Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) about the Roxbury neighborhood. Lewis says that Roxbury is portrayed as "unworthy" by the news media. Lewis criticizes media coverage, housing policy, and police performance in Roxbury. Lewis talks about the need for a community to set its own standards, saying that she complains about certain types of behavior on her block. Lewis says that she will not be driven from her home by the problems in the neighborhood. She talks about her obligation to work for improvements in the community. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of residents and police in the Roxbury area and a shot of a photograph of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Teachers and parents are frustrated over new starting times for the Boston Public Schools for the coming school year Boston parents frustrated with Wilson and School Committee Charles Laquidara organizes a boycott against Shell Oil Company
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) being interviewed by Meg Vaillancourt. Lewis says that the media portray Roxbury as "unworthy." Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a photo of eleven -year-old Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). Vaillancourt reports that Lewis lives on the same block as Moore; that Moore was killed by a stray bullet in Roxbury last weekend. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that Roxbury is a better community than is portrayed in the media. V: Shots of stately houses on Homestead Street in Roxbury; of a camera man filming a man in a business suit on a street. Vaillancourt reports that drug dealers are not common in Roxbury. V: Shot of an African American woman pulling weeds from a crack in a sidewalk. A boy on a bicycle is with her. Shots of two white police officers patrolling a residential street in Roxbury. Shot of multi-family houses on a residential street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that federal housing requirements create crowded and hostile conditions in Roxbury residences. V: Shots of houses in a new development in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that section eight of the federal housing policy was designed to disseminate people over a large area; that the result of section eight has been new housing projects. Vaillancourt notes that Lewis has criticized the performance of the Boston Police Department in Roxbury. V: Shots of a police cruiser traveling down a Roxbury street; of a small group of African American kids on a street corner. Footage of Lewis saying that every child in Roxbury knows where the drugs are; that the police need to be reminded constantly of where the drugs are. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis is tough on her own community. V: Footage of Lewis saying that residents need to refuse to allow certain kinds of activity on their block. Lewis says that she will harass city authorities and those responsible for the activity until the behavior stops. Shots of African American women and children crossing a Roxbury street; of a police cruiser traveling down a residential street. Shots of people doing yard work outside of a new development of houses in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that a community needs to set its own standards; that residents need to stop bad behavior before it gets out of control. Vaillancourt says that Lewis is optimistic about the people who live in Roxbury. V: Shot of African American children playing in front of a building in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that she will not be driven from her home; that she will not get up and move every twenty years while others relax comfortably in the suburbs. Lewis says that she has an obligation to stay in the community and work for improvements.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1988
Description: Through grant to Roxbury Comprehensive Community Health Center, families of homicide victims will receive counseling and assistance. Newman Flanagan, Francis Roache. Exterior of RCCHC.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/17/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on efforts by the Roxbury community to fight drugs. Jones' reports includes footage of a community meeting with William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Roxbury residents. Celester and Georgette Watson (Roxbury residents) talk about the need for residents to fight the drug trade. Watson and Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) talk about the need for more funding to help communities fight drugs. Jones notes that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime Program in Boston. Jones' reports also includes footage of Watson walking through Dudley Square in Roxbury with Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter). Following the edited story is b-roll of the community meeting and of Dudley Square. Church's Chicken sign, liquor store front, church steeple, food stamp center, Ugi's Subs sign.