Charlestown reacts to busing

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Description: First day of school in Charlestown during Phase II of school desegregation. Charlestown residents mill around on the street outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project near Bunker Hill Street in Charlestown. Police presence is heavy on Bunker Hill Street. Police officers are lined up in front of the housing project. A police officer is stationed on the roof of the housing project. Police break up crowds and clear the street.
1:00:07: Visual: Shot of racist graffiti on wall in Charlestown housing project. A large crowd is gathered outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project, on Bunker Hill Street. The Bunker Hill monument is visible in distance. Police with riot helmets and night sticks are lined up across the street from the project. The audio on the tape cuts out momentarily. A man gestures to his neighbors and the camera. The WGBH camera crew confers near a station wagon; the station wagon serves as a camera truck; a man is in the back of the station wagon with camera equipment. The noise of helicopters overhead is audible. People pass by the camera crew to join the crowd on Bunker Hill Street. Traveling shot of parking lot as camera crew moves out of the parking lot in the station wagon. 1:04:35: Audio cuts out momentarily. V: Residents and media crews are gathered on Bunker Hill Street. Traveling shot from car as it parks. Crew member opens car door. A helicopter circles overhead. Police march in formation up Bunker Hill Street toward the crowd gathered in front of the housing project. The chanting of crowd is audible. Police stop at the intersection of Bunker Hill Street and Monument Street. Children and residents watch police. Traveling shot around intersection, up Monument Street to Bunker Hill Monument. Cars travel slowly through streets. People walk toward the chanting crowd in front of the housing project. A voice is heard through a bullhorn: "I gave them 15 seconds to clear the area. . . ." Noise of helicopters drowns out rest of speech. 1:10:44: V: Police officers move up and down the street, directing traffic and clearing the street of people. Media crews film police officers as they move slowly along a sidewalk. Police officers are gathered in the streets. A group of police officers on motorcycles arrives. Police frisk a man and escort him into the back of a police van. A police officer is stationed on the roof of the housing project. A helicopter circles overhead. Police officers mount their motorcycles and join other police motorcycles in the street. A group of motorcycles departs slowly with no incident. Residents mill about on sidewalks; some watch the action from doorways and windows. The street slowly empties out. Police cars and vans come and go. Police officers confer on the street. WGBH camera crew moves down the street. An MBTA bus comes to a stop at the intersection.