Description: Richard Boddie is seeking the Libertarian nomination for the 1992 presidential election. Interview with Boddie about the Libertarian Party and his position on the issues. He says that there is no difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties. He talks about the need for government to remove itself from the private lives and economic lives of the citizenry. Boddie calls for reform of the criminal justice system. He says that he will work to empower all people. He accuses other African American politicians of trying to redistribute wealth. Boddie says that the only legitimate function of government is to protect citizens from violations of their rights. Fields notes that the Libertarian nomination is also being sought by Andre Marrou, accompanied by a shot of a photograph of him. Sounds cuts out at the very end of the story. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Charles McKenney interviewed by Marcus Jones and African American officials in white suburbs
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Richard Boddie (Libertarian candidate for US President) being interviewed. Boddie says that people who have no values have no regard for human life. Boddie says that the criminal justice system does not force people to take responsibility for their actions. Boddie says that the criminal justice system lets people avoid responsibility for their actions by placing blame on society. Boddie says that government must not outlaw guns in order to fight crime; that the people must get government out of their lives. Carmen Fields reports that Boddie is fifty-two years old; that Boddie is the son of a minister from Rochester, NY. Fields reports that Boddie does not believe that gun control is the answer to urban crime; that Boddie is seeking the Libertarian nomination for president. Fields notes that the Libertarian Party does not support government involvement in the lives of citizens. V: Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie says that the government needs to remove itself from the private lives and economic lives of its citizens. Boddie says that the nation would become more productive and competitive with less government; that there would be more opportunities for all with less government. Boddie says that the government protects the class structure. Boddie says that the government is the "elitist power-monger." Boddie says that the government does not follow through on its promises. Fields reports that Boddie has tried bipartisanship; that he was a Democrat for ten years. Fields reports that Boddie was an activist law student at Syracuse University; that Boddie became a Republican shortly after graduating from law school. V: Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie says that he wanted to build his law practice; that he became a Republican. Boddie says that he spent ten years as a Democrat and ten years as a Republican; that there is no difference between the two parties. Fields reports that Boddie was a "political agnostic" until he discovered the Libertarian Party in 1983. V: Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie says that the Libertarian Party found him. Fields reports that Boddie has been considering entering politics since the early 1980s; that Boddie promises to be a different kind of African American politician if he wins the Libertarian nomination. Fields notes that the nomination is also being sought by Andre Marrou (Libertarian candidate for US President). V: Shot of a black and white photo of Marrou. Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie mentions some African American politicians including Jesse Jackson and Douglas Wilder. Boddie says that most African American politicians want to redistribute wealth. Boddie says that he wants people to empower themselves. Boddie says that the role of government should be reduced to defending the rights of citizens when those rights are violated. Boddie says that this is the only legitimate function of government.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Dr. James Williams, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will fast each Wednesday in April outside of the office of the president of MIT. Williams is protesting the lack of diversity among the faculty at MIT. There are fourteen African Americans in a faculty of 900 professors. Interview with Williams, who talks about the role of professors as role models and the need for a diverse faculty. He says that he is trying to encourage minority students to fight for change. Interview with MIT spokesperson Ken Campbell, who talks about the university administration's efforts to hire more minority faculty. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the annual Black/Jewish Seder supper
