Description: Student demonstration protesting Harvard University's South African Investments while officials from the University meet to discuss whether they should keep these investments or divest. Footage of a large crowd of students chanting and holding signs, including one that reads, "Harvard profits from Apartheid." Sound. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1978
Description: Footage of people marching with signs and chanting "stop police attacks against the black community." Wild Sound. Description from Assignment sheet: "...March sponsored by Black Caucus from the Common to BPD HQ [Boston Police Department Headquarters]-- about 200 folk... protesting treatment of blacks in Eastie."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/16/1976
Description: Demonstration by members of the Unification Church against pornography in Boston's Combat Zone. Protesters carrying signs and singing "God Bless America" in front of the state house. Demonstration marches to Liberty Tree Square in the Combat Zone." Sound. This is 1 of 2 reels. Slug= "Moonies Combat Zone"
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/22/1977
Description: Story #1024. Story on construction workers demonstrating outside of the State House. They are upset because of delays in the Park Plaza Project. Silent footage of the protest including a large crowd, a man climbing up flag pole, men with signs on the stairs of the building, police surrounding the flag pole and removing men from walls. Sound footage of some of the leaders of the protest inside the state building. One man interviewed by a group of reporters. He says that they met with political leaders to "straighten out" difficulties with projects in "Park Plaza, the West End, and the airport." Governor Sargent makes a statement about the protest and his meeting about the Park Plaza Project with some of the labor leaders, and answers reporter's questions. Sound footage of the demonstration including shots of the protesters chanting "We want jobs" and "We want Sargent", Governor Sargent yelling into a bullhorn and fighting with the crowd, and protesters hanging a straw-man from a crane. Some footage of the labor leaders walking into the meeting room with Governor Sargent. B-roll of men working in a construction site, leaving the site, and marching to the State House. More sound footage of the demonstration. Mix of sound and silent footage. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 06/28/1974
Description: Reporter voice over on the Unification Church's belief that sex, free love, and alcohol are leading to the spiritual decline of America. Footage of the protest in the Combat zone, the leader speaks to the crowd with a megaphone. Reporter closing voiceover. Sound. This is 2 of 2 reels. Slug= "Moonies Combat Zone"
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/22/1977
Description: Story #1024. Story on construction workers demonstrating outside of the State House. They are upset because of delays in the Park Plaza Project. Footage includes construction workers leaving a work-site, cut to groups of workers marching down the street. Large protest of construction workers in front of the State House. Silent footage of Governor Sargent in a meeting room. Followed by more silent footage of the demonstration. A man climbs a flag pole and a shot of another man on a statue. Sound footage of Governor Sargent seated at a desk. He says that he will be meeting with several people to discuss how they are trying to resolve the issue. Interview with one of the Labor leaders who says that they will be meeting with the Governor to determine who is "lying" about Park Plaza plan and why it is not going forward. More silent b-roll of the protest. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 06/28/1974
Description: Students handing out flyers and marching on campus with protest signs tied around their necks. Interview with a representative of Holy Cross about how many African American students are their and how the president of the college is dealing with their demands. Mix of sound and silent. This is 1 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/08/1977
Description: Students marching and chanting "Equality Yes! Racism No! Discrimination has got to go!" Representative from the Black Student Caucus reading a statement at a press conference. Silent footage of the students marching. Reporter standup. Mix of sound and silent. This is 2 of 2 reels
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/08/1977
Description: Several people led by Bill Baird marching with pro-choice signs. Silent. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Bill Baird Demonstration - Bill Baird challenges a federal law which says that a pregnant teenager who wants an abortion must have written consent of both parents or a court order issued by a superior court judge. This is a mini demo [demonstration] just ahead of the court session."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/17/1977
Description: Student demonstration on Brown University campus. Group of students playing drum. Reporter standup on earlier student strike and current building takeover and demonstration. Reporter voice over blank screen. Interview with African American student on lack of recruitment of minority students and faculty and support for a Afro American studies program. Reporter voice over blank screen. Interview with representative of Brown University administration. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/24/1975