Description: Footage of the first day of school at Charlestown High School during year two of desegregation in Boston. Media crews gather at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Helicopters circle overhead. Police in riot helmets and MDC officers on horseback are stationed in front of the school. A police officer with a rifle is posted on the roof of the school. No buses have yet arrived.
0:00:08: Visual: Media crews gather at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument to cover the first day of school at Charlestown High School. The noise of helicopters is audible. Shots of media crews and equipment; of the Bunker Hill Monument; of the shabby exterior of Charlestown High School. A small group of people stand at the doors to Charlestown High School. Police officers wearing riot helmets are gathered on the streets outside of the school. MDC police officers on horseback are stationed on the streets. A helmeted police officer with a rifle is posted on the roof of the school. Small groups of onlookers are gathered around Monument Square. Shot of helicopter overhead. A few white people enter and leave the school. 0:16:24: V: A group of young men walk on the street. They make an obscene gesture to the camera; one appears to be drinking. Two US Marshals, one white and one African American, walk down the street toward the school. Shot of helicopter circling the area.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: White students exit South Boston High. About 25 Massachusetts uniformed state troopers board Massachusetts State Police bus. Massachusetts State Police Cruiser exits school parking lot. Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School) stands in the school yard and talks to students.
1:00:08: Visual: White students exit South Boston High School in small groups. Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School) stands in front of the school, talking to passersby. The students walk down G Street, away from the school . Snow blankets the ground. A Massachusetts State Police bus is parked in front of the school. About 25 state police officers file onto the bus. A state police car pulls out from the front of the school, into the street. Small groups of students, police, and officials remain in front of the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1977
Description: Interview with Boston School Committee Chairman John Kerrigan. He speaks about the failings of the current busing system, especially concerning elementary school children. He talks about busing on a voluntary basis, but says that he would rather fund other School Committe projects things over any form of busing. He mentions a current bill which proposes amending the racial imbalance law where it concerns elementary school children.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/1969
Description: Boston Mayor Kevin White taped message addressing his concern over the wave of violence resulting from the implementation of the federally mandated busing laws. White states that he has asked Judge Garrity for Federal Marshals to help maintain order and to prevent the further spread of violence. 1974.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/08/1974
Description: Mayor Kevin White releases report on racial violence in Boston. He does not comment on the findings because he has not yet reviewed them. The report was written by a committee consisting of 13 diverse members, chaired by Speaker Thomas McGee and Judge David Nelson. They met ten times over two months to interview 17 community leaders, both supporters and opponents of busing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/24/1976
Description: Tone at the beginning of the video. Footage of the first day of school at Charlestown High School during Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Exterior shots of school building. Media crews are gathered at the foot of Bunker Hill Monument to cover the arrival of buses. Helicopter noise is audible. A school bus accompanied by a police officer on motorcycle pulls up in front of the school. Students, mostly African American, exit the bus. The bus pulls away and police line the street in front of the school. A second bus pulls up. The students exit the bus and head to the entrance of the school. Students and teachers inside the school look out the window at the activity on the street.
0:00:50: Visual: Media crews are gathered at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument to cover opening day at Charlestown High School. The noise of helicopters overhead is audible. An MDC police officer on horseback is stationed in front of the school. School officials stand at the school entrance. 0:01:27: V: A yellow school bus escorted by a police motorcycle escort pulls up to the front of the school. African American students and some students of other races exit the bus and enter the school. Officials and police confer outside of the bus. Shots of exterior of Charlestown High School; of media crews; of helicopter overhead. The bus pulls away from school. Students and teachers in the school look out the window at activity outside. 0:05:53: V: Helmeted police line up in the street outside the school. They receive instructions from their superior officer. Noise from police radios is audible. A second bus with police escort pulls up outside school. African American students exit the bus and enter the school. Students crowd the entrance to the school. The bus pulls away. Police and officials remain outside of school.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Bunker Hill Monument, exteriors of Charlestown High School, and Charlestown environs. A few police officers are stationed along Monument Square outside of Charlestown High School. Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) stands in front of the school. School buses, accompanied by a police motorcycle escort, pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. Police officer tells camera operator that there is a standing order that the press has to remain across the street. A small number of photographers record the arrival of the buses from across the street. White students walks towards school and enter. Gary Griffith does several takes of reporter standup saying that the arrival of school buses at Charlestown High School was routine.
