Description: Pam Bullard interviews Kathleen Sullivan (Boston School Committee) about the quality of education in Boston. Sullivan says that she is frustrated because Boston schools have not improved since court-ordered desegregation began in 1974. Sullivan calls Arthur Garrity (federal judge) a "crazy judge." Sullivan says that the desegregation plans since 1974 have been disruptive. She says that neither African American nor white students have benefitted from school desegregation; that students should not be assigned to different schools each year. Sullivan and her assistant discuss Judge Garrity's latest order concerning the Boston schools. Bullard explains to Sullivan that she is putting together a piece which contrasts Sullivan's views on schools and court-ordered desegregation with the views of African American leader Melnea Cass
0:59:44: V: Pam Bullard interviews Kathleen Sullivan in her office. Bullard comments that Sullivan was elected to the School Committee because voters were impressed with her commitment to quality education and better schools. Bullard asks Sullivan how she would have fared if voters were less concerned with the state of the schools and more concerned with politics as usual. Sullivan says that she could have been re-elected. Sullivan says that parents are concerned about education; that a difficult economy coupled with the costs of school desegregation has made school improvement difficult. Sullivan says that the quality of education has not improved in the city since she was elected to the School Committee; that she feels frustrated in her efforts to improve the schools. 1:03:48: V: Bullard asks if it would damage Sullivan politically to admit that desegregation has improved Boston schools. Sullivan says that voters in Boston are beginning to accept desegregation as a fact; that the anti-busing movement has lost steam because people are tired; that voters would be happy to hear that schools have improved, even if the improvement was a direct result of desegregation and a "crazy judge on the scene." Sullivan says that there has been little improvement except in a few schools. Sullivan mentions that Roxbury High School, the Lewenberg School and the Curley School have seen improvement. Bullard asks why Sullivan never mentions the positive impact that desegregation has had on African American students, who now have access to an equal education. Sullivan says that she has been preoccupied with the budget this year; that she visited last year with African American students who had been assigned to three different schools in three years, and had not benefitted from the experience. Sullivan says that the school situation has begun to stabilize this year; that one can begin to talk about better education for African American students this year; that police presence in schools and community hostility to busing prevented a healthy school situation for African American students in 1974 and 1975; that she understands why African American parents might disagree with her because they wanted access to better schools for their children. Sullivan says that she hopes schools can be improved for all students; that she is worried because only 51,000 children attended Boston Public Schools last year, out of a school-age population of 117,000. Sullivan says that she taught African American students in Dorchester; that she thinks desegregation has been disruptive for those students; that the desegregation of Boston schools could have been beneficial for African American students and white students in 1974 and 1975 if it had been implemented differently. 1:10:34: V: An administrative assistant enters Sullivan's office to go over some papers with her. The assistant points out that Judge Garrity has ordered the School Committee to appoint a new Transitional Director of Program Development at South Boston High School. Sullivan and the assistant discuss Garrity's instructions. Sullivan and her assistant tell Bullard that Judge Garrity has approved 160 transfers out of 1,782 requests. Sullivan alludes to Garrity's heavy involvement in managing the Boston schools. 1:12:57: V: Bullard explains to Sullivan how she will edit the final piece. Shots of Sullivan's office. Bullard explains that she has also interviewed Melnea Cass (African American community leader) and wants the final piece to reflect the positions of the two women. Bullard says that both women are leaders, but that their positions on school desegregation reflect their ethnic heritage; that their positions are as far apart as the communities they represent. Sullivan points out that she has done a lot of work with African American students. Bullard says that Sullivan and Cass have a good working relationship because neither harbors strong racial prejudices; that both have friends of other races and backgrounds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/28/1976
Description: No audio at very beginning. Police officers and US Marshals are stationed outside of Charlestown High School. African American and white students exit the school. White students walk away from the school. African American students board buses and depart. Members of the media record the event from across the street, under Bunker Hill Monument. Gary Griffith does several takes of reporter standup from the South End. He gives an update on the senatorial race in the second Suffolk district. Elevated train tracks are visible on Washington Street. South End environs Shot of the Prudential Center. Washington St. street sign.