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) talking to a group of Roxbury residents. The residents are mostly African American. Shots of meeting attendees. Marcus Jones reports that Celester talked to residents about street patrols at an afternoon meeting at Boston Police Department Area B Headquarters. Jones reports that drugs have become a major problem in the Roxbury community. V: Footage of Georgette Watson (Roxbury resident) saying that residents have become soldiers in the war on drugs. Watson says that the community needs more resources to fight drugs. Jones reports that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime program; that Drop-A-Dime is a drug crime hotline; that Drop-A-Dime receives some federal funding. V: Shots of Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter) walking with an African American woman and an African American man near Dudley Square in Roxbury; of plain-clothes police officers making a drug arrest. Footage of Watson saying that police officers and inner-city residents are fighting drugs; that federal lawmakers should give more funds to these efforts. Footage of Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) saying that money should be given to grassroots anti-drug efforts. Footage of Celester saying that people need to come down from their soapboxes; that people need to take action against drugs. Shots of Celester addressing the meeting. Jones reports that Celester believes that attention must be focused on local anti-drug efforts. V: Footage of Celester saying that drugs are not a "police problem"; that drugs are a "human service problem." Celester says that more money is needed to build jails and hospitals and to fund drug education. Shot of an African American police officer sitting in a police cruiser. The cruiser's lights are flashing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1989
Description: Mayor Ray Flynn holds a press conference in Roxbury to unveil plans for a new housing and commercial development to be built on a vacant lot in Douglass Square. The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared the land in the 1960s and never rebuilt on the lot. The owners and developers of the new project are African American. Flynn and City Councilor Bruce Bolling talk about the new development. Flynn says that all neighborhoods and all residents must share in the growth of the city. Bolling says that the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts is a no longer an issue. Bolling and other Mandela opponents believe that the new development signifies a renewed commitment to the Roxbury neighborhood by the city of Boston.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at an outdoor gathering in Roxbury. Flynn stands under a tent, addressing a crowd. Flynn talks about the vote against the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts. Flynn says that the vote shows that the racial polarization of the city is in the past. Shot of the gathering from the back of the tent; of an architectural model. David Boeri reports that Flynn is advocating affordable housing and economic opportunity in every neighborhood. Boeri notes that Flynn unveiled a plan for a project in Douglass Square; that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared a two-acre plot of land in Douglass Square in the 1960s; that the lot has been abandoned since then. V: Shot of a mural on the wall of a building in Douglass Square in Roxbury; of buildings in Douglass Square; of a vacant lot in Douglass Square; of architectural plans and an architectural model. Boeri reports that a housing and commercial complex is slated to be built on the vacant lot; that one-quarter of the units will be set aside for low-income housing. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that the project addresses the need for economic re-investment in Roxbury. Boeri reports that the developers and owners of the project will be African American; that Bolling noted that Roxbury is becoming a full and equal partner in the city of Boston. V: Shots of African American crowd members; of an African American man standing beside an architectural drawing of the project. Footage of Bolling saying that the incorporation of minority neighborhoods into a new city is a dead issue. Boeri reports that Flynn had a unity breakfast with Roxbury leaders this morning; that Flynn pledged to make the city of opportunity for all. V: Shots of the crowd at the gathering. Footage of Flynn saying that all residents need to share in the city's growth and prosperity; that development of the downtown must be accompanied by development of the neighborhoods. Boeri stands in the vacant lot in Douglass Square. Boeri says that the lot has represented an empty promise by the city of Boston to the people of Roxbury. Boeri says that Bolling and other leaders fought the idea of secession from the city. Boeri adds that these leaders say that the plans for the new project are a signal that "their time has come."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1986
