, or assemblies within 100 yards of schools. Shot of Pam Bullard. White says that he would like to remove police from schools as soon as possible; that police presence hinders a healthy learning atmospheres; that police can be removed if citizens refrain from disrupting the schools. A reporter asks DiGrazia to clarify the term "minimum force" in police conduct. DiGrazia says that he hopes police can dissuade citizens from engaging in disruptive behavior; that he would like to see the police removed from the schools as soon as possible. DiGrazia refuses to elaborate on minimum tolerance policy guidelines, but says that warnings will be given to disruptors before action is taken. DiGrazia says that the school department instituted the use of metal detectors at the schools; that they will be used again this year. DiGrazia refuses to give out information on the number of police officers assigned to the schools
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: Jan von Mehren reports on Henry Hampton's address to students at Boston University. Von Mehren notes that Hampton talked about the importance of campus activism and civil rights. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Hampton speaking to the student audience. Hampton encourage students to make demands on the university administration. Pearl Shelton (community activist) addresses the students from the audience. She encourages them to become involved in the struggle for change in society. Von Mehren's report also includes footage of Rosa Moreno (Boston University law student) and Derek Davis (Boston University law student) talking about the lack of activism on college campuses. Von Mehren discusses the role of campus activism in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Von Mehren's report includes footage from Eyes on the Prize of Diane Nash (civil rights activist). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: K.C. Jones of the Boston Celtics reacts to racist remarks made by Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder on national television Reactions to comments by Jimmy "the Greek"
1:00:06: Visual: Black and white footage of the Civil Rights Movement from Eyes on the Prize. African American students face off with white police officers during the civil rights movement. African American student demonstrators are marching on a street. Shot of an FBI poster seeking information on the murder of three civil rights activists. Shots of students being escorted into police vehicles; of police using fire hoses on civil rights activists in Birmingham, Alabama. Shots of civil rights activists at city hall in Nashville, Tennessee; of Diane Nash (civil rights activist) standing with Ben West (Mayor of Nashville). Footage of Nash saying that she asked West if he believed that discrimination was wrong. Footage of West saying that he told Nash that discrimination was morally wrong. Shot of Nash applauding as she faces West. Jan von Mehren talks about how students were on the front lines of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Von Mehren notes that some civil rights activists lost their lives; that some were jailed. Von Mehren talks about the participation of college student Diane Nash in the civil rights movement. Von Mehren says that today's college students have only vague memories of the civil rights movement. Von Mehren reports that Henry Hampton (civil rights activist and filmmaker) addressed a group of high school and college students today at Boston University. V: Shots of students listening to Hampton speak; of Hampton addressing the students. Footage of a white female student asking Hampton how Boston University can increase the enrollment of minority students. Hampton says that students need to be persistent in making demands on the administration. Von Mehren stands at the back of the auditorium where Hampton is speaking. Von Mehren says that the civil rights activists from the 1960s are trying to convince the younger generation to become active. V: Footage of Pearl Shelton (community activist) standing in the audience. She asks how many students are members of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) or the Urban League. Shelton says that students need to give something back to society. Footage of Shelton being interviewed by von Mehren. Shelton says that Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) would be disappointed in the lack of activity in the current movement for civil rights. Footage of Rosa Moreno (Boston University law student) saying that there is apathy among students today; that some students do not know how to become involved; that civil rights organizations need to distribute information to students. Footage of Derek Davis (Boston University law student) saying that students have not mobilized behind one cause or political candidate; that many students are disillusioned or skeptical; that some students are interested in fighting for change. Shots of Hampton addressing the crowd; of students in the crowd listening to Hampton. Von Mehren says that today's students have not united behind one cause; that many are trying to make a difference. V: Footage of Hampton saying that today's students need to dream like King did. Shot of the audience applauding.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/18/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on Northeastern University's observation of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Jones notes that a ceremony commemorating King's life was held at the university. Jones' report includes footage from the ceremony. Sonia Sanchez (poet and teacher) talks about King. Jones' report also includes footage of King. Susan Sullivan (Northeastern Law student) makes the announcement that the university is awarding an honorary law degree to Nelson Mandela. Interviews with Daniel Givelber (Dean, Northeastern University School of Law) and Sullivan about the decision to award a degree to Mandela. Jones notes that the university trustees overturned a policy which required recipients of degrees to pick them up in person. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Scondras, Charles Yancey and Ray Flynn: Boston City Council makes fair housing policy