0:00:00: Visual: School buses pull up to the front of Charlestown High School. Graffiti on the front of the school has been painted over. A Boston Police Department cruiser pulls up behind the buses. A police officer on a motorcycle waits behind the buses. A US Marshal surveys the school from across the street. A group of officials and another US Marshal stand at the entrance of the school. Members of the media observe the scene from behind the fence at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. 0:01:49: V: An African American police officer is stationed at the corner of Monument Square and Concord Street. Shot of Concord Street. A group of white youth observe events at the school from across Monument Square. A girl sits on the fence watching the school. Three young men stand on the steps of a brownstone house on Monument Square. A group of police officers are stationed on Monument Square where the youth have gathered. Some members of the media stand at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Shot of the Bunker Hill Monument. School buses and police motorcycle escorts remain parked in front of the school. Police radios are audible. Shots of Charlestown High School through the fence at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. 0:06:37: V: A police officer talks to school officials at the entrance of the school. Two white US Marshals and one African American US Marshal are gathered in front of the school. Police officials and a US Marshal confer at the corner of Monument Square and Bartlett Street. Police officers are stationed along Concord Street. Shot of the Bunker Hill Monument and the gathered media. 0:08:25: V: African American and white students exit the school together. Some white students walk away from the school. African American students and some white students head toward the buses. Shot of the exterior of Charlestown High School. A student makes a gesture of peace to the media. The video is overly bright during this scene. 0:12:02: V: Buses pull away from the school, followed by a police motorcycle and a police cruiser. White students are gathered at the corner of Concord and Bartlett Streets. Police officials leave the scene. Another group of white students is gathered on the corner of Bartlett Street and Monument Square. One girl makes a peace sign for the camera. Two police officers with riot helmets walk up the street. 0:14:24: V: Gary Griffith reports on the senatorial race in the second Suffolk district. He stands on a street corner. The Prudential Tower is visible in the distance. Griffith says that the election will be determined in the Democratic primary because there are no Republican or independent candidates; that the Democratic primary will take place in four days. Griffith makes a mistake in his delivery and does two more takes. The camera pans to Washington Street. Elevated train tracks run down the center of the street. Shot of the fire escape of a building on the corner of Washington Street. The windows of the building are boarded up. Shots of rowhouses and buildings along the street perpendicular to Washington Street. Shots of a garden behind a chain link fence. A colorful sign on the fence reads "Community Garden". Shot of the street and the Prudential Tower. Clothes are hanging out to dry on the fire escape of a building on the street. Shots of Washington Street and elevated train tracks. Shot of street sign for Washington Street. Shots of overgrown lot on the corner of Washington Street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/09/1976
Description: Exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Dorchester environs. Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) on the opening of schools for the 1976-77 school year. Before interview starts, they shoot cutaways. During interview Fahey talks about declining school enrollment, staffing, school programs, and the effects of court-ordered desegregation. Fahey admits that school desegregation and a low birthrate have caused the decline in school enrollment. Fahey discusses advancement in techniques for assigning students to schools to optimize programs tailored to students' needs. Fahey expresses confidence in the school system. She says that a federal grant will fund additional teachers and aides in the schools; that the court order has resulted in increased parental participation in the schools. Tape 1 of 2.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Two African American women and three African American children walk toward the entrance. 0:02:33: V: More shots of the exterior of the Lee School. An African American woman and child walk through the parking lot. Shots of the playground behind the school. Two African American boys ride their bikes through the playground. 0:06:11: V: A Boston Police car moves slowly along Westview Street. The housing project on Westview Street is visible. Long shots of Westview Street. Shot of parking lot of housing project. An African American man moves slowly through the parking lot. Shot of houses across the street from the Lee School; of school from across Talbot Avenue. 0:10:14: V: The crew sets up cutaway shots for Pam Bullard's interview with Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). 0:11:45: V: Bullard sets up an interview with Fahey in her office. Fahey asks her secretary to bring her some papers. 0:12:11: V: Fahey says that one of her goals is to develop a better management system for Boston schools; that management is done best by administrators in the schools, not from central administration. 0:13:07: V: Fahey looks at a sheet of statistics. Fahey says that there are 75,443 enrolled in the schools; that enrollment has declined; that enrollment is declining in schools across the nation due to a low birthrate. Fahey admits that desegregation has affected enrollment in Boston schools, but that the schools have not lost 20,000 students. Fahey says that the enrollment figure of 96,000 students has never been verified; that her administration has started to compile detailed data on student enrollment; that this data is allowing more effective management. Fahey says that her administration is tracking bilingual students in order to cluster them together in bilingual classes. Bullard asks if there is a shortage of teachers. Fahey responds that there are enough teachers; that staffing the schools has always been an issue; that the media are giving the issue a lot of attention this year. Fahey says that the Boston school system has received the largest federal grant ever awarded through the Emergency School Assistance Act; that the $7.2 million grant will go toward supplementary programs in basic skills; that the grant will bring additional teachers and aides. 0:17:41: V: Fahey says that she is confident in the teaching staff. She says that last year's court order brought good educational programs to the schools through links with universities and businesses; that the court order also encouraged strong parental participation; that she hopes the parental participation continues. Bullard remarks that some people believe that the desegregation order brought needed reforms to Boston schools. Fahey says that the court order did provide an opportunity to focus on new programs; that the court order resulted in increased parental participation. Fahey says that the Boston schools will be safe this year; that the transport of students will be efficient and safe; that bus monitors will continue to ride the buses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) holds a press conference on the closing of Hyde Park High after a disturbance. She says that the her staff is investigating the situation and will respond to a list of complaints drawn up by the faculty of the high school. Fahey says that the school faculty is concerned about disruptive students and renovations to the building. She will not comment on whether the disturbance was caused by racial tension. Fahey says that Elvira "Pixie" Palladino (Boston School Committee) had a right to visit the school. Fahey will not comment on the effect of Palladino's presence on the disturbance. Ann Foley (administrative assistant to Fahey) and Associate Superintendents Charles Leftwich and Paul Kennedy are also present at the press conference.