Description: David Boeri reports on drug activity in the Grove Hall area of Roxbury. Boeri notes that Grove Hall residents say that the drug trade is out of control and are demanding more action from police. Boeri reports that police are increasing patrols in the area and that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has cited an increase in the number of arrests in the area. Boeri interviews Nathaniel Askia (former Director, FIRST., Inc.). Askia discusses the drug trade in Roxbury. Jones' report includes footage from an interview with William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department). Celester says that police officers are making arrests. He adds that the courts are releasing drug arrestees back onto the streets. Boeri notes that most of the people arrested by police on drug charges are not the big dealers who control the drug trade on the streets. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of police officers making a drug arrest on Humboldt Avenue and by footage of police officers on the streets of Roxbury. This tape includes additional footage of police officers making a drug arrest on Humboldt Avenue. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on Congressional debate over a bill that would impose sanctions on the apartheid regime in South Africa
1:00:13: Visual: Footage of police officers making two drug arrests on Humboldt Avenue. Shot of a white police officer putting handcuffs onto an African American man. The man stands near the door of a red sports car. Shots of police officers putting handcuffs onto a white woman; of a police officer searching for drugs in a handbag. Shots of a police officer speaking to the white woman in handcuffs. Shot of a police officer searching the trunk of the red sports car. Shots of a plastic bag full of drugs; of the white woman getting into the back of a police car. Shots of police officers searching the red sports car. Shot of a police officer saying that the woman's license had been suspended. Shots of individual packets containing drugs. Shot of a police cruiser driving away with the white woman in the backseat. David Boeri reports that a six-block area of Grove Hall had police officers on every corner today. Boeri reports that the two people arrested were not the big drug dealers who control the drug traffic in Grove Hall. Boeri reports that Nathaniel Askia (former Director, FIRST, Inc.) runs a drug rehabilitation center; that Askia is a former drug addict and criminal. V: Shot of Boeri and Askia crossing a street in Roxbury. Footage of Askia being interviewed by Boeri on the street. Askia says that there is an organized structure to the drug trade. Askia says that youth are used as runners and lookouts; that there is drug activity taking place in the hallways of apartment buildings. Boeri reports that Roxbury residents says that they are held hostage in their own homes by drug activity. V: Shot from a moving car of large residential homes on a side street in Roxbury. Shot from a moving car of a main street in Roxbury. A young teenager walks down the street toward a group of police officers. Audio of Askia saying that kids will take orders for and deliver drugs. Boeri reports that drug dealers take refuge in unoccupied apartment in Roxbury. V: Shot of a boarded-up apartment building. Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) pointing to a boarded-up apartment building. Celester says that drug dealers can travel along the rooftops of apartment buildings. Shots of the rooftops of the apartment buildings. Boeri reports that Celester disagrees with critics who says that the Boston Police Department is not doing enough to combat drugs. Boeri says that Celester believes that the problem lies with the courts. V: Shots of police officers standing on a sidewalk. Footage of Celester being interviewed. Celester says that the people arrested here usually have four or five prior arrests. Celester says that these people are back on the streets before the police officers are. Boeri stands on Humboldt Avenue. Boeri says that the police sweep on Humboldt Avenue began last week; that no one knows how long the police crackdown will last. Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has cited an increased number of arrests in the area; that Flynn mistakenly inflated the street value of the seized drugs by $90 million. Boeri reports that Grove Hall residents say that the situation is out of control; that residents expect more from the Police Department and from the courts.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/22/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports that state and local officials have come through with funding for a multi-million dollar program to revitalize Grove Hall, which is Roxbury's business district. The area has experienced hard times since the late 1960s. Press conference to announce the revitalization program. City Councilor Charles Yancey and Mayor Ray Flynn talk about the program to revitalize the district. Jones walks through district while conducting an interview with Walter Little, the Executive Director of the Neighborhood Development Association of Grove Hall. Little talks about the revitalization program and the development of the area. Little notes that there is a high concentration of subsidized housing in the area. Little talks about the history of the area, noting that the district once had a large Jewish population. Jones notes that the revitalization program will benefit current and future residents of the area. Following the edited is additional footage from the press conference and Jones' interview with Little while walking through the Grove Hall District.