0:59:01: Visual: Footage of Dr. James Williams (professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) being interviewed. Williams says that his mother inspired his current protest actions. Williams talks about his mother as a sensitive and caring person. Carmen Fields reports that Williams will fast and work outside of the office of the president of MIT. V: Shots of the door of the president's office; of Williams working at a table near the door. Footage of Williams being interviewed. Williams says that minority students must act; that minority students must not be discouraged by institutional intransigence. Williams says that minority students must act decisively to effect change. Shot of Williams working at the table outside of the president's office. Fields reports that Williams is an MIT graduate; that Williams is dissatisfied with the lack of African American faculty at the school. Fields notes that there are fourteen African American faculty members in a faculty of 900 professors. V: Shot of a building on the MIT campus. Shot of Williams speaking to a group of students of color. Fields reports that Williams believes that African American students and all students need African American role models. V: Footage of Williams being interviewed. Williams says that he is trying to be a role model for minority students through his protest. Williams says that professors are role models even if they do not want to be. Williams says that professor can choose what kinds of role models to be. Fields reports that MIT believes that Williams has reason to protest. V: Footage of Ken Campbell (MIT spokesperson) being interviewed. Campbell says that the university agrees with Williams; that there are too few minority faculty members. Campbell says that two more African American faculty members have been hired since Dr. Charles Vest (president, MIT) became president of the university. Campbell says that the school needs to make more progress. Fields reports that Williams believes that protest is still necessary. V: Footage of Williams being interviewed. Williams says that people must still act in the face of slow-moving institutions. Williams says that people must not give up in defeat.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991
Description: Story opens with clips of civilians commenting on near possibility of war. Clip of Martin Luther King Jr. giving a sermon. Boston University Martin Luther King Professor of Ethics John Cartwright recalls Martin Luther King's legacy of non violence and pacifism. Cartwright explains the sad irony of imminent Persian Gulf war on King's birthday. Clip of King speaking about Vienam on April 15, 1967 at anti-Vietnam War march in New York City. Brief clip of King speaking at different rally. Ends with Cartwright talking about discussion of war through the context of King's work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1991
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the problems faced by condominium owners and renters in buildings owned by absentee investor-owners. Allston resident Elisabeth Schneider and others are witholding rent in protest of poor maintenance and unpaid taxes and utility bills. Jenny Gill, a member of the Allston/Brighton Community Development Corporation discusses impacts of the 1980s "condo conversion boom" in Allston/Brighton and the Fenway, and urges community activists to purchase distressed condos and turn them back into affordable rental housing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/08/1991
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the public's interest in the Pamela Smart trial. Includes interviews with "groupies" that wait overnight for public seating inside the courtroom, or to watch the trial on television in an adjoining room. The trial is being broadcast live throughout New Hampshire (shots of residents watching in bars, nursing homes, etc.) and has gained national media attention. Reporter Bill Spencer says that the live courtroom coverage will help people understand the legal system and make them more willing to serve as jurors, but Marcus Jones wonders whether the "circus atmosphere" surrounding the trial is about "justice, or just entertainment." B-roll follows edited story, including courthouse exterior, metal detector, waiting for a place in courtroom, Court Room One signs, bags being searched before entry, people entering courtroom directly, Pamela Smart entering courtroom, onlookers watching on television in overflow room, shots of Smart testimony on television.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/18/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the annual reenactment on Patriot's Day of the ride of American Revolutionary leader William Dawes. Kelly notes that Dawes's ride is overshadowed by that of Paul Revere (American revolutionary leader). Dawes began his ride to Lexington in 1775 from the site of the First Church of Roxbury. Tom Plant (Roxbury historian) organizes the annual reenactment at the First Church of Roxbury. Plant and others in colonial costume participate in the reenactment. Interview iwth Plant and Butch Redding (Roxbury resident) about the reenactment and the rich history of the Roxbury neighborhood. Kelly reports that many historians overlook the sacrifices made by black soldiers during the American Revolution.