0:00:45: Visual: Media are gathered at Boston Schools Information Center as Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Charles Leftwich (Associate Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Ann Foley (administrative assistant to Fahey), and Paul Kennedy (Associate Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) seat themselves. Foley says that Fahey will speak about the situation at Hyde Park High School. She requests the media to confine their questions to that situation. 0:01:26: V: Fahey announces that classes at Hyde Park High School will be suspended on the following day; that a group of officials and administrators will be convened to plan for the reopening of the school. Reporters ask questions about the school closing. Fahey says that Kennedy and Leftwich visited Hyde Park High School to confer with faculty, administrators, members of the biracial counsel and members of the Home and School Association. Fahey says that she made the decision to close the school based on information from that visit. Fahey says that Hyde Park faculty is preparing a list of concerns and problems which need to be addressed. Fahey says that the following day will be spent planning and addressing concerns about the school. Fahey says that she has not decided whether to request a larger police presence at Hyde Park High School. 0:03:32: V: Fahey says that she will not comment on the situation at the school until she has all of the information. Fahey says that she will determine tomorrow evening if the school will reopen on Friday. Fahey says that the school will reopen when the safety of the students can be guaranteed. Fahey says that damage to the building will be repaired before the school reopens. Fahey says that the incidents at Hyde Park were deplorable and that the situation at the school will be addressed. Fahey says that she does not know how many arrests were made; that her staff is investigating the situation in order to make a full report to her. 0:05:52: V: A reporter asks Fahey to comment on overcrowded classes and the closing of the top floor of the school. Leftwich says that some classrooms on the top floor are being refurbished; that the superintendent's staff is investigating the situation; that these complaints may have contributed to the situation at Hyde Park. Fahey says that she will not speculate on whether racial issues were the cause of the disturbance; that she will investigate the causes of the disturbance. Fahey says that her staff will assess the situation tomorrow and make plans to prevent such incidents in the future. Fahey says that she had not known about the concerns about Hyde Park faculty members before today; that faculty are concerned about disruptive students and renovations to the school building. Fahey says that students had been dismissed from school when she arrived there. Fahey says that she would address the students by saying that the faculty at Hyde Park is concerned about their well-being and education; that the biracial counsel will work hard to resolve problems at the school; that her administration is dedicated to resolving the situation at the school. 0:10:18: V: A reporter asks Fahey if Elvira "Pixie" Palladino played a destructive role in the situation at Hyde Park. Fahey says that Palladino had a right to be at the school as a member of the school committee; that she has not spoken to Palladino about the situation. A reporter asks Fahey if she is concerned that the concerns of Hyde Park faculty have not been addressed. Fahey says that she will investigate the situation. Fahey declines to answer a question unrelated to the situation at Hyde Park. She thanks the media and leaves the room with Leftwich, Kennedy, and Foley. Reporters talk among themselves as they clear the room. Shot of Fahey heading down a hallway toward the exit.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1976
Description: Low quality sound at the beginning of the video. Judge Arthur Garrity speaks at a community meeting, calling for better communication among organizations involved in the school desegregation process. He takes questions about the role of the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) and the organization of community forums to invite feedback on schools. Garrity talks about setting up hearings about the school desegregation plan for the 1976-77 school year. Audience members express confusion at the roles of the CCC and the Citywide Parents Advisory Council (CPAC). Garrity explains the role of the Racial Ethnic Parents Councils, set up through the CPAC. Garrity reads a letter about problems which need to be resolved at the Blackstone Elementary School. Hubie Jones (African American community activist) sits beside Garrity at the meeting
