Description: Marcus Jones reports that some African American leaders, including Jesse Jackson, are promoting the use of the term "African American" instead of the term "black." Comedian Charles Cozart on the Arsenio Hall Show. Interview with Northeastern lecturer Robert Hayden, who promotes the use of the term. Hayden says that it is an accurate term that reflects the roots and history of African Americans. Interview with Elma Lewis, the Director of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, who believes that the term "black" is more inclusive. Lewis says that not all black people in the US are Americans. Interviews with students and teachers at the Ellis School in Roxbury about which term they prefer. Following the edited story is additional footage of Jones speaking to students and teachers at the Ellis School. Jones answers questions about his report on Jackie Robinson and the race relations of the time. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston School Committee is deeply divided over whether to renew the contract of Laval Wilson
1:00:11: V: Footage from the Arsenio Hall Show. Charles Cozart (comedian) tells jokes in front of the audience. Marcus Jones reports that the African American community is debating the use of the term "black." Jones notes that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) is urging the use of the term "African American" instead of "black." V: Shots of Jackson addressing an audience. Shots of African Americans in the audience. Footage of Robert Hayden (Lecturer, Northeastern University) saying that many people of color have been calling themselves "African Americans" for years. Hayden says that many universities have departments of African American studies. Hayden says that people of African descent were living in Boston in the eighteenth century; that those people referred to their community as "African." Hayden says that the term is "accurate" and "useful." Footage of Elma Lewis (Director, National Center of Afro-American Artists) being interviewed by Jones. Lewis says that she does not have to follow the trend. Jones notes that Lewis is opposed to using the term "African American." V: Footage of Lewis saying that Africa is a whole continent. Lewis says that the terms "Nigerian American" or "Jamaican American" are more appropriate than "African American." Lewis says that the term "black American" is more inclusive. Footage of Jones addressing a class at the David A. Ellis School in Roxbury. Jones asks how many of the students are aware of the debate surrounding the term "African American." A few students raise their hands. Jones says that he asked students and teachers at the Ellis School in Roxbury about the terms "African American" and "black." V: Shots of students. Footage of an African American female student saying that it does not matter which term is used. Footage of a Latina teacher saying that there should be no mention of race in identification terms. Footage of an African American teacher asking if the term would be extended to "Afro-English" for blacks living in England. Footage of an African American male student saying that he likes the term "brown." Footage of a female student saying that it doesn't matter. Footage of Hayden saying that the term might inspire some to think about their African roots. Hayden says that some people might begin to look into their family histories. Footage of Lewis saying that it is important to teach children to be proud of their African roots. Lewis says that not all black people in the US are American; that all black people in the US are black. Shots of African Americans walking on a street; of a group of students walking away from a school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder held in Roxbury. Jones reports that the audience at the Seder honored civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner. Jones notes that the three civil rights workers were murdered in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. Jones notes that family members were present at the Seder to talk about the men on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the murders. Jones' report includes footage from the Seder supper. Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) talks about the sacrifices made by the three men. Family members Ben Chaney, Carolyn Goodman and Cassie Schwerner talk about the three men. Ben Chaney announces a freedom ride from Mississippi to New York planned for the summer. Chaney, Carolyn Goodman and Cassie Schwerner talk about the need to continue the struggle for civil rights. Jones reviews the events leading up to the murder of the three men. Jones' report also features clips from Eyes on the Prize and Mississippi Burning. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports that the Boston School Committee held an executive session to make a decision on the renewal of the contract of Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools)
1:00:17: Visual: Footage from a trailer for the 1988 film, Mississippi Burning. Shots of official FBI posters with head shots of three missing men. Marcus Jones reports that the film Mississippi Burning is based on the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. V: Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Three men reported missing in Mississippi rights campaign." Jones reports that African Americans and Jews gathered in Roxbury last night to honor the three men and their family members. V: Shot of a flyer for the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) speaking at the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder. Stith talks about the sacrifice made by Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner. Shots of audience members, including Leonard Zakim (Director, Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith) Jones reports that the twenty-fifth anniversary of the murders will be marked in June. Jones notes that relatives of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner are traveling across the country to enlist people in a major demonstration planned for the summer. V: Shots of black and white photos of the three men which are displayed at the Seder gathering. Footage of Ben Chaney (brother of James Chaney) saying that racism and anti-semitism are not a regional problem. Chaney says that a group of demonstrators will depart from Mississippi on June 21; that the demonstrators will travel to New York. Chaney says that the demonstrators want to send a message about the national importance of civil rights. The audience stands