Description: Shot of a street with reporter voice over about finding summer jobs. Interview with a woman, Simone, about why the Greater Boston Area Chamber of Commerce is involved in a student summer job program. Silent footage of a girl, 17 year old Caroline Lawhorn, working on a typewriter at the Charles Draper Laboratories in Cambridge. A young man, Jim Wong, counting money and working as a teller in Suffolk Franklin Savings Bank, exteriors of the bank. Reporter voiceover, followed by interview with Caroline Lawhorn. Reporter standup. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/18/1975
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the lack of summer jobs for urban youth. Many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Interview with director Laurence Jones, who says that many teenagers are not working this summer because there are not enough jobs. He adds that many kids may turn to drugs and crime in order to make money to supplement their families' incomes. He talks about the importance of summer jobs for teenagers, which can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not provided as many summer jobs this year as in previous years. He adds that the city has increased funding, but that there are not enough jobs to go around. Laurence Jones believes that the city will see long-term benefits from providing summer jobs to teenagers. Marcus Jones' report is accompanied by footage of African American kids and teenagers participating in activities at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Young people play in a gymnasium and work on computers. Marcus Jones' report also features footage of Laurence Jones speaking to teenagers in his office at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of African American youth playing in the gymnasium at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Also, teens playing games on computers and closeups of the screens as they play.
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of an African American boy in the gymnasium of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. The boy is running part of a relay race with other kids. An older teenager supervises the kids. Shots of African American young people working on a computer at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Marcus Jones reports the the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club provides access to a wide range of activities to Roxbury youth; that many teenagers try to find summer jobs through the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. V: Shot of Laurence Jones (Director, Roxbury Boys and Girls Club) entering an office in the Club. Laurence Jones shakes hands with a young African American male teenager. Shot of the teenage boy. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones says that he was only able to place a dozen teenagers in summer jobs this year; that Laurence Jones says that many more teenagers are seeking employment. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there are several thousand kids in the Roxbury community; that there are only a couple of hundred jobs. Laurence Jones says that many teenagers are not working. Shot of Jones speaking to an African American teenage boy in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club; of two African American teenage girls sitting in the lobby of the Boys and Girls Club. Shot of Laurence Jones speaking to a young African American woman in the office of the Boys and Girls Club. An African American man stands in the doorway. Marcus Jones reports that the private sector has not come through with as many jobs this year as in previous years; that federal funding has been cut; that state funds are limited. Jones notes that the city of Boston has increased funding for summer jobs by $4 million; that the increase in funding is not enough. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that there is a lot of gang activity in Roxbury; that some teenagers are turning to drugs and crime in order to make money. Laurence Jones says that some of these kids are supplementing their families' incomes. Marcus Jones reports that Laurence Jones believes that the city must do more to provide summer jobs for teenagers; that Laurence Jones believes that the city will suffer later on if the issue is ignored. V: Footage of Laurence Jones being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given the opportunity to grow and to develop a good work ethic. Laurence Jones says that teenagers must be given work experience before the age of twenty; that teenagers must learn how to hold down a job and to manage money. Laurence Jones says that summer jobs can help teenagers break out of the cycle of poverty. Shot of Laurence Jones talking to a group of African American kids at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1990
Description: Footage from the opening night of the Berklee Performance Center. B-roll of patrons entering the Center and mingling in the lobby, tickets being taken, programs being handed out, and the audience seated in the auditorium. Michael Dukakis opening speech, followed by a speech by a representative from the Berklee Performance Center introducing the night's Jazz program. More footage of both speeches. Part of one of the Jazz performances, and a reading about drums, Africa, and slavery while a man plays bongo drums. Picture is shaky and unsteady throughout. The problem appears to be printed in. The picture and soundtrack were separated on the reel, but synced for the clip. Mix of sound and silent. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 1972...1979
Description: Silent for Studio V.O. [voice over]. Footage from the opening night of the Berklee Performance Center. Silent footage includes the audience taking their seats in the auditorium, patrons in the lobby, shots of the "coming events" board, the auditorium and lobby of the performance center, programs for that evening performance, the band playing, and close-ups on some soloists. Picture is shaky and unsteady throughout. The problem appears to be printed in. This reel is the picture, but there is no soundtrack to sync it with. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 1972...1979
Description: Exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Dorchester environs. Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) on the opening of schools for the 1976-77 school year. Before interview starts, they shoot cutaways. During interview Fahey talks about declining school enrollment, staffing, school programs, and the effects of court-ordered desegregation. Fahey admits that school desegregation and a low birthrate have caused the decline in school enrollment. Fahey discusses advancement in techniques for assigning students to schools to optimize programs tailored to students' needs. Fahey expresses confidence in the school system. She says that a federal grant will fund additional teachers and aides in the schools; that the court order has resulted in increased parental participation in the schools. Tape 1 of 2.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Joseph Lee School. Two African American women and three African American children walk toward the entrance. 0:02:33: V: More shots of the exterior of the Lee School. An African American woman and child walk through the parking lot. Shots of the playground behind the school. Two African American boys ride their bikes through the playground. 