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of an African American man performing a song at a ceremony commemorating the life of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) at Northeastern University. Shots of the audience. Marcus Jones reports that hundreds of people gathered at Northeastern to commemorate the life of King; that King's 59th birthday is Friday. V: Shots of King addressing a crowd; of King marching at the head of a group of civil rights demonstrators. Footage of Sonia Sanchez (poet and teacher) talks about King's struggle to advance the cause of civil rights. Sanchez says that King's work is not finished. Shots of audience members applauding. Jones reports that Sanchez was the featured speaker at the ceremony; that the remarks of Susan Sullivan (Northeastern Law student) were the highlight of the event. V: Footage of Sullivan announcing that the Board of Trustees at Northeastern University has decided to award an honorary law degree to Nelson Mandela (jailed South African leader). The crowd applauds. Jones reports that Northeastern law students have petitioned the university for three years to grant a degree to Mandela. V: Shot of the entrance to the library at Northeastern Law School. Shot of a paper taped to the door of the library. A handwritten note on the paper reads, "Trustees grant Mandela Honorary Degree." Jones reports that the request had been previously denied due to a policy which required recipients of degrees to pick them up in person. Jones notes that Mandela has been jailed by the South African government because of his opposition to apartheid. V: Black and white footage of Mandela speaking; of a sign for Pollsmoor Prison, where Mandela is held. Jones notes that the university's decision to accede to the demands of students and faculty is unprecedented. V: Footage of Jones interviewing Daniel Givelber (Dean, Northeastern University School of Law). Givelbar says that Northeastern has an unusually diverse group of Trustees; that the Trustees felt like they were doing the right thing. Givelbar notes that the Board of Trustees made the decision to divest two years ago. Footage of Susan Sullivan saying that the degree should have been granted when the students first petitioned for it; that the law students should not have had to fight so hard for it. Sullivan says that international recognition could hasten Mandela's release from jail. Jones notes that the scheduled protest by the students turned into a celebration. Jones says that Northeastern students hope that other universities will follow Northeastern's example.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on an exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum celebrating Black History Month. Jones notes that the exhibit features photographs of prominent people in Boston's African American community. Jones interviews Marie Cosindas (photographer) about the photographs. Jones' report includes shots of the photographs. Jones reports that the exhibit also includes documents, books and artworks representing the African American artistic, cultural and political traditions. Jones interviews Marilyn Richardson (exhibit advisor and MIT professor) about the exhibit. Richardson talks about a display of census documents and artworks by Edmonia Lewis (sculptor) and Allan Crite (artist). Jones' report includes footage of artworks in the exhibit.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of color photographs of African Americans in Boston. Shot of a group photograph of Ruth Batson (community activist) and three others. Shot of a photograph of Hugh Morgan Hill (storyteller), also known as Brother Blue. The photographs are displayed at the Boston Athenaeum. Footage of Marie Cosindas (photographer) talking about the photographs. Cosindas says that the photographs were made with commercial cameras and Polaroid film. Marcus Jones reports that Cosindas made portraits of prominent African Americans in Boston; that her photographs are part of a Black History Month exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum. V: Shots of the portraits, including portraits of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader); of Mel King (community activist) and Joyce King (wife of Mel King); of Byron Rushing (State Representative). Shot of a portrait of Tanya Hart (WBZ television personality), Philip Hart (professor, University of Massachusetts), and a young woman. Footage of Cosindas saying that she is glad to have had the opportunity to meet these people; that she was able to learn about each person's character and personality. Shot of a portrait of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council), Royal Bolling, Sr. (state senator), and Royal Bolling, Jr. (former state representative). Footage of Marilyn Richardson (exhibit advisor and MIT professor) talking to Jones about the exhibit. Richardson says that the exhibit includes one of the earliest census documents of the city of Boston; that the 1765 census includes blacks and Indians. Shot of the census document. Jones reports that Richardson helped to organize the 118-piece exhibit about African Americans in Boston. V: Shots of a display of books; of a painting; of a piece of sculpture. Footage of Richardson talking about a bust of Robert Gould Shaw. Richardson says that Shaw was the white captain of the Massachusetts 54th regiments, which was comprised of African American soldiers. Shot of a painting depicting the Massachusetts 54th regiment in battle. Footage of Richardson saying that the sculpure of Shaw was made by Edmonia Lewis (nineteenth-century sculptor); that Lewis was the first African American to gain an international reputation as a sculptor. Shots of photographs of Lewis; of an 1930s ink drawing. Footage of Richardson talking about the india ink drawings from the 1930s. Richardson says that Allan Crite (artist) portrayed black angels, black saints and a black Christ in his work from the 1930s. Shots of religious drawings by Crite; of a group of sculptures. Shots of a display of books. Footage of Richardson saying that the exhibit organizers have tried to gather rare and unusual documents to demonstrate the complexity and strength of the African American artistic and political traditions. Shots of a museum-goer looking at the exhibit; of a display of books; of paintings included in the exhibit. Jones reports that the exhibit will be on display until April.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/29/1988
Description: Laval Wilson (candidate for Superintendent of Boston Public Schools) prepares for his interview with the Boston School Committee. He arranges several large posterboards around and in front of a table in the School Committee chambers. Eileen Jones interviews Wilson about his upcoming interview with the School Committee. Wilson says that he will try to show the School Committee that he is the best candidate for the job. He adds that posters and visual aids help him to communicate. Wilson says that he hopes to have the support of a broad spectrum of community groups and not just the African American community. Wilson declines to identify himself as "conservative." Wilson begins his interview with the School Committee. Wilson talks about his previous experience and his thorough understanding of school desegregation issues and school curricula. Wilson answers questions about remedial education. A member of the School Committee asks Wilson why two African American members of the School Committee do not support his candidacy. Wilson says that he is not familiar with the politics of individual committee members; he adds that he is an educator who happens to be black. Wilson says that he would like to be superintendent for all students and members of the community. Wilson notes that educational programs are more important than ethnicity. Jones reports on the interview and the School Committee's process in selecting a new superintendent.
