Description: Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Anchors Christopher Lydon and Gail Harris. David Williams reports on gubernatorial political campaigns of Michael Dukakis and Greg Hyatt. Marcus Jones reports on Healthy Start program providing better maternal health services to poorer women. Interviews with Dr. Juliette Tuakli-Williams, Sen. Jack Backman, Joan Tighe, Rep. Patricia Fiero, and Kathy O'Donnell. "Today on Wall Street" segment. Gail Harris reports on 1987 federal budget and tax reform bills. Christopher Lydon reports on Reagan Administration and Tip O'Neill's views on US aid to Nicaraguan Contras. On-set interview with Noam Chomsky and John Silber on contra aid. Silber argues for and Chomsky argues against US aid to the Contras. The two guests interrupt each other and talk over each other. Gail Harris reports on employee strikes in several business. Christy George reports on the development of Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge through history. Interview with Charles Sullivan, Director of the Cambridge Historical Commission. Interview with Kevin Crane, attorney for a developer, on the development plans along Mass Ave. Interview with Kate Mattes, local business owner of Kate's Mystery Books. Interview with author Robert Parker. Interview with Betty Desrosiers on the effect of the Red Line extention on Mass. Ave development plans. Interview with Cambridge resident Joel Bard. Interview with developer Peter Wasserman. Weather and Sports reports. Lydon reports on Chilean human rights violations and South African funerals. Harris reports on a Soviet launch of a manned space craft and Haley's Comet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/13/1986
Description: Interviews, opinions, discussions The Soapbox Cambridge Responds: “Rally to Bring the Troops Home Now!” at Copley Square, Boston MA (June 26, 2004) The Soapbox Roundtable Series: Lesley University Students: “The Meanings of a Media Event”: A course based around the DNC World Wrestling Entertainment presents Smackdown Your Vote! w/ the Harvard Institute of Politics The Soapbox Special Presentation: CCTV Summer Media Institute: “Orientation to the DNC” The Soapbox Cambridge Streets, CCTV Studio, Copley Square, Harvard University
Cambridge Streets, CCTV Studio, Copley Square, Harvard University
Talent:Cambridge Responds: Alicia Neubig (interviewer), Daryl Wright (Dorchester People for Peace, Speaker) Roundtable Series: Bruce Logan (Moderator), Parveen Dosanjh (Panelist), Paige Manning (Panelist), Isaac Berger (Panelist) Smackdown Your Vote: Naomi Ages (host), “Bradshaw” (interviewee, WWE), Jesse Ventura (interviewee, former MN governor, former WWE wrestler), Jonathan Chavez (Harvard Institute of Politics) Special Presentation: Kevin Conroy (DNC Committee)
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 6/7/2006
Description: MIT professor Herman Eisen is dismayed that NIH has established research guidelines. He believes this policing impedes creativity of scientists. Mouse being dissected. MIT dome. View of BU from Charles.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/27/1991
Description: 2 stewardesses 3 2 Cambridge - prison 3 2 Boston car 3 2 violence 3 2 open & close 3
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/11/1972
Description: Silber and Weld are men of means, but Weld denies self-consciousness about it and Silber downplays it. Family backgrounds. BU president's house. Photos of Silber as a boy. Weld home,boathouse,hall at Harvard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/11/1990
Description: Compilation of footage on multiple women's rights protests. Women bundled up sitting outside the Harvard building (888 Memorial Drive) they took over and renamed the "Boston Women's Center." A group of young men walk to the building with signs reading "Liberate Women Not Buildings. A man speaks as a representative of the Harvard Republican Club for Equality and Economic, Political, and Social Opportunities for Women, and he criticizes the women's methods of protest because they include breaking the law. The women make noise over his speech, and some of the women shout responses. The men picket in front on the building. Further exchanges between the two groups. Women hold a press conference three days after the takeover where they discuss their demands and the support of the women in the community. Another press conference on March 14, a week after the takeover. Women move out of the building. They hang a new banner on the outside of the building. People gather to watch the women moving out. Harvard police patrol the outside of the building and break open the front door. Interview with a man in the crowd. Press conference held by Boston College students on their petition demanding Ann Flynn be reinstated as Dean of Women and the sit in of Boston College students in administration offices. Another young man at the press conference also addresses the issue of military recruiting on college campuses. They discuss the involvement of Father Seavey Joyce, President of Boston College. Students gathered at a rally.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/1971
Description: Compilation of footage concerning women's liberation. People parachuting. A ceremony honoring servicewomen. Auditorium full of people. Exteriors of Harvard building (888 Memorial Drive) taken over by women and renamed the "Boston Women's Center." Crowd of children outside the taken over building. People outside the door to the Massachusetts House of Representatives Gallery. Governor Frank Sargent outside of the State House, with women addressing crowd about women's liberation. Older people eating meals in a cafeteria. Friends of Louise Bryun Walk for Peace gathered at Copley Square and march through downtown Boston. Louis Bruyn is a woman who walked from her home in Newton, Mass. to Washington, D.C. to protest the Vietnam War in 1971. Exteriors of the Boston Public Library. People on benches at the Boston Common. Women, and a few men, at a banquet. Riverside community resident holds a press conference. Dormitory, possibly a women's prison. Press conference in front of "Boston Women's Center." Exteriors of Old Cambridge Baptist Church. Exteriors of Lyons Hall and other campus environs at Boston College. Women march out of "Boston Women's Center" with banners. Women wrapped in blankets guard the door. Closeups on the electric box outside the building. International Women's Day demonstration on Boston Common in front of the State House. Women speaking at an event.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/1971