0:06:11: V: A Boston Police car moves slowly along Westview Street. The housing project on Westview Street is visible. Long shots of Westview Street. Shot of parking lot of housing project. An African American man moves slowly through the parking lot. Shot of houses across the street from the Lee School; of school from across Talbot Avenue. 0:10:14: V: The crew sets up cutaway shots for Pam Bullard's interview with Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). 0:11:45: V: Bullard sets up an interview with Fahey in her office. Fahey asks her secretary to bring her some papers. 0:12:11: V: Fahey says that one of her goals is to develop a better management system for Boston schools; that management is done best by administrators in the schools, not from central administration. 0:13:07: V: Fahey looks at a sheet of statistics. Fahey says that there are 75,443 enrolled in the schools; that enrollment has declined; that enrollment is declining in schools across the nation due to a low birthrate. Fahey admits that desegregation has affected enrollment in Boston schools, but that the schools have not lost 20,000 students. Fahey says that the enrollment figure of 96,000 students has never been verified; that her administration has started to compile detailed data on student enrollment; that this data is allowing more effective management. Fahey says that her administration is tracking bilingual students in order to cluster them together in bilingual classes. Bullard asks if there is a shortage of teachers. Fahey responds that there are enough teachers; that staffing the schools has always been an issue; that the media are giving the issue a lot of attention this year. Fahey says that the Boston school system has received the largest federal grant ever awarded through the Emergency School Assistance Act; that the $7.2 million grant will go toward supplementary programs in basic skills; that the grant will bring additional teachers and aides. 0:17:41: V: Fahey says that she is confident in the teaching staff. She says that last year's court order brought good educational programs to the schools through links with universities and businesses; that the court order also encouraged strong parental participation; that she hopes the parental participation continues. Bullard remarks that some people believe that the desegregation order brought needed reforms to Boston schools. Fahey says that the court order did provide an opportunity to focus on new programs; that the court order resulted in increased parental participation. Fahey says that the Boston schools will be safe this year; that the transport of students will be efficient and safe; that bus monitors will continue to ride the buses.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). Fahey talks about the assignment of bus monitors and school aides for the coming school year. Fahey explains the roles of transitional aides, security aides and instructional aides. She says that there will also be more special needs aides and bilingual aides in the schools. Fahey comments on the need for all students to attend school in order to learn basic skills. She says that parents should be confident in the educational programs at the Boston public schools. Tape 2 of 2.
0:00:13: Visual: Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) in her office. Fahey sits behind her desk. Fahey says that bus monitors will ride the buses with students again this year; that parents have made it clear that they want bus monitors on the buses with their children. Fahey says that there will be just as many aides this year as in previous years; that there will be fewer transitional aides in the school buildings; that transitional aides will perform duties assigned to them by the headmasters of the schools. Fahey says that the transitional aides will be supplemented by security aides from the Safety and Security Department; that the security aides have additional training in dealing with crises. Fahey says that there will be many instructional aides in the classrooms; that instructional aides will be funded under Title I of the Emergency School Assistance Act; that instructional aides will work with elementary and middle school students in reading and math. Fahey says that there will be bilingual aides as well as aides for the special needs programs in the schools. Bullard asks Fahey what she would tell parents who are skeptical about the quality of the Boston Public Schools. Fahey says that it is important for parents to send their children to school; that parents who keep their children out of school are condemning their children to an unproductive future. Fahey says that the Boston Public Schools have strong educational programs; that school faculty and staff are always working to improve school programs; that students in the Boston Public Schools receive good instruction in basic skills like reading, math and communication. Bullard closes the interview. 0:04:53: V: Bullard and Fahey speak informally. Fahey says that Boston schools are no longer in the "numbers game." Fahey notes that the focus is no longer on desegregation; that her staff is focusing on assessing the performance of students and teachers; that the tension caused by school desegregation hindered classroom learning. Shot of a spreadsheet on Fahey's desk. The spreadsheet gives the racial breakdown of students in each grade level.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: Reporter standup about making it easier for citizens to change their name. Footage of books of records in the Brookline office and a woman at the Vital Statistics desk. Reporter voiceover. Man discusses why it would create chaos if anyone can change their name at any time. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/25/1976
Description: End of Susan Sontag interview. Discussion of the play Jacques and his Master and Songtag's staging of it, while cutaways are being shot. Stage area. American Repertory Theater.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/17/1985
Description: B-roll of bulldozer clearing debris from Symphony Road fire. Exteriors of buildings with broken and boarded up windows and smoke stains. Interview with David Scondras of Symphony Tenants Organizing Project. He talks about why the rash of 29 fires in three years is suspected as arson: absentee landlords, high vacancy rate, poor condition of structures, lodging houses, lapsed mortgages. He adds that there is nothing the city can do about the problem and explains why. He hopes that State legislators will back his organization's bill which removes the financial motivation for landlords to burn down houses in poor condition. He discusses the number of people affected while they shoot cutaways. Reporter reasks question for editing purposes. Exteriors of a Red Cross Disaster Service Center. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/23/1977
Description: Seth Rolbein reports on a dramatic increase in syphilis cases in the late 1980s among women and people of color. Rolbein compares statistics on the incidence of syphilis cases among men and women in the white, Latino, and African American communities. Interviews with Dr. Tony Japour, a medical fellow in infectious disease; Barbara Neustadt, a registered nurse at Beth Israel Hospital; and Dr. Judith Steinberg of Boston City Hospital, about the latest epidemic of syphilis cases. Rolbein reports that the resurgence of cases can be traced to crack cocaine users, who may engage in sexual activity with multiple partners in crack houses. Rolbein notes that victims of syphilis may be at risk for HIV and AIDS. Rolbein's report is accompanied by clinical photos of syphilis patients and by footage of police officers investigating a crack house.