1:00:00: Visual: Dr. Laval Wilson (candidate for Superintendent of Boston Public Schools) prepares for his interview with the Boston School Committee for the post of superintendent. He arranges several large posterboards around and in front of a table in the School Committee chambers. The boards display papers, advertisements and articles representing his achievements. Members of the press are gathered in front of the table. Several members of the press take photographs. Eileen Jones (WGBH reporter) comments that Wilson does not look nervous. Wilson says that he is a professional; that he has confidence in his abilities; that he hopes to convince the Boston School Committee to hire him. Crowd noise muffles the audio. Jones asks Wilson about his chances of being hired. Wilson says that he is one of three candidates; that he does not know how the School Committee will respond to his candidacy; that he plans to demonstrate his abilities and to answer the School Committee's questions. Wilson mentions that he will use visual aids in his presentation to the School Committee; that the visual aids document his career; that he plans to discuss ideas. Jones comments that the visual aids seem "showy." Wilson says that visual aids help him to learn and communicate better; that the visual aids document his abilities in several areas including planning, budget development, and partnerships. Jones asks how Wilson feels about African Americans in Boston coming out to support his candidacy. Wilson says that he does not know anything about it; that he is concentrating on his interview with the School Committee; that he hopes the entire community will support his candidacy. Wilson says that he is delighted to have support from the African American community; that he hopes to have support of the entire school system and a broad spectrum of community groups. Jones asks Wilson about his reputation as a tough administrator. Wilson says that descriptions are subjective; that he considers himself a "professional educator." Jones asks Wilson if he considers himself "conservative." Wilson says that he considers himself as a school superintendent, not as a liberal or a conservative. 1:06:10: V: Wilson sits down at the table, which faces the members of the Committee. John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) warns the audience to be silent during the interview and presentation, so as not to distract Wilson. Nucci asks Wilson why he would like to be Superintendent of Boston Public Schools. Wilson arranges the microphones on the table. Wilson describes his previous experiences including his positions as a superintendent in Rochester NY, Berkeley CA, and on Long Island. Wilson says that he has a thorough understanding of school desegregation policies and school curricula. He describes his experiences in working with government agencies and lobbying for school funding. Wilson describes his planning abilities and his commitment to working with parent groups. Shot of the members of the school committee. Kevin McCluskey (Boston School Committee) asks Wilson a question about remedial education. Shot of Wilson. Wilson talks about his experience in and views on remedial education programs. Shots of African American audience members. Wilson talks about the possibility of extending the school day. Committee members ask Wilson questions about a specific remedial education program. Wilson talks about the need to close the gap between low-achievement scores and high-achievement scores. Shots of the audience; of individual audience members. 1:13:03: V: Wilson says that he is not the type of person to brag about his achievements; that he must highlight his achievements in order to be considered for this post; that he considers himself to be one of the most qualified superintendents in the nation. Wilson notes that he was selected as one of the top 100 executive educators in the nation; that he has a strong reputation across the nation. A member of the Committee asks Wilson why African American School Committee members John O'Bryant and Jean McGuire do not support his candidacy. The member says, "What do they know about you that we don't know about you?" Wilson says that he does not know why O'Bryant and McGuire do not support him; that a superintendent needs to make decisions for students of all races; that he is a school educator who happens to be black. Wilson says that he has not read the newspapers; that he is not familiar with the politics of individual Committee members. The same committee member asks Wilson what it means to be an educator "who also happens to be black." The committee member asks Wilson if he will deal with minority students who are not getting an education, or if he will "keep playing a game." Wilson says that the superintendent needs to implement the best educational programs for the school population. Wilson says that he would not like his statements as superintendent to be seen as "the black statement"; that he would not be the superintendent for any particular group; that he would be the superintendent for the whole community. Wilson says that the superintendent cannot afford to be associated with one particular ethnic group; that the superintendent has to work together with all staff, students, parents, and community groups. Wilson says that it is important to consider issues, not skin color. Wilson says that ethnicity can be an issue; that every ethnic group has its own specific concerns; that educational programs are more important than ethnicity. 1:18:55: V: Jones reports that the interviews with candidates are not the end of the selection process; that School Committee members will make site visits to the school districts of each candidate. Jones notes that the School Committee will elect a new superintendent on July 31. Jones does two takes of her closing to the news story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/19/1985