1:00:00: Audio on tape is muffled. Visual: Arthur Garrity (federal judge) speaks before a biracial community meeting about Boston schools and court-ordered desegregation. Garrity speaks about the importance of good communication between the organizations involved in the schools. He says that the parents on the Citywide Parents Advisory Council (CPAC) are interested in working with the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) in organizing meetings about the schools. Garrity closes his talk by saying that he is offering suggestions, not directives. Hubert Jones (African American community activist) informally thanks Garrity. Garrity sits down in a chair next to Jones. 1:02:43: V: Garrity takes questions from audience members. Garrity responds to a question, saying that he will consult with all of the lawyers involved in the school desegregation case before putting anything into the court order; that he will schedule a series of hearings for the 1976-77 school year. Garrity says that the hearings might be held in late February or early March. A meeting member asks Garrity to comment on the group's idea to hold community forums in the neighborhoods, so that parents can give suggestions and air their grievances. Garrity agrees that the community hearings are a good idea. He suggests that a few members of the CCC and the CPAC should be present at the forums; that these members should be well informed in order to combat inaccurate information and false rumors; that members should feel free to ask him for the statistics and facts before going to the hearings. A meeting member asks Garrity if the CCC should have an attorney present for the court hearings. Garrity says that the CCC is not a party to the lawsuit; that the CCC might be seen as a distraction in the court. The member asks how the CCC can get feedback from the court. Garrity says that he is looking for constructive proposals for changes in the desegregation plan; that he hopes the community forums will provide these constructive proposals for change. Garrity adds that he receives other reports which do not call for action. A meeting member asks how Garrity would define the role of the CCC. Garrity says that he appreciates the efforts of CCC mediators in diffusing the tense situation in South Boston; that the most important function of the CCC is to monitor how the desegregation plan is carried out across the city. 1:13:41: V: A meeting member tells Garrity that members of the community see the CCC as a council which can take action and solve problems. Garrity responds that the CCC can publicize information and draw attention to problems. Garrity reads a letter that he received about problems at the Blackstone School. Garrity says that he hopes the CCC can delegate members to investigate problems at the schools in order to get them resolved. Garrity says that he would like the CCC to help solve these problems; that he would rather not try to resolve problems at individual schools through the court order. An audience member says that there is some confusion regarding the roles of the CCC and the CPAC. Garrity says that the Racial Ethnic Parents Councils under the CPAC exist to promote communication on racial issues in the schools; that the councils have also taken action on educational issues in the schools. Garrity notes that the CPAC has no staff or resources; that the CCC can support the CPAC and the Racial Ethnic Parents Councils. Garrity refers to a decision by the US Court of Appeals regarding the schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1976
Description: Boston Police Department press conference with Police Commissioner Robert DiGrazia, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Morris Allen, and Captain Fred Conley. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) is the moderator. The speakers are seated at a table featuring an array of street weapons used against police in a riot in South Boston on the previous day. Press conference includes police department videotapes of a riot in South Boston on the previous day and of an unruly crowd at a Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC) meeting at English High School. DiGrazia announces that violence and disruptions of public order will no longer be tolerated by police.
