Description: Mayor Ray Flynn welcomes a delegation of African diplomats to Boston at a ceremony in City Hall. Irene Smalls (Director of Public Information for Flynn) and Flynn present a book about Boston to each diplomat. Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) addresses the delegation. He reads a proclamation from the Boston City Council, welcoming the diplomats to Boston. City Councilors David Scondras, Bruce Bolling and Maura Hennigan are introduced to the delegation. The ambassador from Gambia thanks Flynn and the city of Boston for receiving their visit. Yancey delivers closing remarks at the ceremony. He thanks the ambassadors. The diplomats and city officials socialize at a reception at City Hall. Flynn circulates among the members of the delegation. Flynn and one of the diplomats raise their glasses in an informal toast. Members of the delegation speak to one another.
1:00:00: Visual: Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) addresses a delegation of African diplomats at City Hall. Flynn speaks into a microphone about the historic heritage of Boston. The African delegation stands and listens. Flynn talks about John F. Kennedy (former US President) and other political leaders from Boston. Shots of the members of the African delegation. Flynn welcomes the delegation to Boston. Shot of Flynn from the back of the room. Shots of the members of the delegation. Flynn presents books to the members of the delegation. Irene Smalls (Director of Public Information for Flynn) reads out the names of the delegation members. Flynn hands gifts of the book "A Book for Boston," to ambassadors and representatives from Benin, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Guinea, the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Uganda, Cameroon, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mali, the Congo, Sierra Leone, Kenya, and Gambia. Smalls has trouble pronoucing some of the ambassadors' names. Flynn shakes hands with each ambassador as he hands him the book. The ambassadors from Chad and Gabon are absent. Shots of the books on a table. Shots of the members of the delegation. 1:06:54: V: Smalls introduces Charles Yancey (Boston City Council). Yancey addresses the delegation. Yancey reads a proclamation from the Boston City Council. The proclamation notes that the delegation has come to visit Boston as part of the African Diplomats' Project, sponsored by the United States Information Agency and the African American Institute of Washington DC. The proclamation talks about the mission of the African Diplomats' Project. The proclamation welcomes the diplomats to Boston. Shots of the members of the delegation; of the proclamation in Yancey's hands. Yancey compliments Flynn on his sensitivity to the interests of all people. Yancey says that he has a copy of the proclamation for each ambassador. The delegation applauds Yancey's speech. 1:09:10: V: Flynn invites City Councillors David Scondras, Bruce Bolling and Maura Hennigan to the front of the room. Scondras, Bolling and Hennigan walk to the front of the room. Bolling shakes hands with the members of the delegation. Chris Ianella (Boston City Council) is announced. The ambassador from Gambia addresses the group. The ambassador thanks Flynn and extends greetings from the people of Africa to the people of Boston. The ambassador says that the group has come to Boston to learn from the city; that the group will return to their countries more able to meet the needs of modern Africa. The ambassador thanks Flynn and the city for giving the delegation a warm welcome. He wishes continued success to the city. The ambassador shakes hands with the councillors. Small invites Yancey to give closing remarks. Yancey notes that the city of Boston is honored to receive the delegation. He says that there are strong ties between Boston and the countries and Africa. Yancey thanks the delegation. The delegation applauds. 1:13:25: The delegation enters a room where refreshments have been set up. The diplomats sip champagne and punch while they socialize. Shot of the ambassador from the Central African Republic talking with another ambassador. An official directs the diplomats to the food table. V: Shots of glasses of champagne arranged on a table. An African American catering worker gives a glasses of punch to the ambassador from Madagascar and another diplomat. Flynn circulates among the members of the delegation. Shots of Flynn and various members of the delegation. Flynn and one of the diplomats raise their glasses in an informal toast. Members of the delegation stand near the food table. Shots of hors d'oevres in warming pans. A member of the media approaches one of the diplomats. A few of the diplomats serve themselves from the food table. Two diplomats confer with one another.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/10/1985