1:00:23: Visual: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) at a ceremony to mark the revitalization of Grove Hall. Yancey says that the revitalized Grove Hall will develop into the best community in the city of Boston. Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at the ceremony. Flynn says that the concerns of the Grove Hall community will no longer be ignored. Shots of the neighborhood; of signs for the Grove Hall Cafe and the Boston Legal Assistance Project. Marcus Jones reports that state and local officials have finally come through with a multi-million dollar program aimed at revitalizing Roxbury's business district. Jones notes that the area has experienced hard times ever since the riots which followed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1968. V: Shot of Jones in the Grove Hall district with Walter Little (Executive Director, Neighborhood Development Association of Grove Hall). Jones asks about a boarded up building on the street. Shot of a woman crossing the Street. Footage of Little standing with Jones. Little says that three tenants of one building have now become owners of the properties on the block. Little says that local residents must have the opportunity to participate in the ownership and development of a property. Shot of the streets in the area. Jones remarks that Little has lived in this area for forty years. V: Shot of a "No Trespassing" sign on a boarded-up building; of another boarded-up building. Footage of Little saying that the area has the largest concentration of subsidized housing of any area in the city; that there are 2800 subsidized units within the Grove Hall boundaries. Little says that economic balance is important to the survival of a commercial district. Little says that the small shops currently in the Grove Hall area are not enough to support a thriving commercial district. Little notes that many of the current businesses are fairly new to the area. Jones reports that Little remembers when there was a large Jewish population in the area; that Siegel's cafeteria was a popular restaurant in those days. V: Shot of Jones and Little walking on in the Grove Hall District, near a liquor store which once was Siegel's Cafeteria. Footage of Little saying that Siegel's Cafeteria closed in the early 1970s; that they were one of the last businesses to leave the area. Shot of the front of the liquor store; of two women walking on the street. Shot of a boarded-up apartment building. Jones reports that the revitalization plan aims to benefit the current and future residents of the Grove Hall area. V: Footage of Little saying that the money is available for the project; that buildings in the area will no longer be boarded up after the revitalization. Shot of Jones and Little on the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the competion of renovations at the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. The project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank and was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones adds that the building is a cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. People hold a celebration for the completion of the restorations. A crowd stands outside of the building. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) address the crowd. Muhammad says that gang activity will decline as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. Interview with Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) and Ernest Scott, a businessman, about the renovations. Blake talks about the challenges faced by minority businesses and contractors. Scott says that renovations and increased foot traffic will force the drug trade out of the area. Jones reports that the city of Boston has committed an additional $50,000 to the Grove Hall revitalization effort.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a gathering to celebrate the restoration of the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) addresses the gathering. Morrison says that the building makes a statement on behalf of Muhammad's Mosque, of the Grove Hall Board of Trade, of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge, of the residents of the area. Morrison says that the building represents the way that the residents of the area intend to live. Shot of a man tearing off paper above the door to reveal the street number. Marcus Jones reports the newly renovated Renaissance Building is located at 483 - 487 Blue Hill Avenue. Jones says that the building was "an eyesore" for more than a decade; that the building is now the cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. V: Footage of Morrison addressing the gathered crowd. Supporters stand behind her, including Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Morrison says that the building cost $1,276,000 to renovate; that the building was renovated by qualified African American workers from the community. Shot from an upper window of the Renaissance building, of the intersection of Blue Hill Avenue and Cheney Street. Shots of people looking at the interior of the newly-renovated building. Shot of the newly renovated kitchen. Jones reports that the project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank; that the project was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones reports that the building includes twelve apartments on the upper floors of the building; that there is retail space on the bottom level. V: Shot of a man exiting the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Footage of Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) standing in one of the apartments. Blake talks about the challenges faced by African American businesses and contractors. Footage of Ernest Scott (businessman) saying that the whole neighborhood is improving. Jones reports that Scott's Insurance Agency has operated on Blue Hill Avenue for over thirty years. Jones notes that Scott's business is one of the new tenants in the Renaissance Building; that Scott believes that businesses and residents need to fight the gangs and drug dealers in the neighborhood. V: Shot of the exterior of the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Shot of a man fixing lettering to the interior of a window of the Insurance Agency; of an employee and customer at the Insurance Agency. Footage of Scott saying that foot traffic and business activity puts a damper on the drug trade. Scott says that participants in the drug trade will be forced out of the area. Shots of traffic on the street in the Grove Hall area; of the crowd gathered in front of the Renaissance Area. Jones reports that community organizers hope to refurbish the entire Grove Hall district within five years; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has committed an addtional $50,000 to the effort. V: Footage of Muhammad addressing the crowd outside of the Renaissance Building. Muhammad says that the Grove Hall community deserves the same respect and resources as any other neighborhood. Muhammad says that gang activity will dwindle as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. The crowd claps for Muhammad. Morrison approaches the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/12/1990
Description: Former Berkeley mayor Gus Newport comes to Roxbury to lead the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative in rebuilding the community by attracting developers. Empty lot.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/02/1989
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/16/1985
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/16/1985