0:00:16: Visual: Shot of bottles, baseball bats, pipes, bricks and other weapons lying on table. Some have exhibit tags attached to them. Microphones are also set up on the table for a press conference. Shot of a police map of the city of Boston. 0:03:31: V: Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) and others sit down at the table displaying the weapons. Steve Dunleavy (spokesperson for DiGrazia) introduces the police officials on the panel: Captain Morris Allen, Superintendent Joseph Jordan, DiGrazia, Deputy Superintendent Lawrence Quinlan, Captain Fred Conley. Dunleavy announces that a short videotape will be shown. 0:05:02: V: A videotape plays on a television screen. The videotape shows a large crowd on a city street. Police officers in riot gear are stationed on the street. Dunleavy points out the weapons used by the crowd, and that the crowd has thrown tear gas at the police. The videotape shows a cloud of tear gas in the police ranks. Rioting crowd charges police, throwing bricks and other objects. Dunleavy says that the street on the videotape is East 6th Street in South Boston. V: The videotape shows crowd throwing rocks and other objects. The crowd retreats, still throwing objects, as police advance. Dunleavy announces that the next videotape was shot at English High School last Thursday at a meeting of the Citywide Coordinating Council (CCC). V: The videotape shows a noisy crowd seated in an auditorium. Members of the CCC are seated on stage. The crowd chants and claps its hands, disrupting the meeting. Arthur Gartland (CCC) threatens to call in the police to establish order. Shot of members of press watching videotape on the television. 0:14:03: V: Shot of DiGrazia. Dunleavy shows photos of the aftermath of violence yesterday in South Boston, including photo of a police cruiser with rear window missing. He says that the weapons on the table were used against police in South Boston yesterday. DiGrazia says that a demonstration in South Boston turned violent yesterday; that citizens of Boston have a legitimate right to stage demonstrations against busing; that the actions of some are denying the rights of others; that the governor's wife was denied her right to speak at Faneuil Hall; that a US Senator has been harassed and threatened; that a presidential candidate was denied the right to speak out last week; that parents are prevented from holding meetings. DiGrazia says that there is a conspiracy against public order in Boston; that the police will no longer be tolerant of those disrupting the rights of others. DiGrazia says that the police will protect the rights of anti-busers and pro-busers alike; that arrests will be made and violators of the law will be prosecuted. 0:18:44: V: Reporters ask questions to DiGrazia and other police officers. DiGrazia says that a small number of people in the city are using the busing issue as an excuse to pursue vandalism and mayhem. DiGrazia says that the police department took a low visibility approach to busing in 1974; that they acted more forcefully in 1975; that they have been attempting to let people demonstrate against the law; that they will be more forceful from now on. A reporter asks if there is evidence of a conspiracy against the police. DiGrazia replies that the weapons on the table are evidence of a conspiracy; that police were letting the demonstration proceed until they were attacked by the crowd.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/16/1976
Description: Stanley Forman's Herald American photographs of Theodore Landsmark being attacked on City Hall plaza by Joseph Rakes and teenage boys from South Boston. Sen. Bill Owens addresses crowd, withdrawing vote of confidence for Kevin White's ability to ease Boston's racial tension and saying that Boston is not a safe city for people of color. Report of the reactions of Robert DiGrazia (police commissioner), Mayor Kevin White, and James Kelly (head of Home and School Association of South Boston).
1:00:17: Steve Nevas reads the news the set of The Ten O'Clock News. Behind Nevas is a photo of Ted Landsmark, after he was attacked at City Hall Plaza. Nevas reports that Boston police have identified four of the men who attacked Landsmark; that one of the youths from South Boston has been arrested for assault and battery; that police have issued a warrant for Joseph Rakes and two others involved in the attack yesterday. Nevas reports that the Massachusetts House of Representatives has passed a resolution condemning the attack; that Governor Michael Dukakis has issued a similar statement. 1:00:57: Pam Bullard reports that a group of white youths attacked Theodore Landsmark (attorney) as he passed through City Hall Plaza on his way to a meeting at City Hall yesterday. Bullard reports that the youths were at City Hall Plaza to protest busing with a group of 250 South Boston and Charlestown students. Visual: Still photographs of the attack on Landsmark at City Hall Plaza by Stanley Forman of the Boston Herald American. Bullard reports that the students involved in the protest were demanding an end to school desegregation; that several people were harassed by the youths at City Hall Plaza; that Landsmark suffered a broken nose and facial lacerations. Bullard reports that the African American community gathered today at City Hall Plaza; that African American leaders condemned police for failing to respond effectively to the attack; that leaders condemned the city's leadership for encouraging the growing violence. V: Footage of a crowd of African Americans and whites gathered at City Hall Plaza. State Senator William Owens addresses the crowd, saying that people of color are not safe in Boston; that people of color from other parts of the nation should stay away from Boston; that people of color must unite against the climate of racism in the city; that people of color in Boston should ask for federal protection because the city has failed to protect them. Bullard reports that African American leaders have accused Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) of encouraging violence by tolerating disruptions in the schools; that African American leaders have condemned the use of City Hall for anti-busing rallies. V: Footage of Owens saying that he is withdrawing his support of White. Bullard reports that African American leaders appear united in the belief that White and Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) have broke their promises to the African American community. V: Footage of White on September 3, 1975, saying that no breach of public safety will be tolerated by the city. Footage of DiGrazia on February 16, 1976, saying that violent behavior will not be tolerated; that those participating in violent behavior will be arrested and prosecuted. Bullard reports that White and DiGrazia say that they have not broken any promises; that DiGrazia is confident that Landsmark's attackers will be apprehended; that White had no comment on calls for his resignation by the African American community. Bullard reports that James Kelly (South Boston Home and School Association) blamed the violence on the liberal press. Bullard comments that the racial tension in Boston is worse than it has been in several months; that little effort is being made to ease the tension in the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/06/1976
Description: Judy Stoia interviews Elvira "Pixie" Palladino about her reaction to the Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments against court-ordered busing in Boston. She is angry about the decision and calls the members of the court a "pack of flaming liberals." Palladino urges the anti-busing movement to continue their protest through legitimate means, like demonstrations and picketing, without resorting to violence. Palladino says that the anti-busing movement will pressure elected officials to redress the grievances of the anti-busing movement. Palladino notes that she is more concerned with a politician's stance on busing than with his or her political party; that she would switch to the Republican Party if the party came out against busing. Palladino says that she is opposed to all forms of busing, including a metropolitian busing plan. Palladino accuses the courts of dictating to parents how they should raise their children; she says that forced busing in Boston represents "reverse discrimination."