to applaud Ben Chaney. Jones reports that Ben Chaney was eleven years old in 1964; that Ben Chaney began to work with James Chaney and Michael Schwerner to register African Americans in Mississippi to vote in 1964. V: Shots of black and white photos of James Chaney and Michael Schwermer. Black and white footage of a white man approaching the home of an African American man; of a body being put onto a stretcher. Footage of Ben Chaney saying that he used to attend demonstrations with James Chaney and Schwermer; that Chaney and Schwermer would bail him out of jail when he got arrested. Ben Chaney says that he did not believe that any of the demonstrators would die as a result of their actions until his brother was found dead. Footage from Eyes on the Prize of the Chaney family at the burial of James Chaney. Black and white footage of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman (parents of Andrew Goodman) speaking to the media in 1964. Mr. Goodman says that he is proud of his son's commitment and the commitment of Chaney and Schwarmer. Shots of an audience listening to Goodman. Jones reports that the anniversary of the murders brings back disturbing memories for Dr. Carolyn Goodman (mother of Andrew Goodman). V: Footage of Goodman at the Seder gathering. Goodman says that there are civil rights issues which still need to be addressed. Footage of Goodman being interviewed by Jones. Goodman says that the families of the victims wish to perpetuate the work performed by the three men. Goodman says that young people need to be made aware of the events of the civil rights era. Footage of Cassie Schwermer (niece of Michael Schwermer) at the Seder gathering. Schwermer says that the murders of the three men were meant to discourage northern volunteers from participating in the Mississippi Freedom Summer. Jones reports that Cassie Schwermer never knew her uncle; that she has come to understand his beliefs. Jones reports that Cassie Schwermer is a social activist. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Michael Schwerner. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Three in rights drive reported missing." Footage of Schwermer being interviewed by Jones. Schwermer says that she would like to see a renewed commitment to activism by young people today. Black and white footage of Fannie Chaney (mother of James Chaney) speaking in 1964. Fannie Chaney says that the three men died to help African Americans achieve equal rights. Footage of the Chaney family at the funeral of James Chaney. Footage of Carolyn Goodman saying that the work of civil rights activists is never finished. Goodman says that there will always be threats to our freedoms. Black and white shot from 1964 of James Chaney's coffin.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/11/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC) provides a safe haven from street violence for young people in the area. Jones reports that some young people at the DYC have formed their own music groups and write their own songs. Jones interviews Robert Bostic (15-year old Roxbury resident) and his friends. Bostic says that he is using rap music to send a positive message. Jones also interviews Al McClain (DYC counselor), who talks about the impact of the DYC on the lives of the neighborhood teenagers. Jones reports that the DYC-member group One Nation has released an album. Jones interviews DeMaul Golson (DYC member) and other members of the group One Nation. Jones also interviews Todd Maxell (16-year old Roxbury resident), who says that teenagers will listen to anti-violence messages from their peers. The report includes footage of Natalie Jacobson (WCVB-TV) and R.D. Sahl (WNEV-TV) reporting on crime in Roxbury. The report also features footage of teenagers at the DYC, footage of the members of One Nation performing on stage and footage from a video produced by teenagers at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. This tape includes additional footage of DYC members and a music video called "Stand Back From Crack" filmed inside Back Bay Station.
1:00:29: Visual: Footage of the members of the group One Nation dancing and performing on stage. Footage from WNEV of R.D. Sahl (WNEV reporter) reporting on gang violence in Roxbury. Footage from WCVB of Natalie Jacobson (WCVB reporter) reporting on shootings in Roxbury. Shots of paramedics wheeling an injured African American woman out of a building; of police vehicles and an ambulance on a street in Roxbury; of paramedics tending to an injured African American patient inside of an ambulance. Marcus Jones reports that a group of Roxbury youngsters are not surrenduring to the violence in Roxbury. V: Footage of Robert Bostic (15-year old Roxbury resident) sitting with a group of his friends. Bostic says that he wants to set a good example for young people; that young people should avoid violence. Bostic says that he and his friends are using rap to send a positive message. Jones reports that Bostic and his friends are members of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC). V: Shots of Bostic and other members of the Youth Collaborative; of a sign for the Youth Collaborative. Shots of African American youth entering the Youth Collaborative building. Footage of Al McClain (Counselor, Dorchester Youth Collaborative) saying that the Youth Collaborative has had a great impact; that some of the members of the Youth Collaborative used to be in gangs. Shots of members of the youth collaborative dancing to rap music; of Jones sitting with the members of the youth collaborative. Jones reports that some of the members of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative have formed groups to make music. Jones notes that some of the youth write their own music; that the DYC member group One Nation has released an album about AIDS. V: Shot of the cover of an album by the group One Nation. Footage of One Nation members performing a rap song about street violence. Footage of Jones interviewing DeMaul Golson (DYC member) and two other African American male DYC members. Jones asks the boys if they are scared by the street violence. The boys say yes. Golson says that his cousin was shot in the back; that his cousin is dead. Footage of One Nation members performing on stage. Jones reports that the DYC members are determined to rise above the violence. Jones notes that members of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club are also doing their best to fight the violence. V: Footage of a video produced by members of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Footage of Bostic saying that most kids are not going to listen to their parents' advice; that kids are influenced by the people on the streets who are making money from drugs. Footage of Todd Maxwell (16-year old Roxbury resident) saying that kids might listen to their peers if their peers tell them not to do drugs. Shots of an African American man being led into a police station by police officers; of police standing near a cordoned-off crime scene.