0:59:28: Visual: Shot of a man in colonial costume leading a horse to the front steps of the First Church of Roxbury. Shots of the weathervane and steeple of the church; of the steeple of the church. Hope Kelly reports that there has been a church located on the site of the First Church of Roxbury for 350 years; that William Dawes (American revolutionary leader) began his ride to Lexington in 1775 from the site of the First Church of Roxbury. Kelly notes that Paul Revere (American revolutionary leader) did not make his ride alone. V: Footage of Tom Plant (Roxbury historian) dressed in colonial costume. He speaks to a small crowd in front of the First Church of Roxbury. Plant says that many people forget that Dawes rode one of the most historic rides in American history. Plant says that Roxbury residents are thankful that Roxbury is a part of that history. Shots of a small crowd listening to Plant. Kelly reports that Plant is the president of the congregation of the First Church of Roxbury; that he is president of the Historical Society of Roxbury Highlands. Kelly says that Plant is the organizing force behind the annual re-enactment in Roxbury. V: Shots of Plant speaking; of men on horseback in colonial costume. Kelly reports that Plant sent William Dawes off on his ride with a blessing at the re-enactment. V: Footage of Plant giving a blessing. Shots of the man playing Dawes in the re-enactment; of the audience applauding. Footage of Plant being interviewed by Kelly. Kelly asks Plant what he was thinking about during the re-enactment. Plant says that he is often transported back to colonial times when he walks the streets of Roxbury. Plant says that he felt like he was transported back during the re-enactment. Shots of "Dawes" and another man on horseback riding away from the church on horseback. Footage of the audience singing as the men ride away. The audience includes Byron Rushing (state representative) and Butch Redding (Roxbury resident). Redding is dressed in colonial dress. Kelly reports that a small crowd was present to celebrate a neglected part of history. V: Footage of Butch Redding (Roxbury resident) being interviewed. Redding says that Roxbury is rich in both white American history and African American history. Shot of the crowd outside of the church. Kelly reports that many African American soldiers fought in the American Revolution; that they were treated with ambivalence by the American army. Kelly notes that the exclusion of people of color was the norm in the eighteenth century; that many forget the sacrifices made by soldiers of color in the American Revolution. V: Shots of Plant addressing a small audience from the pulpit of the First Church of Roxbury; of audience members. Footage of Plant addressing the audience about the role of African Americans in history.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/15/1991
Description: An ecumenical prayer service is held at St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston. Members of the clergy including Reverend Diane Kessler of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, Bishop Methodius of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England, Reverend Kenneth Grant of the Presbyterian Church, and Bishop Barbara Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts lead people in prayers for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Interviews in front of the cathedral with attendees of the prayer meeting, who express their desire for peace. Portions of the news story are accompanied by a hymn. Following in the edited story is additional b-roll of exteriors and interiors of St. Paul's Cathedral and people attending the prayer service.
1:00:14: V: Shot of a banner hanging outside of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The banner reads, "Let reason and compassion replace the temptation of war." Shots of people entering the cathedral. Footage of an older man being interviewed outside of the cathedral. The man talks about the joy of prayer. Shots of people seating themselves in the church. Footage of the Reverend Diane Kessler (Massachusetts Council of Churches) addressing the prayer meeting. Shots of attendees of the prayer meeting; of attendees praying. Footage of Bishop Methodius (Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England) leading a prayer. Bishop Methodius prays for George Bush (US President) and Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader). Bishop Methodius prays for a peaceful resolution of the Persian Gulf crisis. Footage of a white woman being interviewed outside of the church. The woman talks about the spiritual impact of a group of people gathered in prayer. Shots of an attendee singing a hymn; of the prayer service. Footage of the Reverend Kenneth Grant (Presbyterian Church, USA) addressing the prayer meeting. Footage of a white man being interviewed outside of the church. The man says that he is afraid for Americans, Kuwaitis, Iraqis, and other human beings. Shots of attendees praying; of Kessler and Bishop Barbara Harris (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) standing at the altar. Shots of the prayer meeting. Footage of an older white man being interviewed in front of the church. The man says that miracles can happen; that good can come from evil. Footage of Harris addressing the prayer meeting. Harris says that the alternatives to war have not been fully explored by those in power. Portions of the new story are accompanied by a hymn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1991