0:34:47: Visual: Elvira "Pixie" Palladino is interviewed as she sits behind a table. She says that she is disappointed in the Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments against court-ordered busing in Boston; that the Supreme Court is a "pack of flaming liberals" and "out of touch with reality"; that she would expect to hear about this kind of "judicial oppression" in the USSR, Cuba or China; that the "shocking" decision will result in increased "white flight" from Boston schools; that the Supreme Court is more interested in redressing the grievances of criminals than law-abiding citizens. Pam Bullard asks Palladino if this is the end of anti-busing action in the courts. Palladino says that they are waiting for an appeal to be heard on the receivership of South Boston High School; that she hopes the court will void the receivership of South Boston High School. Palladino says that the Supreme Court decision will probably result in further resistance to busing; that the anti-busing movement needs to unite in demonstrating against busing through whatever means are left open to them; that the anti-busing movement must concentrate on furthering anti-busing legislation and on electing officials who take an anti-busing position. 0:38:49: V: Bullard asks Palladino about being elected to public office through an anti-busing campaign. Palladino says that government is no longer "of, for and by" the people; that government is now "to" the people; that citizens must be vigilant in protecting their rights; that citizens must elect officials who represent their position on the issues. Bullard asks what recourse anti-busers have if the courts can strike down anti-busing legislation. Palladino says a grass-roots movement could unite the people and put pressure on elected officials. Bullard asks Palladino about the court case concerning Wilmington, Delaware (Evans v. Buchanan), in which suburbs could be forced to integrate their schools. Palladino says that she is opposed to metropolitanization; that she is opposed to forced busing in any form; that forced busing is a failed social experiment. Bullard quotes Palladino as saying that she would not be surprised if anti-busers reacted to the decision in a disruptive manner. Palladino says that she is opposed to violence in any form; that she has received sympathetic calls from anti-busers in Akron, Ohio and Tulsa, Oklahoma; that she is interested in organizing a "constructive" anti-busing reaction. Palladino says again that she would not be surprised if anti-busers react negatively to the decision; that anti-busers may be called on to act as "patriots" to save democracy; that she would like anti-busers to demonstrate their feelings through all legitimate means available. Palladino says that she has never committed an act of violence in her life; that the people of South Boston and Charlestown have been pushed to their limit; that no relief is in sight for the people. 0:43:51: V: Bullard asks Palladino if she feels conflicted as a public official, who must ask her constituents to obey a law she believes is wrong. Palladino says that she is not asking her constituents to do anything illegal; that demonstrating through legitimate means is a legal right; that anti-busers must demonstrate legally, work to further legislation and vote their consciences at the ballot box; that some parents have kept their children out of school for two years; that she fears for the safety of her own children. Palladino says that the government is denying people the basic right to raise their children as they see fit; that the Supreme Court should not dictate where parents send their children to school; that the situation in Boston is a blatant case of "reverse discrimination". Bullard asks Palladino if the anti-busing movement will lobby Tip O'Neill to their cause. Reporter notes that O'Neill will be the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Palladino says that O'Neill has not been receptive to the anti-busing movement in the past; that pressure will be brought to bear upon him to represent the anti-busing majority in Boston. Palladino says that voters are crucial to the careers of politicians. Bullard asks Palladino about her voting preferences. Palladino says that she has always voted for the Democratic party; that she would switch to the Republican party if they were to come out against forced busing; that a candidate's position on busing is more important than his or her party affiliation. Palladino says that she is committed to demonstrating against busing through legal means; that she would urge the anti-busing movement to demonstrate non-violently.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/14/1976
Description: No audio at the beginning. Horse-mounted police officers, police cars, police bus. Police officers are gathered along G Street outside of South Boston High School. Exteriors of the school building. School buses, accompanied by a police motorcycle escort, pull up outside of the school. African American and white students exit the school. White students walk away from the school. African American students board the buses. The buses depart. Pam Bullard interviews four South Boston High School teachers: Jerry Power, Bob Healey, Bob Donovan, and Paul Grueter. The four teachers says that conditions in the school are improving, despite negative reports in the media. Donovan says that Judge Arthury Garrity (federal judge) is among those receiving inaccurate reports about the school. They discuss some of the good things that they think are happening in South Boston High despite the racial tensions.