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on efforts by the Roxbury community to fight drugs. Jones' reports includes footage of a community meeting with William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Roxbury residents. Celester and Georgette Watson (Roxbury residents) talk about the need for residents to fight the drug trade. Watson and Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) talk about the need for more funding to help communities fight drugs. Jones notes that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime Program in Boston. Jones' reports also includes footage of Watson walking through Dudley Square in Roxbury with Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter). Following the edited story is b-roll of the community meeting and of Dudley Square. Church's Chicken sign, liquor store front, church steeple, food stamp center, Ugi's Subs sign.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) talking to a group of Roxbury residents. The residents are mostly African American. Shots of meeting attendees. Marcus Jones reports that Celester talked to residents about street patrols at an afternoon meeting at Boston Police Department Area B Headquarters. Jones reports that drugs have become a major problem in the Roxbury community. V: Footage of Georgette Watson (Roxbury resident) saying that residents have become soldiers in the war on drugs. Watson says that the community needs more resources to fight drugs. Jones reports that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime program; that Drop-A-Dime is a drug crime hotline; that Drop-A-Dime receives some federal funding. V: Shots of Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter) walking with an African American woman and an African American man near Dudley Square in Roxbury; of plain-clothes police officers making a drug arrest. Footage of Watson saying that police officers and inner-city residents are fighting drugs; that federal lawmakers should give more funds to these efforts. Footage of Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) saying that money should be given to grassroots anti-drug efforts. Footage of Celester saying that people need to come down from their soapboxes; that people need to take action against drugs. Shots of Celester addressing the meeting. Jones reports that Celester believes that attention must be focused on local anti-drug efforts. V: Footage of Celester saying that drugs are not a "police problem"; that drugs are a "human service problem." Celester says that more money is needed to build jails and hospitals and to fund drug education. Shot of an African American police officer sitting in a police cruiser. The cruiser's lights are flashing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) is considering a parcel of land in Roxbury for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). The development of Parcel 18 near the Ruggles MBTA station is seen as a cornerstone to the area's economic revitalization. Interview with Anthony Williams, Assistant Director of the BRA about the proposed development. Williams shows Jones maps of the area and plans for the development. Williams talks about the benefits of constructing the MWRA headquarters in Roxbury. Jones reports that the land was cleared in the 1960s and has lain vacant ever since. Interview with State Rep. Byron Rushing about the proposed project. Rushing says that the community must benefit from any development of the land. Following the edited story is additional footage of the area around Parcel 18 and footage from Jones' interviews with Williams and Rushing.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of Parcel 18 in front of the Ruggles MBTA station in Roxury; of the entrance to the Ruggles MBTA station. Marcus Jones reports that Parcel 18 is one of six locations being considered as the site for the new headquarters of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Jones reports that developers and city officials see construction of MWRA headquarters as a cornerstone to the area's economic revitalization. V: Shots of Anthony Williams (Assistant Director, Boston Redevelopment Authority) showing Jones a map of the area. Shot of a map of proposed development in the area. Jones reports that the land has been vacant for more than twenty years. V: Shots of traffic passing by Parcel 18 and the Ruggles MBTA station. Footage of Williams being interviewed by Jones. Williams says that development takes time; that the community must be involved in the development process. Williams says that construction of the MWRA headquarters would allow development to proceed at a quicker rate. Shot through a fence of Parcel 18, Ruggles MBTA station and the Boston skyline. Jones reports that Roxbury has the highest unemployment rate of any neighborhood in Boston; that Roxbury has seen none of the benefits of development in downtown Boston. V: Shot of Jones and Williams looking at a map. Shots of the map. Footage of Williams saying that Parcel 18 is in close proximity to the downtown area. Williams says that the Roxbury neigborhood is centrally located with good access to public transportation. Williams notes that museums and universities are convenient to the site. Williams says that development will proceed quickly when people realize the potential of the site. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) says that there is always risk involved in the development of a site. Rushing says that he wants the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) to promise that the land will be put to beneficial use even if this development fails. Shot of Parcel 18. Jones reports that the site was cleared in the 1960s to make room for the construction of Interstate 95; that the community blocked construction of the highway. Jones reports that the community wants the development to bring jobs and affordable housing to the community. V: Footage of Rushing saying that any benefits from the development of the site must go to the local community. Shots of Parcel 18.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/23/1989