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder held in Roxbury. Jones reports that the audience at the Seder honored civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner. Jones notes that the three civil rights workers were murdered in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. Jones notes that family members were present at the Seder to talk about the men on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the murders. Jones' report includes footage from the Seder supper. Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) talks about the sacrifices made by the three men. Family members Ben Chaney, Carolyn Goodman and Cassie Schwerner talk about the three men. Ben Chaney announces a freedom ride from Mississippi to New York planned for the summer. Chaney, Carolyn Goodman and Cassie Schwerner talk about the need to continue the struggle for civil rights. Jones reviews the events leading up to the murder of the three men. Jones' report also features clips from Eyes on the Prize and Mississippi Burning. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports that the Boston School Committee held an executive session to make a decision on the renewal of the contract of Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools)
1:00:17: Visual: Footage from a trailer for the 1988 film, Mississippi Burning. Shots of official FBI posters with head shots of three missing men. Marcus Jones reports that the film Mississippi Burning is based on the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. V: Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Three men reported missing in Mississippi rights campaign." Jones reports that African Americans and Jews gathered in Roxbury last night to honor the three men and their family members. V: Shot of a flyer for the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) speaking at the Ninth Annual Black-Jewish Seder. Stith talks about the sacrifice made by Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner. Shots of audience members, including Leonard Zakim (Director, Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith) Jones reports that the twenty-fifth anniversary of the murders will be marked in June. Jones notes that relatives of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner are traveling across the country to enlist people in a major demonstration planned for the summer. V: Shots of black and white photos of the three men which are displayed at the Seder gathering. Footage of Ben Chaney (brother of James Chaney) saying that racism and anti-semitism are not a regional problem. Chaney says that a group of demonstrators will depart from Mississippi on June 21; that the demonstrators will travel to New York. Chaney says that the demonstrators want to send a message about the national importance of civil rights. The audience stands to applaud Ben Chaney. Jones reports that Ben Chaney was eleven years old in 1964; that Ben Chaney began to work with James Chaney and Michael Schwerner to register African Americans in Mississippi to vote in 1964. V: Shots of black and white photos of James Chaney and Michael Schwermer. Black and white footage of a white man approaching the home of an African American man; of a body being put onto a stretcher. Footage of Ben Chaney saying that he used to attend demonstrations with James Chaney and Schwermer; that Chaney and Schwermer would bail him out of jail when he got arrested. Ben Chaney says that he did not believe that any of the demonstrators would die as a result of their actions until his brother was found dead. Footage from Eyes on the Prize of the Chaney family at the burial of James Chaney. Black and white footage of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman (parents of Andrew Goodman) speaking to the media in 1964. Mr. Goodman says that he is proud of his son's commitment and the commitment of Chaney and Schwarmer. Shots of an audience listening to Goodman. Jones reports that the anniversary of the murders brings back disturbing memories for Dr. Carolyn Goodman (mother of Andrew Goodman). V: Footage of Goodman at the Seder gathering. Goodman says that there are civil rights issues which still need to be addressed. Footage of Goodman being interviewed by Jones. Goodman says that the families of the victims wish to perpetuate the work performed by the three men. Goodman says that young people need to be made aware of the events of the civil rights era. Footage of Cassie Schwermer (niece of Michael Schwermer) at the Seder gathering. Schwermer says that the murders of the three men were meant to discourage northern volunteers from participating in the Mississippi Freedom Summer. Jones reports that Cassie Schwermer never knew her uncle; that she has come to understand his beliefs. Jones reports that Cassie Schwermer is a social activist. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Michael Schwerner. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Three in rights drive reported missing." Footage of Schwermer being interviewed by Jones. Schwermer says that she would like to see a renewed commitment to activism by young people today. Black and white footage of Fannie Chaney (mother of James Chaney) speaking in 1964. Fannie Chaney says that the three men died to help African Americans achieve equal rights. Footage of the Chaney family at the funeral of James Chaney. Footage of Carolyn Goodman saying that the work of civil rights activists is never finished. Goodman says that there will always be threats to our freedoms. Black and white shot from 1964 of James Chaney's coffin.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/11/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the annual Black/Jewish Seder Supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Interviews with Leonard Zakim from the Anti-Defamation League, Charles Stith from the Union United Methodist Church, and Eric Karp from the Temple Ohabei Shalom about the importance of the Black/Jewish Seder supper. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights on the part of both communities. Stith talks about the kinship between the two communities. Karp says that both communities have struggled against oppression. Interviews with attendees about the significance of the supper. Vaillancourt notes that this year's Seder supper falls on the eve of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Williams protests lack of minority faculty at MIT
