Description: Massachusetts Governor Ed King's State of the State Address. Discusses welfare statistics: case reduction, office reduction; improvement of services and poverty situation. King states that he was elected as a businessman, not a politician. Following speech is footage of applauding cabinet and legislators; King smiling and waving. King exits assembly hall led by Sergeant-at-Arms. Reel 2 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/12/1982
Description: Several takes of reporter standup. Report on the "domino effect" created by the swearing in of ex-auditor Thaddues Buczko as a judge. John Finnegan will most likely replace him, and then someone else will have to replace Finnegan. B-roll of Speaker of the House Thomas McGee, President of the Senate William Bulger, and other state legislators in the State House Chambers. Buczko's swearing in ceremony. Bulger, McGee, and Governor King preside over the ceremony. McGee makes a heartfelt speech about his admiration for Buczko. King swears in Buczko. Buczko addresses the audience. A judge also addresses the audience.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/11/1981
Description: Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O'Neill speaks at 1981 Boston College commencement ceremony. Discusses his graduation from Boston College in 1936; compares environment of the College in the depression. Discusses investing in education of young adults to keep up with economic and governmental demand. Footage of crowd; graduating students; group of students with top hats. O'Neill discusses inflated price of education and cuts to student aid. Crowd applause; faculty in commencement regalia. Closes with clips of reporter Sharon Stevens giving a summary of O'Neill's speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/18/1981
Description: Winnie Mandela speaks to churchgoers at the Twelfth Baptist Church. South African exile Themba Vilakazi stands by her side. Children from the congregation stand at the front of the church. Mandela talks about the importance of love and says that South Africans must relearn the values taken for granted by the rest of the world. She talks about the political climate in apartheid South Africa and about how South African children suffered under the apartheid regime. Mandela thanks the audience for supporting the black South Africans in their quest for liberation. The audience applauds for Mandela. Mandela embraces Reverend Michael Haynes. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Byron Rushing campaigns for re-election
1:00:05: V: Footage of Reverend Michael Haynes (Twelfth Baptist Church) speaking from the pulpit of the Twelfth Baptist Church. Shots of two African American women seated in a pew. Haynes sings from the pulpit accompanied by a choir standing behind him. A group of African American children file toward the front of the church. The church attendees stand and applaud, then seat themselves. Footage of Winnie Mandela (wife of South African leader Nelson Mandela) speaking to the congregation. Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) stands by her side. Mandela thanks the congregation for their warm reception. Mandela says that the kind of love shown by the congregation does not exist in South Africa. Mandela says that the people of South Africa must relearn the values taken for granted by the rest of the democratic world. Shot of an African American man in the audience. Mandela says that South Africans must relearn how to love one another, themselves, and their children. Mandela says that apartheid has deprived South African children of their childhood. Mandela tells the children in the congregation that they are lucky to grow up in a loving community. Shots of two young girls sitting in the audience. Mandela says that South Africans have lost faith in God; that they must restore their faith in God. Mandela says that South Africans wonder why God has let them suffer for so long. Mandela says that South African mothers did not know how to teach their children to love; that South African mothers could not teach their children the difference between wrong and right. Mandela says that most black South Africans have spent time in jail for political crimes; that South African children do not learn that people go to jail for doing something wrong. Mandela says that people who have not spent time in jail may be sympathizers with the government. Shots of a group of African-American children standing at the front of the church. Mandela says that South Africans have a lot to learn from the congregation. Mandela talks about Hector Peterson. Mandela says that Peterson was seven years old when he was killed by South African government forces; that Peterson was the first victim during an uprising in 1976. Mandela says that the white government had passed a law calling for black children to be taught in the Afrikaaner language; that Peterson was among a group of children protesting the law. Mandela says that people should have the right to protest in a democratic society. Mandela says that thousands of South African children were killed while protesting against apartheid. Mandela thanks the congregation for recognizing the efforts made by South Africans for liberation. Mandela says that liberation in South Africa means liberation in the US. Shot of an African American woman seated in the audience. Mandela raises her clenched fist. She embraces Haynes. The members of the audience applaud and rise to their feet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/22/1990
Description: Outtakes of interviews with women at Government Center plaza. They talk about the next day's Women's Strike for Equality and discrimination against women, especially in job opportunities. Some women talk about the downsides of women's rights movements. Interview with man on the separation of men's and women's work. Environs of Women's Strike for Equality at Government Center plaza. Interviews with men watching the strike on the women's liberation movement. Interview with Marine Sergeant on the women in the Marine Corps. Reporter cutways. Woman addresses a crowd by the Anne Hutchinson statue near the Massachusetts State House about women's liberation issues and International Women's Day. Anne Hutchinson's descendant, also named Anne Hutchinson, speaks. Mary Lou Thompson, author of Voices of the New Feminism attends. Connie Burgess, head of the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation speaks. Governor Frank Sargent speaks in support of these women. Women, including Ms. Freeman address an audience in a talk entitled "Feminism- Past, Present, and Future," covering the history of women's rights and the newly formed rap groups, which give women a place to come together and explore the sexism inherent current society. Outtakes of reporter standup. Women singing and speaking at a rally supporting women's rights and criticizing the Vietnam War. A group of lesbians speak about their alternative lifestyle and community. They shout "888 lives," referring to the Harvard building at 888 Memorial Drive that women had previously taken over to form the "Boston Women's Center."
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/1970