Description: Meg Vaillancourt opens report with person on the street interviews on quotas, affirmative action, and civil rights. Vaillancourt interviews Avi Nelson (radio talk show host) and Dianne Wilkerson (attorney) about the debate concerning minority hiring quotas as a part of civil rights policy. Vaillancourt notes that George Bush vetoed a Civil Rights Bill last year because he said the bill would encourage the use of quotas by employers. Nelson opposes affirmative action programs and quotas. Nelson says that the Civil Rights Bill compromises the rights of some in order to benefit others. Wilkerson says that quotas were never a part of the Civil Rights Bill as it was written. Wilkerson says that the Civil Rights Bill would allow women and people of color to file lawsuits in cases of discrimination. Wilkerson accuses the Republican Party of bringing up quotas in order to undermine the passage of the Civil Rights Bill. Vaillancourt reports that the future of the bill remains uncertain. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of George Bush speaking in October of 1990 and footage of construction workers at a construction site. Vaillancourt's report also features footage from interviews with people on the street about minority hiring quotas. This tape includes additional footage from From Montgomery to Memphis. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Controversy surrounds David Duke's visit to Boston and Carmen Fields reports on the history and present activities of the Ku Klux Klan
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of a white man being interviewed on the street. The man says that African Americans claim to have been discriminated against for many years. The man says that now it is "every man for himself." Footage of a white woman being interviewed at Downtown Crossing. The woman says that businesses should not be required to hire a certain number of minorities; that equal rights are important. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed on the street. The woman says that there is a assumption that people of color and women cannot compete with white men; that this assumption gives quotas a bad name. Shots of people walking through Downtown Crossing. Meg Vaillancourt reports that the majority of people interviewed today at Downtown Crossing opposed job quotas. Vaillancourt asks if job quotas are the issue when it comes to civil rights. V: Footage of Avi Nelson (radio talk show host) being interviewed. Nelson says that quotas are not part of civil rights. Nelson says that people who get jobs because of quotas keep out other people who are more qualified to do the job. Footage of Dianne Wilkerson (attorney) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that she does not understand all of the controversy surrounding job quotas. Wilkerson that no one has publicly admitted being forced to hire people of color or women. Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson believes that Republicans use the term quotas because they know that the word has a negative connotation. Vaillancourt reports that Wilkerson prefers the term "remedy." V: Footage of Wilkerson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that there is no "quota bill." Wilkerson says that there is a bill to restore the civil rights of women and people of color. Wilkerson says that Supreme Court decisions of the late 1980s had a devastating impact on the ability of women and people of colors to file lawsuits in cases of discrimination. Vaillancourt reports that Nelson is a republican; that Nelson opposes the ideas of affirmative action. V: Footage of Nelson being interviewed. Nelson says that the grievances of history can never be fully redressed; that it is impossible to achieve a state of equality for all people. Nelson says that the government should commit itself to granting equal opportunity for all in the structure of the laws from this day forward. Nelson says that the government cannot remedy the disadvantaged backgrounds of certain individuals. Footage of George Bush (US President) speaking on October 22, 1990. Bush says that he has long been committed to affirmative action. Vaillancourt reports that Bush vetoed a Civil Rights Bill last year. Vaillancourt notes that Bush said that the bill would encourage the use of quotas by employers. Vaillancourt reports that the word "quota" never appeared in the Civil Rights Bill vetoed by Bush. Vaillancourt notes that the bill shifted the burden of proof onto employers; that employers would need to show that they did not discriminate. Vaillancourt adds that an Congressional effort to override Bush's veto failed by a handful of votes. V: Footage of workers at a construction site. Shot of a worker moving dirt in a wheelbarrow. The worker dumps the dirt outside of a building. Shots of workers digging holes at a construction site. The workers are of diverse races. Footage of Wilkerson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Wilkerson says that supporters of the Civil Rights Bill were not advocating quotas; that quotas were never mentioned in the legislation. Vaillancourt remarks that some people call job quotas the "Willie Horton" of civil rights. Wilkerson agrees with Vaillancourt's remark. Wilkerson says that Bush and David Duke (Louisiana state representative) are in agreement. Wilkerson says that the Republican Party is trying to distance itself from Duke; that the Republican Party and Duke are in agreement on this issue. Footage of Nelson being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Nelson says that the Republican Party has a problem with Duke; that the Democratic Party has a problem with Louis Farrakhan (leader, Nation of Islam). Nelson says that he occasionally agrees with Duke; that he does not embrace Duke as fellow traveler. Nelson says that opponents of the bill do not want to deny civil rights of US citizens. Nelson says that the bill would compromise the civil rights of some in order to give benefits to others. Vaillancourt reports that Democrats in the US House of Representatives have tried to rename the bill this year in order to change the tone of debate; that House Democrats are emphasizing its benefits for white women. Vaillancourt reports that Democrats fear that they will again be accused of promoting quotas. Vaillancourt reports that Senate Democrats have not yet proposed a new bill; that Senate Democrats fear a repeat of last year's debate and Republican victory.