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of the steeple of the Union United Methodist Church at dusk. Shots of the annual Black/Jewish Seder supper at the Union United Methodist Church. Shot of an African American woman and a white man speaking at the supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Meg Vaillancourt reports that a group of local African Americans and Jews celebrated the Seder. V: Footage of Leonard Zakim (Anti-Defamation League) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Zakim says that the supper celebrates the continuing struggle for freedom and civil rights. Footage of Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church being interviewed. Stith says that society is polarized along racial lines; that the supper is an celebrates efforts to promote peaceful coexistence between groups of people. Stith says that the supper affirms the goals of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader). Vaillancourt reports that attendees gathered at the Union United Methodist Church) for the eleventh Black/Jewish Seder. V: Shots of attendees reading from a religious text. The attendees hold pieces of matzoh in their hands. Footage of Eric Karp (Temple Ohabei Shalom) being interviewed. Karp says that the Seder celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from oppression; that the African American community has fought a long battle against oppression. Karp says that the two communities can learn from one another. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed at the supper. The woman says that she is attending her first Seder; that the two communities are brought together through their belief in God. Footage of an older Jewish woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks what the two communities have in common. The woman says that the two communities share a lot of things including prejudice and hard times. Footage of an older African American woman being interviewed by Vaillancourt. The woman says that African Americans and Jews are treated the same way. Footage of a young Jewish boy being interviewed. The boy says that "prejudice stinks." Shots of attendees at the supper. Vaillancourt reports that the ceremony is Jewish; that the date is important to those involved in the civil rights struggle. Vaillancourt notes that King gave his last speech twenty-three years ago tonight; that King was murdered in Memphis on the following day. Vaillancourt stands outside of the room where the supper is held. Vaillancourt reports that the Passover meal is symbolic of the exodus from Egypt by the Israelites after 400 years of slavery. V: Footage of Stith being interviewed. Stith says that enslaved African Americans identified with the struggle of Moses and the people of Israel. Stith says that there is a theological kinship between the two communities. Footage from the Seder supper. A choir sings, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1991
Description: Hope Kelly reports that students from the Boston University School of Theology held a ceremony to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. She notes that attendees at the gathering also prayed for peace in the Persian Gulf. Interviews with BU Theology students Virgil Hammett, Leon Chestnut, Jessica Davis, and Roxie Coicou. The students talk about civil rights, the legacy of King, and their desire for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Chestnut, Hammett and Davis address the gathered students and lead prayers to end the war. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields reports on African American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of students from the Boston University School of Theology walking on the Boston University (BU) campus at dusk. The students sing, "We Shall Overcome." The students gather together and link arms near the Martin Luther King Memorial statue near Marsh Chapel. Shots of the students. Hope Kelly reports that students at the BU School of Theology were celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist); that the celebration of peace is happening while the nation is at war. V: Footage of Virgil Hammett (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Hammett says that he sees the connection that King saw between civil rights and the Vietnam War. Hammett says that some US soldiers in Kuwait are fighting for rights that they do not possess at home. Footage of Leon Chestnut (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Chestnut says that charity begins at home. Chestnut says that the US must set its own house in order before going off to war. Footage of Jessica Davis (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Davis says that a lot of money is spent on weapons; that the government is not providing for the needs of the people. Kelly reports that Davis is a divinity student who is studying to be a minister. Kelly notes that Chestnut is a Hebrew Bible scholar and a preacher. V: Shot of Chestnut and Davis standing in a chapel. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students on the BU campus. Chestnut quotes from a psalm. Footage of Chestnut being interviewed. Chestnut talks about the importance of having faith. Footage of Chestnut addressing the gathering of divinity students. Chestnut talks about faith. Footage of Roxie Coicou (student, BU School of Theology) being interviewed. Coicou says that people need to pray and to talk about the war. Kelly reports that Coicou was born in 1968, which was the year that King was assassinated. V: Footage of Davis being interviewed. Davis talks about seeing King speak when she was a little girl. Davis says that society's problems have changed little since the 1960s. Footage of Coicou being interviewed. Coicou says that politics will continue; that people need to pray. Shot of BU students at the gathering. Footage of Hammett addressing the gathering. Hammett prays for love and understanding. Hammett prays for the realization of King's goals. Footage of Davis addressing the gathering. Davis prays for an end to the war. Shots of the students at the gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1991
Description: Feature story on anti Vietnam War services at Protestant churches across Massachusetts. Excerpt from a sermon given at Centre Congregational Church in Lynnfield. Reporter standup. Feature followed by b-roll, including exteriors of the church, interiors of the church, and more of the sermon.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/07/1971
Description: Boston Common Martin Luther King Ceremony. Cushing, Kevin White, Karthryn White, and others walking to Common. They walk up the steps to the bandstand. Cushing addresses the gathered crowd. There is a bit of audio of clapping, but the rest is silent. Note from original catalog card: Loaned to CBS but they say they didn't use it. Card reads [April '68]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/1968
Description: Guests walk in front of the Museum of Fine Arts. Barbara Bush walks into the event tent. Dedication ceremony of the West Wing of the museum. Speeches given by Chairman Howard Johnson and Director Jan Fontaine cover the history of the museum and facilities of the new wing. Honored guest Barabra Bush is introduced and addresses the audience. Governor Ed King addresses the audience. I.M. Pei, and Mayor Kevin White also sit on stage during ceremony. Interiors of the new wing. Entrance to the People's Republic of China exhibit.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/17/1981
Description: Press conference with Ella Fitzgerald after receiving the Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year Award. She answers questions from reporters. Sharon Stevens does several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1982
Description: Hope Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony at the Massachusetts State House to honor Robert Gould Shaw and the soldiers of the 54th regiment. Kelly reviews the history of Shaw and the African American soldiers of the 54th regiment in the Civil War. Kelly reports that the 1989 film Glory tells the story of the 54th regiment. Kelly's report includes clips from the film. Bill Owens addresses the ceremony. Part of the ceremony takes place in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Michael Dukakis and Ray Flynn are part of the ceremony proclaiming Glory Day in Massachusetts. Marilyn Richardson, the curator of the Museum of Afro-American History, addresses at audience at the African Meeting House.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a re-enactment of civil war soldiers marching in front of the Massachusetts State House. Footage from the 1989 film Glory. Hope Kelly reports that Glory took four years to make. Kelly notes that the film is about African American soldiers in the Civil War. V: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) reading a proclamation. The proclamation makes reference to John Andrews (former Governor of Massachusetts) who issued a call to arms for African Americans and to Robert Gould Shaw (US Army colonel) who commanded the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. V: Footage from the film Glory. Kelly reports that the Massachusetts 54th Regiment became the first African American fighting unit in the nation's history; that the Regiment was led by Gould; that Gould was a an upper-class white man from Boston. Kelly reports that army officials at the time did not think that African Americans could be competent soldiers. Kelly notes that the Regiment proved army officials wrong. V: Footage from the film, Glory. Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony outside of the Massachusetts State House; that Thursday has been proclaimed Glory day in Massachusetts. V: Shot of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), and other leaders at the ceremony. The leaders stand quietly in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial as a trumpeter plays "Taps." Shot of the media at the ceremony. Shot of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Kelly reports that the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial has stood on Boston Common for ninety-three years. V: Shot of the face of a soldier carved into the Shaw Memorial. Shot of a group of female singers singing a gospel song. Men in military uniform stand behind them holding flags. Kelly reports that the Shaw Memorial shows Shaw on horseback and the soldiers on foot. Kelly notes that Shaw was on horseback and the soldiers on foot when they charged Fort Wagner in South Carolina in July of 1863. Kelly reports that Shaw and 32 African American and white soldiers were killed in the attack; that Shaw and the soldiers were all buried together. V: Shot of the Shaw Memorial. Footage from the film, Glory. Shot of the re-enactment march in Boston. Kelly reports that today's ceremony started at the Memorial; that the ceremony moved to the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. Kelly notes that the African Meeting House served as a recruitment center for local African Americans during the Civil War. V: Shot of an African American man in military dress holding an American flag; of a group of African Americans in military dress at the ceremony. Footage from the film Glory. Footage of Marilyn Richardson (Curator, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing an audience in the African Meeting House. Richardson says that society must honor the principles for which the soldiers fought. Footage from the ceremony at the State House. An African American man sings "Glory Hallelujah." A crowd of media and attendees is gathered. V: Footage from the film Glory.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/08/1990
Description: Dedication ceremony of John Hancock glass tower, in lobby. General James M. Gavin is introduced and addresses the audience. Gavin and other speakers talk about the history of the building project. Thomas O'Neill and Kevin White are also on stage. Unveiling of massive reproduction of Declaration of Independence on wall of lobby. English High School chorus sings patriotic songs. Hundreds of guests crowded in lobby.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/15/1976
Description: Swearing in and inaugural address of John F. Kennedy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/20/1961
Description: Marcus Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) spoke at Faneuil Hall during a ceremony to commemorate the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jones notes that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s. Jones' report includes footage of Farmer addressing the audience at Faneuil Hall. Jones interviews Farmer about progress on civil rights issues in the US. Jones reports that Charles Yancey read a proclamation honoring King during the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Yancey reading a proclamation at the ceremony and by footage of schoolchildren performing at the ceremony. Jones' report also includes footage of King during the civil rights movement. This tape includes additional footage from the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has released position papers, detailing his stance on domestic issues
1:00:04: Visual: Black and white footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) delivering a speech. Black and white footage of a white man announcing the death of King to a group of students. Marcus Jones reports that today is the twentieth anniversary of King's death. Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) talked to an audience at a ceremony commemorating King's death at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Farmer addressing an audience at Fanueil Hall. Farmer talks about King's vision for the nation. Shots of the audience. Jones reports that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s; that Farmer is now a visiting professor at Mary Washington College in Virginia. Jones says that Farmer believes that minorities have made great strides in the past twenty years. V: Footage of Farmer being interviewed by Jones at Faneuil Hall. Farmer says that there are plenty of things that need to change in the US; that some progress has been made by minorities. Jones reports that Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) read a city proclamation honoring King at the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Yancey addressing the audience. Yancey says that King was once refused admittance to the Patrick T. Campbell Junior High School in Boston; that the school is now named for King. Jones reports that students from the Martin Luther King Middle School performed a song in honor of King. V: Footage of students from the King Middle School performing at Faneuil Hall. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Christy George reports that City Councilor James Kelly objects to an interfaith, interracial prayer service to be held in South Boston because he fears that the meeting could be seen as an endorsement of the city's plan to integrate South Boston housing projects. Kelly has called for the meeting to be moved to another location. Interview with Father Thomas McDonnell of St. Augustine's Church in South Boston and Reverend John Borders of the Morningstar Baptist Church. McDonnell and Borders say that South Boston is not a racist neighborhood. Interview with Jim Kelly. George quotes Kelly as saying that he opposes forced busing, racial quotas, and forced housing. Community leaders have met with Mayor Ray Flynn to discuss the peaceful integration of public housing projects, and hold a press conference. Doris Bunte of the Boston Housing Authority, Charles Stith of the Union United Methodist Church, John O'Bryant of the Boston School Committee, and Don Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, Roxbury speak at the press conference. George reports that Bernard Cardinal Law (Archdiocese of Boston) endorses the meeting. George notes that Flynn is pushing for housing integration over the objections of South Boston residents. Footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston and footage of anti-busing activity in South Boston in 1977.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Father Thomas McDonnell (St. Augustine's Church in South Boston) and Reverend John M. Borders, III (Morningstar Baptist Church in Mattapan) sitting together for an interview in South Boston. McDonnell says that both men believe in the power of prayer. Christy George reports that religious leaders want to hold an interfaith, interracial prayer meeting at St. Monica's Church in South Boston; that James Kelly (Boston City Council) has taken out a half-page advertisement in the South Boston Tribune; that the ad calls on the Catholic Church to move the prayer meeting to another location. George reports that Kelly fears that the prayer meeting could be seen as an endorsement of the city's plan to desegregate public housing projects in South Boston. V: Shot of the exterior of St. Monica's Church; of Kelly's advertisement in the South Boston Tribune; of a statue in front of the church. Footage of McDonnell saying that racism is a moral issue. Borders says that prayer is a means to change the people's hearts. Footage of police arresting two women on G Street in South Boston on May 12, 1977. Shots of police cruisers escorting school buses along a city street; of a housing project in South Boston. Shots of a sign for the Old Colony Housing Project; of a white woman and children in front of a housing project building. George notes that South Boston became a battleground during school desegregation. George reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has announced that the public housing projects in South Boston will be integrated; that Flynn alienated many South Boston voters by pushing for public housing integration. V: Shot of Flynn approaching the stage at a community meeting in South Boston on January 12, 1988. The crowd jeers and boos as Flynn walks on to the stage. Shot of audience members seated at long tables. Footage of Kelly at the community meeting. Kelly says that South Boston residents will serve time for civil rights violations if the public housing projects are integrated. The crowd applauds Kelly. George reports that community leaders met with Flynn today to talk about peaceful desegregation of the projects; that attendees at the meeting expressed thinly disguised scorn for Kelly. V: Shot of Doris Bunte (Boston Housing Authority) speaking at a press conference. Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) and two other African American community leaders stand behind her. Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) at a press conference. A reporter asks him if Kelly's name was mentioned in the meeting with Flynn. O'Bryant replies, "Who's he?" George reports that Kelly believes that affirmative action is reverse racism. George quotes Kelly as saying that "assigning the needy to public housing based on race is morally and legally wrong." V: Shot of Kelly at his desk. A quote from Kelly is written out in text on-screen. Footage of Kelly saying that supporters of equal opportunity must oppose forced busing, racial quotas, and forced housing. Footage of Stith saying that there are some elected officials who insist on keeping the city divided; that religious leaders are making an effort to unite the city. Footage of Minister Don Muhammad (Nation of Islam, Roxbury) saying that not all Irish residents are racist; that African Americans in Roxbury are not all drug addicts. George reports that Bernard Cardinal Law (Archdiocese of Boston) endorsed the prayer meeting. George quotes Law as saying that publicity "could lead to the erroneous impression that racial discrimination is a problem of geography, which it is not. . . . Racial discrimination is a problem of the human heart." V: Shot of Law addressing an audience. A quote from Law is written out in text on-screen. George reports that one of the goals of the prayer meeting is to debunk the myth of South Boston as a racist neighborhood. V: Shot of a white family walking in front of St. Monica's Church. Footage of Borders saying that Kelly does not represent the views of all South Bostonians. Borders says that he had no problems in South Boston when he drove to today's interview at the church. George reports that religious leaders say that the prayer meeting is not about politics; that the controversy surrounding the meeting has become political despite the efforts of religious leaders.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/20/1988