Description: Christy George reports that Ernie Branch teaches karate to urban kids. Interview with Branch, who talks about the value of karate. Branch says that hard work, dedication, and concentration are all important in karate. Branch holds a class with a group of kids. Interviews with the children in Branch's class about why they like karate and about what they would like to be when they grow up. Interviews with parents Haroldine Haley and Michael Langelow about the benefits of the karate classes. Branch's karate classes are funded by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA).
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of minority youth in a karate class. Shots of individual youth as they perform their exercises. Shot of Ernie Branch (karate instructor). Christy George reports that Branch is a volunteer; that Branch is also a father and a former marine. V: Footage of Branch counting out loud as the youth do their exercises. Shots of individual youth in the class. Branch circulates among the class members. Footage of Branch being interviewed. Branch says that young kids have not yet decided if they want to be "good guys" or "bad guys." Branch says that the "good guys" do not offer any incentives; that the "bad guys" do offer incentives. Branch says that kids must learn that short term greed does not pay off in the end. Branch says that he tries to teach kids that hard work, dedication, and concentration will pay off. Branch says that kids need to learn how to think. George reports that Branch teaches karate to kids; that karate is a form of self-defense; that karate teaches confidence, structure, and self-respect. V: Branch instructs the members of the class to sit down. They sit down. Shots of individual members of the class. A young African American boy performs exercises in front of the class. Footage of Branch being interviewed. Branch says that major sports like basketball and football do not appeal to all kids. Branch says that some kids who fail in other sports find success in karate. Branch says that there is no failure in karate; that kids can progress at their own rate of speed; that kids receive individual attention. Footage of the members of the class being interviewed by George. George asks what karate teaches them about not fighting. King Branch (age eleven) says that karate has taught him that people will make trouble for you if you make trouble for them. King Branch says that he does not want to be the one who starts a fight; that he might be the one who gets beat up. Footage of Nathaniel Pomales (age eleven) says that it is important to remember hand blocks so that others cannot hit you. George remarks that karate requires a lot of concentration. Pomales says that he keeps it all in his head. Footage of Camille Langelow (age nine) saying that she has learned discipline and how to stand up for herself. Footage of James Haley (age nine) saying that karate has taught him to avoid bad behavior; that he usually has bad behavior. Footage of Andrew Cherry (age ten) saying that karate has taught him to avoid fights; that karate has taught him to ignore what others say about him. George reports that two of the children in Branch's class have special needs; that they are overactive and have trouble concentrating. George notes that these students have no problem in Branch's class. V: Shot of Branch instructing the members of the class as they do their exercises. Footage of Haroldine Haley (mother of James Haley) sitting with James Haley. Haroldine Haley says that she used to have trouble getting James Haley to do his homework. Haroldine Haley says that she told James Haley that he could not go to karate if his homework is not finished. Haroldine Haley says that James Haley always has his homework done before karate now. George reports that Haroldine Haley and Michael Langelow (father of Camille Langelow) think that parents need to be more involved with their children. Footage of Michael Langelow sitting with Camille Langelow. Michael Langelow says that kids are being destroyed by drugs, gangs, and violence. Michael Langelow says that parents need to be responsible for their children. Shots of two members of the class performing exercises in front of the others. George reports that Branch's karate classes are funded by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA); that the MHFA finances low-interest mortgages for low-income housing. George reports that the MHFA has found that the best way to protect its real estate is to protect the tenants. George notes that the MHFA conducts classes and counseling in areas including substance abuse, single parenting, suicide prevention, and karate. V: Shot of Branch demonstrating hand movements for the class. Footage of Pomales saying that he wants to be a scientist and an astronaut when he grows up; of Cherry saying that he would like to be a basketball player. Footage of a young girl in the class saying that she would like to be a doctor. Footage of Camille Langelow saying that she would like to be a runner or another kind of athlete. Footage of King Branch saying that he would like to be a US Marine sergeant. Shots of the students in karate class. George says that not all kids have someone who cares about them. V: Footage of Ernie Branch being interviewed. Branch says that he cares about youth because they represent the future. Shots of the students performing exercises in unison. Branch corrects one of the girls in class.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/26/1990