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that Richard Taylor, the Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation and Construction, will preside over the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project in Boston. Taylor is one of the few African American Republicans in Massachusetts. Interview with Taylor, who talks about his reasons for being a Republican and his career in business. Taylor talks about his commitment to affirmative action and his plans to encourage participation by women and minorities in the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Fields notes that Taylor says that his appointment signals a commitment to affirmative action on the part of Governor William Weld. Fields' report is accompanied by footage of Rev. Graylan Hagler and unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a construction site in Roxbury. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Alexandra Marks interviews businessmen Derek Jeter and William Singleton on the challenges faced by minority businesses in Boston
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of Richard Taylor (Secretary of Transportation and Construction) being interviewed. Taylor says that he supports limited taxes, limited regulation, more research, and development and more private sector involvement. Carmen Fields reports that Taylor is a wealthy, well educated entrepreneur; that Taylor is a Republican; that Taylor is also African American. Fields reports that Taylor is part of a small but growing band of African American Republicans. V: Shot of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed. Taylor says that some have argued that all African Americans should be Republicans; that Abraham Lincoln (former US president) was a Republican. Taylor says that he believes in limited taxation and limited government involvement. Taylor says that the Republican Party encourages people to pursue economic independence; that the Republican Party discourages people from looking to the government for sustainment. Fields reports that Taylor is the State Transportation Secretary; that he presides over the Central Artery-Third Harbor Tunnel Construction Project. V: Shot of Taylor greeting an African American man and a white man as they enter his office. Footage of Taylor at a meeting with the two men and another woman. Taylor talks about the risk of delays in the project. Fields reports that Massachusetts has a high unemployment rate; that the construction project will provide jobs. Fields notes that the Republican Party is often viewed as being anti-minority, anti-women, and anti-civil rights. V: Shots of Taylor at the meeting. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor if he is against affirmative action. Taylor says that affirmative action is necessary. Taylor says that minority businesses should participate in the project if it strengthens their skills; that minority businesses should be paid for a job well done. Taylor says that affirmative action helps minority businesses be competitive; that affirmative action is part of the remedial process. Taylor says that some affirmative action models are troublesome. Taylor says that he does not support quotas. Taylor says that some affirmative action models do not give minority businesses enough significant responsibility. Fields asks if he will be a reluctant or an enthusiastic supporter of affirmative action. Taylor says that he is inclined to have active and strong participation by women and minorities. Taylor says that he has always pushed for fair and equitable opportunities for minority businesses. Taylor talks about his career in business before entering government.Taylor says that he will do a good job in this area. Fields reports that Roxbury residents halted construction on a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square recently. Fields notes that residents wanted more jobs for community workers on the project. V: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Hagler. Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Fields notes that Taylor says that he has learned from the experience in Roxbury. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the MBTA recently began a $9 million project to renovate Dudley Station. Taylor says that he incorporated some recent provisions from the Post Office project into the MBTA project. Turner says that it is important for the major contractor to be in agreement with the provisions of the contract. Turner says that he hopes that these provisions will be used in the Central Artery Project. Fields reports that Taylor says that his appointment signals the commitment of William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) to affirmative action. Fields notes that Turner believes that there are many opportunities for qualified people of color. V: Shots of Taylor in his office. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor talks about a recent business seminar at the Boston World Trade Center. Taylor says that the seminar focused on how minority businesses could participate in the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he will soon meet with major contractors for the Central Artery Project. Taylor says that he hopes to link minority businesses with the major contractors in order to provide work for minorities.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields interviews Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) and David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital)) about the partnership between the two facilities and the rising infant mortality rate in Boston. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate is a social problem involving health, education, housing, employment, and crime. He adds that advances must be made in all of those areas in order to combat the high infant mortality rate in Boston. Taylor talks about the role of community health centers and the benefits of relationships between community health centers and large hospitals. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate is only one indicator of distress in the African American community. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care through the partnerships between the large and small medical facilities. Fields's report includes footage of infants being cared for in the nursery of a health facility.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of Jeanne Taylor, PhD (Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center has always been an independently licensed health center; that the health center is federally funded. Taylor says that Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center does not have a relationship with the city or the state. Taylor says that the health center has had informal relationships with hospitals in the past. Taylor says that hospitals provide a wealth of resources to health centers; that hospitals can provide specialists to health centers; that hospital residents can come to work in health centers. Fields reports that the infant mortality rate in Boston's African American community is three times the rate in white communities. Fields notes that the gap grew in 1989 and in 1990. Fields notes that the African American community is called a "death zone." V: Shots of an African American infant hooked up to breathing equipment; of a health care worker monitoring medical equipment in a hospital nursery; of a monitor on the medical equipment. Shot of the health care worker tending to an infant; of the infant hooked up to equipment. Footage of David Dolin (Executive Vice President, Beth Israel Hospital) being interviewed by Fields. Dolin suggests that there is no one to blame for the high infant mortality rate; that you cannot place blame on any one segment of the health care community. Dolin says that the problem may not be a health problem; that the problem is a social problem involving health, education, housing, the police department, and the mayor's staff. Fields reports that the concept of linkage is being applied to health care and the infant mortality rate. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that many hospitals have had limited interest in partnering with health care centers in the past; that many hospitals and health care centers had relationships of mistrust. Taylor says that the mistrust stems from the African American community. Taylor says that the health care profession has performed questionable research on African Americans; that African Americans have not been included in medical research in the past. Taylor says that hospitals are usually interested in partnering with health care centers for research purposes. Taylor says that the relationship of mistrust between hospitals and health care centers has changed. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that funding is coming from health care centers and hospitals; that there is little funding from the government. Dolin says that health care centers and hospitals are underfunded; that some areas get neglected. Dolin says that many factors affect maternal and infant health; that increased funds from hospitals and health care centers can be undermined by these other factors. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks Taylor to explain linkage as it applies to community health centers. Taylor says that linkage promotes relationships between large medical facilities and smaller health care centers with limited resources. Taylor says that the health care centers can gain access to hospital amenities. Taylor says that health care centers can take advantage of hospital residents and hospital purchasing discounts for equipment and supplies. Taylor says that health care center physicians can admit patients to the partnering hospital; that the health care physicians can be on the faculty of these hospitals. Taylor says that physicians at health care centers need extra benefits because they do not make high salaries. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that hospitals have a responsibility to the local community. Dolin says that the best way to deliver care to the community is through the health care center. Dolin says that the hospitals need to provide their expertise and resources to aid the health care centers. Dolin says that he sees no disadvantages to the relationships between hospitals and health care centers. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Fields asks what will happen if linkage is not adopted. Taylor says that costs will rise; that there will be a double standard in health care across the nation. Footage of Dolin being interviewed by Fields. Dolin says that the high infant mortality rate and other problems will not be solved if linkage is not adopted. Dolin says that there are other factors; that problems in the areas of crime, drugs, housing, and education must also be solved. Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Fields. Taylor says that the infant mortality rate in the African American community is only one indicator of the distress in that community. Taylor says that the major hospitals in Boston did not realize that the infant mortality rate was a problem until a major newspaper printed a story about it. Taylor says that the African American community has been neglected; that the neglect must stop.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/28/1991