Description: Mayor Kevin White attends groundbreaking ceremony for 119 units of elderly housing in Roslindale. A priest blesses the grounds. Mayor White addresses the lack of elderly housing in the city of Boston. After ceremony, Mayor White communes with children.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/16/1975
Description: Boston Mayor Kevin White speaks at dedication of the Greater Roslindale Health Center.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/16/1975
Description: Bill Zimmerman piece on a luncheon held by the town of New Bedford for the servicemen guarding the town's fishing boats. He interviews a town representative. Reporter standup in front of sailors enjoying the luncheon.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 12/07/1970
Description: Marcus Jones reports on Northeastern University's observation of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Jones notes that a ceremony commemorating King's life was held at the university. Jones' report includes footage from the ceremony. Sonia Sanchez (poet and teacher) talks about King. Jones' report also includes footage of King. Susan Sullivan (Northeastern Law student) makes the announcement that the university is awarding an honorary law degree to Nelson Mandela. Interviews with Daniel Givelber (Dean, Northeastern University School of Law) and Sullivan about the decision to award a degree to Mandela. Jones notes that the university trustees overturned a policy which required recipients of degrees to pick them up in person. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Scondras, Charles Yancey and Ray Flynn: Boston City Council makes fair housing policy
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of an African American man performing a song at a ceremony commemorating the life of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) at Northeastern University. Shots of the audience. Marcus Jones reports that hundreds of people gathered at Northeastern to commemorate the life of King; that King's 59th birthday is Friday. V: Shots of King addressing a crowd; of King marching at the head of a group of civil rights demonstrators. Footage of Sonia Sanchez (poet and teacher) talks about King's struggle to advance the cause of civil rights. Sanchez says that King's work is not finished. Shots of audience members applauding. Jones reports that Sanchez was the featured speaker at the ceremony; that the remarks of Susan Sullivan (Northeastern Law student) were the highlight of the event. V: Footage of Sullivan announcing that the Board of Trustees at Northeastern University has decided to award an honorary law degree to Nelson Mandela (jailed South African leader). The crowd applauds. Jones reports that Northeastern law students have petitioned the university for three years to grant a degree to Mandela. V: Shot of the entrance to the library at Northeastern Law School. Shot of a paper taped to the door of the library. A handwritten note on the paper reads, "Trustees grant Mandela Honorary Degree." Jones reports that the request had been previously denied due to a policy which required recipients of degrees to pick them up in person. Jones notes that Mandela has been jailed by the South African government because of his opposition to apartheid. V: Black and white footage of Mandela speaking; of a sign for Pollsmoor Prison, where Mandela is held. Jones notes that the university's decision to accede to the demands of students and faculty is unprecedented. V: Footage of Jones interviewing Daniel Givelber (Dean, Northeastern University School of Law). Givelbar says that Northeastern has an unusually diverse group of Trustees; that the Trustees felt like they were doing the right thing. Givelbar notes that the Board of Trustees made the decision to divest two years ago. Footage of Susan Sullivan saying that the degree should have been granted when the students first petitioned for it; that the law students should not have had to fight so hard for it. Sullivan says that international recognition could hasten Mandela's release from jail. Jones notes that the scheduled protest by the students turned into a celebration. Jones says that Northeastern students hope that other universities will follow Northeastern's example.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1988
Description: Bruins retire Bobby Orr's number 4 in center ice ceremony at Boston Garden. Raise number to rafters. Crowd cheers relentlessly. Johnny Bucyk helps make presentation. Bobby dons jersey and makes a thank-you and farewell speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/09/1979
Description: An ecumenical prayer service is held at St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston. Members of the clergy including Reverend Diane Kessler of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, Bishop Methodius of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England, Reverend Kenneth Grant of the Presbyterian Church, and Bishop Barbara Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts lead people in prayers for a peaceful resolution to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Interviews in front of the cathedral with attendees of the prayer meeting, who express their desire for peace. Portions of the news story are accompanied by a hymn. Following in the edited story is additional b-roll of exteriors and interiors of St. Paul's Cathedral and people attending the prayer service.