Description: The film Common Ground is based on a book about the history of school desegregation in Boston. Christy George reports that a group of people who were involved in school desegregation in Boston watched the film together last night. Afterwards, they hold a discussion of the film. Former Mayor Kevin White says that the film provoked strong reactions in everyone. City Councilor James Kelly and Former School Committee Member Elvira "Pixie" Palladino speak out against busing. George Walker, a member of the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground, speaks out against "closed communities." Jim Conway, a Charlestown resident, says that the film promotes a negative image of Charlestown. Lisa McGoff, a member of the McGoff family portrayed in Common Ground, and Cassandra Twymon, a member of the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground, also speak at the meeting. McGoff says that the film concentrates on the negative events of the busing crisis. Twymon says that the film gives an accurate portrayal of her experiences as an African American student in a white school. George's report includes footage from the film. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jan von Mehren talks to students about school desegregation and race relations
1:00:03: Visual: Footage from the opening credits of the film, Common Ground from CBS/WHDH and Lorimar. Audio of Kevin White (former Mayor of Boston) saying that the film represents a piece of history; that no one should regret looking at piece of history. Christy George reports that the film, Common Ground, looks at the history of court-ordered school desegregation in Boston. George notes that a group of people who were involved in school desegregation in Boston watched the film together last night. V: Footage of White saying that everyone felt strong emotions after watching the film. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. V: Footage of James Kelly (Boston City Council) addressing the gathering at the screening on March 19, 1990. Kelly says that there was something sacred about Boston's neighborhoods. Kelly says that busing for school desegregation "was not worth it." Footage of Cassandra Twymon (from the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground) addressing the gathering at the screening. Twymon says that she is sorry that some people are "embarrassed" about what they did to Boston's schoolchildren. V: Footage from the film Common Ground. V: Footage of Elvira "Pixie" Palladino (former Boston School Committee member) addressing the gathering at the screening. Palladino says that forced busing always has been wrong and always will be wrong. Footage of George Walker (member of the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground) addressing the gathering at the screening. Walker says that people need to realize that "closed communities" do not work. Walker addresses Palladino by name. V: Footage from the film Common Ground. V: Footage of Jim Conway (Charlestown resident) addressing the gathering at the screening. Conway says that men did not walk around Charlestown with open cans of beer while the mothers were demonstrating against busing. Conway says that the producers' image of Charlestown is not accurate; that the nation will see that image in the film. Footage of Lisa McGoff (member of the McGoff family portrayed in Common Ground) addressing the gathering at the screening. McGoff says that she did not attend any anti-busing meetings in barrooms; that the meetings did happen. McGoff says that bad things did go on in Charlestown. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. George reports that Common Ground is a risky series for network television to air; that CBS is devoting four hours of prime time to the series. George reports that the movie is based on a book that tells the story of Boston's busing crisis through the experiences of three families. George reports that the book focuses on the experiences of Rachel Twymon, a widow who believed in the importance of education for her children. George reports that the book also focuses on the experiences of Alice McGoff, who believed in the importance of neighborhood communities. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. George reports that the book also focuses on the adolescent experiences of Cassandra Twymon and Lisa McGoff. V: Footage of McGoff addressing the gathering at the screening. McGoff says that she and Twymon were kids who were trying to understand the situation as it happened. McGoff says that the film only shows the negative events during the busing crisis. McGoff says that the students were "guinea pigs"; that the success or failure of school desegregation has little to do with them. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. V: Footage of Twymon addressing the gathering at the screening. Twymon says that people acted like the African American students were going to take over the school. Twymon says that she only wanted "to do her time" in school and return home. Twymon says that she did not want to deal with the added stress put on her by the busing crisis. Twymon says that she is glad the movie will air; that the movie gives an accurate portrayal of her experience. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. George reports that the movie ends on a note of hope; that the argument at the screening continued after the film ended. V: Footage of Palladino addressing the gathering at the screening. Palladino says that now is not the time for this film. Footage of Walker saying that minorities are always told that the present is not the right time. Walker asks when the right time will come. Footage from the film, Common Ground.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/20/1990