1:00:04: Boston Police Department vehicles are lined up along the side of the road in South Boston. A mounted police officer exercises his horse. A horse stands in a yard with grass. 1:02:21: Visual: Boston Police Department vehicles are parked in the schoolyard of South Boston High School. Police are gathered along G Street in front of the high school. Shot of the exterior of South Boston High School. A Massachusetts State Police vehicle is parked in the schoolyard. A Boston Police station wagon is parked on G Street. 1:04:55: V: Buses pull up in front of South Boston High School. The buses are accompanied by a police motorcycle escort. White students exit the high school, walking out of the schoolyard. African American students exit the high school and walk toward the buses. A young African American male student raises a clenched fist and looks at the camera. Some white students continue to exit the school, along with African American students. Two African American female students pose for the camera and say, "Hi, mom." A few of the African American students wave at the camera as they walk to the buses. Police officers stand casually on the sidewalk in front of the buses. A white student walks by the camera crew and says, "We don't watch Channel 2 news." 1:10:13: V: A group of four police officers are gathered on G Street. They laugh casually at a joke. A female African American student rushes toward her bus. Police officers mount their motorcycles. The buses pull away from the school and travel down G Street with the police escort. 1:11:57: V: Shot of the exterior of South Boston High School. Pam Bullard exits the high school, followed by four white teachers. She sets up an interview in front of the school with Jerry Power (teacher, South Boston High School), Bob Healey (teacher, South Boston High School), Bob Donovan (teacher, South Boston High School), and Paul Grueter (teacher, South Boston High School). Donovan makes it clear to Bullard that each teacher is speaking as an individual; that they are not speaking for the faculty of the school. Bullard asks each of them to say and speak their names for the camera. Bullard tells them that negative reports have been circulating about the situation inside South Boston High School. Donovan asks where the negative reports are from. Bullard says that they are from the media. Donovan says that the situation is slowly getting better after a hectic beginning of the school year. Grueter agrees that the situation is improving. Healey says that sweep teams have been established in the corridors in order to get students to class; that the school corridors had been a problem until now. Donovan says that the school faculty took some drastic measures to control the situation inside the school. Power says that the atmosphere in the school has swung between periods of tension and periods of calm; that there has been a decrease in the number of suspensions and separations of students from the school. Bullard says that many school officials and teachers outside of South Boston High School are calling the school "a lost cause." Donovan says that the faculty and staff at South Boston High School are committed to educating the students and keeping the school open. Healey says that many people are not aware of the good programs at South Boston High School. He mentions the automotive shop, business courses, and computer courses. Power says that he was quoted in a Boston Herald article that was critical of the school. He says that his quote was taken out of context. He had meant to say that not all of the students are taking full advantage of the programs offered to them; that there are both white and African American students at the school who are not interested in getting an education. Donovan says that the faculty is not ashamed of their school; that Judge Arthur Garrity (federal judge) is among those receiving inaccurate information about the situation at South Boston High School; that Garrity received a letter from the CCC which contained inaccurate information about the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/01/1976
Description: Steve Nevas interviews George Wallace about his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Nevas asks Wallace if he expects to do well with anti-busing voters in Massachusetts. Wallace comments on his chances in the Massachusetts primary, his relationship with the Democratic Party establishment and his role at the Democratic convention. He describes his feelings towards other Democratic perspective candidates Hubert Humphrey and Edward Kennedy. Wallace says that he has never campaigned much in Massachusetts; that he is happy to have the opportunity to present his ideas to the Massachusetts voters. Wallace denounces the "expansion" of the federal government, and calls busing a social experiment. Wallace gives his opinions on the political positions of Ralph Nader (consumer advocate) and Ronald Reagan (Governor of California). He talks about his previous campaigns for the presidential nomination.