1:00:14: V: Shot of a banner hanging outside of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The banner reads, "Let reason and compassion replace the temptation of war." Shots of people entering the cathedral. Footage of an older man being interviewed outside of the cathedral. The man talks about the joy of prayer. Shots of people seating themselves in the church. Footage of the Reverend Diane Kessler (Massachusetts Council of Churches) addressing the prayer meeting. Shots of attendees of the prayer meeting; of attendees praying. Footage of Bishop Methodius (Greek Orthodox Diocese of New England) leading a prayer. Bishop Methodius prays for George Bush (US President) and Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader). Bishop Methodius prays for a peaceful resolution of the Persian Gulf crisis. Footage of a white woman being interviewed outside of the church. The woman talks about the spiritual impact of a group of people gathered in prayer. Shots of an attendee singing a hymn; of the prayer service. Footage of the Reverend Kenneth Grant (Presbyterian Church, USA) addressing the prayer meeting. Footage of a white man being interviewed outside of the church. The man says that he is afraid for Americans, Kuwaitis, Iraqis, and other human beings. Shots of attendees praying; of Kessler and Bishop Barbara Harris (Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts) standing at the altar. Shots of the prayer meeting. Footage of an older white man being interviewed in front of the church. The man says that miracles can happen; that good can come from evil. Footage of Harris addressing the prayer meeting. Harris says that the alternatives to war have not been fully explored by those in power. Portions of the new story are accompanied by a hymn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1991
Description: Participants in the Procession Against Violence are assembled on City Hall Plaza. WGBH camera crew records the gathering from a rooftop above City Hall Plaza. Thomas O'Neill, Jr. (Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts), Edward Kennedy (US Senator), Joseph Kennedy, Edward Brooke (US Senator) Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Kitty Dukakis, Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston), Kathryn White and Ann Landers (advice columnist) are visible in the front of the crowd. Robert Golledge (Vicar, Old North Church) introduces the speakers. Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston) and Michael Haynes (Twelfth Street Baptist Church) lead the crowd in prayer. John Colburn (Episcopal Archdiocese), Roland Gittelsohn (Temple Israel), Michael Germinal Rivas (Chaplain, Boston University), and John Zanetos (Greek Orthodox Cathedral) are heard addressing the crowd. Paula Lyons (aide to Mayor Kevin White) leads the crowd in singing "God Bless America." Crowd breaks up and departs among marching band accompaniment. Tape 2 of 3
0:58:14: Visual: A crowd is assembled at City Hall Plaza for the Procession Against Violence. John Colburn (Episcopal Archdiocese) leads a prayer. Shot of the crowd. Thomas O'Neill (Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts), Edward Kennedy (US Senator), Edward Brooke (US Senator), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) and Kitty Dukakis are visible. Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston), Kathryn White, and Ann Landers (advice columnist) are visible. Reverend Robert Golledge (Vicar, Old North Church) introduces Rabbi Roland Gittelsohn (Temple Israel). Gittelsohn addresses the crowd and condemns violence. Shots of crowds at City Hall Plaza. Marchers continue to stream into the plaza. 1:00:54: V: Michael Haynes (Twelfth Street Baptist Church) leads the crowd in prayer for peace. Overhead shot of massive crowd filling the plaza; of O'Neill, Joseph Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Brooke, Michael Dukakis and Kitty Dukakis. 1:03:06: V: Golledge leads the crowd in the "Our Father." Shots of crowd; of Kennedy and Brooke. Golledge introduces Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (Archdiocese of Boston), who leads the crowd in prayer. The crowd applauds for Medeiros. Golledge introduces Reverend Michael Germinal Rivas (chaplain, Boston University). Rivas leads a prayer. Shots of the crowd. 1:06:32: V: Reverend John Zanetos (Greek Orthodox Cathedral) addresses the crowd. Shots of crowd; of Kevin White and Kathryn White. Golledge introduces Paula Lyons (aide to Mayor Kevin White). Lyons leads the crowd in singing"God Bless America". Shots of O'Neill, Joseph Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, and Brooke; of crowd in the plaza. Crowd slowly breaks up. Edward Kennedy and Joseph Kennedy make their way out with the crowd. Michael Dukakis and Edward Kennedy shake hands with White. Edward Brooke makes his way out of the plaza. The crowd breaks up and leaves the plaza. The marching band plays.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/23/1976