1:00:03: Visual: Shots of clinical photos of syphilis patients. The patients have severe skin lesions. Seth Rolbein reports that there has been an increase in syphilis cases. V: Footage of Dr. Tony Japour (medical fellow in infectious diseases) being interviewed by Rolbein. Japour says that syphilis was epidemic before 1945; that it was an epidemic among sexually active adults. Japour says that the disease declined after the discovery of penicillin; that penicillin cured syphilis. Japour says that after 1945, the disease declined from a rate of 70 cases per 100,000 people to 5 cases per 100,000 people. Rolbein reports that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has compiled the latest figures for syphilis. Rolbein reports that there were 710 diagnosed cases of syphilis in 1986; that the number of syphilis cases grew steadily and then grew dramatically in 1990. Rolbein reports that more than 1700 new cases of syphilis were reported in 1990. V: An on-screen chart details the numbers of syphilis cases from 1986 to 1990. Shot of a bacteria culture. Rolbein reports that researchers had seen a dramatic growth in the number of syphilis cases only one time since the 1940s. V: Footage of Dr. Judith Steinberg (Co-director, Public Health Clinic, Boston City Hospital) being interviewed. Steinberg says that there were a high number of syphilis cases among white, homosexual men in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Rolbein reports that Barbara Neustadt (registered nurse, Public Health Clinic, Beth Israel Hospital) believes that there must be another population involved in the latest epidemic. V: Footage of Neustadt being interviewed by Rolbein. Neustadt says that the gay community in Boston has worked hard to educate community members about safe sex; that there has been a significant drop in all sexually transmitted diseases in the gay population. Footage of Japour being interviewed. Japour says that the disease is in an epidemic stage. Japour says that the number of cases among gay and bisexual white men has decreased dramatically; that the number of cases among people of color and women has increased dramatically. Rolbein reports that there was approximately one case per 100,000 people among white men and women under the age of twenty in Massachusetts in 1988 and 1989. Rolbein reports that the number of syphilis cases increased dramatically among African American men and women under the age of twenty in Massachusetts in 1988. Rolbein reports that the number of cases among African American men and women under the age of twenty doubled in 1989. Rolbein reports that there were 80 cases per 100,000 people among African American women under the age of twenty in 1989. Rolbein reports that there has been a dramatic increase of syphilis cases in the Massachusetts Latino community in 1988 and 1989. Rolbein reports that there were 135 cases per 100,000 people among Latina women under the age of twenty in 1989. Rolbein reports that statistics are comparable across the nation. V: An on-screen chart details statistics for the numbers of syphilis cases among men and women under the age of twenty in the white, African American, and Latino communities in Massachusetts in 1988 and 1989. Rolbein reports that medical investigators from Philadelphia, Connecticut and Massachusetts believe that crack cocaine is at the root of the epidemic. V: Shots of workers in a laboratory setting. An African American man hands a white bag over the counter. Shot of people walking on a street. Shot through the window of a car of a housing development. Shot of a bag of crack. Footage of Japour being interviewed. Japour says that there are crack houses where individuals sell sex for drugs. Japour says that crack houses are the equivalent of the "gay bath houses" of the 1970s. Japour says that crack makes people sexually aggressive; that clients of the crack houses may have several sexual encounters in the course of an evening. Rolbein says that syphilis is spreading quickly. V: Shots of police officers entering an apartment; of police investigating a room of an apartment. The floor of the room is strewn with trash. Footage of Neustadt being interviewed. Neustadt says that it is frightening to see young people with syphilis; that syphilis patients may eventually contract HIV and AIDS. Rolbein says that AIDS and syphilis are both spread through sexual contact; that syphilis is curable while AIDS is not. V: Shot of an AIDS prevention poster. Footage of Neustadt being interviewed. Neustadt says that the increase in syphilis probably reflects an imminent increase in HIV-positive people in Boston. Rolbein reports that the syphilis epidemic is moving away from the gay community; that the syphilis epidemic is affecting people of color and communities in the inner city. V: Shot of the entrance to Boston City Hospital.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/01/1991