15:33:22: Visual: Steve Nevas sets up an interview with George Wallace (Governor, State of Alabama) on his campaign for the presidency of the United States. Wallace is seated in a wheelchair. Nevas asks Wallace to comment on predictions that he will win the Massachusetts primary; that voters who are against busing will vote for him. Wallace says that he would be surprised if he won the Massachusetts primary. He says that too much time and money has been spent on busing in Boston; that busing is a "social experiment"; that the government needs to focus on unemployment and inflation. Wallace says that he did not campaign in Massachusetts in 1972; that he has not had a lot of contact with Massachusetts voters. Nevas again brings up the predictions that Wallace will win the state. Wallace says that his ideas have been distorted through propoganda; that many voters in Massachusetts have misunderstood his ideas. Wallace says that winning the Massachusetts primary would be a great victory for him. Nevas asks Wallace about the candidacy of Ronald Reagan (Governor, State of California). Wallace says that he is not familiar with the details of Reagan's plan to cut $90 billion from the federal budget; that he agrees with Reagan on increased state control over government spending; that the people of Massachusetts should have more control over how school money is spent. Nevas asks Wallace about Ralph Nader (consumer advocate) and his proposal that large corporations be chartered by the federal government. Wallace says that he does not support any idea giving the federal government more authority; that he believes in the enforcement of anti-trust laws. Wallace adds that the federal government already has too much authority; that the people of Massachusetts had no recourse when federal judges ordered forced busing; that state governments should have more authority in most matters. 15:38:25: V: Nevas remarks that a poll showed Wallace in second place after Sargent Shriver (presidential candidate) in Massachusetts. Wallace says again that he does not expect to do well in Massachusetts. Wallace adds that government attention has been focused on busing; that busing is a "social experiment"; that the voters of Massachusetts are concerned about other issues. Wallace says that he is campaigning in Massachusetts because it has an early primary election; that voters in the northeast have been unfamiliar with his ideas until now. Nevas asks Wallace if he would support Hubert Humphrey (US Senator) or Edward Kennedy (US Senator) as the Democratic nominee for president. Wallace says that Kennedy has never declared his candidacy; that Humphrey is not campaigning. Wallace notes that the national Democratic Party does not support his candidacy for president; that the Democratic Party is organizing a strategy to defeat his candidacy; that the Democratic Party is out of touch with working people. Wallace adds that there is a conspiracy against him in the Democratic Party. Nevas asks about the possibility of Wallace running for president as a third party candidate. Wallace says that many Democratic nominees are adopting his positions against busing and big government; that his positions are compatible with the platform of the national Democratic Party. Wallace says that he will work to ensure that his positions are represented at the Democratic convention in New York City over the summer. Wallace notes that many leaders are paying attention to his positions; that his ideas represent those of the working people of the nation. Wallace says that he is not at all interested in the vice-presidency. He adds that the other candidates have already stated that they will not offer him the vice-presidential nomination. 15:45:25: V: Nevas asks him if he would disclose his full medical report if the other candidates did so. Wallace responds that a medical writer for the New York Times has examined his medical report and given him a clean bill of health; that his confinement to a wheelchair does not affect his ability to be president. Nevas asks Wallace to comment on the movement for an uncommitted slate of delegates within the Democratic Party. Wallace says that some of the uncommitted delegates could pledge their votes to him. Nevas asks Wallace if he is in favor of streamlining the presidential campaign process. Wallace says that the state primaries could be consolidated into regional primaries. Nevas states that Wallace has run for president more than once. Wallace responds that he ran for president once in 1968; that he ran in three primaries in 1964 in order to make a statement against the left-wing politics of the other Democratic candidates; that he was shot in 1972 and did not finish the campaign. Nevas asks Wallace why he is seeking the presidency. Wallace says that he wants the working people of the nation to be represented in the government. Wallace notes that he has been warning people about the expanding reach of the federal government; that the people of Massachusetts experienced this kind of intrusive governmental intervention during the busing crisis. Nevas says that many people see him as a segregationist. Wallace says that he is not against people of color; that African Americans in Alabama have voted for him overwhelmingly; that he is against big government, not people. Wallace says that he grew up during a time when the segregation of races was accepted as the best solution; that segregation was sanctioned by the courts back then. Wallace adds that segregation is illegal now and it is no longer an issue. Nevas closes the interview. The camera crew takes cutaway shots of Nevas questioning Wallace. Wallace asks Nevas if he would be surprised if Wallace did well in the Massachusetts primary election. Nevas says that he would not be surprised if Wallace did well. Wallace says that he has not conducted any polls of Massachusetts voters. Wallace says that he expects to do well in Michigan and Pennsylvania; that it is hard to predict how voters will react to him. Wallace notes that people in Massachusetts made fun of his ideas years ago; that now Massachusetts voters take him seriously.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/27/1976