0:00:18: Visual: Shots of the Bunker Hill Monument; of the exterior of Charlestown High School. Two police officers stand outside of Charlestown High School. A white woman walks into the school. A muffled voice yells out, "No busing." Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) stands out in front of the high school. Shot of Concord Street. Police motorcycles approach the school. Five police officers on motorcycles receive instructions from a police official. The motorcycles pull away. 0:03:41: V: School buses circle Monument Square and approach the high school. Police motorcycles escort the buses. A police officer stands near a Boston Police Department station wagon parked across the street from the high school. The officer watches the buses pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. Shot of the Hudson Bus Lines logo on one of the buses. The school buses pull away from the high school, accompanied by the police motorcycles. Murphy, a police officer, and a few school officials remain in front of the school. 0:07:06: V: White students walk toward the entrance of the school. Murphy and another school official greet a few of the students. A police officer is heard telling members of the media to move across the street. Two police officers stand casually on the corner of Bartlett Street and Monument Square. White students walk toward the school. Fewer than ten members of the media record the scene from the sidewalk across the street. A Hudson Bus Lines airport van pulls up in front of the school. An African American student is inside of the van. The van pulls away. The sidewalk in front of the school is empty. Some members of the media depart as two police officers walk up the opposite side of the street. Murphy speaks to two police officers on the corner of Bartlett Street and Monument Square. A man in a business suit speaks to a two-person camera crew. The street is quiet. Murphy and a police officer walk toward the school. 0:12:11: V: Gary Griffith stands outside of Charlestown High School. Griffith reports on the routine arrival of five buses at the high school this morning. He reports that there is no sign of unrest. The crew does two more takes of Griffith reporting on the story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1977
Description: Audio goes in and out. Boston police cars and police officers stationed on the street outside of Hyde Park High School. School buses arrive escorted by police cruiser with flashing lights. Ambulance waiting in parking lot. African American students exit the school and board buses. White Hyde Park residents watch the action on the street. A white student tells the camera crew that a fight broke out in the school. Police and media are gathered outside of the school. Hyde Park environs, with snow covering the ground. Shot of the side of the Channel 2 news van.
0:00:17: Visual: Exterior of Hyde Park High School. Snow blankets the ground. A line of police cars rings the street in front of the school. Police officers and school officials stand on the front steps of the school. Police officers are stationed on the streets surrounding the school. An ambulance idles on the street in front of the school. 0:02:57: V: A police cruiser with lights flashing escorts a line of buses up Central street. The buses pull up beside the school. A group of African American students approach the buses. A police car pulls away from the scene. White Hyde Park residents observe the action on the street from the porch of a house on Central Street. Groups of police officers confer on the street outside of the school. African American students exit from a side entrance of the school and board the buses. Shot of Hyde Park residents on porch of house. More African American students head toward the buses. Members of the media observe the students as they board the buses. 0:08:08: V: Officials confer on the street outside of the school. Police and the media survey the scene. Shot of the exterior of the school. Two of the buses pull away from the school, escorted by a Boston police cruiser with flashing lights. The buses proceed up Metropolitan Avenue. 0:10:34: V: A white student leans against a car outside of the school. A crew member asks him what happened in the school. The student says that a fight broke out; that he does not know how it started. A police cruiser leaves the scene. Groups of white residents observe the action from street corners. More buses pull away from the school and continue up Metropolitan Avenue, accompanied by a police cruiser. A white teenager walks up the street, away from the school. 0:13:17: V: Police officers direct traffic away from the school. Shot of a police officer grasping baton behind his back. The remaining buses pull away from the school, accompanied by a police cruiser. Police officers and the media continue to stand in front of the school. The ambulance pulls away. A police officer talks to a group of white teenagers. The teenagers walk up Westminster Street, away from the school. Two white female teenagers talk to a group of three police officers in front of the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/10/1977
Description: South Boston environs. Graffiti written in large white letters on G Street reads, "Go home, Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) African American and white members of a girls' softball team stand on the steps outside of South Boston High School. A few school officials, police officers and others, including Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan), are gathered on the steps of the school. Police are stationed along G Street as school buses pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the school and board the buses. The softball team boards a bus parked in front of the steps to the school. The buses depart.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of East 6th Street in South Boston. Boston harbor is visible in the distance. Boston Police Department trucks are parked on G Street in front of South Boston High School. Graffiti in large white letters on the pavement of G Street reads, "Go home Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) Police are gathered in groups along G Street. 0:02:28: V: A police cruiser with flashing lights leads two yellow school buses up East 6th Street. The buses head toward the high school, directed by a police officer. African American and white members of a girls softball team are gathered on the steps of the high school. Police officers, other students and school officials are also on the steps. Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan) stands on the steps, talking to an African American woman and two African American men. 0:04:01: V: A bus is parked in front of the steps of the high school. The softball players board the bus. A group of African American students exit the school and walk toward the school buses parked in front of the school. Two police officers seated on their motorcycles observe the scene. African American students continue to board the buses. A few white students are gathered on the steps of the high school. Police officers direct the school buses in front of the school to depart. The buses travel down G Street, followed by a police motorcycle. Members of the media record the departure of the buses. The bus carrying the softball team departs. The girls wave goodbye. 0:07:01: V: Two police officers confer in the school yard of the high school. Massachusetts State Police officers board a Massachusetts State Police bus in the school yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/12/1977
Description: No audio at the beginning. The first day of school at South Boston High School during Phase II desegregation of Boston schools. Helmeted members of the Tactical Patrol Force and US Marshals are present in the school yard and on the street. Exteriors of the South Boston High School building. Headmaster William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School), Charles Barry (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department), Peter Meade (Mayor's Office) and others confer on the street outside of the school. White students approach on foot. Buses carrying African American students arrive with a police motorcycle escort. Two groups of press photographers are cordoned off behind ropes in front of the school. African American students exit buses. A police helicopter circles the area.
0:00:37: Visual: Two police officers stand on a street corner in South Boston. 0:01:17: V: Helmeted police officers from the Tactical Patrol Force line up in front of South Boston High School. Police radios are audible. Shots of South Boston High School. Media and onlookers are gathered on sidewalk. US Marshals and small groups of officials are in the schoolyard and on G Street in front of the high school. Police question a student as he enters schoolyard. 0:04:04: V: A group of police officers walk into the street and continue down the hill on East 6th Street. Three African American students exit a police car and walk into the schoolyard. William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School), Peter Meade (Mayor's Office), Charles Barry (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department), and others converse in the street in front of the school. Two white students enter the schoolyard. Police are stationed at entrance of school; students enter. 0:06:06: V: Police line the streets. A group of three white students enters the schoolyard. 0:06:46: Helicopter noise is audible. V: Schoolbuses with police motorcycle escort are visible down East 6th Street, making their way toward the school. A station wagon arrives; three women and a police officer help a student out of the wagon. Four school buses with a police escort pull up in front of the school. Shots of the news media cordoned off behind a rope on either side of the entrance to the schoolyard. Several African American students enter schoolyard. A group of students exit a bus prematurely. The students are told to get back on the bus by an official. Shots of buses lined up; of helicopters overhead. Officials converse on street. African American students exit buses and enter schoolyard. Shot through a crowd of the front entrance of the school.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975